I’m a Big Boss In Uncle Jiu’s World

Chapter 416: Dabitou specializes in treating two hundred and fifty

Chapter 416 Dabitou specializes in treating two hundred and five

“Xiao Hai, Ah Chu, take Taoist Master Qin and this girl to the room first. If there is anything needed, you two will take them shopping.”

Looking at the admiration on the faces of the two apprentices, Mao Xiaofang shook his head and gave instructions softly.

 These two fools are so different from each other in every aspect, it is not surprising that there is a one-sided personality cult.

“Master Qin, and this unknown girl, your rooms have been tidied up, please come with us.” Ah Chu said with a smile.

"Her name is Athena. You can call her Xiaoya or Nana." Qin Yao said, turning to look at Athena: "We are all our own people here. You can take off the hat when you come back."

"Oh." Athena nodded, and with a thought, the bamboo hat on her head suddenly turned into light and disappeared.

  Under the impact of her stunning appearance that was different from the Chinese, Xiao Hai and Ah Chu were stunned.

Even... even the well-informed Mao Xiaofang was lost for a moment, and finally understood why she had been wearing a hat.

 A face of this level can be said to be so beautiful that it shines.

Meeting someone with evil intentions will cause trouble in an instant.


After a while, after regaining consciousness, Mao Xiaofang coughed dryly, raised his hand and patted the two disciples on the head, and shouted softly: "Why are you so stunned? Why don't you hurry up and take the two guests to the guest room."


 The two apprentices rubbed their heads and inhaled in exactly the same way, grinning.

I don’t know if it’s because of a guilty conscience or fear, but no one said a word to contradict me!

 “Ahai, Achu.”

In a blink of an eye, after looking at the two adjacent guest rooms, Qin Yao called out to the two people who were depressed.

“Are you missing something, Mr. Qin? If you don’t want to go to the street, I’ll buy it for you.”

Xiaohai responded immediately.

Qin Yao shook his head, took out two red envelopes from his hands, and handed them to the two of them with his left and right hands: "This is a little meeting gift. I should have given it to you the last time we met, but I was so anxious to send your master to **** that I forgot about it in the blink of an eye. ”

He didn't even mention asking the two people to help persuade Mao Xiaofang.

 Because he knows one thing very well: he is soft-spoken and short-handed. When these two people are corrupted by his sugar-coated bullets, their stance on the issue will naturally shift towards him.

 So far, Mao Xiaofang’s Fuxi Hall has only these two disciples, and their attitudes will inevitably affect Mao Xiaofang’s decision to some extent.

 And this influence is what Qin Yao wants!

"No, no, the so-called reciprocity, we haven't done anything for you, and we have nothing to give you. We can't accept this meeting gift." Xiaohai's face changed slightly, he raised his hands to hold Qin Yao's arm, and said sincerely.

Qin Yao's eyes flashed and he said: "Why not? Aren't you the ones who tidied this room?

From now on, we will live under the same roof, and we will inevitably trouble you two. If you don’t even accept this little greeting gift, we will be embarrassed to open our mouths to you if necessary in the future.

Accept it, it’s just a small gift, just a little thought..."

Xiao Hai glanced at the red envelope, it looked indeed quite thin.

A Chu was young and energetic, with a rather impatient personality. After hearing this, he stretched out his hand to take the red envelope and said with a smile, "Thank you, Mr. Qin. You and Xiaoya can come to us at any time if you have anything to do in the future."

Xiao Hai glanced at Ah Chu and knew that he was probably a drunkard who didn't care about drinking. He just didn't know whether he was interested in Daozhang Qin's power or Xiaoya's beauty...

 “Ah Hai.” Qin Yao raised his right hand and handed the red envelope forward.

Xiaohai took the red envelope anxiously and stuffed it into his arms quickly, as if the red paper was hot to the touch and his heart was beating wildly: "Thank you, Mr. Qin... It's getting late, so we won't disturb your rest."

Qin Yao stood in front of the second guest room, waving his hand and saying, "You go ahead and see you tomorrow."

The two of them said goodbye and left the guest room side by side. As soon as they walked past a rockery, they were in perfect order. It could even be said that they couldn't wait to take out the red envelope and tear it open casually.


 After pulling out the banknotes inside, the two brothers took a deep breath together, their hearts and even their whole bodies trembling...

 “Silver…two hundred silver dollars?!”

After a long time, Ah Chu said with a trembling voice: "Brother, why are there so many?"

Had he known it was so much money, he would not have dared to reach out.

But the problem is, he has never seen it, no, I should say he has never heard of it. It is just a red envelope of 200 silver dollars as a greeting gift!

"How do I know?" Xiao Hai twitched his cheek: "This is the first time I have touched a bank note with such a large face value."

Ah Chu was a little panicked: "How about we send the banknote back?"

Xiaohai was speechless: "Are you dizzy? If you collect everything and then send it back, won't you lose all your face?"

Forget it, forget it, collect the money first, don’t spend it in a hurry.

If Taoist Master Qin asks us to do something embarrassing because of this, we can just take the opportunity to return the banknote. "

Ah Chu nodded. After calming down his mind, his IQ regained the high ground and whispered: "You must never tell Master about this matter."

"Don't worry, I'm not stupid." Xiao Hai said, feeling a little heavy.

Handholding this banknote, I always feel like I am standing in a whirlpool, not knowing where I will be taken by the whirlpool in the end...

 The next morning.

Qin Yao faced the rising sun and stepped out of the room. Under the bright sunshine, he saw a figure wearing a long gown walking on the Bagua steps. His hands were making a series of palms, and streams of air surged out with his palm movements, carrying and wrapping them up. The dust and fallen leaves on the ground would form a clear Bagua pattern in front of him from time to time.


  After finishing a whole set of punches, Mao Xiaofang pushed the dust and fallen leaves that turned into a ball into a pocket, took a long breath, raised his eyes and said, "Mr. Qin, let's spar?"

Qin Yao waved his hand and said with a smile: "I haven't practiced any serious moves. My kung fu is all about killing skills, so it's not suitable for competition."

The surprise on Mao Xiaofang's face flashed across his face, and he smiled and said: "I must see it if I have the opportunity in the future..."

 “Mao Daochang.”

Qin Yao's face suddenly became serious, and he said in a deep voice: "Can I ask you a question?"

 “What’s the problem?” Mao Xiaofang became serious.

“Do you know that Maoshan and Longhushan have an agreement regarding the Tiandao Sect?”

Mao Xiaofang was stunned: "What agreement?"

 “It seems you don’t know…”

Qin Yao said: "Actually, I have always had a question in my mind, why Maoshan was not willing to send people to help until the Tiandao sect was about to disappear. After sending Senior Lei back from Huangquan, I asked the current head of Maoshan about this matter. The leader just told me about the existence of this agreement."

Mao Xiaofang’s expression changed slightly and he said, “What is the content of the agreement?”

“Unless the Tiandao Sect is on the verge of life and death, in order to prevent the Tiandao Sect from becoming a tool and vassal of the Maoshan Main Line, the Maoshan Main Line shall not interfere in the internal government affairs of the Tiandao Sect in any form.”

Qin Yao said: "Of course, we have the same origin. As long as the Tiandao Sect takes the initiative to seek help from Maoshan, Maoshan will do its best to help.

 But I heard from the old leader that no one from the Tiandao Sect has visited Maoshan Mountain so far. It seems that they have forgotten that the full name of the Tiandao Sect is Maoshan Tiandao Sect. "

 Mao Xiaofang: “…”

Isn’t this what he was confused about before?

 So the root cause is here?

“I will verify this matter slowly.”

 After a long time, Mao Xiaofang said softly. Qin Yao: "What if the verification is successful?"

Mao Xiaofang shook his head: "I can't give you any guarantee now, because I can't be sure how I will feel at that time..."

“Master, Taoist Master Qin, it’s time to eat.” At this time, Xiao Hai walked over from the direction of the main hall and said loudly.

Mao Xiaofang quickly regained his composure and said softly: "Master Qin, call Xiaoya, let's have a meal together."

  Half an hour later.

 In the main hall.

 At the round table.

Everyone had a simple breakfast. Mao Xiaofang took a sip of tea and said, "Ah Hai, Ah Chu, the old man who sells snakes has been in trouble recently, and the snake medicine in Fuxi Hall cannot be stopped. You two will go to the mountain to catch some snakes later." Click the snake and come back.”

“Yes, Master.” The two disciples agreed obediently.

Mao Xiaofang nodded slightly, stood up and looked at Qin Yao: "It's time for me to go practice, Taoist Qin, please help yourself later."

 “Okay, you go about your business.” Qin Yao said with a smile.

Soon, after watching Mao Xiaofang striding out of the main hall, Qin Yao turned to look at Xiao Hai and Ah Chu, and asked curiously: "Is your master's life so boring? When he has nothing to do, he only eats and sleeps and practices."

Ah Chu sighed: "Yes! Otherwise, Master wouldn't be so strong..."

Qin Yao pursed his lips, understanding a little more about Mao Xiaofang in reality.

  Temperament is not something that can be expressed simply through words, but is expressed through actions and even different choices.

 Compared with Uncle Jiu, Mao Xiaofang is a little more serious and principled. He can be said to be upright and clear about right and wrong.

 A little less sinister, a little less arrogant, maybe... a little less cute?

“Mr. Qin, Ah Chu and I are going to the mountains to catch snakes. Do you want to go to the mountains to have a look together?”

Not long after, Xiaohai held an apron in his hand, wiped the water stains on his hands and even arms, and walked into the main room from the yard.

Qin Yao pondered for a moment and said with a smile: "It's also free to be idle. I might as well go with you to see the scenery on the mountain."

He knew that he would most likely meet the heroine Lei Xiu on this snake-catching trip, and Lei Xiu's father was the villain Lei Gang in "Zombie Taoist 2" and the one who continued Lei Zhenzi's life for ten years. The unfilial son who didn't even wait...

 For him now, Lei Gang is the best tool for brushing Mao Xiaofang's favorability.

If it weren't for Lei Gang, he wouldn't be able to greet a little old man, right?


“Lei Gang, Lei Gang, I’m waiting for you now...”

 He said silently in his heart.

 Half noon.

 The sun is brilliant.

 In the green mountains behind Gantian Town.

Ah Chu pinched the seven inches of a flower snake and slowly put it into the sealed bamboo cage in Xiao Hai's hand.

Qin Yao and Athena stood side by side behind them. The wind from the mountains blew the girl's long hair, and the tips of her hair touched the young man's cheek, carrying a faint fragrance.

 “Stop, let those snakes go!”

Suddenly, a girl with a white cloth tied on her head, a gray sleeveless gown, and a wristband wrapped around her arms flew over and shouted loudly.

Ah Chu quickly pushed the snake's tail into the bamboo cage and turned to look at the visitor: "Miss, who are you?!"

The girl stared at Xiaohai, without even looking at Ah Chu, and said solemnly: "I say it again, let go of those snakes!"

Ah Chu frowned and said, "These snakes are wild and not raised by you. Why do you ask us to do anything?"

Seeing that Xiao Hai still made no move, the girl suddenly flew up and rushed towards him at top speed.

“What, you want to rob her?” Ah Chu stepped in front of her, raised his arms, and shouted loudly.


The girl pushed him on both arms, and the seemingly petite and frail woman actually pushed him to the ground and reached out to grab the bamboo cage.

Xiaohai put the bamboo cage behind him with one hand and pushed the woman with one hand. However, the other party grabbed her wrist and threw her to the ground with a crisp over-the-shoulder throw. The bamboo cage she was protecting behind him also fell to the ground. Then get out.

Qin Yao raised his foot and gently stepped on the bamboo cage rolled in front of him, and looked at the woman with a sinking face: "Girl, I know you want to save these snakes, but as a human being, your kindness towards snakes cannot be based on Regarding the loss of other people’s interests, do you understand what I mean?”

In his previous life, there were many people like this who didn't know whether they were true, good or hypocritical. However, if it had nothing to do with their own interests, they would call others cruel when they saw others eating meat and accuse the meat eaters of being callous and heartless!

 “Give me the bamboo cage!”

 The girl didn't want to argue with him at all, so she stretched out her hands and said seriously.

Qin Yao smiled and waved: "Since you don't want to be reasonable and want to use force, then come and get it yourself."

The girl frowned, kicked her toes on the ground, rushed forward suddenly, and pushed Qin Yao's chest hard with her push hand.


Qin Yao didn't care whether she was a heroine or not. He raised his hand and slapped her **** the head. The tyrannical force knocked the petite girl off her feet. She flew up like a sandbag and fell to the side. .

If the first story he experienced was "Zombie Taoist Master 2", then he might still care about Lei Xiu's identity as the heroine, and even cherish her, and maybe start a relationship.

But after experiencing dozens of stories one by one, I have seen a lot of ugly, good-looking, beautiful, and otherworldly heroines. Why would I still care about this level of identity?

 I really care. Even if I don’t do anything like licking a dog, it still looks like I’m licking a dog.


On the ground, Lei Xiu, who was beaten to the ground, was stunned for a long time. He finally gathered some energy, quickly formed seals with his hands, and shouted loudly.


As soon as she finished speaking, a bright white light suddenly emerged from her petite body. The white light gradually solidified like a psychic medium, and in the blink of an eye it turned into a big white snake, surrounding the girl in circles.

 Qin Yao was slightly startled.

 This is so out of line!

Isn’t Xiaobai in the original work a snake demon?

 The person in front of him is clearly a snake fairy!

Even though there is only one word difference between demon and fairy, they represent completely different meanings.

 “Well, my benefactor??!”

While he was dazed, the snake fairy who raised his head also saw his appearance clearly and was stunned.

 “Are you...Xiaobai?!” Qin Yao blinked, his face full of surprise.

Lei Xiu: “???”

 It feels like the situation is not good...

 (End of this chapter)

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