I’m a Big Boss In Uncle Jiu’s World

Chapter 378: Tang Seng’s sense of déjà vu (2nd update: 8000)

Chapter 378 Tang Monk’s sense of déjà vu (explosion·2nd update·8000)

Perhaps because it absorbed his divine blood, the power of this plantain spirit was greater than he imagined. If it weren't for pouring the true energy into both arms, relying solely on physical strength, it would not be able to stop the opponent's attack that seemed to be broken by a bullet. little face.

Unable to kiss her no matter what, a hint of impatience gradually appeared on the elf girl's beautiful cheeks. She kept pulling Qin Yao's arms with her hands, trying to get out of control.

Qin Yao raised his right leg, wrapped it around the opponent's thin waist, exerted his abdominal muscles, and turned his body suddenly, slamming the opponent under him. He raised his big hand and quickly grabbed the opponent's waving wrist, and shouted: "What the hell?" Be honest with me!"

After realizing that she was completely locked to death, the elf girl stopped struggling and stared at Qin Yao with eyes like blue lakes without blinking. Qin Yao even seemed to be in a trance.

  After all, it is the most beautiful elf he imagined, and it conforms to all his aesthetics.

 “Can you talk?”

Qin Yao remembered that the elves in the original book could only speak after possessing Iris, so he asked uncertainly.

 “Hang.” The elf girl said.

Qin Yao’s mouth twitched.

 It can be seen that this guy can not only talk, but also has a high IQ.

 “癙.” Seeing that he didn’t respond, the elf girl struggled.

“What a ghost!” Qin Yao glared at her and asked, “When did you come out and how did you find this place?”

There was no response to her request, and the elf girl looked disappointed: "From Zi time to Yin time, there were many of you, so I didn't dare to come out. After Yin time, as soon as you left, I came out and came here smelling the smell of 豼."

Qin Yao was puzzled: "But why didn't we see you when we opened our eyes?"

"Because I am not in the flower buds, but hiding in the roots of the banana tree. If you open your eyes and look down the banana tree, you will definitely notice something abnormal." The elf girl said.

Qin Yao suddenly realized: "I see... By the way, how did you learn human language?"

He remembered that the elves in the original novel were humans who were introduced to him through possessing Iris. In reality, the elf girl did not possess anyone.

"Maybe it's because of your blood." The elf girl said: "Your blood gave me the wisdom, and I was born with the ability to speak Chinese and recognize Chinese characters."

“Is it inherited by blood?” Qin Yao was slightly startled and suddenly remembered a certain legend in the West.

According to rumors, Athena, who had a graceful figure and strong armor, had a mature personality and a complete soul when she burst out of Zeus's head.

 Others are at their peak when they debut, but she is even more abnormal. She is at her peak when she is born, and then she remains at the peak for countless years!

"I'm yours."

The elf girl raised her arms and wrapped them around his waist. Her white dress suddenly turned into nothingness: "Now that I'm hungry, you are responsible for this."

Qin Yao frowned, jumped off the bed, and ordered: "Put on your clothes!"

The elf girl came slowly behind him with bare feet, and her arms as white as snow lotus roots slowly wrapped around his body: "I haven't eaten anything since I was born, and I am really hungry. Hunger will make me If I lose control, I will most likely attack humans."


A golden light shone outside Qin Yao's body, and instantly bounced away from the opponent's body, and said in a deep voice: "Are you threatening me?"

 “No, I’m just stating a fact!”

Qin Yao was silent for a moment and said, "Put your clothes on first."

 “I’m dressed.” The elf girl raised her lips slightly.

Qin Yao turned around and saw that he was already dressed.

With a gentle breath, he slowly lowered his head and put his nose against hers. Their lips were close at hand: "I'm warning you, don't come close, otherwise this is the first time and it will be the last time."

The elf girl opened her thin lips slightly, sucking in the yang energy from the other person's body through the air, and a blush gradually appeared on her white jade cheeks.

After a while, Qin Yao pushed the other person away, and the relationship between the two people came to an abrupt end.

"I haven't eaten enough yet." The elf girl drooped her eyebrows pitifully.

Qin Yao said indifferently: "If I give it to you, you will have something to eat. If I don't give it to you, you will be hungry."

The elf girl tentatively said: "Then I will go out and eat secretly..."

Qin Yao's eyes were slightly cold: "If you want to taste the feeling of being beaten, you can try it. If someone's life is caused, I can only kill the relatives out of justice."

 The elf girl felt a chill in her heart and changed her words: "Go to sleep."

 “Then get out.”

 “Why should I go out?”

 “How can a man and a woman live alone in the same room?”

“I was born because of you, and I am the closest person to you in the world. What’s wrong with sleeping together?”

Qin Yao: "You were born because of me, and you are like my daughter. You are so old..."

"No." The elf girl said flatly: "Throughout the ages, who has been pulling bananas for his daughter? There is no such thing!"

Qin Yao slowly clenched his fists and threatened: "If you don't cooperate, I will have no choice but to throw you out."

 “You can’t catch me.” The elf girl smiled slightly, her face filled with confidence.

Qin Yao disappeared from the spot in an instant, appeared behind her like a ghost, and reached out to grab her neck.

To his surprise, the girl suddenly disappeared and appeared behind him in the blink of an eye.

"You know how to escape from the ground?" Qin Yao turned around, surprised.

 “I’m born with it.” The elf girl nodded.

 Qin Yao's expression paused slightly, his body suddenly turned into an afterimage, and he rushed towards the opponent at high speed.

 The elf girl disappeared in an instant, and appeared on the bed the next moment with a bright smile: "I told you, you can't catch me!"

Qin Yao narrowed his eyes, took out a piece of talisman paper from his pocket, smashed it on the ground with his hand, then took out the magic spirit bead, summoned the red and white teams, pointed at the girl and said: "Catch her and throw her out. "

The red and white demons moved quickly. The elf girl's eyes changed slightly. She wanted to escape to the ground, but a golden light flashed on the ground, which was as solid as a rock. When she wanted to escape, the red and white demons compressed all the space, and in the blink of an eye they were captured. Surrounded.

 The elf girl pursed her lips, hesitated for a moment, and finally gave up on the idea of ​​summoning a bow and arrow. She raised her hands and said, "I won't bother you all, I'll go by myself."

When she walked to the door, she even turned to look at Qin Yao and said, "I will come back."

 Chin Yao: “…”


When Qin Yao used the magic spirit bead to put away the red and white demons, Xiao Wenjun, whose black hair was not moving in the wind, suddenly rose from the ground and said pointedly: "Except for her appearance, she looks like you in other places. …”

Qin Yao thought for a while and said: "She was born from my divine blood and was pulled out by me personally. It is not surprising that she has traces of me in her innate wisdom. In my opinion, as time goes by, This trace should slowly fade."

Xiao Wenjun shook his head: "I don't think so... A country is easy to change, but a temperament is hard to change. She may change some things in the future, but the attributes you left in her innate wisdom will definitely grow higher and bigger. , and eventually grew into her nature." Qin Yao breathed out: "You and I are not prophets, so there is no point in talking about this now. What I am more interested in is her strength. She was almost helpless when she was born. It's scary. You know, I'm a cheater...well, I mean I'm a genius."

"Didn't Zhang Ling say that the higher the cultivation level, the higher the strength of the plantain essence that can be pulled out?" At this point, Xiao Wenjun's heart suddenly moved: "What if you can continuously pull out the plantain essence? What if you can pull out the plantain essence every time? Each of the banana spirits pulled out has the same strength as that girl... Once a legion is formed, it will be an existence that even the red and white demons cannot match. "


Qin Yao spread his hands: "Let's not talk about whether a person can repeatedly pull out bananas. Even if he can, how can he feed the army of banana spirits?

 You saw it just now. The little elf sucked so much of my yang energy that I wasn’t even full. One more one would be fatal, let alone a legion.

 But if they are allowed to absorb other people's yang energy, I'm afraid I will die from Maoshan, which will affect the overall interests. "

Xiao Wenjun sighed quietly: "What a pity."

Qin Yao was normal and said with relief: "The way of heaven is about balance, just like heaven versus earth, yin versus yang, black versus white, good versus evil... Anyone who can break the balance will either be amazing or eccentric. . We don’t have to be so radical. The path to becoming a **** is at our feet.”

Xiao Wenjun pursed his lips and smiled, and suddenly said: "I'm hungry too..."

 Chin Yao: “…”

 Why do you feel like you are becoming more and more like Tang Monk? ? ?

 Eve of dawn.

The disheveled woman tried her best to drag an old box into a misty mountain forest. Regardless of the wounds on her legs cut by vegetation, she reached out to wipe the sweat from her forehead, stepped on the soft ground under her feet, and stopped. .

 Sit down on the ground and pant for a long time. After regaining some strength, the woman cheered up, unhooked the shovel hanging on the box, and lowered her body to dig in the soil.

 After a long time.

 The woman dug a deep pit, pushed the box directly into it, and then began to quickly fill the pit.

 After finally leveling the ground with a shovel, the woman let out a long sigh of relief and a smile appeared on her face...

She rummaged through all the money that Lan Zaixiong had left at home and sewed it into the pockets of her clothes. As soon as daybreak, she left the city by boat to seek a new life.


Just as she was preparing to move towards a new life with her longing for the future, a pale ghost hand with long nails suddenly stretched out from the ground, grabbed her ankle, and then a pale ghost crawled out, He climbed onto her back along her calves and blew a gentle breath into her ear.

The woman's body trembled suddenly, and she subconsciously looked back from the right. The moment she turned her head, a lamp on her right shoulder suddenly went out. The evil spirit immediately turned into white light and rushed in from her right shoulder. body.


 The woman suddenly raised her hands, raised her head, rolled her eyes, and made contorting movements that were difficult for normal people to do in this misty and deep forest.

Shortly after.

 Warm sunshine fell on the earth, dispersing the deep fog in the forest.

The woman who was frozen in place seemed to be awakened by the sunlight, the whites of her eyes faded away, and her eyes became clear again.

 “Chen Fusheng…”

Muttering something in her mouth, the woman picked up the shovel that had fallen to the ground at some point. She carried the shovel and quickly disappeared at the entrance of the mountain forest.

“Brother Sheng, I made stewed chicken eggs for you, eat them while they’re hot.”

 Chen Fusheng suffered an injury from a fall.

As soon as Ah Che Qianqian left with her bag on her back and rode her bicycle away, a young woman with long hair shawl and still a charm walked into the hospital carrying a tray and said to Chen Fusheng who was cleaning the room.

 “Stewed chicken eggs?” Chen Fusheng, who was holding a feather duster, widened his eyes, nodded and said, “What a great supplement!”

"Yes." The young woman smiled and said, "You are not young anymore, it's time to make up for your illness."

 Chen Fusheng blinked and said with a smile: "Although I am old, I am not weak. If you don't stay today, I really don't dare to eat this food~"

 “What did you say?” The young woman’s face turned red instantly.

Chen Fusheng suddenly felt a little dry, and his eyes were full of sincere emotion: "Meiyi, don't leave tonight."

“You eat first, I’ll think about it.” Meiyi put the tray on the table.

"What are you thinking about?" Chen Fusheng grabbed her palm and said, "I think it's time to expose it to those two brats..."

"Oh, I haven't thought about what to say yet." Meiyi took out her palm and said shyly.

"Let me tell you." Chen Fusheng patted his chest and said, "I'm sorry they don't dare to say anything against it."

Meiyi hesitated for a moment and said, "It depends on your performance today. If you perform well, I will stay."

Chen Fusheng was overjoyed and ran outside: "Wait for me, Meiyi. I'll be back as soon as I go."

 “Why are you going? We haven’t eaten yet.” Meiyi shouted at his back, but he disappeared instantly.

“Hey, just like a child.” Meiyi shook her head helplessly, with a happy smile on her face.

at the same time.

 At Azhi’s house.

With dark eyes, Qin Yao called over two brothers, Azhi and Ache, and said, "I've given you all the things that should be given to you, and it's time for us to leave.

 You two will support each other and live a good life in the future. If you have time in the future, you can go to Fucheng to see Master, and Master will also help you recognize your master.

 Forget it if you don’t have time, we don’t care about any false courtesy. "

The two brothers were slightly startled. Ah Che was the first to react: "Master, what happened? Why did you leave so suddenly?"

 I never thought about leaving so soon.

 But the original female elf was fanned away by butterfly wings, so what’s the point of staying here as a teacher?

Qin Yao complained silently in his heart, but smiled lightly on his face and said: "Destiny arises and destiny disappears, destiny arises and destiny falls, it's just a matter of the blink of an eye, it doesn't matter whether the time is long or short.

   What matters is what we have accomplished in this process and whether we have wasted the fate arranged by God.

 I am very happy to have you two as my apprentices in this process, and I hope that one day our masters and apprentices can fight side by side in the future. "

“We are also very happy to have you as our teacher.” Azhi said.

"There will be a day." Ache said with a smile: "The master who taught me how to fight said that I was born with immortal bones. This mortal world cannot tolerate me. Sooner or later, I will step into the world of practice and fight alongside you."

Qin Yao chuckled and said, "Okay, okay, you go to work, it's getting late."

"You are leaving today, what kind of work do we have to do?" Ah Che waved his hand: "Whatever you want to eat, we brothers will do it for you."

Qin Yao thought for a while and said: "Just find a restaurant. By the way, call your uncle together. I have something to give him..."

  (ps: There is one more chapter, it is also 12,000+ today, please vote for me~ If you still have some at the end of the month, O(∩_∩)O~)

 (End of this chapter)

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