I’m a Big Boss In Uncle Jiu’s World

Chapter 366: Father and son go into battle

Chapter 366 Father and son go into battle

 “I have to see Xiaoxue first…” Zhang Ling said.

"I'm going to call her to you now." Before she could finish her words, Dai Erlong ran out in a hurry.

 Zhang Ling: “…”

"You two, as per your request, the rooms have been opened. They are 207 and 208 respectively. These are the keys to the two rooms. Please keep them." Taking advantage of this time, the girl at the front desk pushed the two keys to In front of Qin Yao.

"Thank you." Qin Yao reached for the key and turned to look at Zhang Ling: "Which room do you live in?"

“It’s 207, it doesn’t matter.”

 Zhang Ling suppressed the chaotic emotions in his heart for the time being and walked with him towards the stairs...

There are fierce ghosts wandering here. You cannot ride in the elevator. Something will happen if you ride in it!

 The two of them don't have to worry about the elevator accident, but they are worried about injuring others. Therefore, if there are no guest rooms on the first floor, the second floor is undoubtedly the best choice.

 Not long.

 In room 208.

Qin Yao handed an autographed letter to Hong Sha in front of him and ordered: "Take this letter to Yizhuang and give it to my master. If my master is not at home, give it to Nianying first, and let Nianying Pass it to my master."

"Yes, sir." The ghost half-bowed his waist, raised his hands, and took the letter respectfully.

Qin Yao nodded: "Go ahead, go back early, and don't cause any trouble..."

The plot of the original work deviated greatly from the actual development. He could no longer follow the script and break the boundary with a golden hammer. He had no choice but to write a letter and invite the master to come and take a look at the situation.

 If Master can't do anything about it, then he can only ask Maoshan for help...

 “Dong dong dong.”

When the evil ghost went out, he happened to meet the Dai brothers and sisters, one behind the other, standing in front of room 207.

With a sense of yin, he passed between the two of them lightly, causing Dai Erlong's back and Dai Xiaoxue's chest to feel cold, and the latter even couldn't help but rub his arms.


Zhang Ling opened the wooden door, glanced at the two of them, and said sideways: "Come in."

“Sister Ling.” Dai Xiaoxue followed Dai Erlong into the room and called with a smile.

 “Sit down and talk.”

Zhang Ling led them to the sofa area, greeted them to sit down, and asked seriously: "Xiaoxue, do you know what it means to be Mr. Qin's secretary?"

 “Glory, status, high salary?” Xiaoxue thought for a while and said uncertainly.

 Zhang Ling glanced at Dai Erlong: "You instilled this in me, right?"

 “Aling, you must be biased against me.” Dai Erlong said aggrievedly.

"Sister Ling, my brother never told me this..." Xiaoxue quickly explained: "I came up with these all by myself."

"You are still too simple and naive." Zhang Ling sighed: "It is undeniable that you have all three of the things you mentioned, but what you didn't expect is pressure, danger and trouble."

“Aling, are these words a bit alarmist?” Dai Erlong asked softly.

Zhang Ling shook his head and said: "You only saw the scenery of him standing at a high place, but you don't know how cold it is at high places, let alone how terrifying his enemies are!

 In particular, we are currently planning to deal with a huge foreign force and destroy their hidden stakes buried in China.

When we beat them until they are sore, there will inevitably be some crazy guys who want to operate on the people around Mr. Qin.

Becoming Mr. Qin’s secretary at this time is definitely not a good choice. "

  Derron: “…”

 Dai Xiaoxue: “…”


 The three of them knocked on the door of Room 208 together and greeted in unison: "Mr. Qin."

Qin Yao waved, took them to sit down in the room, and said with a smile: "How did the discussion go?"

"If possible, please let Xiaoxue work as a clerk in Chenghuang Department Store. As for secretary... this position is too high and she can't sit firmly." Zhang Ling said with a smile.


Qin Yao picked up the brush on the table and quickly wrote a letter of recommendation with a splash of ink. After drying, he delivered it to Dai Xiaoxue: "Whenever you want to join the job, you can take this letter to Chenghuang The department store has hired Ren Tingting as a director, and she will arrange your work. "

 “Thank you, Mr. Qin.” The Dai brothers said at the same time.

 “It’s okay, it’s just a matter of hands…”

Qin Yao smiled slightly and had a gentle attitude.

 Looking at his expression and smile at this moment, Zhang Ling was slightly absent-minded.

 Compassionate as a Buddha, cold-blooded as a devil, two completely different faces flashed back and forth in her heart.

time flies.


A young man in a neat suit got into the elevator escorted by four bodyguards, and soon reached the top floor. He reached out and knocked on the wooden door of the women's toilet, and asked loudly: "Is there anyone in there?"

  After waiting for a moment and seeing no response, the young man decisively opened the wooden door and walked in. Four bodyguards in black stood in twos and twos, holding their wrists with their palms and guarding the gate with solemn expressions.

 In the women's restroom.

The young man gently pressed his palm against the glass, and the huge glass suddenly rippled like water, sucking his whole body into it.

"Higashino-kun." In the middle of the ghostly place, the leader of the ronin, leaning on his saber, called out in a low voice.

 “Kimura-kun.” The young man nodded slightly.

"What's matter?"

 “Master Lichen is missing.”

 “What?” Leader Kimura’s eyes widened with a look of shock.

“It seems that he was killed by someone and was completely destroyed.” Taro Higashino said seriously.

Leader Kimura was silent for a long time, and then asked in a deep voice: "The lotus hammer..."

 “Also missing.”

“Damn it.” The leader of Kimura was full of anger and scolded: “Lichen, this piece of trash, ruined my big job!”

Higashino Taro: "Let me remind you, be careful. There are people in China who are no less powerful than our Onmyoji."

Leader Kimura clenched the saber in his hand and said solemnly: "There are two Chinese Onmyojis in the hotel. I sent the Faceless Ghost to deal with them before, but the Faceless Ghost disappeared."

Higashino Taro frowned: "How long has the Faceless Ghost been missing?"

 “It will take five or six days at least.”

“Have the Chinese Onmyoji been staying in the hotel these two days?” Higashino Taro asked again.

“No, they just came back today.” Leader Kimura said.

Higashino Taro narrowed his eyes: "It has been the faceless ghost who has been in contact with Lichen, right?"

"You mean..." Leader Kimura's expression changed slightly.

"Li Chen's disappearance is not an accident!" Higashino Taro said: "This is a battle against us."

Leader Kimura took a deep breath and said: "Both the Faceless Ghost and Li Chen are not weak, but they were killed by the two residents one after another. Based on the strength they showed, unless I personally go on stage, no matter how powerful they are, they will be killed." Anyone who goes there will die. Mr. Higashino, can you drive them out through secular means? "What room do they live in?" Higashino Taro said.

“207 and 208.”

Higashino Taro nodded, and the moment he turned around, he stepped across the two boundaries and walked out of the wave-like mirror.


  Twelve o'clock at midnight.

The girl at the front desk was sitting on a chair, struggling with sleepiness. She accidentally caught sight of a young face from the corner of her eye, and her whole body suddenly became excited, and she subconsciously shouted loudly.

Higashino Taro chuckled and said, "I can hear you, so you don't have to shout so loudly."

The little girl’s cheeks turned red and she bowed: “I’m sorry, boss.”

"It doesn't matter." Higashino Taro waved his hand and said, "Help me check who lives in rooms 207 and 208."

The so-called customer privacy is a joke in front of the big boss. The little girl immediately took out the registration book, flipped through it, and responded: "The name of the resident 207 is Zhang Ling, and the name of the resident 208 is Qin Yao."

 “Qin Yao!”

The smile on Higashino Taro's face froze for an instant, and he asked solemnly: "Is the man named Qin Yao a very burly man?"

"Yes, boss, do you need me to contact him for you?" the little girl asked.

"How could it be him? We're in trouble now!" Taro Higashino didn't want to say anything to the little girl and hurried to the elevator with his bodyguards.

If it were an ordinary monk, he could also use secular connections to coerce the other party into submission.

 But after hearing that the enemy was Qin Yao, he did not even dare to appear in front of him openly.

 The name of a person and the shadow of a tree are the manifestation of influence.

 The next day.

 Early morning.

A figure wearing a bright yellow Bagua Taoist robe, a scarf hat of the same color, and a mahogany sword strode into the hotel. He glanced around and went straight to the front desk.

“Hello, Taoist priest, how can I help you?” The little girl at the front desk greeted the guests with a smile.

"Hello, I'm looking for Qin Yao. Which room is he in?" the Taoist asked quietly.

 ‘Qin Yao? Isn't this the person the boss asked to check yesterday? ’ The little girl muttered in her heart, without even turning over the registration book, she said directly: “Room 208.”

 “Thank you very much.”

The Taoist cupped his hands, shrank back a few inches, and arrived at the stairs in a blink of an eye.

 “Dong dong, dong dong.”

After a while, the Taoist counted the house number and came to 208, raised his hand and knocked on the door.

"Master." In the room, Qin Yao, wearing a bright yellow bathrobe, opened the door and his eyes suddenly lit up: "Why did you come so fast?"

"You rarely ask me for help, so I came here after receiving the letter asking for help." Uncle Jiu said with a smile.

Qin Yao felt warm in his heart: "Come in quickly and I'll get you some water."

Uncle Jiu strode into the room and sat on the sofa under the guidance of Qin Yao: "You didn't say anything in detail in your letter. Now tell me from beginning to end. What exactly is going on?"

Qin Yao poured him a glass of warm water and started talking about the Devil's Club and continued to talk about the enemy's hidden stakes.

 As he spoke, Uncle Jiu’s face became more solemn.

“Fusang will kill me, but my heart for China will never die!”

 After a long time, Uncle Jiu said seriously.

Qin Yao: "So I plan to go to Japan again after clearing all the known hidden piles, tooth for tooth, blood for blood!"

Uncle Jiu nodded silently, without the slightest thought of stopping him: "If that doesn't work, just take Nintendo with you. With him protecting you, I can feel more at ease."

"Let's talk about this later." Qin Yao smiled and said, "Shall I take you to see the eyes now?"

 “Let’s wait, don’t be in a hurry…”

Uncle Jiu waved his hand and whispered: "One more thing. When I came down the mountain, the master left me alone and asked me to tell you that the Great Cave Sutra cannot be taken out of Maoshan.

Although you have fulfilled your original agreement with him and successfully entered the Evil Punishment Division, you must return to Maoshan if you want to learn the Great Cave Sutra. "

 Qin Yao was refreshed.

Uncle Jiu would have almost forgotten about it...

 Although the old boss only promised him the first three chapters at that time, everything is difficult at the beginning. With a good beginning, there is no need to worry about failing to get the following chapters!

“After I know Master and solve the matter at Menggui Mansion, I will go back to Maoshan first and learn the Immortal Sutra before going out.”

Uncle Jiu: "Don't forget, this matter needs to be kept secret, and the fourth person must not know about it, otherwise there will be endless trouble."

 “I understand.” Qin Yao nodded heavily.

  Half an hour later.

Qin Yao called Zhang Ling, took Uncle Jiu to the women's bathroom on the 13th floor, and said, "Aling, go inside and see if anyone is there."

"Okay." Zhang Ling quickly opened the wooden door, quickly walked around the toilet, turned around and shouted: "No one is there."

 The master and apprentice looked at each other, crossed the threshold at the same time, and Qin Yao locked the door.

“Uncle Jiu, this is the mirror.” Zhang Ling stood in front of a huge mirror, stretched out his hand and tapped the mirror surface lightly.

Uncle Jiu took one step forward and came to the mirror the moment he landed. He raised his right hand and pressed it on the mirror. He felt it silently and shouted in a low voice: "Qin Yao, open the altar!"

Qin Yao felt relieved and quickly took out the space bag and summoned all the equipment for opening the altar and casting spells.

Uncle Jiu reached out and took out a thin stack of talisman paper from his arms, placed it gently on the altar, then turned his hand and took out the peach wood sword behind him, strung a piece of talisman paper on it, chanted the scripture, stepped on the seven stars, and began Cast a spell.


At a certain moment, he suddenly swung the mahogany sword down. The yellow talisman paper on the sword ignited spontaneously without fire. A beam of golden light flew out from the sword body. When it hit the mirror, it was like throwing stones into a calm lake. At the center, ripples suddenly surged around.

Qin Yao strode to the ripples, stretched out his hand and pressed it. His entire index finger was pressed into the mirror, but his palm was stuck.


Uncle Jiu moved quickly, and the second golden light hit the mirror. This time, his palm easily passed through the mirror and entered the ghost.

In the ghost world, a ghost stared at the palm that suddenly appeared. It was stunned for a moment, and then opened its big mouth full of fangs and bit the palm fiercely.


This bite seemed to have been bitten on fine steel. With a crisp sound, the ghost suddenly lost two of its fangs.

 Qin Yao couldn't see inside the mirror, but he could feel the presence of the ghost through his palms. He pinched its neck with his hands and pulled it out of the ghostly place with one elbow.

 “Let me go, let me go.” After coming out, the ghost shouted loudly in broken Chinese.

"Pfft." Qin Yao took out the God-cutting Sword and stabbed it into the center of the opponent's eyebrows, and the world suddenly became peaceful.

 One way, two ways, three ways…

After casting twenty-one talismans in a row, Uncle Jiu said in a deep voice: "That's almost it. I maintain the passage between the two realms here, kill the ghosts, and leave the task of destroying the ghosts from within to you."

Qin Yao clenched his sword and rushed into the mirror instantly; Zhang Ling slipped out a dagger engraved with countless runes from his sleeves, followed closely behind, and rushed into the ghost world.

What greeted them were hundreds of undead warriors floating in the air. Their long and narrow samurai swords reflected cold white light, and their murderous aura was like a rainbow!

 (End of this chapter)

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