I’m a Big Boss In Uncle Jiu’s World

Chapter 379: Sign up, elf! (Burst 3 updates 12000)

Chapter 379 Sign the contract, elf! (Outbreak·3 updates·12000+)

“Hello, is Dr. Chen here?”

 Chen Fusheng suffered an injury from a fall.

The woman with plaster on her skirt and a shovel in her hand stepped through the door, looked around, and then focused on Sun Meiyi in the corner.

"Doctor Chen has gone out. I don't know when he will come back." Sun Meiyi stood up and said, "Is there something urgent that you want to see him for?"

"It's a bit urgent." The woman nodded, tilted her head and looked at the other person: "Who are you, Dr. Chen?"

Although she had chosen her husband and was ready to make it public, Sun Meiyi was still shy in front of outsiders and said with a smile: "I am a client of his. I used to have unbearable pain in my neck and shoulders. He took care of me for a while. Finally, it was miraculously healed..."

Hearing that they were not even friends, Li Gui, who was hiding in the woman's body, suddenly lost the desire to kill and said calmly: "I am also a patient of Dr. Chen. I'm here already. Just wait here for a while."

“Meiyi, I’m back.” At this time, Chen Fusheng walked into the hospital with a smile on his face, holding a bouquet of flowers in his left hand and a small red box in his right hand.

 “Chen Fusheng!” The woman holding a shovel in front of the counter turned around instantly and shouted sharply.

 “Miss Su…”

Chen Fusheng was stunned for a moment and said subconsciously: "I no longer have massage programs here."

Hearing what he was talking about about massage, the ghost that Brother Xiong transformed into became very angry. He controlled the woman's body, raised his shovel and hit Chen Fusheng.

"Miss Su, please calm down." Chen Fusheng was frightened, but fortunately his reaction was not slow, and he narrowly avoided the shovel and said loudly.

Brother Xiong could not calm down when he was angry. He swung his shovel and smashed it, and the furnishings of the pharmacy were quickly destroyed.

In a panic, Chen Fucheng glanced at Sun Meiyi, knowing that if he continued like this, he would definitely be implicated. He quickly retreated to the door and shouted loudly: "Miss Su, if you have any dissatisfaction with me, you can Tell me directly, there is no need to use such an extreme method, right?"

After the woman controlled by Brother Xiong chased her out of the hospital, she suddenly came to her senses, jumped back into the hospital, strode up to Sun Meiyi, punched and kicked her, and then held a shovel against her neck. , smiled strangely at Chen Fucheng who stopped outside: "Run, you keep running, I can't stop you if you run, but as long as you dare to leave my sight, I will chop off this woman's head." ”

“Madman, you madman.” Chen Fusheng was so anxious that he had no choice but to return to the hospital.

“So this woman has something to do with you, and she **** lied to me and said it didn’t matter.”

Looking at his defiant look, a look of cruelty appeared on the woman's face, and her voice suddenly became much thicker: "Liars, you are all **** liars!"

Chen Fusheng's Adam's apple twitched, and he stretched out his hands and said, "Miss Su, if anything happens, come to me and don't hurt innocent people."

"Looking at you like this, I know she is not innocent." The woman smiled sinisterly and yelled: "Kneel down!"

 “Miss Su…”


The woman kicked Sun Meiyi in the leg, causing her to kneel on the ground. She hit her head with the shovel in her hand and screamed: "I told you to kneel down, do you hear me?"

Chen Fusheng's face turned pale and he said hurriedly: "Stop knocking, stop knocking, I kneel, I kneel, I will do whatever you ask me to do, don't hurt Meiyi."

"Uncle..." Just when he was about to kneel down, A Che, who had accompanied Qin Yao, immediately rushed to his side.

"Auntie!" Ah Zhi followed closely behind, rushing to the woman with an angry face, and shouted: "Who are you, and why do you treat my aunt like this?!"

The ghostly shadow on the woman's face flashed across her face, and Brother Xiong, who was hiding behind her, glanced at the crowd and laughed heartily: "You guys came just in time, it's time to settle the score between us."

Qin Yao's eyes flashed with golden light. After seeing the grimace clearly, he sneered: "Lan Zaixiong, how dare you to threaten me?"

 “You can actually tell it’s me!” Brother Xiong was stunned for a moment.

"I can smell your scent." Qin Yao said: "Banzixiong, don't say I won't give you a chance, immediately let go of the hostage in your hand, kowtow and admit your mistake, I can send you to the underworld, and accept the most fair judge. "


Brother Xiong spat and scolded: "I was afraid of you when I was alive, but now that I'm dead, I'm still afraid of you!"

Qin Yao had no choice but to quietly take out the magic spirit bead and hold it behind his back: "Your ferocity comes from ignorance. You don't even know the consequences of provoking me."

"I'm too lazy to talk nonsense with you." Brother Xiong turned to look at Azhi, pointed at Chen Fusheng, and said sternly: "Boy, listen clearly, if you want to save your aunt, go beat that old guy up. Beat him harder." The harder it is, the better. If you kill her directly, your aunt will be saved. "

 Azhi: “…”

 Qin Yao poured a trace of mana into the demon spirit bead, and two rays of red and white light immediately used his legs as cover and penetrated into the ground: "Lan Zaixiong, did Achen tell you why he surprised me so much?"

"Shut up, I didn't let you speak." Brother Xiong angrily slapped Sun Meiyi on the head with a shovel, and two streaks of blood flowed down her forehead on the spot.

 “Auntie.” Azhi said in panic.

 “Crack, snap.”

Suddenly, two palms as pale as snow were slapped on the woman's shoulders at the same time. The body of the woman with a crazy smile suddenly stiffened, and ghostly shadows kept flickering on her face.

 “Damn it, what’s going on?” Lan Zaixiong said in horror.

The sharp nails of the red and white demons instantly sank into the woman's shoulder blades. The two demons stepped back at the same time, pulling out a resentful spirit from her body.



The evil ghosts are not afraid of the sun, but the resentful soul of Lan Zaixiong has no such ability. The soul emits bursts of white smoke under the sunlight, and roars with a ferocious face.

“Pull him out and let him experience the sunbathing.” Qin Yao waved his hand and said.

The red and white evil spirits nodded and dragged the howling Lan Zaixiong out of the hospital, exposing him to the scorching sun.


Brother Xiong subconsciously let out a more shrill howl, and then the howl became weaker and weaker, and his soul became thinner and thinner, and finally dissipated in the sun...

  Disintegrated into ashes!

 “Why am I here?”

In the medical center, the eyes of the woman holding Sun Meiyi gradually became clearer, she dropped the shovel in her hand with a clang, and asked blankly.


 “beautiful appearance.”

 Ah Zhi and Chen Fusheng rushed forward together and snatched the young woman who was bleeding from her forehead.

“Hurry up and call a rickshaw. We must take Meiyi to the hospital as soon as possible.” Chen Fusheng supported Sun Meiyi and said loudly.

"She's so seriously injured that she can't withstand the bumps. Leave it to me." Qin Yao came to the two of them, stretched out his right hand to the wound on Sun Meiyi's head, silently summoned a trace of faith power, and poured it into the other party's wound. …

With a flash of light, the wound that had been bleeding quickly healed, and in the blink of an eye not even a scab could be found.

 “Wake up.” Qin Yao retracted his palm and shouted in a deep voice.

Sun Meiyi's body trembled, she slowly opened her eyes, and subconsciously touched her head, but did not feel any pain.

Including Zhang Ling, everyone was shocked by this miracle, and the entire medical center fell into a deathly silence.

 “Auntie, are you okay?” Azhi asked quickly after a long time.

 “I feel...it’s okay.” Sun Meiyi said hesitantly.

A Che jumped up and rushed to Qin Yao, with excitement on his face: "Master, what kind of magic was that just now? I want to learn it!"

"You can't learn." Qin Yao shook his head.

A Che's face froze: "Can only disciples who have entered the house learn it?"

Qin Yao said: "No, there is no way to teach that thing. Only after you become a **** can you explore it yourself."

 Ah Che suddenly realized and felt a little lost...

Although he didn’t know the specific conditions required to become a god, he also knew that this was not something he could imagine.

 Even though he is a so-called born immortal! "Can any of you tell me what happened just now and how did I end up here?" At this time, the woman found an opportunity and asked everyone.

Qin Yao looked up at her and sighed: "I never thought you could kill Lan Zaixiong, but the result was beyond my expectation."

 The woman's expression changed slightly and she denied it: "What are you talking about? I didn't kill Brother Xiong."

Qin Yao waved his hand: "It's not important anymore, you can leave."

  A woman’s most fearful secret would be exposed, so how could she have the courage to stay here? She would immediately turn around and run out of the hospital, disappearing into the crowded streets.

"Master, thank you for your great kindness." After he left, Azhi knelt on the ground, his face full of gratitude.

Qin Yao stretched out his hand and pulled her up: "You don't have to practice it for me. Take your aunt home to rest. She is also very scared."

“Yes, Master.” Azhi hesitated for a moment, but finally agreed.

Qin Yao nodded slightly and turned to look at Chen Fusheng: "Originally, I calculated that you would be destined for disaster, and I also wanted to give you something to defend yourself. I didn't expect that the disaster would happen so suddenly, and even I was a step too late..."

Looking at Sun Meiyi who was intact, Chen Fushang breathed a long sigh of relief, shook his head and said: "It's not too late, this is just the right time, at least we are all safe. If this disaster breaks out after you leave, it won't be I know what the result will be.”

Qin Yao laughed dumbly: "There's nothing wrong with saying that... Ah Che, please accompany your uncle to clean up the hospital. It's time for us to get on the road."

“Master, where are you going?” Ah Che asked.

“The next stop is Jinling, and the end point is Fucheng.” Qin Yao waved his hand and said, “See you in the future.”

 “Goodbye…” The little zombie imitated Qin Yao and waved fiercely, with a smile on his face.

 That night.

 The mud crossing, the ax will be divided.

Han Chen respectfully welcomed the group into the hall. After asking everyone to take a seat, he reported: "Boss, I have already checked. There is currently no trace of Japanese influence in Lujiazui."

 “Are you sure it’s been checked out?”

 “Sure.” Han Chen said cautiously.

Qin Yao nodded: "In the next thirty years, keep an eye on this matter for me. If there is any problem, immediately send someone to the city to report it."

 “I understand, boss.”

 “There is one more thing.” Qin Yao said.

Han Chen's heart tightened: "Your orders..."

“Find me three ferry tickets from Magic City to Jinling. The sooner the better.” Qin Yao said leisurely.

Shortly after.

 On the ferry from Shanghai to Jinling.

 Qin Yao sat in the expensive box, flipped his hands and took out the white jade official seal, and called up the recent details:

 Save Shapi Gou, change his life, and gain 280 points of Yin De.

 Kill the false gods, save the poor ghosts, and gain 88 Yin Virtue points.

 Save Sun Meiyi, change her life, and gain 100 Yin Virtue points.

 Total: four hundred and sixty-eight points.

 The total balance of Yin De is: 6,000,200,113 points.

Looking through all the contents, focusing on the final balance of Yin De, Qin Yao took the official seal back into his body with a calm expression.

how to say…

Once upon a time, there was nothing like water in the Songhai Sea, but it was nothing but clouds except for Wushan.

After getting used to seeing the kind of gains that often cost thousands of yin virtues, it is hard to arouse his emotions anymore with the gains of dozens or hundreds...

Of course, he also knows that evil virtue is accumulated bit by bit, and it is impossible for every story to have a ghost organization that can reveal a lot of evil virtue.

If he dislikes the poor and loves the rich, and is picky, he will be the one who suffers in the end...

Only by moving forward with a normal heart and a down-to-earth attitude can we find a true road to the sky.


 Above the river.

A white shadow quickly crossed the river, ruffling the river water, and suddenly stopped behind the large ferry, suspended in the air, and looked at a certain position in the cabin.

 “There is something evil!” In the cabin, a short blade slipped out of Zhang Ling’s sleeve.

Qin Yao stretched out his hand to press her arm and said calmly: "Don't be nervous, look for me."

Zhang Ling was startled, suddenly remembered something, and his expression suddenly became stiff.


A gust of cold wind blew through the cabin, and the white figure wrapped in the cold wind easily passed through a wooden door and pounced on Qin Yao, who was sitting next to the coffee table.

"I'm hungry…"

Qin Yao reached out and put his hand on the other person's small face, stopping her from throwing herself into his arms: "Hold on, I won't eat for a while, and I won't starve you to death."

“You won’t die of hunger, but you will feel very uncomfortable.” The elf girl took two steps back and rubbed her flat belly.

 At this moment, Zhang Ling had the opportunity to see her face clearly.

It has to be said that even if she looked at the other person with the most critical eyes, she could not find any flaws in the other person's appearance and figure.

  ‘Is this the perfect woman in his fantasy? ’ Zhang Ling glanced at Qin Yao and thought secretly.

Qin Yao looked directly into the elf's eyes: "I think we need to make a contract to ensure the interests of both parties. After all, I can't raise you in vain."

 “What contract?” The elf girl instantly became nervous and concentrated.

 “I can support you, but you must fight for me.”

Qin Yao said: "Your strength looks pretty good."

 The elf girl's eyes widened, and she looked cute in confusion: "I am yours, shouldn't you be the one to protect me? Why should I protect you?"

Qin Yao: "Protection is mutual. When you are in trouble, I will help you."

 Elf Girl: “This is not a legitimate relationship between an elf and its host.”

Qin Yao's cheek twitched: "Who told you anything else?"

“I went to the forest and asked my fellow elves, and they all agreed that my role should be that of your wife, not your warrior.” The elf girl said.

"Don't listen to them, a group of goblins know this."

Qin Yao waved his hand and said: "I have been fighting since I debuted. As a wife, I cannot accompany me to fight in all directions, but a warrior can. Therefore, the most suitable role for you is that of a warrior. Get along with me day and night and fight side by side!"

 The elf girl looked suspiciously: "I feel like you are deceiving me..."

"How can you think so? I am your only relative in this world!" Qin Yao said seriously and sincerely.

  【The system has guessed the needs of the host and has thoughtfully prepared the Elf Contract for you. Click "Details" to view the relevant content. 】

 Chin Yao: “???”

 What the hell, you want to trick me into counting coins again!

 (End of this chapter)

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