I’m a Big Boss In Uncle Jiu’s World

Chapter 496: Shenzong Daxing

Chapter 496: The Great Rise of Shenzong

 In fact.

Qin Yao can also understand the prosperity of wealth.

After all, when he needed help the most, it was not him who appeared, but the Blood Demon.

 In his own opinion, the Blood Demon is an evil god, but in Wangcai's opinion, the Blood Demon is the **** who gives him hope.

 The positions are different, the gains are different, and the feelings are different. Who are you to blame Wangcai?

There is a saying that goes well: Don’t persuade others to do good without going through their suffering.

 Therefore, after being rejected for the first time, Qin Yao still confirmed it to Wangcai.

 When he learned that the other party was determined to go all the way to the dark side, he didn't say much. He only said: "If you encounter any danger, you can always go to Fuxi Hall to find me."

 “Thank you, Taoist Master Qin.” Wangcai said calmly.

Shortly after.

Athena followed Qin Yao out of the ruined temple and asked puzzledly: "Why not control him?"

Qin Yao: "It's useless. The evil **** has awakened. Even if we control him, the evil **** can look for a second messenger at any time."

“Then you still need me to monitor him?”

“Just take a closer look. If you find anything wrong, report it to me as soon as possible.”

 A few hours later.

Wangcai came to the town again and stopped in front of a vendor who had given him cold looks countless times.

"Ganggun, don't affect my business." The old man with a shriveled figure and a cunning face waved his hand, his disgust evident in his words.

Wangcai suddenly took a step forward and put his hand on the other man's head. In an instant, countless black energy flew out of the old man's head and disappeared into a lotus pattern on Wangcai's right hand.

 “Hey, what are you doing?”

At this time, a short and fat old woman came out of the shop and shouted loudly.

Seeing that the black energy in the old man's body was gone, Wangcai quietly retracted his palm and said with a smile: "I am absorbing the evil thoughts in your husband's heart. From now on, he will be a good person."

“What are you talking about?” the old woman frowned.

 “Wife, don’t yell at others so arrogantly.” The old man suddenly said.

 The old woman was stunned.

Is this what her old man can say?

"Boss, I'm hungry, can you give me two pieces of bread?" Wangcai asked again.

"Ok, Ok."

The old man walked into the shop without any explanation and came out with two hot cakes wrapped in yellow paper.

The old woman was dumbfounded. It wasn't until Wangcai's figure disappeared from the street that she gradually came to her senses and said in a voiceless voice: "Old man, are you okay?"

"What can I do?" The old man shook his head and said, "I just want to be a good person..."

 Old woman: “…”

 A few days later.

 Fuxi Hall.

Athena stepped into the main hall and said to Qin Yao and Mao Xiaofang: "The latest news is that after Wangcai made a few local ruffians change their ways, they were regarded as gods by the people in the town, and an organization called Shenzong was established. , selected the ruined temple outside the town as the temple, and gained a large number of fans in Gantian Town. "

Mao Xiaofang's expression changed slightly and he asked, "What does Taoist Qin think?"

Qin Yao: "It is now certain that what the evil **** wants is evil thoughts. He will definitely not show up before he has gathered enough evil thoughts for him to use."

Mao Xiaofang: "What I worry about is that evil thoughts are also one of the characteristics of human nature. When a person completely loses his evil thoughts, will there be any bad effects?"

Qin Yao waved his hand and said: "Don't worry about this. If the evil roots are not eradicated, the evil thoughts will continue to grow. As time goes by, the evil thoughts will come back."

Mao Xiaofang secretly breathed a sigh of relief: "That's good. Although evil thoughts are not a good thing, relatively speaking, losing humanity is the most terrifying consequence..."

“Master, the Black Rose is here.” Suddenly, Ah Chu flashed in front of the main hall and said with his hands raised.

Mao Xiaofang's heart skipped a beat, and he stood up quickly and said, "I'm going back to my room first. Go tell Black Rose that you didn't find me."

“Mao Xiaofang, are you avoiding me like this?”

Black Rose performed Qing Kung and landed in front of the lobby, and said with a depressed face.

Mao Xiaofang twitched his cheek and said, "Miss Rose, it's not a good habit to come in without telling you."

Black Rose sneered: "Is it a good habit to wait for you to fool me? Mao Xiaofang, let's open the skylight and tell the truth. Are you willing to help me?"

Mao Xiaofang: "Miss Rose, how do you want me to help you?"

"Don't pretend to be confused, you know what I mean." Black Rose said.

Mao Xiaofang shook his head repeatedly and said, "How can a marriage be a trivial matter?"

“This is not just a matter of marriage, it is also a matter of my life.”

Black Rose said: "Saving one life is better than building a seven-level pagoda. Let's get married first and celebrate together. At worst, we can separate later. I don't care about a woman, why do you care so much?"

 Mao Xiaofang: “…”

If women don’t care, will men also not care?

What is the logic?

"At worst, I won't accept the betrothal gift, and I will give you my rice shop as a dowry." Seeing that he was silent, Black Rose gritted her teeth and said cruelly.

Mao Xiaofang took a breath silently and said: "Miss Rose, I solemnly tell you now that this is impossible. I can't be happy about this. I can only say that I will try my best to ensure your safety. If you are really worried, you can Move to Fuxi Hall and live there until the end of the fateful tribulation."

Black Rose was silent for a moment, then turned around and said, "I'll think about it..."


 The temple outside the town.

Wangcai, who was sleeping in a deep sleep, was suddenly awakened by a burst of bright light. He opened his eyes drowsily and saw the lotus-like runes on the back of his right hand shining brightly with blood, spitting out a large amount of black energy, and passed through a piece of blood behind him. The black stone slab is submerged into the base of the statue.

  After a long time.

The evil thoughts he had absorbed in the past few days were swallowed up, and the eyes of the statue glowed with blood-red light, as if a pair of **** eyes had opened.

"Wangcai, you have done well." At this time, the statue suddenly spoke human words and praised him without hesitation.

Wangcai immediately knelt on the ground and said piously: "Wangcai doesn't dare to ask for credit. He relies entirely on the magical skills bestowed by the gods."

 “Divine Skill…this name is quite appropriate.”

 The statue laughed and said, "To reward you for your meritorious service, I have decided to grant you another magical skill."

Happy with wealth, he kowtows repeatedly: "Thank you God."

 “Raise your left hand.” The statue said.

Wangcai raised his left hand without hesitation and looked at the statue eagerly.

"Whoosh." Two streaks of blood suddenly flew out of the statue's eyes, like two carving knives, and a blood lotus was carved on the back of Wangcai's left hand. The strange thing was that there was only a wound, but no blood flowed out.

"From now on, your left hand will have the ability to heal others. No matter what the disease is, it can be recovered through your palm." As the blood lotus took shape, the blood light that originated from the eyes of the statue gradually dissipated, and only the oracle said: Evening drums ring like morning bells.


Wangcai knelt his head on the black stone slab and said respectfully: "Thank you God. I will definitely make good use of this magical skill to benefit the people."

The statue said: "I believe you can do it. By then, you will become one of the most noble people in the world."

Thinking of the wonderful scene of everyone bowing their heads, Wangcai's face was suddenly full of yearning...

 The next day.

 Xiao Hai, who went out to buy groceries, hurriedly entered Fuxi Hall and hurried to the willow tree in the southeast corner of the yard: "Master, Taoist Master Qin, I heard some news.

Wangcai suddenly had the ability to cure all diseases, and he publicly cured many people's decades-old problems. Now the villagers are vying to join his Shenzong. It's as if they're crazy. It's so scary. "

Qin Yao learned the news from Athena last night and said calmly: "In folk tradition, whoever believes in the spirit will believe it. It is not surprising that there is such a large-scale conformity."

Mao Xiaofang suddenly remembered something and said, "Xiaohai, go find out if Boss Rose has joined that Shenzong."

Since leaving Fuxi Hall yesterday, Black Rose has not yet given a definite answer. He is worried that the other party has fallen into someone else's trap.

 “Yes, Master.”

Xiaohai responded and ran out of the Taoist temple quickly.

On the street, Black Rose relied on her agility to squeeze into the front of the crowd, and shouted to Wangcai, who had changed into clean clothes and was sitting on a piece of bluestone with a compassionate smile: "I heard that as long as you enter, After joining Shenzong, no matter what kind of disaster you get in the future, Shenzong will provide free treatment. Is it true? "

"Of course it's true." Wangcai said loudly: "Those who join our Shen Sect are my brothers and sisters. How can I ignore my brothers and sisters?"

"Isn't this a coincidence? Then I will join Shenzong." Black Rose said with a smile.

Wangcai smiled slightly, stood up from the bluestone, and beckoned: "Anyone who wants to join my divine sect, please follow me. I will take you into the temple, and under the witness of God, I will admit you."

Shaoqing and Wangcai walked in front, followed by hundreds of villagers. The number of villagers was increasing, so that by the time they reached the ruined temple, the number had already exceeded a thousand people.

These villagers blocked the front of the dilapidated temple. Black Rose tried her best to squeeze into the temple amidst countless complaints. She watched Wangcai kneel down in front of the statue of the **** devoutly and said seriously: "Please ask the gods." To bear witness, these brothers and sisters are people who want to join our divine sect. If you are willing to accept them, please send a miracle."

As soon as he finished speaking, the eyes of the statue glowed faintly, but because it was broad daylight and the light source was not very strong, no one noticed this at all.


Suddenly, in front of everyone's eyes, the black floor in front of Wangcai's head folded down, revealing a dark square hole. Inside the hole, a blood-red scepter like an old tree root slowly emerged upwards. .

 “The gods are clearly alive, why don’t you kneel down quickly?”

Wangcai held the scepter in his palm, stood up, turned around and looked at the dark crowd.

  "Pay homage to the gods." The people who crowded into the hall knelt down first, and then the people outside who had not seen the reality also knelt down and kowtowed repeatedly.

At the outermost edge of the crowd, Xiao Hai was secretly frightened as he watched this scene, and immediately ran hurriedly in the direction of Fuxi Hall.

 Not long.

 He hurriedly came to the willow tree and recounted the scene he saw in full.

 “The evil **** is about to be born.” Qin Yao said quietly.

Mao Xiaofang felt a chill in his heart and asked: "Xiao Hai, has Black Rose joined Shenzong?"

"Yes." Xiaohai said: "It can be said to be enthusiastic."

"Is this where Black Rose's fate should end? No, she also joined the Shenzong. Why is it that others are fine, but her life is in danger?" Mao Xiaofang asked doubtfully.

Qin Yao: "It doesn't matter if you are fooled into becoming a disciple of the Shen Sect. The real danger is the identity of the sect leader. It can be said that this is a three-evil position. As expected, the crisis of Black Rose should come from here."

Mao Xiaofang sighed: "She still doesn't want to believe us."

 Qin Yao spread his hands: "Maybe it's because the miracle shown by Wangcai is so intuitive that it can easily make people crazy."

 That night.

Wangcai, who was sleeping, suddenly found himself pulled into a blood-red hall. Four huge demon statues stood in one corner of the hall, looking down at him, even with some ferocity.


 In a moment of nervousness, he actually stuttered again.


Suddenly, a demon statue in front of him on the left trembled slightly, and then a powerful breath was released from his mouth, sucking Wangcai's body into his mouth instantly.

Outside, on the quilt of the ruined temple, Wangcai's body twitched violently, and suddenly he opened his eyes, but his eyes were filled with blood, without any trace of humanity.

the next day.

 Early morning.

Wangcai holds a blood-red scepter and walks through the streets with the attention of countless people.

 When he passed by Black Rose's rice shop, he suddenly stopped, turned around and walked into the rice shop.

“Ah, Master, do you need rice?” Seeing him face to face, Black Rose said in surprise.

Wangcai shook his head, handed the blood-red scepter to her, and said solemnly: "I have a feeling in my heart that I need to retreat for a period of time. During this period, everything in Shenzong will be handed over to you."

black Rose:"???"

Isn’t this too sudden?

  Half an hour later.

Athena flew back to Fuxi Hall and quickly reported the matter to Qin Yao.


At the main seat, Mao Xiaofang suddenly stood up and walked out without looking back: "Her doom really lies in this three-evil position. We must persuade her to turn around as soon as possible, otherwise she may not escape death."

Looking at his hurried away figure, Qin Yao sighed helplessly.

“Why did Taoist Qin sigh?” Xiao Hai asked.

 “I sigh that your master is destined to return without success.”

Qin Yao spread his hands and said: "When Black Rose needed help the most, your master sternly rejected her.

Now that she feels that she has the capital to fight against the disaster, how can she care about your master's good intentions?

 Maybe, your master will be brought down by her. "

Xiaohai's expression changed slightly, and he immediately chased after him: "I'll go and keep an eye on him, so that Master won't be left alone."

Looking at the two masters and apprentices leaving, Qin Yao pondered for a moment and suddenly said: "Athena, you just said that Wangcai gave a scepter to Black Rose. What is that scepter?"

Athena: "It should be an evil thing given by the evil **** when thousands of people worshiped it. At that time, in order to avoid being discovered by the evil god, I did not dare to look at it up close, so I am not sure."

Qin Yao muttered: "You think of a way to get that scepter back to me. I want to see what it is!"

 (End of this chapter)

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