I’m a Big Boss In Uncle Jiu’s World

Chapter 460: Open the coffin to identify your elder brother

Chapter 460: Opening the coffin to identify the elder brother

“Director Ren, are you okay?”

Qin Yao waved his hand in front of her and called softly.


Ren Tingting woke up from a dream, her cheeks slightly red: "I'm sorry, Mr. Qin, I have never seen so much gold, the visual impact is too strong."

"It doesn't matter, I can understand." Qin Yao smiled slightly: "Director Ren, please arrange for someone to count the value first, and I will go out."

"Mr. Qin, please wait a moment." Ren Tingting suddenly called out to him.

"What's wrong?"

Ren Tingting turned around and took out two invitations from the drawer and handed them to Qin Yao: "Seven days ago, two Taoists came to you and claimed that they wanted to visit the dock and seek a life in the city. This is their invitation."

Qin Yao looked surprised and reached out to take the invitation. He found that the cover of both invitations had the name "Maoshan's First Family" written on them. When he opened it, there were two different names, one was called Qian Wenlai and the other was called Wuxing.

 “Taoist Qian, Taoist Wu…”

 When these two names were combined with the first family in Maoshan, Qin Yao suddenly thought of what kind of story this was.

In his previous life, since "Uncle Nine" became popular, zombie movies in Hong Kong and Hong Kong have become popular. However, at the beginning, capital was not so confident. After all, not every capital can hire "Uncle Ying". "Sit down.

Later, with the success of a zombie film without "Uncle Ying" called "Zombie Reincarnation", capital finally identified the trend. Since then, various zombie films have appeared in spurts, and there are so many Countless viewers were stunned.

 Tao Chang Qian and Dao Chang Wu are the protagonists in "Zombie Reincarnation". They are brothers, but they hate each other and want to overpower each other.

Perhaps this is the reason why they sent two invitations even though they clearly belong to the same sect...

Looking back now, the zombies in this story should not be very powerful, at least not as strong as the Thousand-Year Zombie King, but it suits my needs of being short and fast...

“Since they are so sensible, I can’t let them lose face.”

Qin Yao put away the invitation and said with a smile: "Dong Ren, please do your work first. I'll go say hello to these two Taoist priests."

  Ninh Binh Street.

In a shop with a plaque wrapped in red cloth, a young man wearing a white long-sleeved coat, black trousers and cloth shoes wiped the table vigorously, turned to look at the thin Taoist sitting at the table drinking tea: "Master, this is all It’s been six days and there’s still no sign of Mr. Qin coming, do we have to wait any longer?”

 “Of course we have to wait!”

The thin Taoist said leisurely: "Unless we can confirm that he has received our invitation and has no intention of coming, we must wait patiently even if it takes three to five months. This is called the rule."

The young man leaned over the basin and twisted the towel, and said: "This is a new era. The emperor is gone, and the king's law is gone. Do we still need to abide by these old rules?"


The thin Taoist slapped him on the forehead and scolded him: "Do you think that following the rules is restricting us?

 Wrong, if we follow the rules, we won’t get into trouble. What's more, in order to show off your face, your ancestor gave you a sect name that was too big.

In this city, without Mr. Qin’s permission, we openly hung up the plaque “The First Family in Maoshan”. I’m afraid someone will take it down in less than a day. "

The apprentice grinned and rubbed his head, saying, "Then why do we move from the countryside to the city?"

"People go to higher places, and water flows to lower places. As time goes by, the gap between cities and rural areas will become wider and wider. If we turn our ears to nothing and only read the Tao Te Ching, we will inevitably be silenced by the times. Give up without any interest. As Taoist priests, we must also keep pace with the times..." The Taoist talked in general terms, shaking his head.

 “The Taoist priest is very insightful.”

At this moment, bursts of applause suddenly came from the door, and then the light in the store suddenly dimmed.

The two masters and apprentices looked up at the same time, only to see a terrifying figure almost blocking their two wooden doors, blocking the sunlight coming in from the door and giving them a strong mental pressure.

“May I ask who you are?” The Taoist subconsciously stood up from his chair and asked with his hands raised.

The visitor stretched out **** and took out an invitation from his coat pocket: "The invitation you sent me."

"Ah, Mr. Qin?" Master suddenly widened his eyes and said tremblingly.

 Chin Yao: “…”

 Why do you suddenly feel like a superstar meets a fan? “Mr. Qin, please sit down quickly, please sit down quickly.”

Qian Wenlai enthusiastically pulled out a chair and greeted with a smile on his face.

Against the light, looking at the face that looked like "Uncle Qianhe" was full of flattery and flattery, Qin Yao was in a daze for a moment, but fortunately he quickly realized it and sat down calmly: "Master Qian There’s no need to be so polite, as being too polite will make you appear distant.”

"Yes Yes."

Qian Wenlai responded repeatedly, turned to his apprentice and yelled: "Afa, why are you so stunned? Why don't you quickly get Mr. Qin a cup and pour tea?"

At this time, Afa did not dare to talk back to his master, so he quickly fetched a cup, placed it gently in front of Qin Yao, and poured water from the pot.

 “Thank you.” Qin Yao said with a smile as the fragrance of tea drifted away.

"You're welcome, you're welcome..." Afa was a little flattered and waved his hands repeatedly.

Qin Yao picked up the tea cup and took a sip, then asked Qian Wenlai: "I saw in the invitation that you wanted to hold a church in Fucheng. Have you set a time for the church?"

Qian Wenlai was cautious and said: "We haven't set a time yet... because the name of the hall passed down by our ancestors is Maoshan No. 1. Without your permission, we, the master and the disciples, dare not put up a sign."

Qin Yao smiled and put down the tea cup: "I like people who abide by the rules. If you are willing to abide by the rules, I won't mind giving you some preferential treatment. Although the first Maoshan family seems to be showing off under the banner of Maoshan, I agreed. There is no taboo on this matter.”

“Thank you, Mr. Qin.” Qian Wenlai breathed a sigh of relief, his face full of gratitude.

 With this sentence, he does not need to replace the plaque wrapped in red cloth, and can just operate normally in the future.

“Have you decided when to open?” Qin Yao waved his hand and asked with a smile.

“If it opens tomorrow, will Mr. Qin be free to come and watch the ceremony?” Qian Wenlai asked with eager eyes but a very humble tone.

He is very aware of Mr. Qin's influence in the city and knows that his single thought can change the fate of countless people. The countless people mentioned here include their master and disciples.

If Mr. Qin can be invited to attend the opening of his Taoist temple, once the news spreads, the first family in Maoshan will be able to establish a foothold in Fucheng in an instant. As long as he does not seek death and develops steadily, he will definitely make a living. no problem.

His head was full of thoughts and he was anxiously waiting for an answer.

Qin Yao was also thinking silently, and finally asked: "Do you have any extra rooms in your Taoist hall?"

Qian Wenlai was overjoyed and said hurriedly: "Yes, yes, do you want to stay in our Taoist hall?"

“Stay one night, I’ll attend your opening ceremony tomorrow,” Qin Yao said.

He had no idea of ​​giving Maoshan the first platform, so he never thought of giving them time to promote it.

What he was thinking about was when the little tomb robber who looked like "Qiu Sheng" in the story would come over.

After all, judging from the plot of the original work, the little tomb robber has at least two evil qualities. One is his evil virtue to save him when he is being chased by zombies; the other is his evil virtue to pull out a living corpse and save it...

The total of these two evil virtues must be a hundred or ten points, right?

 The key is, it’s easy to do!

That night.

 Dark clouds cover the moon.

Under the influence of the unpredictable power of the Xuanmen of Heaven and Earth, in a cemetery outside Changning Street, a zombie who had just been pulled out by a tomb robber suddenly took a breath of yang energy, and his blackened fingers trembled slightly.

In front of the tomb, a young man who looked like "Qiu Sheng" knelt in front of the corpse, banged his head three times, and muttered: "Brother, it's not that I want to disturb your purity. In fact, I am really about to starve to death. For I can only borrow some money from you to spend my life, I’m offended, I’m offended.”

 After reciting, he seemed to feel a lot better. He quickly got up from the ground and quickly touched the chest and back of the corpse with his hands.

“What? I don’t even have a piece of jade on me. Brother, you are poorer than me!”

After searching carefully, the little tomb robber was disappointed. He was so angry that he couldn't help but reach out and pinch his elder brother's cheek.

This pinch doesn't matter.

 I just pinched my eldest brother awake...

 (End of this chapter)

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