Chapter 480 Hunting Time

 “I, I don’t know how much it is!” Issey Miyake shouted.

 “That’s a pity…”

Qin Yao held the God-Beheading Sword in his right hand and took out the Demon Spirit Pearl with his left hand. With a thought in his mind, he immediately released one hundred and thirty-three female ghosts.

 The female ghosts turned into light and landed on the ground. After seeing Issey Miyake nailed to the ground, they instantly understood what was going on.

"Sir, can you leave him to us?" Shan Manman bowed and prayed.

Qin Yao shook his head and said: "What I promised you at the beginning was to let you see the leader of the Three Houses with your own eyes, not to hand him over to you for disposal."

Just kidding, Issey Miyake is a big BOSS. How could he let others harvest experience after the BOSS has lost its health?

Shan Manman took a deep breath and said loudly: "Sir, please kill this beast."

“Sir, please kill this beast.” The other female ghosts followed suit and roared.

Qin Yao nodded and slowly raised the Zhan Shen Dao. A bright light suddenly extended from the blade. As his wrist turned, the light of the knife cut across Miyake's neck like light and shadow, cutting a long and thin scar.


Accompanied by Miyake's miserable howl, green smoke continued to pour out from the wound and dissipated into the void.

The saber in Miyake's hand turned into smoke and dissipated. He raised his hands and covered his neck tightly, but he could not stop the soul power from pouring out, so that his soul body became thinner and thinner.

"I curse you with my soul sacrifice, and you will suffer..."


Before he could finish his dying curse, Qin Yao raised his hand and stabbed the knife into his open mouth. The golden light flashed on the sword, and Miyake's broken soul was immediately absorbed into the blade...

  "You really think you are accusing yourself, and you are cursing this and that."

Muttering something silently, Qin Yao put away his divine sword and summoned the white jade official seal with a flip of his hand...

Details of recent negative virtues:

 Kill the eight ghost servants of Qin Corpse and gain 80 points of Yin Virtue.

Killed 379 Japanese fierce ghosts and gained 2274 points of Yin De.

Kill the ghost king Miyake Issei and gain 498 points of Yin De.

 Total: two thousand eight hundred and fifty-two points.

The current total Yin De is: 3,000, 200, 90 points.

 “It’s really a big bang!” Looking at this huge harvest, Qin Yao had a smile on his face.

At present, we don’t count the virtue of overcoming more than a hundred female ghosts. If this virtue can exceed a thousand, then this story has gained nearly 4,000 virtues.

 Having half an official rank is so terrifying!

"What's the explosion?" At this time, Fanny walked out of the suite with her two younger brothers and asked doubtfully.

 Qin Yao shook his head and opened his palms towards the hundred ghosts, revealing the demon spirit beads in his palms: "Everyone, your great revenge has been avenged. Enter the spirit beads and I will take you to reincarnation."

“Sir, can we go back and see our relatives?” A Lian asked pitifully.

"Yin and Yang are different, so don't disturb the peace of the Yang people." Qin Yao decisively refused.

This is the same situation that Yan Chixia faced back then. If there are only one or two ghosts, it is not impossible to take them to say goodbye to their families.

 But once the number of ghosts exceeds a hundred, this will not be an easy task.

 When you feel soft-hearted, you drag yourself into the whirlpool... This is not called kindness, this is called stupidity!

 After all, saying goodbye to their families is not their obsession. Even if they devote a lot of energy to help them complete this matter, they cannot show their kindness, which is a typical thankless effort.

After a while, hundreds of ghosts flew into the magic bead. Qin Yao turned his head and looked at the three people at the police station: "Let's go, I will take you out."

The three of them followed him out of the club and watched helplessly as he reached out and waved at the club door, and the two doors disappeared in an instant from their eyes.

 “It’s so amazing.” Meng Chao reached out and patted the wall, exclaiming in surprise.

Qin Yao smiled slightly and said: "The affairs of the Fierce Ghost Club have come to an end, and it's time for me to go back."

“Do you have a phone number, Mr. Qin?” Fanny asked hurriedly.

Qin Yao waved his hand: "I'm sorry, I don't have a phone number. If you encounter any strange stories in the future, you can always go to the Jieyou Station in Fucheng to find me..."

 In the blink of an eye.

Watching Qin Yao slowly leaving with Athena, Fanny turned to look at Jin and Meng: "Where is the Jieyou Inn?"

"Why are you asking this?" Meng Chao said nervously: "Team leader, you are not attracted to Boss Qin, are you?"

 Fanny said angrily: "I've fallen in love with you."

"That's good." Meng Chao was overjoyed and said, "Shall I take you home tonight?"

  Fanny: “…”

This guy seems to be hopeless.

 The next day.

 Hades, punishes evildoers.

 Qin Yao stepped into the Siming Hall, in front of his uncle, took out the magic beads, released one hundred and thirty-three female ghosts, and asked: "Sir, please arrange for your colleagues to help these ghosts reincarnate."

Zhong Kui raised his thick eyebrows and shouted: "Here comes someone."

 “Greetings to Sir Siming.” Two Yin difference, one black and one white, came out of smoke and bowed.

“Bring these female ghosts down, they can be judged and sent to reincarnation.” Zhong Kui ordered.


Black and White Wuchang took the order, greeted the hundreds of ghosts and quickly left the Siming Palace.

After watching them leave, Qin Yao cupped his hands and said, "Thank you, sir."

In fact, if Zhong Kui hadn’t personally ordered it, the trial of more than a hundred female ghosts alone would have been scheduled until how long...

Zhong Kui waved his hand and asked, "Isn't the harvest big this time?"

Qin Yao chuckled: "The harvest is okay, but I don't know how to determine the station bonus inside."

Zhong Kui: “Have all these ghosts been to the inn?”

"No." Qin Yao shook his head: "The people who went to the inn were two young men with unknown taint, which led to this cause and effect."

"That means there is no bonus." Zhong Kui said: "Only when the ghost goes to the inn and you help him fulfill his wish, or eliminate his obsession, will there be a bonus from the inn. This harvest is purely your luck. ”

Qin Yao sighed with emotion: "It would be great if I could have this kind of luck every time I harvested. I would be able to pay back all the debts in two or three years."

Zhong Kui laughed: "If this is the case, luck is no longer luck. As for the debt, don't worry. Although it is not a small amount, I am not in a hurry to use the money."

Qin Yao said sincerely: "Thank you, sir."

Zhong Kui waved his hand: "Don't thank me back and forth. I'm not only your boss, but also your elder brother. I should do these things. After all, I just lent you 85,000, and I didn't give you the money."

Qin Yao laughed dumbly.

 Eighty-five thousand for free…

Who can do this except a loving father to his son?

You know, he is a gold-fingered person, and he has never been rich, let alone those who are really struggling to survive.

"Sir, one hundred and thirty-three female ghosts have been sent to reincarnation." During the conversation, a Bai Wuchang came in and bowed.

Zhong Kui nodded slightly and said, "I understand, go and do your work."

After catching a glimpse of Bai Wuchang leaving, Qin Yao took out the white jade official seal without hesitation and called up the recent details.

 Rescued one hundred and thirty-three female ghosts and gained one thousand and sixty-four points of moral virtue.

The current total of Yin De is: four thousand three hundred Lu Shidian.

 “The base number is the way to go!”

Qin Yao sighed sincerely when he saw that he had regained more than 4,000 Yin virtues in the blink of an eye.

 Up to now, no matter how awesome the Ghost King is, the value is not as good as a group of ghosts. Even if an ordinary ghost only has three or five points, once the number exceeds a hundred, the total value will far exceed the value of the Ghost King.

 “Do you have any other questions?” Zhong Kui asked suddenly.

Qin Yao: "There really is one... Sir, have you ever been to the Western phantom world on earth?"

Zhong Kui was startled: "I have been there before. Why do you ask?"

"A friend invited me to go to the Western phantom world. I want to know the situation in advance." Qin Yao said.

Zhong Kui pondered for a moment and said slowly: "In recent years, I haven't been to the human world much, and even less to the Western world.

 After a limited number of trips, the biggest impression I have on them is that they are chaotic, very chaotic.

It is not uncommon for them to see unimaginable things such as ghosts, vampires, werewolves, lichs, alchemists, Frankensteins, genetic monsters, etc.

 Given your current strength, I do not recommend that you go to the West.

Give it another two years. When your realm is infinitely close to that of a Celestial Master and you have the combat power of a Celestial Master, it will not be a problem to venture into the West alone..."

Qin Yao nodded and said with a smile: "Yes, sir."

 A few hours later.

Qin Yao shuttled between yin and yang and flashed in the center of the Maoshan Ascension Platform, reaching out to block the dazzling sunlight.

 Staying still for a moment, when his eyes adjusted to the current light intensity, he slowly lowered his arms, pondered for a moment, and flew towards the Tiandao Sect's Lingshan Mountain...

At the beginning, he took Mao Xiaofang to leave Gantian Town early, but he did not secretly go back to deal with Lei Gang after he came back. There were two main reasons.

One is that Lei Gang has not yet turned into a demon and is not worth much; the other is that the brain-dead villagers are too annoying. Don’t they think Master Lei is better than Master Mao? Let them feel what Gantian Town will become without Mao Xiaofang. appearance.

A few months have passed in the blink of an eye. Without Mao Xiaofang's restraint, the chance of Lei Gang becoming a demon must be 100%, and his value will increase greatly.

 Those villagers have suffered a lot, so it’s time to end this plot...


At the top of Wumingling Mountain, Qin Yao landed in front of a brand new Taoist temple. He looked up at the three gilded characters "Tiandao Sect" on the plaque, smiled slightly, and shouted: "Master Mao, Xiaohai, are you at home? ?”

 In the Taoist courtyard, in the wooden hall, the master and the apprentice, who were sitting at a square table studying Maoshan Taoism, were both happy at the same time. They quickly stood up and walked out of the hall to greet the door.

 “Taoist Master Qin.”

 “Taoist Master Qin.”

After seeing Qin Yao, the two of them shouted in unison.

Qin Yao smiled slightly and said: "This Taoist temple is well built. It is much better than ordinary sect Taoist temples."

 “It’s all up to Mr. Chen to worry about it.”

Mao Xiaofang cupped his hands in the direction of Yuanfu Palace and said with a smile.

Qin Yao shook his head and said: "This is what the Tiandao Sect deserves. Next time Maoshan opens a new gate to accept disciples, you should start early and select a few more talented disciples. In a few years, the Tiandao Sect will be able to recruit more disciples." prospered."

Mao Xiaofang subconsciously pictured himself being knelt down by a group of disciples and disciples, and his heart suddenly agitated.

 As the saying goes, in his position, he will seek his own government. As the leader of a sect, making the sect bigger and stronger is his life goal.

 “Master, Taoist Master Qin, please come in and drink tea.” Xiaohai said at the right time.

Qin Yao raised his hand as a sign of restraint: "I won't drink the tea. I'm not here to reminisce about old times, but to invite you, master and disciple, to come back to Gantian Town for a visit.

If Lei Gang really cares about the people and saves the poor in the name of Fuxitang, that would be great, and the personal grudge between Master Mao and him can be put aside, and it will be settled.

 But if he reveals his true colors after we leave, harms the people, and ruins the reputation of Fuxi Hall, Master Mao, then we will punish the traitors and eliminate the evil. "

Mao Xiaofang took a breath silently and said, "Okay! If he does something really outrageous, I won't let him go. I think Master can understand me."

Qin Yao pursed his lips and said, "Then I'll wait here while you go pack your things?"

“Xiao Hai, just go and get the teacher’s cloth bag.” Mao Xiaofang ordered.

“Yes, Master.” Xiaohai responded, and ran towards the wooden hall...

 This day.

 The north wind howled, blowing up pieces of snowflakes, changing into various shapes in the air.

Outside Gantian Town, in front of a wooden platform about three meters high, hundreds of villagers braved the wind and snow to kneel and kowtow to a stone bust placed under the wooden pavilion. Three bows and nine knocks.

In the wind and snow, Mao Xiaofang, who slowly came behind the crowd, looked up and saw that what was enshrined on the wooden platform was clearly the bust of Lei Gang. The villagers actually worshiped him as a god.

Could it be that Lei Gang saved the village more than once and made the villagers regard him as the true god?

 Mao Xiaofang couldn't understand this scene, and his face was full of astonishment.

“Master saved the town more than once when he was in Gantian Town. How could these people treat him so differently?” Xiaohai said angrily.

Qin Yao narrowed his eyes slightly, looked at the child shivering in the heavy snow, and said softly: "I'm afraid these people's behavior is not voluntary..."

 He remembered that in the original work, when Mao Xiaofang lost all his power, Lei Gang revealed his true colors and forced the villagers to build a shrine for him.

At the beginning, the whole people of Gantian Town contributed their efforts and built a altar for him in just one night. Everyone was very enthusiastic. Unexpectedly, Lei Gang was not satisfied with the platform built by the villagers. He raised his hand and the table exploded.

Looking at the height and sophistication of this altar, it is obvious that it is not a hastily built product. Come to think of it, the plot of dog biting... well, falling in love and killing each other has already happened in reality.

 “Just ask.”

Mao Xiaofang licked his dry lips and took the lead.

At this time, the villagers who were kneeling and kowtowing also stood up, helped each other and turned around, just in time to see the three people coming through the wind and snow.

 “It’s Master Mao…”

In the crowd, Sanyuan, who was wearing ordinary clothes, murmured.

Everyone seemed to be petrified in an instant, and they all froze in place, except for the expression on their faces that was extremely wonderful.

It is an expression of shame, regret, excitement, and hope mixed together. No matter how exquisite the words are, it is difficult to explain even one tenth of it.

 “What are you doing?”

Soon, the three of them came to the villagers, and Mao Xiaofang asked in a deep voice.

 (End of this chapter)

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