I’m a Big Boss In Uncle Jiu’s World

Chapter 365: Cruel and cruel, creepy

Chapter 365 Cruel and creepy

 “How do you prove it?” Zhang Ling asked solemnly after a long silence.

Even though she was 70% convinced in her heart, she still needed an opportunity to take action against Master Lichen.

 “Xiao Wenjun.” Qin Yao called.

 “What do you need me to do?” Under the sun, a graceful figure suddenly appeared in his shadow.

“Go to Master Lichen. The cherry blossoms are blooming. The purpose is to get back the Lotus Hammer.”

 “What else?” Xiao Wenjun said.

"We just want to prove to Aling that Li Chen is a 'ghost', we don't expect to get anything out of her. Therefore, this sentence plus the purpose is enough." Qin Yao responded.

 Zhang Ling pursed his lips: "If you can prove that Li Chen is a 'ghost', I will cooperate with you to eliminate this cancer!"

 A respected senior person turns into a ghost, and the impact is extremely terrifying.

 It would be better if the tumor could be cut off in the early stage, but once the best treatment time is missed and the toxin spreads, thunderstorms will become inevitable.

 What Zhang Ling inherited was not only the family's magic skills, but also Zhang Tianshi's beliefs and ideals. Therefore, she did not hide in the world, but opened a Feng Shui company openly and practiced the spirit of faith passed down by her ancestors with practical actions!


 The sun is shining brightly.

A woman holding a black umbrella and wearing black clothes, who seemed to be exuding chilly air, stepped into the Buddhist temple and said to the little nun who was waiting in front of her: "Hello, little master, I'm looking for Master Lichen."

Stopping in front of the woman in black, the little nun’s arms hidden in her sleeves were inexplicably covered with goosebumps, and her heart was trembling.

She didn’t know whether the fear came from the dress or the voice, but what was certain was that this woman gave her a very dangerous feeling.

 Great danger!

“Master Lichen is chanting sutras in the Qingxin Hall. Please come with me, donor.” The little nun clasped her hands together and bowed slightly.

The woman in black covered her face with a black umbrella and whispered, "Thank you so much, little master."

The little nun's uneasiness became more intense, and she turned around and left: "No...you're welcome, come with me."

The woman in black held an umbrella, moved lightly on lotus steps, and followed the little nun slowly and slowly to an antique hall, where the sound of chanting could be heard faintly.

"It seems that Master Lichen has not finished his homework yet. Donor, can I wait with you outside the door for a while?" The little nun glanced into the main hall and said softly.

“I can just wait here, little master, go and do your work.”

The little nun hesitated for a moment and nodded slightly: "That's fine...my name is Jingxin. If you are anxious about waiting, you can go talk to me, but you must not break into Qingxin Hall without permission!"

The woman in black raised her black umbrella slightly and said with a chuckle: "Thank you for the reminder, Master Jingxin."

 Half an hour later.

Master Lichen finished her homework for the day, put away the wooden fish mallet and scriptures, and slowly walked out of Qingxin Hall.

 Looking up, he saw the woman in black who had been waiting here for a long time.

“Master.” The woman in black raised her black umbrella, revealing her delicate face.

“What kind of evildoer dares to step into Baolian Temple in broad daylight?”

Li Chen could tell at a glance that she was not a human being, so he scolded her angrily in a low voice, her appearance was solemn.

The woman in black smiled and said softly: "Master, the cherry blossoms are blooming."

Li Chen's expression changed slightly, he took a deep look at her, and the annoyance in his tone disappeared instantly: "This is not the place to talk, come with me."

The woman in black followed her silently, making many twists and turns along the way, and finally arrived in front of a cloud cliff.

This place is empty and lonely, with no obstructions around, and even an unobstructed view, which can effectively prevent the walls from having ears.

 “What’s going on?” Standing on the cliff in front of the sea of ​​clouds, Li Chen asked sideways.

 “I was ordered to get the lotus hammer.” said the woman in black.

"Didn't you ask me to find someone to use a lotus hammer to break the barrier between the two realms so that ghosts and monsters can inhabit the world? What do you mean by asking for a lotus hammer at this time?" Li Chen frowned.

The woman in black was silent for a moment. Seeing that no one showed up around her, she began to perform without a script: "I don't know the specific reason. You can return to the Golden Palace Building with me with the lotus hammer and ask our superiors. ”

 Master Li Chen’s face twitched and shouted: “What are you talking about? If I go back with you openly and fall into the eyes of someone who is interested, wouldn’t I reveal my identity?”

“In that case, please give me the Lotus Hammer so that I can go back and recover.” Xiao Wenjun said indifferently.

"You are a step too late. I have already given the Lotus Hammer to someone and asked her to take it with her to break the barrier between the two realms." Master Lichen said helplessly.

“She’s not too late!” Suddenly, Qin Yao flew out from the ground holding Zhang Ling’s waist and landed slowly next to Xiao Wenjun.

"It's you... you're deceiving me!" Master Lichen's expression changed drastically.

Qin Yao let go of Zhang Ling's small waist and drew out the God-cutting Sword with his backhand: "Master Tai, I really don't understand why you want to work for the Japanese in your capacity. Or, you are not Li at all. Master Chen is just an evil spirit occupying a magpie's nest!"

Master Lichen’s chest kept rising and falling, obviously full of anger: "Evil spirit? Have you ever seen a trace of evil in me?"

"If we could tell, we wouldn't have believed you last time." Qin Yao shrugged.

"In other words, you already believed it last time..." Li Chen was also puzzled and asked: "Then why did you come back to test me? And where did you get the secret message?"

"I asked first, so you should answer me first." Qin Yao said calmly.

 Li Chen was silent for a moment and said: "I am not an evil spirit!"

Qin Yao: "What else?"

 “If I said that I was also forced to have no choice, would you believe it?” Li Chen said.

Qin Yao's face froze, but he suddenly remembered an old movie he had watched in his previous life, "The Trial of the East".

At the trial court, the Japanese war criminals completely denied the facts of the Jinling Massacre. In order to convict these war criminals, the Chinese representative at the trial court called witnesses of the Jinling Massacre, and among the witnesses’ statements, he The testimony of the Japanese who forced him to kill the girl with a bayonet...

 In these turbulent times, it seems to be commonplace to be forced to do certain things.

"I want to know how they forced you to let go of your compassion as a monk and agree to help them bring ghosts to the world." Qin Yao asked in a deep voice.

 The other party’s answer will determine their attitude towards her!

"I answered a question for you, now it's your turn to answer me." Li Chen shook his head.

“We met a faceless ghost on the road, and we got the secret words from his mouth.” Qin Yao said with mixed truth and falsehood.


Li Chen said sternly: "Even if he dies, he can't reveal the secret message easily, because if someone makes a mistake, everything he cares about will be destroyed. This is something more terrifying than death!"

Qin Yao: "Answer my question first. After you finish answering, I will tell you how we did it."

Li Chen was silent for a long time, and his face suddenly changed: "More than ten years ago, a famous temple in Japan invited Chinese monks to study in Japan, and I was among that group of monks.

At that time, the Qing court was weak and Japan was strong. We wanted to take this opportunity to go there and see how a small island country became strong and powerful.

 After arriving there, I realized that I was in a devil's cave. However, those who came back alive collapsed under the inhuman torture and did not dare to disobey orders. ” ˆ ˆ Qin Yao: “…”

 History seems to be a circle. Countless disasters can be staged infinitely by changing a simple outer layer.

 So much so that the biggest lesson humans have learned from historical lessons is that they never learn lessons.

 For example...the "Northern part of Burian Dian" in later generations, the place where the waist was pulled, is almost the same as what Li Chen said.

“Master Tai, go back, there will definitely be no good end for helping those beasts.” Qin Yao said sincerely.

Li Chen looked intently into his eyes and asked seriously: "Can I still look back?"

"Of course you can, but you must help us clear the Fierce Ghost Building to atone for your own sins!" Qin Yao said firmly.

Li Chen thought for a long time and nodded slowly: "Okay, I'll help you."

Qin Yao: "The golden hammer can't be used anymore. Is there anything else I can do?"

 “No, the golden hammer can still be used!”

Li Chen said without hesitation: "It's just that you can't use it to break the two-dimensional barrier. You can use it to destroy the ghosts from the inside and kill all the evil ghosts in the ghosts." Li Chen said.

"What does it mean to destroy ghosts from within?" Qin Yao looked curious.

“The ghosts are transformed from the formation eyes of the Yin-Gathering Formation, and their interior contains the core power that supplies the Yin-Gathering Formation’s operation.

This power can only be broken by a golden hammer. If the core strength is broken and the Yin Gathering Formation is destroyed, the ghost will have no source of power and will naturally slowly shrink until it dies. Li Chen said.

Qin Yao thought for a while and said, "Master Tai, come with us back to Fucheng. We don't know what changes will happen in the future, and we need your help."

Li Chen hesitated for a moment and said, "Okay, I'll go and pack it up. After that, we'll set off..."

Qin Yao nodded, and when the other party relaxed and walked down the bank of the cloud cliff, passing by them, he suddenly punched her and hit her hard in the middle of the back of the head.

Not only Li Chen did not expect such a turn of events, but even Zhang Ling was stunned.

The two parties have been talking for so long. Qin Yao asked the other party to correct their evil ways and the other party agreed to help them eliminate their evil spirits. What does this sudden fist mean?


Master Li Chen turned his head with great difficulty, resisting waves of severe dizziness, and tried to ask why.


But Qin Yao didn't give her this chance, and hit her head with the second punch, causing her to faint instantly.

"Mr. Qin, you..." Zhang Ling said hesitantly.

“Let me tell you a life experience, don’t believe anyone’s lies easily.” Qin Yao sat cross-legged next to Li Chen’s fallen body, stretched out his hand and pressed it on her head, his palms glowing.

 Zhang Ling: “?”

Co-author You were just acting!

Are you from Maoshan some kind of opera troupe? The acting is so real...

  After a long time.

Qin Yao slowly opened his eyes and raised his palms: "She didn't lie. She was indeed forced to take an evil path. But as she continued to take the evil path too many times, her own character was gradually affected. A cruel and vicious side.

 Later, even if no one forced her to do bad things, she did a lot of unscrupulous things. Meeting me was her disaster. "

 Zhang Ling paused slightly: "What are you going to do with her?"

 Qin Yao raised his head and glanced at her, and slowly drew out the sword that killed the God: "I want to share with you my second life experience. As a monk, you can't just punch evil ghosts, but you should also eradicate evil people."


As soon as he finished speaking, the blade he turned around instantly pierced Shitai's skull, and Zhang Ling was startled by the splash of blood.

“The next is the third life experience. After eradicating the roots, we must destroy the corpse and eliminate all traces.”

Seeing the remnants of the master's soul being absorbed into the God-Zhancing Sword, Qin Yao took out the blood-stained long knife, and a ball of golden flame popped out from his fingers. After falling on the corpse, it immediately burst into flames.

 It was also fortunate that Master Lichen had a weak heart and was afraid that others would know her shady side, so she deliberately chose such an inaccessible place.

 Otherwise, this movement would have attracted the monks long ago.

 Lean less.

Seeing Master Lichen's ashes blown down the cloud cliff by the strong wind swaying from Qin Yao's sleeves, Zhang Ling felt numb all over.

   Killing people can only be done with a nod of the head. This is a live lesson on what it means to destroy bones and spread ashes!

 Can’t learn.

 This is really something you can’t learn.

 It’s too cruel!

“Let’s go, you can leave now.” Qin Yao said calmly.

 Zhang Ling shivered violently, and suddenly, his hair stood on end...

 Two days later.

Qin Yao was sitting in Zhang Ling's car and had just arrived at the Golden Palace Hotel. When he was checking in at the front desk on the first floor, Dai Erlong, who smelled the smell from nowhere, ran over and greeted with a smile on his face: "Mr. Qin, Aling, you are finally back."

“Brother Long, why are you here?” Zhang Ling asked in surprise.

 She remembered what she told the other party very clearly last time. He was not able to interfere with the affairs of Menggui Mansion!

"I didn't stay in the hotel." Dai Erlong quickly explained: "I just stayed outside the hotel during the day, waiting for Mr. Qin to come over."

"Wait for me? What's the matter?" Qin Yao asked.

"That's it, Mr. Qin, I have a sister who majored in secretarial studies..." Dai Erlong said.

"When did Xiaoxue learn to be a secretary?" Zhang Ling looked confused: "Also, what does the secretarial profession mean?"

“She was trained in a secretarial institution... She learned it secretly on her own, and I didn’t know it before.” Delon explained.

Qin Yao was too lazy to pay attention to these trivial matters and waved his hand: "Dai Erlong, just tell me, what do you want me to do for you?"

“I wonder if I can let my sister practice with you for a while?” Dai Erlong rubbed his fingers and laughed dryly.

"Wait a minute." Before Qin Yao could speak, Zhang Ling took the lead and said, "Is this Xiaoxue's intention, or did you force her to do this?"

"What are you talking about?" Dai'erlong's expression changed and he said solemnly: "I am her brother, how could I force her?"

 “There’s no reason…” Zhang Ling muttered to himself.

Qin Yao looked at her, then at Dai Erlong, and said with a smile: "A Ling, it was Dai Erlong who led me to find you. In a sense, he helped me once.

 According to common sense, I should not refuse such a small request from him. However, you are my partner now. If you don't agree with this matter, then there is no need to discuss this matter. "

Dai'erlong immediately became nervous when he heard this, and said hurriedly: "Aling, you are Xiaoxueqian's sister, you must help her!"

 (End of this chapter)

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