I’m a Big Boss In Uncle Jiu’s World

Chapter 415: Lei Gong: Is there such a good thing?

Chapter 415 Lei Gong: Is there such a good thing?


 At the beginning of Zi Shi.

Mao Xiaofang led his two apprentices, Qin Yao and Athena to a Taoist temple.

While Xiao Hai stretched out his hand to push the door open, Qin Yao raised his head and glanced, only to see the name "Fuxi Hall" hanging on the Taoist plaque, without any trace of the Tiandao sect; a pair of couplets hung on both sides of the vermilion door, and on the right I have Qin Shu to increase my Tao Qi, and on the left is Qie Ren Zhi Shu to accompany me when I am free.

“Taoist Master Qin, please come inside.” After Xiaohai opened the door, Mao Xiaofang raised his hand and said.

“Taoist Master Mao is the senior, senior, please come first.” Qin Yao said politely.

Mao Xiaofang paused for a moment and took the lead in crossing the threshold: "Taoist Master Qin, please follow me."

Qin Yao followed Athena through the door, and then Ah Hai and Ah Chucai jumped in together and closed the door in a noisy manner.

“Ah Hai, go and make tea, make good tea; Ah Chu, clean up the two clean guest rooms and come out.” When he came to the front of the hall, Mao Xiaofang turned around and said.

"Yes, Master." The two apprentices seemed to have been pressed on the pause button for an instant, and they stood up straight in unison.

"Xiao Fang..." Suddenly, an old voice came from the main hall.

Mao Xiaofang's expression changed, and he didn't bother to greet Qin Yao and others anymore. He rushed into the main hall with a sprint, pushed open a dark yellow wooden door, bowed and said, "Master."

 In the room, on the bed.

The old man with white hair and a wrinkled face sat cross-legged in the middle of the bed, leaning his back against the wall. With the help of the huge firelight in the room, he looked at the disciple who was walking slowly: "What happened?"

"It's okay, Master." Mao Xiaofang stopped in front of the bed and whispered.

"Don't lie to me. If nothing happened, you wouldn't have come back at this point." Lei Zhenzi shook his head.

Mao Xiaofang was silent for a moment and said, "Master, it's getting late. You old man, please take a nap."

"I don't want to sleep anymore. I either eat or sleep every day. This kind of life is too oppressive." Lei Zhenzi said: "Xiao Fang, please give me a good time. Die as soon as possible and be liberated as soon as possible."

Mao Xiaofang's heart trembled and he said: "Master..."


Lei Zhenzi said: "As early as nine years ago, the end of my life as a teacher was approaching. In order to wait for that beast to change his mind and correct his evil ways, I just used half my life to extend my life for ten years. By March next year, it will be ten years. It's close. It’s been ten years and that beast hasn’t come back. I can’t stand it anymore and I don’t want to…”

Mao Xiaofang's eyes gradually turned red, and he said against his will: "Master, senior brother, he may have encountered some trouble..."

"Don't whitewash it for him. He is just selfish and doesn't have me as a father in his heart." Lei Zhenzi said with a sad face.

Mao Xiaofang took a breath and decided to change the topic to divert the old man's attention: "Master, someone from Maoshan is here..."

Lei Zhenzi was stunned for a moment and looked at Mao Xiaofang blankly.

"Master, if you don't want to see him, I will ask him to leave now." Compared with Lei Zhenzi, Mao Xiaofang still lacked a lot of relevant experience and insights, and could not understand the old man's mood at the moment.

 “Invite him in.” Lei Zhenzi exhaled a long breath as if he had just woken up from a dream.

Mao Xiaofang nodded, turned around and walked out of the back room, stepped into the lobby, and said apologetically: "I'm sorry, Director Qin, for being negligent."

Qin Yao waved his hand and asked: "Is Senior Lei okay?"

Mao Xiaofang didn't know how to reply to this, so he could only say: "Taoist Master Qin, master invites you to come in."

“Athena, please wait here for a moment.”

Qin Yao gave instructions in a low voice, and then silently followed Mao Xiaofang into the lobby.

 “Who is coming?” On the bed, Lei Zhenzi cheered up, straightened his back and raised his voice.

“The eighty-eighth-generation chief disciple of Maoshan, the current priest of the Punishment Department of Fengdu, Qin Yao, pays homage to the senior.”

Qin Yao took two steps forward and bowed.

 These words are not said casually, every word is filled with thought.

 The eighty-eighth generation is considered a junior. Even if he is given the title of chief, it is nothing in the spiritual world. Therefore, it must be followed by a weighty achievement.

Fengdu punishes evildoers as a priest. This status is a medal!

 However, even if this status is more valuable, at this moment, he cannot be placed in front of Maoshan, because he represents Maoshan, and the relationship of primary and secondary cannot be reversed.

Having said that, as a visitor, if you do not have enough status, the person being visited will not only not be happy, but will feel slighted.

This is like a little four-nine in the general helm who goes to visit the helmsman of the sub-rudder in the name of the chief helm. He is a cheap man, but he is willing to meet you?

Sure enough, when Qin Yao revealed the identity of the priest of Feng Mansion, Lei Zhenzi's eyes gradually brightened: "There is actually someone in Maoshan who has been admitted to the Department of Punishing Evil!!"

Qin Yao said seriously: "After me, there will definitely be others."

Lei Zhenzi smiled slightly and said noncommittally: "Little brother, does he have any position in the Department of Punishing Evil?"

Qin Yao hesitated for a moment and said: "I am lazy in government affairs and miss the earthly world. I can be regarded as a ferryman for the souls of evil officials in the earthly world."

Lei Zhenzi: “???”

This statement sounds reasonable, but a little translation is shocking.

What the **** are you doing, just getting paid and not working? If you want to be in the Yang world, you can be in the Yang world, if you want to be in the underworld, you can be in the underworld?

 Are you a civil servant?

 Is there such a civil servant? !

Your family runs the Department of Punishing Evil, and I treat you like an ancestor!

“Little brother, are you kidding me?” After a moment of silence, Lei Zhenzi asked with a strange expression.

Qin Yao shook his head and said: "The situation is a bit complicated..."

 “I want to hear how complicated it is.” Lei Zhenzi said with curiosity.

In fact, he didn’t think that the young man opposite would lie to him, unless the other person was not from Maoshan, or Maoshan didn’t care about the Tiandao sect at all...

Qin Yao pursed his lips and said calmly: "To simplify a complicated matter, I have a partner. His name is Zhong Li, and his identity is Zhong Kui's biological sister. According to the relationship, I have to call Zhong Kui uncle."

Lei Zhenzi: “…”

 Mao Xiaofang: “…”


  It's a bit ungrateful to have martial ethics.

 “It turns out that the Evil Punishment Department is really run by your family.” Lei Zhenzi said quietly.

Qin Yao shook his head: "The Department of Punishing Evil is opened by the Yin Department of Fengdu."

 “Is there any difference?” Lei Zhenzi asked.

 Chin Yao: “…”

I suddenly remembered a joke: The car belongs to the company, and the company belongs to me, but you can’t say the car is mine...

"Daozhang Qin, you came just in time." At this time, Lei Zhenzi suddenly had a flash of inspiration in his mind and said excitedly: "Aren't you the soul ferryman? You can ferry me..."

 Chin Yao: “???”

 What the **** is this?

Looking at the confused look on his face, Lei Zhenzi took the initiative to explain: "I don't want to live with this broken body anymore, but I don't have the ability to commit suicide.

If Xiao Fang kills me, I will be relaxed, but he may be in a lot of trouble, so you came just in time, this is fate. "

 Chin Yao: “…”


  What kind of miraculous unfolding is this?

I came here to win over Mao Xiaofang, but he asked me to kill his master? !

Seeing that he was stunned and silent, Lei Zhenzi glanced at Mao Xiaofang and suddenly understood: "Xiaofang, death is not the end. There is still a soul after the body is gone. Master doesn't want to linger anymore, do you understand?"

 “Old senior, please wait first.”

Qin Yao didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and said hurriedly: "Before we talk about this matter, can we talk about my purpose of coming? Don't get me wrong, I'm not blackmailing you, I just want to make it clear while everyone is here."

Lei Zhenzi pondered for a moment and said: "After my death, the positions of head of Tiandao Sect and Fuxi Hall will be passed on to Xiao Fang. As far as the future is concerned, I no longer have the qualifications to make the decision. Whether Tiandao Sect and Fuxi Hall should be together Worshiping the mountain gate of Maoshan depends on Xiaofang’s wishes.”

Seeing the two of them looking at him together, Mao Xiaofang was silent for a long time and said slowly: "Master Qin, this matter is of great importance. Can you allow me to think about it?"


Qin Yao smiled, and in order to prevent the two masters and apprentices from having any grudges, he immediately said: "In the future, I will just communicate with Taoist Master Mao directly about the matter of paying homage to the mountain gate. As for now, let's talk about it later. Let’s talk about soul ferrying…”

Looking at his frank look, Mao Xiaofang was sincerely convinced, bowed and said: "Taoist Master Qin, I leave the ferry to you."

Qin Yao held his arm with both hands, helped him up, and said with a smile: "We are a family, so there is no need to be so open to outsiders. By the way, after Senior Lei passes away, are you going to be reincarnated, or stay in the underworld?"

Lei Zhenzi heard the deeper meaning of his words, and a hint of excitement appeared on his face: "Little brother Qin, is it convenient to stay in the underworld?"

If possible, who would want to have their memory of this life erased and become another person?

Qin Yao chuckled and said: "Convenient, convenient... My uncle is a bit more old-fashioned. It is difficult to arrange the position of the Evil Punishment Department, but my eldest brother can do it. As long as you accumulate enough karma, the position of a night wandering **** will definitely be no problem."

 Happiness came so suddenly, Lei Zhenzi's mind went blank for a moment.

Mao Xiaofang's face looked a little strange.

 Where did you get so many high-level connections in the underworld?

 Is this reasonable? !

"Taoist Qin, who is your eldest brother..." Lei Zhenzi asked softly after a long time.

As an old-timer, he even used the word "you", which shows the exciting mood at this moment.

"Zhang Deyang, currently the head of the Judgment Department." Qin Yao noticed the change in his title to himself, and suddenly understood why the old boss said that this job must be his.

Looking at the entire Maoshan, in terms of relationships in the underworld, Wai Mao cannot find a few people with stronger relationships than him, and speaking of Wai Mao alone, there is no one.

 The old boss is mature and sophisticated, and his abacus is absolutely clear.

“Hello, Judgment Division, Judgment Division…” Mr. Lei almost died on the spot, clapping his hands and saying.

 Mao Xiaofang: “…”

  This was the first time in recent years that he saw his master so happy, and the reason for his happiness was so... special.

 So much so that his current mood is quite complicated.

“Little brother Qin, let’s go then…”

He was in a complicated mood, but Mr. Lei was not in a complicated mood, he urged with a smile. Qin Yao thought for a while and said: "Senior, we are all our own people, so wherever we can be accommodating and provide convenience, we can completely achieve perfection... Do you want to attend your own funeral before leaving?"

 Hearing this, Mao Xiaofang's expression suddenly became more exciting...

Lei Zhenzi thought about it seriously and finally shook his head: "Forget it, it always feels weird to see a group of people kneeling and crying over me. If I attend the funeral in person, Xiaofang and the others will probably feel it too. strange."

 Mao Xiaofang: “…”

 He imagined the scene for a moment, and his cheeks suddenly twitched.

The old man is about to take office happily. In most sects, this requires a wedding banquet... Should he cry or laugh then?

According to reality, you should laugh, but the master who was as close as father and son died, and you laughed loudly in the mourning hall. This scene is simply too strange!

"Okay." Qin Yao smiled and said, "It will be whatever your old man says, then let's get on the road."

 “Let’s hit the road!” Mr. Lei said happily.

Qin Yao took two steps forward again, raised his palm and put it on the old man's forehead, used his kung fu to **** out his soul, and gently placed it in front of the bed.

“I feel lighter after taking off the cage!” After the soul body left the body, the old man moved his hands and feet and said with emotion.

Qin Yao smiled slightly, turned to Mao Xiaofang and said, "Taoist Master Mao, let's go first."

Looking at the old man with a smile on his face, Mao Xiaofang's nose suddenly felt sore, his knees softened, he knelt down and kowtowed three times: "Teacher, have a good journey..."

Qin Yao came to the door and opened the wooden door. The two eavesdropping figures clinging to the door could not stand and suddenly fell into the door. The screams washed away the sad emotions that Mao Xiaofang had finally brewed up. , the sentimentality between his brows and eyes instantly solidified.

 This is so emotionally hurtful! !

 “Ah Hai, Ah Chu!” Mao Xiaofang frowned, gritted his teeth, and shouted word by word.

 It’s over.

The two disciples shuddered in unison, as if a basin of cold water had been poured over their heads.

"Don't hit the child." Lei Zhenzi said symbolically, and then smiled and said to Qin Yao: "Little brother Qin, let's go quickly."

Qin Yao looked at the Haichu brothers with pity, turned around and took the old man into the night...

“Master, Master won’t let you hit us.”

After the two left, Ah Chu said quickly as he saw his master walking towards him with a gloomy expression.

Mao Xiaofang smiled slightly and said, "If I don't beat you, how could I beat you? Go outside and walk, and you can rest until the sun comes out."

The expressions on the two men's faces changed drastically. Ah Hai rushed to say, "Master, we were wrong. You should give us a good beating."

Mao Xiaofang's face suddenly changed and he shouted: "Your master told me not to hit you, but you asked me to hit you. Why, what you said is more effective than my master?"

 Ahai: “…”

Shortly after.

The two miserable brothers stood side by side in front of the main hall, raising their arms, spreading their legs, lowering their waists, and making standard horse steps with bitter expressions on their faces.

“Brother, why do you think Master doesn’t agree to worship Maoshan?”

To distract his attention, Ah Chu found something to say: "No matter what I think, I feel that this is a sure-fire deal!"

 “You started late and don’t know many things.”

Xiao Hai sighed: "In terms of profit, it is indeed a sure profit to rely on Maoshan, but this kind of thing cannot be considered only in terms of profit. There is also the personal feelings of our master and master.

What's more, the master is not a person who values ​​​​interests very much. He will definitely not be able to be driven by interests alone. In short, it’s very complicated. Please don’t talk nonsense in front of Master, so as not to implicate me again..."

Ah Chu nodded silently and said: "I understand, but I really hope that Master can go to worship the mountain. Not to mention relying on Maoshan, let's just say that relying on Taoist Qin, wouldn't it be possible to live a cool life? Being appointed an official after death? This kind of thing would have been unthinkable before. "

 In the main hall.

Mao Xiaofang, who was sitting on the pear chair with a tea cup in his hand, couldn't help but sigh when his disciples said this.

After surviving the toughest and most difficult days, Fuxi Hall is almost self-reliant, but Maoshan sent people to support the Tiandao Sect?

Why didn’t you come when we were living in hardship? Why didn’t you come when we were struggling?

As the main branch of Maoshan, do you have to ask the branches to go to the mountain gate before you are willing to help?

Of course, they also have their own backbone. Even in the most difficult times, they never went to Maoshan to say a word.

 But if we don’t tell you, do you think you don’t know?

 In other words, I really don’t know, that’s even more chilling!

 After all, the full name of Tiandao Sect is Maoshan Tiandao Sect, not Longhushan Tiandao Sect...

If Taoist Master Qin hadn't given Master a bright and bright future, he originally planned to take him to visit Master and then ask him to leave.

 The result now... I can only say let’s wait and see.

 What matters is not how much benefit Maoshan can gain, but how to repair this damaged relationship and how to untie his knot!

 The next day.


 Ascension platform.

With a flash of white light, Qin Yao's burly body suddenly appeared in the center of the formation.

 “Thank you very much, uncle.”

After his eyes adapted to the light in the world, Qin Yao cupped his hands towards the beauty in white who seemed to be alone in the world.

Qiu Yunshui shook her head slightly, opened her thin lips lightly, and her voice was still a bit cold and ethereal: "No need."

After being in contact with her so many times, Qin Yao has already adapted to her temperament and said with a smile: "Then I'll leave first..."

"Hold on."

Qiu Yunshui opened his palm, a light flashed in his palm, and a yellowed bamboo slip appeared out of thin air. He held it up with spiritual energy and sent it to Qin Yao: "You have entered and exited the world of Yin and Yang too frequently, and the time will never run out. Fixed, it feels like I am here to work for you. This feeling is too strange. This volume is a spell to control the yin and yang formation. Please study it carefully. If you want to travel through time in the future, you can do it yourself. "

 Chin Yao: “…”

 Sure enough, as long as the relationship is in place, nothing is impossible!

Regardless of what Qiu Yunshui said was that she found it troublesome, in fact, let alone the Outer Mao disciples, even the Inner Mao ancestors had no right to interfere with the Ascension Platform, and it was even more difficult to obtain the spells of the Yin and Yang Realm. nothing.

 But for Qin Yao, this almost iron-clad power barrier was completely useless. Who makes Qiu Yunshui's master be Lao Zhang, and Lao Zhang is Qin Yao's eldest brother?

 In the world of Maoshan, he and Qiu Yunshui are the most staunch allies!

  Not much.

 Qin Yao calmly accepted the bamboo slips, bid farewell to Patriarch Qiu, turned around and flew to the outside of Yuanfu Palace, saying loudly: "Qin Yao wants to see the master."

"Come in." The old master's voice came from the hall.

 Qin Yao climbed up the steps, entered the hall, and came to the old head step by step.

“Has Old Ancestor Zhang accepted Lei Zhenzi?” the old leader asked.

"I accepted it, but asked him to change his name." Qin Yao said with a smile: "It doesn't matter if he is in the world of the sun, but in the underworld, he cannot bear this name."

 “What was changed?” the old leader asked curiously.

  “It hasn’t changed much. One character has been removed, and it will be called Lei Zhen from now on.”

  The old head nodded and said: "Old Ancestor Zhang has considered it carefully... By the way, what did Mao Xiaofang say?"

Qin Yao pursed his lips and said hesitantly: "The gap is not shallow! Master, I don't quite understand, why didn't you contact them earlier?

Had someone been sent to contact them and provide support before the establishment of Fuxi Hall, the matter of worshiping the mountain would certainly not be as difficult as it is now. "

The old leader sighed: "You don't know something. When the Tiandao Sect was first established, Maoshan and Longhushan signed an agreement. Unless the Tiandao Sect takes the initiative to ask for help, the two sects are not allowed to interfere in the internal affairs of the Tiandao Sect for any reason or in any form. Government affairs, to avoid branches becoming vassals, or even a tool.

But we don’t know what the modern leader of the Tiandao Sect thought. No matter how hard it was, he persevered without saying a word to Maoshan.

If it weren’t for the fact that the Taoist Sect was about to die out and be renamed Fuxi Hall, I would not risk violating the agreement and let you handle this matter. "

Qin Yao breathed out softly and said: "Perhaps a certain head of the Tiandao Sect did not tell the next head of the agreement due to some accident. I think Mao Xiaofang most likely does not know about the agreement."

The old boss nodded silently: "You should find a chance to explain it to Mao Xiaofang. I hope it can resolve his knot."

 Chin Yao: "Yes, the leader..."

 Two days later.

Gantian Town.

As soon as Qin Yao and Athena stepped into Fuxi Hall, they saw Mao Xiaofang, who was dressed in a long gown, fighting one against two with his bare hands in the courtyard. He easily beat the two apprentices to the point where they were dizzy and couldn't find the north.

 “Ah, Taoist Master Qin!”

The two apprentices, who had been tortured to death, caught a glimpse of Qin Yao's figure and immediately seemed to see a savior. They received a punch and a kick from their master respectively, and used their strength to escape to Qin Yao's side.

 “Crack, snap, snap.”

Qin Yao nodded slightly, applauded and praised: "Master Mao, what a skill!"

Mao Xiaofang slowly finished his work and said frankly: "I'm okay, it's mainly because the two of them are so bad."

Little sea:"…"

 Ah Chu: “…”

 Alas, that is to say, if others praise you, why are you belittling us?

 Not everyone can have your martial arts talent!

“They are still young and have unlimited possibilities in the future.” Qin Yao smiled and expressed respect for the two of them.

“You were like this when you were young, and you will be even more useless when you are old and weak in the future.” Mao Xiaofang sighed.

“Ahem.” Ah Chu’s heart was so painful that he coughed quickly and changed the subject: “Dao Zhang Qin, is there no problem with my master’s appointment in the underworld?”

"There is no problem in taking office, but his moral character is not enough and he needs to accumulate more moral character." Qin Yao said with a smile.

Mao Xiaofang straightened his expression, straightened his clothes, and bowed deeply to Qin Yao with great solemnity: "Thank you, Taoist Master Qin!"

 “Thank you, Taoist Master Qin!”

 The two disciples, Xiao Hai and Ah Chu, all did the same and bowed deeply.

Qin Yao held Mao Xiaofang's arms and smiled gently: "We have said that we are a family, so don't be so open to others."

Xiao Hai and Ah Chu then stood up straight and looked at Daoist Qin with a friendly smile. For a moment, they couldn't help but feel heartbroken by his magnanimity...

 (End of this chapter)

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