I’m a Big Boss In Uncle Jiu’s World

Chapter 481: turn against each other

Chapter 481 Turning each other against one another

“Master Mao, are you here to save us?”

Beside Sanyuan, Old Man Zhou shed tears and asked with a trembling voice.

"Save?" Mao Xiaofang's heart skipped a beat and asked, "What did Lei Gang do to you?"

 Old man Zhou opened his mouth, and Lei Gang's sinister face suddenly flashed in his mind, and he was speechless for a moment.

Mao Xiaofang's face became increasingly serious and he shouted softly: "Three yuan, please tell me."

"I...I..." Sanyuan stuttered for a while, but couldn't even utter a complete phrase.

"I said."

At this time, Black Rose with a dirty face stood out from the crowd and said loudly: "Mao Xiaofang, do you know what life will be like for us now that you are gone?"

"Wait a minute." Qin Yao frowned and said, "What do you mean by this, you are living a miserable life now, all because of Master Mao?"

From the beginning to the end, he didn't like the black rose, so she was also the kind of character who drifted with the crowd, swayed from side to side, and even acted like a troublemaker.


Although she is the heroine in the play, her rank is still above Lei Xiu.

"Shut up." Black Rose was about to retort when all the villagers shouted at her in unison, scaring her so hard that she didn't dare to beep any more.

"Alas." An elderly man sighed quietly, with tears in his eyes, and said, "Master Mao, we are sorry for you!"

"That's right." Uncle Niu said, "If we were willing to believe you back then, maybe we wouldn't have suffered the disaster that happened during this period."

 “I’m sorry, Master Mao.” A young man bowed deeply to Mao Xiaofang.

 “I’m sorry, Master Mao…”

Gradually, hundreds of people present apologized at the same time, accompanied by bursts of sobbing.

This cry seems to have some kind of magic power, causing a phenomenon of person-to-person transmission among the crowd, making all men, women and children feel miserable, and those with weak psychological defenses will cry out.

 Outside the town, in the wind and snow, people were crying.

Looking at the tears on their faces, Qin Yao not only had no sympathy at all, he even couldn't help but cursed: "If I had known this, why did I do it in the first place?"

How disgusting these people were back then, how unworthy of sympathy they are today!

 Listening to the cries, the depression that had been hidden in Mao Xiaofang's heart for the past few days gradually dissipated.

Even good people have their own joys and sorrows, being wronged, complained, and disliked...

 How could he have no emotion at all?

 If there is no emotion at all even then, then the person is either heartless, heartless, or asexual (human nature).

  "Okay, don't cry so much. Someone can tell me the specific situation."

Mao Xiaofang's character cannot be a villain, but Qin Yao can. He stood up, faced a crowd of people, opened his mouth and shouted, scaring some timid villagers to instinctively hold back their tears.

 “Let me tell you.”

The old man with gray temples wiped the tears on his face and said in a trembling voice: "Master Mao, after you left, Master Lei Gang seemed to have changed.

You can ask him to remove the petrification, but you need to pay. Whoever pays first and whoever pays more will help him. Otherwise, even if he kneels to death outside Fuxi Hall, he will not take a second look, and eventually he will have no money. Seventeen people who paid the money died.

On the same day, seventeen people went to funerals. This scene has never happened in Gantian Town.

 After finally surviving this disaster, everyone thought they could enjoy a period of peace. Unexpectedly, for some unknown reason, every household suffered from unbearable abdominal pain.

I have tried both Chinese medicine and Western medicine, but nothing can be found. Later, I don’t know who said that Master Lei can cure it, so everyone went to Master Lei in droves.

As expected, this time is just like the treatment of petrification. You have to pay to cure it. If you don’t have money, you can only endure the excruciating pain.

Some people who really have no money committed suicide because they couldn't bear the pain; some poor people are willing to pretend to be dogs and look after Master Lei's home and courtyard. If their dogs bark and bite people, Master Lei will give them some holy water to relieve their pain when they are in a good mood.

As for this shrine, Master Lei also said that refining holy water consumes a lot of money and requires the villagers to help him with the power of faith. It took everyone half a month to build this shrine, and it was overthrown three times before he ordered it. He is satisfied…

 In addition, there are many details, so I won’t go into details here. Master Mao, please save us. If this continues, we will all be tortured to death. "

 At this point, the old man knelt down tremblingly, put his forehead on the ground, and kowtowed his head with a bang.

 In the past, this was simply impossible.

  No matter how many things Mao Xiaofang did in the past, everyone took it for granted and what he should do.

"Master Mao, please save us..."

After the old man knelt down, others also knelt down one after another, and soon only Black Rose was left standing upright in the entire crowd.

“Sister Gui.” Xiao Xiami, who knelt down, tugged at the corner of Black Rose’s clothes and said softly, “Don’t you want to relieve the abdominal pain?”

Black Rose hesitated for a moment, then slowly squatted down and said, "I won't kneel to him..."

Outside the town, in front of the altar, looking at the figures kneeling on the ground, Mao Xiaofang felt quite complicated. He turned around and asked: "Taoist Master Qin, look at this..."

“Go and ask Lei Gang and see what he says.” Qin Yao said calmly.

Mao Xiaofang nodded. He wanted to comfort the villagers with a few words and even give them a promise. When he opened his mouth, he suddenly remembered scenes from the past. All thoughts of comforting them disappeared. He turned around and said, "Let's go to Fuxi then." Hall.”

 Outside Fuxi Hall.

Wearing a white gown and with dark eyes, Ah Chu sat at a small table, holding a brush in his hand and pressing the account book with his arm, staring blankly at dozens of villagers rolling on the ground.

These dozens of people are people who have no money and are unwilling to please their uncle.

A few months have passed, and these people have not yet woken up. They did not expect that the uncle and the master are completely different.

This method can kill the master, but for the uncle, if he can make him look at it one more time, it is considered a kindness on his part...

 “Master Mao, it’s Master Mao.” Suddenly, someone’s exclamation woke him up from his daze.

Ah Chu's heart trembled, and he quickly looked up, only to see that dozens of people who were rolling on the ground got their energy out of nowhere, and stood up one after another, surrounding the three people who were slowly approaching.


Ah Chu’s nose felt sour, and a splash of water quickly appeared in his eyes.

 Since the master left, when the master's temperament began to change drastically, he realized that he was wrong, how wrong he was, how stupid he was.

 Fortunately, Master is not as stupid as him, otherwise if he listened to his stupid words, the consequences would be disastrous!

He originally thought that he had been abandoned and would never see his mentor again in this life. He had no chance to say sorry again. Unexpectedly, he unexpectedly appeared in front of him...

 “Stop howling so much, get out of my way.”

In the middle of the crowd, Qin Yao, who was upset by the crying and howling, pushed four or five people away with his palm and shouted loudly.

 Everyone was intimidated by his momentum and avoided him in panic.


Yu Dachu walked out from behind the table, fell to his knees with a bang, and cried bitterly: "Master... I was wrong, the disciple was wrong."

Mao Xiaofang slowly came to him, remained silent for a long time, and sighed slightly: "Get up."

Yu Dachu suddenly raised his head, but before he could be surprised, Mao Xiaofang immediately said: "You are no longer my disciple, there is no need to kneel to me."

Yu Dachu immediately stopped his tendency to stand up and kowtowed: "Master, I was wrong, I was too stupid. Please forgive me. I will definitely not make similar mistakes again in the future." Looking at the blink of an eye on his forehead His face was red and swollen. After all, Xiao Hai couldn't bear it and said softly: "Master, Ah Chu is just a little stupid, but his starting point is good. He never thought of harming you from the beginning to the end. The three precepts of our sect, no. Including breaking the precept due to stupidity.”

 Mao Xiaofang: “…”

"Master, please give me another chance." Yu Dachu said with tears on his face: "I promise there will be no next time."

“Duplicitous, capricious, despicable and shameless, I even thought of marrying my daughter off to you.” At this time, with a cold snort, Lei Gang and Lei Xiu walked out of the Taoist Hall.

"Senior brother, your eyes..." Looking at his eyes that were like a lake of water, Mao Xiaofang was slightly startled.

 “Thanks to you, my eyes have healed.” Lei Gang said lightly.

Mao Xiaofang gradually clenched his fists and said, "If I'm not mistaken, these eyes should belong to a girl, right?"

Lei Gang's face darkened: "Does this have anything to do with you?"

Mao Xiaofang: "Brother, when you came back from Nanyang, didn't you just want to take back Fuxi Hall? You have already got what you want, why bother these people?"

"Common people?" Lei Gang laughed and pointed at the villagers who were enduring severe pain: "Are they human beings? Until now, do you still regard them as human beings?"

“Of course they are human beings,” Mao Xiaofang said.

 “No, no, no.”

Lei Gang waved his hands repeatedly: "They are not human beings, they are a bunch of grass on the wall. They will fall wherever the wind blows.

They are a bunch of blind dogs, they will bite people with bared teeth after just a few words of confusion.

 Junior brother, haven’t you been bitten by them?

 How many things have you done for them, and do they remember them?

 No...they won't remember it. They will only remember when you offended them and why you couldn't forgive them.

Don't think I'm exaggerating. In fact, until now, some people still complain that you abandoned them, causing them to be bullied by me. Don't you think it's ridiculous? "

“Senior brother, there is something wrong with your condition.” Mao Xiaofang was secretly frightened and said, “You may be possessed by a demon.”

"What kind of devil are you obsessed with? It's nonsense. Just say, what part of what I said is wrong?" Lei Gang asked.

 Mao Xiaofang: “…”

“Junior brother, I don’t want to be like you.”

Lei Gang added: "It is taken for granted that I have given my heart and soul to them. Even if I sacrifice my life for them, I will only win a compliment at most.

Why bother, junior brother, are these cheap scoundrels worthy?

Having said that, this is also your responsibility. You have helped them so much, why didn’t you teach them how to be grateful? "

 Mao Xiaofang: “…”

"You shouldn't have come back." Lei Gang didn't care about Mao Xiaofang's silence and took a long breath: "If you come back and can't save them, they will hate you even more."

 “Go back, senior brother.” Mao Xiaofang whispered: “I will take you to see the master...”

"Then you start stirring up trouble and turn our father and son against each other?" Lei Gang complained.

 Mao Xiaofang: “…”

Qin Yao silently took out the God-Beheading Sword and said with a smile: "Master Mao, stop talking, you can't speak against him. It's not that he is eloquent or strong-minded, but those villagers are really pulling their crotches, how can you say anything about them? It’s not an injustice.”

Looking at the cold light reflected by the God-killing Sword, Lei Gang's pupils shrank slightly and he said coldly: "What do you want to do?"

  "Sorry for you." Qin Yao said with shining eyes.

Leigang: “…”

Lei Xiu: “…”

"I'm warning you, most of the people in Gantian Town are now poisoned. Only I can detoxify this poison. If you want to kill me, you just want to kill the whole town." Not long after, Lei Gang sneered.

Qin Yao said lightly: "Then let them die."

Leigang: “…”

Qin Yao clenched his sword and walked towards Lei Gang step by step. An invisible murderous aura then locked onto Lei Gang's body, causing his skin to feel a faint tingling sensation, as if the blade had scraped his skin.

Lei Gang's body was threatened, and a red light suddenly flashed in his eyes. His original black hair quickly turned into white hair, and the red light on his body blocked the murderous intention that almost turned into reality.

 Xiao Hai, Ah Chu, Lei Xiu and others felt the strong pressure released from their bodies. Their shoulders sank and their breathing gradually became disordered.

“Mao Xiaofang, do you want to be a sinner in Gantian Town?”

Leigang knew from the beginning to the end that Qin Yao was not easy to mess with. Under the shock of this murderous intention, even if he was possessed by the devil, he could not guarantee that he would definitely defeat the opponent, so he thought of defeating the enemy without fighting.

Mao Xiaofang exhaled and said, "Senior brother, I can't watch you make mistakes anymore."

 “Pretentious.” Lei Gang scolded angrily, spinning his hands in front of his chest to create an orange-red ball of light, and pushed it towards Qin Yao.


The ball of light flew across the sky like a flying stone, piercing the sky. Even in broad daylight, the light for a moment overshadowed the sunlight.

Qin Yao drew his sword and flew up. The sword and man merged into one, turning into a sword light, piercing the ball of light with a bang, and the blade pierced Lei Gang's throat.

Leigang's arms and even hands instantly turned into jade color, he raised his right fist and punched the tip of the knife.


The sword energy and the fist exploded at the same time, white smoke rose in the void, but Qin Yao's body disappeared instantly.

Lei Gang clenched his fists, his eyes flashed with bright red light, and he quickly scanned in all directions.

Suddenly, a long knife flew out from under his feet, and the blade pointed directly at his crotch.

Lei Gang flew up and punched the blade in the air. A round fist flew out of the air and hit the ground hard.


His punch punched a deep pit in the earth, and while the dust was flying, the long knife disappeared.

 Leigang did not have the secret technique of stepping into the air, so his feet landed on the ground.

The moment he landed, a figure suddenly jumped out from behind him, and a black blade shot out like thunder and lightning.

Before Lei Gang could turn around in time, he shouted loudly, and red light suddenly appeared on his body, condensing into a set of red armor.


The Divine Sword was stabbed on the armor and made a light sound. Qin Yao's eyes narrowed, he raised his left hand and slapped the handle of the knife hard with an Arhat's palm.


Driven by this force, the Zhan Shen Dao stabbed forward again. The blade tore through the red armor, and the blade passed through the chest, bringing out a stream of blood, which flowed back to Lei Gang's chest along the arc of the blade.


Lei Xiu’s body trembled, his eyes widened, and he shouted miserably.

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 (End of this chapter)

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