Chapter 459 Soul Station

 “Thank you, young hero, for your help.”

Under the silvery moon, in the courtyard, the master was the first to come to his senses and bowed down.

Qin Yao put the Zhong Kui picture into the space bag and said with a smile: "It takes a little effort, but it's not worth mentioning."

Master lowered his arms and straightened his waist: "It may be insignificant to you, but to me, this is a real life-saving kindness. I haven't asked you, sir?"

 “Maoshan, Qin Yao.”

“It turns out to be Priest Qin…”

The master moved in his heart and said: "Although our strength is low, we can still run errands, deliver things and so on. If the priest has any instructions in the future, please send someone to Daoxin Hall to say, I am willing to follow the example of dogs and horses." labor."

The four of them, Feng Lei Yu Dian, looked at each other in confusion, unable to understand why the master was so...humble.

Qin Yao smiled and said, "Master Ji's words are serious. I have something to do, so I'll take the first step.

Oh, by the way, in this murder case, there was another woman named Tang Shanshan who slipped through the net. This woman pretended to marry into the Jiang family, first killed Young Master Jiang, and then Master Jiang, directly eliminating the Jiang family's heirs.

This woman should be hiding in the village. I'm not interested in finding her out and dealing with her, so I'll leave it to you, Master Ji. "

Master Ji nodded and said, "Don't worry, I will punish the evildoers and eliminate the evildoers, and I will never let any bad person go."

Lei pursed his lips and was about to speak when Feng stepped on the opponent's instep with quick eyes and quick feet.

Qin Yao saw the small movements of the two of them, but said nothing. He waved his hands and stood up in the air: "Master Ji, and the four junior brothers, let's meet again by chance."

Master Ji waved and said, "See you soon."

Not long after, after watching Qin Yao leave, Lei quickly said: "Master, Senior Brother Qin may have some misunderstandings about Tang Shanshan."

 “Is there any misunderstanding?” Master Ji suppressed his smile and looked at the two apprentices expressionlessly.

"Tang Shanshan killed Master Jiang because Master Jiang wanted to annihilate her; she killed Master Jiang because Master Jiang wanted to kill her. From the beginning to the end, she was doing it to protect herself," Lei said.

“Then how do you explain her marriage into the Jiang family?” Master Ji asked.

Lei: "His brother must have forced her to do this. Her brother is not a good person at first glance."

Master Ji: "Who gave you the affirmation?"


“Go and bring her back to me.” Master Ji shook his head and ordered.

"If she was really forced by her brother, what would you do with her?" Lei asked in a low voice.

Master Ji: "Then let her be a widow for the Jiang family. After all, even if she was forced, she is not innocent."


 Those who were forced would end up like this. If they were not forced...he would not dare to think about it.

 A few hours later.

 The morning light breaks through the night, and the sky gradually becomes brighter.

Master Ji and his three apprentices burned all the corpses in the mansion, put the ashes into different urns, and finally placed the urns under the ancestral tablets in the lobby.

"Why hasn't Lei come back yet? Feng, you took the junior brothers to the village to look for it." After walking out of the main room, Master Ji looked up at the bright sunshine and frowned.

 “Yes, Master.”

 Feng handed over his hands and obeyed the order, taking Yu and Dian away in a hurry.

The journey lasted for several more hours, and it was not until midnight that the three of them slowly returned to the Jiang family compound.

 “Where is Lei?” Master Ji asked.

  Feng: “We searched the entire Da Fangbo Village and couldn’t find any trace of Lei.”

Master Ji didn't seem surprised by the result, and said calmly: "You haven't found any trace of Tang Shanshan, right?"

 Wind: “No…”

 “Still young!”

Master Ji sighed: "When I was young, I would always do stupid things in the name of love without hesitation. If I don't get it in the end, I will regret it for the rest of my life; if I get it, love will be wasted in trivial life. Why bother?"

 Feng licked his dry lips and said, "Are we going to capture them two?"

Master Ji shook his head: "No need. Since he wants to suffer, let him go. Why should we just be evil people? I just hope that he will not regret today's choice in the future."


 He felt that Lei must be obsessed with ghosts.

It is not good to fall in love with any woman, but fall in love with a poisonous woman, and love her without hesitation.

You know, people can even kill their husband-in-law and father-in-law, let alone a lover?


 Punishment of evildoers.

 Qin Yao held the picture of Zhong Kui in his hand, strode to the front of the main hall, raised his hands and said: "Qin Yao, the night wandering god, asks to see Master Zhong Kui."

 In the main hall, on the high platform, Zhong Kui sat upright and said calmly: "Come in."

Qin Yao stepped in, dragged Zhong Kuitu to the judgment table, and said with a smile: "Sir, I brought the zombie."

Zhong Kui stretched out his hand to take the scroll, and with a slight shake, he shook out the masked Millennium Zombie King, and ordered: "Come here."

"grown ups!"

Two ghost messengers wearing servant robes and holding embroidered spring knives appeared out of thin air and bowed in worship.

"Take the zombie king and the masked ghost into custody temporarily, let the judge collect evidence of their crimes, and pronounce the sentence on another day." Zhong Kui ordered. "Yes." The two officers held the Zombie King's left and right arms respectively and pressed him out of the hall.

"Sir, this picture..." After watching them leave, Qin Yao smiled and pointed at the Zhong Kui picture.

"The divinity in the picture has been exhausted. Leave it here for now. If you encounter any trouble that cannot be solved in the future, just go back to the Punishment Department to get the picture." Zhong Kui put the scroll on the table and smiled. road.

Qin Yao nodded without changing his expression, but he thought about it in his mind: The divinity in the picture has been exhausted. Wouldn't it be over if it were replenished? Zhong Kui, is it difficult to give a few strands of divinity to it?

 It seems that his elder had a psychological attack and was worried that I would become dependent on this shortcut.

After all, in the eyes of the "elders", the edge of a sword comes from sharpening, and the fragrance of plum blossoms comes from the bitter cold. Only the road that is down-to-earth is the most practical...

"How much virtue have you accumulated?"

 At this time, Zhong Kui suddenly asked.

Qin Yao: "After settling the Millennium Zombies and Ghost Face Masks, we should be able to get around 15,000."

“It’s only fifteen thousand, it’s a big difference.” Zhong Kui murmured.

 Qin Yao was shocked.

 What does this mean, uncle?

 Where is the difference of fifteen thousand?

Before he could ask, Zhong Kui added: "It's like this. Some time ago, an official proposed to the emperor the idea of ​​establishing a soul station in the mortal world to ferry souls.

Although I don't care much about you, as a priest of the Yin Division, you walk in the Yang world all day long, and you are ultimately inconsistent with the law. It doesn't seem to matter now, but you may be in trouble in the future.

If you can obtain the right to operate the Soul Station and obtain the status of a ferryman, you can fundamentally solve this hidden danger. "

"Soul station, soul ferry..." Qin Yao muttered, and the name of a TV series with the same name suddenly flashed in his mind.

As far as he knows, there is no Pluto Ah Cha in this world. I wonder if there will be Sanqi, Changsheng, Zhao Li, Xia Dongqing...

"You should seize the time to accumulate more Yin virtue." Zhong Kui said: "If this system is really going to operate in the Yin and Yang realms, then the initial investment in opening an inn will definitely not be small."

Qin Yao nodded: "Yes, I will find a way to earn more Yin De."

"You just need to know what's going on. As soon as there is any news, I will notify you immediately," Zhong Kui said.

 “Thank you, sir.” Qin Yao bowed his hands and bowed.

Zhong Kui waved his hand and said with a smile: "Stop being so polite. Do you have any questions? If you have no problem, go and earn virtue. The first batch of inns are supported by Fengdu, and they will definitely be different from the inns that will be opened in the future. You have to seize it. Chance."

Qin Yao smiled and said: "No problem, sir, I'll leave first."

 “Go, go,” Zhong Kui said, shaking his sleeves.

 A few days later.


 Chenghuang Department Store, President’s Office.

 Qin Yao sat relaxed behind his desk, reaching out and brushing the white jade official seal on the table, and lines of characters suddenly emerged:

 The details of recent negative virtues.

 Arrest the ‘Mask Ghost’ and gain 280 points of Yin De.

 Arrest the "Millennium Zombie King" and gain 598 points of Yin De.

The total amount of Yin virtue is: one thousand four thousand eight hundred eighty-one points.

"Sure enough, it's not even fifteen thousand." Qin Yao silently put away the white jade official seal, knocked on the table with one hand, and gradually lost consciousness.

 In fact, if Uncle Jiu hadn't transferred him 14,000 yuan, his current total net worth would only be around 800 yuan. He could still afford to buy some small things, but forget about doing big things.

After much hesitation, Qin Yao finally gave up the idea of ​​maxing out Lei Gang.

Although there was only one unfinished task before him, it was obvious that the difficulty of maxing out Lei Gang must not be directly proportional to the rewards.

 In the absence of a demand crisis for Yin De, it would be okay to farm slowly, but now what he needs is a short-term rate of return, and Lei Gang cannot meet his needs.

After thinking for a long time, Qin Yao let out a breath, stood up from the chair, slowly came to Ren Tingting's office, reached out and knocked on the door.

 “Please come in.” In the office, Ren Tingting, dressed in a tight suit, looked up.

Qin Yao pushed the door open, closed the door behind him, and said with a smile: "Director Ren, is the group still short of money now?"

Ren Tingting was stunned for a moment and said: "There is no shortage at the moment. How much do you want to bring? I will call to arrange it right away."

Qin Yao was dumbfounded and immediately waved his hand: "You misunderstood. I don't want to take money from the group, but I want to transfuse blood into the group."

Ren Tingting smiled and joked: "I clearly remember that we started a company together, but after your rounds of capital injections, I almost became a professional manager."

Qin Yao shrugged his shoulders and said: "The bigger the group develops, the more it harvests, and the more you can get. The thousands of dollars invested back then are nothing now."

"That's true." Ren Tingting nodded slightly and said with a smile, "How much capital do you want to inject this time?"

 Qin Yao took out the space bag and summoned all the gold, silver, jewelry and Cixi’s burial objects that he had recently collected. The office suddenly shimmered with golden light...

 Looking at the gold and silver that seemed to drown her, Ren Tingting was stunned for a moment.

 Mr. Qin, are you going to rob the bank?


 Even a large silver bank would not have so much gold and silver in it!

"I haven't calculated the exact amount. You can find someone to count it."

 Finally, Qin Yao put away the space bag, raised his eyes and said.

Ren Tingting's eyes were fixed on the golden mountain, her brain was in a down state, and she didn't even hear what Qin Yao said!

 (End of this chapter)

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