I’m a Big Boss In Uncle Jiu’s World

Chapter 497: The four phases of Yuan Shen, demons and demons

Chapter 497 The four aspects of the soul, demons and monsters

 In the long street, inside the rice shop.

Black Rose sat behind the counter, holding the blood-red scepter happily, the smile on her face almost unbearable.

 “Miss Rose.”

At this time, Mao Xiaofang lifted up his clothes and stepped in. He saw the scepter in her hand at a glance, and his nose could smell a faint smell of blood.

 “Mao Xiaofang, what are you doing here?”

Behind the counter, Black Rose's face changed slightly and she said lukewarmly.

"I'm here to persuade you to quit Shenzong." Mao Xiaofang stopped in front of the counter and said sincerely.

"Quit, why should I quit?" Black Rose waved her hand: "Did you know that I am now the acting sect leader, one person below and above a thousand people? But whenever I give an order, I can summon hundreds of people at any time. I work hard."

Mao Xiaofang: "Do you still remember the fateful calamity I told you earlier? The position of the leader of the Shen Sect is the Three Evil Positions. It seems to have unlimited scenery, but in fact, it is full of murderous intent. This is where your fateful calamity lies."

"Are you scaring me?!" Black Rose said: "I asked you to marry me but you refused, and now you are scaring me again. Mao Xiaofang, don't you think you are going too far? Okay, you can also want me to quit Shenzong, just marry me. !”

 Mao Xiaofang: “…”

 Could you please be more reasonable?

 After a long time.

Mao Xiaofang expressionlessly took Xiaohai back to Fuxi Hall and sat down on a horse in front of the willow tree.

"Failed?" Qin Yao was lying on the couch, holding the secret book of the divine eye that he had just silently written in his hand, and asked sideways.

Mao Xiaofang sighed: "It's completely unreasonable."

Qin Yao: "She is not your wife, why should she listen to your reasoning?"

 Mao Xiaofang: “???”

Why does this sound weird?

Qin Yao was silent for a moment and then said: "After such a long time, Xiami should be crowned, right?"

Mao Xiaofang's heart moved: "Are you saying that if Black Rose is in danger, Xiami will come back to save her?"

Qin Yao held the secret book upside down on his chest and said with a smile: "When Xiami goes through the coronation ceremony, he can not only awaken the memory of his past life, but also his supernatural powers.

 For him, Black Rose is his only relative in this world. He will definitely pay attention to Black Rose at all times. If he finds that she is in danger, he will definitely come back to rescue her. "

Mao Xiaofang secretly breathed a sigh of relief and said helplessly: "What's going on in Gantian Town? The troubles are getting bigger and bigger, and the enemies are getting stronger."

Qin Yao said: "If nothing else happens, this calamity should have come to an end. After all, this is the human world, not the two realms of heaven and hell."

Mao Xiaofang nodded slightly, but there was no less worry in his heart.

 Evil gods are also gods, comparable to those of non-human beings, ghosts and monsters.

Now if Taoist Master Qin hadn't been here to take charge, he wouldn't have even a third chance of winning.

 It was night in a blink of an eye.

Athena floated into the rose rice shop, smelled the scent of strangers, and quietly walked into a room on the second floor.

In the room, Black Rose, who was wearing a set of white pajamas, was sleeping soundly with her arms around the quilt. She hung a blood-red scepter on the curtain in front of the bed, like a blood-stained mahogany branch.

Athena floated down to the scepter and raised her hand to grab it. But when her finger touched the scepter, the scepter suddenly emitted a bright blood light, and suddenly her body flew up, and she was forcibly ejected from the bed in front of the bedroom. outside.

At this time, the dazzling blood light also woke up Black Rose. She quickly climbed out of the bed, clasped her hands together, and murmured: "God, do you have any instructions?"

 The light of the blood-red scepter gradually became introverted and became invisible, and it did not give any response until the end.

 Outside the door.

Athena hesitated for a while, and finally gave up the idea of ​​trying again and hid within the wall.

 Zi hour three quarters.

Athena floated back to Fuxi Hall, stopped outside the door of Qin Yao's room like a floating shadow, and said softly: "The scepter has a spirit, the mission failed."

In the middle of the bed, Qin Yao, who was sitting cross-legged, slowly opened his eyes and said softly: "It doesn't matter, you have worked hard these past two days."

"It's just a follow-up, no hard work." Athena shook her head and asked: "Who should I keep an eye on next, Wang Cai or Black Rose?"

"There is no need to keep an eye on anyone. Go back and have a good rest." Qin Yao said: "Count on the time, our reinforcements will be here soon."

 One evening.

The sky is dark and the storm is coming.

Wangcai held a lantern in his hand, stepped into the ruined temple with the black rose, and said in a hoarse voice: "Congratulations, Miss Rose."

 “Congratulations to me for what?” Black Rose asked doubtfully.

"You withstood Mao Xiaofang's temptation and did not abandon the sect. The gods are very pleased with this and decided to give you a reward." Wangcai said softly.

Black Rose frowned and said, "How does God know that I rejected Mao Xiaofang?"

Wangcai heard her subtext and said calmly: "No one is watching you... It's just Gantian Town. If the god's consciousness can't cover the whole town, is it still a god?"

“That’s right.” Black Rose’s doubts disappeared and she said with a smile.


 Suddenly, the statue's eyes lit up with bright blood, and a low and solemn voice sounded: "Black Rose."

"Here." Black Rose held the scepter and knelt down quickly: "Meet the gods."

 “Are you willing to believe in and serve this **** for the rest of your life?” the statue asked seriously.


"Sister Gui!!" Just when Black Rose was thinking about the gift from God, and was filled with greed and wanted to agree, a slightly childish voice suddenly came from afar.

 “Xiaomi?” Black Rose was startled and subconsciously stood up from the ground.

 Because when Xiami left with Ningma, she made it clear that she would definitely come back in the future, so she did not leave with him.

  Unexpectedly, the other party would come back so soon, and come back so coincidentally, just in time for her to take the oath.

“Black Rose, how dare you disrespect God?” Wangcai asked sternly.


Before Black Rose could speak, the door of the ruined temple was kicked open, and then eighteen holy monks filed in. Four of them were carrying a golden sedan. The person sitting in the sedan was clearly going to Tibet for a coronation. Small shrimp.

At this moment, Xiao Xiami was wearing a monk's robe and a monk's hat. There was a murderous look on Baoxiang's solemn face, and he shouted: "What kind of false **** dares to plot against my relatives."

"How dare you call me a mere child?" The statue laughed loudly, Wangcai's eyes suddenly turned blood red, and with a red light on his body, he quickly rushed towards Xiao Xiami's sedan.


Eighteen holy monks shouted angrily at the same time, and ten people stood up on the spot and blocked the sedan.

 “Bang, bang, bang…”

Wangcai's **** hands kept hitting their chests, like iron hitting a bronze tripod, making a loud sound of gold and iron. In the blink of an eye, Wangcai was surrounded by ten monks, and the golden fists pounded his body like raindrops. The blows made him lose sight of one thing, as if he was stuck in a quagmire.


Suddenly, the blood-red scepter held in Black Rose's hand trembled slightly. Countless blood threads protruded from the scepter and quickly spread to Black Rose's arm. She manipulated her palm, turned the scepter suddenly, and turned the bottom of the scepter. Aim for your own throat.

 “Give up resistance, or I will kill her.” The idol roared.

 “Sister Gui.”

Xiao Xiami’s expression changed and he shouted violently: “Blood Demon, if you dare to hurt my sister Gui, even if your soul is torn to pieces, I will drag you to death together!”

 “You are not qualified to bargain with me.” The statue angrily yelled, bloodshot controlled the Black Rose arm, and stabbed the bottom of the scepter hard towards her neck.


At the critical moment, a burly figure suddenly appeared in front of Black Rose, holding a blood-red scepter in one hand.

“Taoist Master Qin!” Xiao Xiami and Black Rose shouted in surprise at the same time.


The scepter held by Qin Yao in his palm trembled violently, trying to break free from its confinement, but he could not move an inch.

 “If you meddle in other people’s business, you will seek your own death!”

The **** statue roared angrily, and countless vine-like tentacles flew out from behind it, whistling towards everyone.

 “Bang bang bang.”

Qin Yao bent his arms and snatched the scepter from Black Rose's hand, and the blood threads binding the opponent's arms were broken one by one.


In an instant, white-gold flames releasing endless high temperatures jumped out of the palm of his hand. With the scepter in his hand as the center, fire walls like angel wings spread out to both sides. While burning the scepter, it also blocked all the incoming fire. of tentacles.


The tentacles hit the wall of fire, as if they had been hit into a high-temperature oil pan. They were burned with a sizzling sound and bursts of white smoke came out.

Little Xiami flew in front of Black Rose, pulled her out of the ruined temple, and said solemnly: "Sister Gui, wait here. You must not enter the ruined temple again. I will go to support Taoist Master Qin."

“Xia Mi, you have to be careful!” Black Rose said with concern on her face.

Xiao Xiami waved his hand and said to the eighteen monks who followed him out: "You stay here and take good care of my sister Gui."

“Yes, Abbot.” The eighteen monks said in unison.

 Inside the ruined temple.

Wangcai disappeared behind the statue in a flash. Athena quietly appeared in the corner of the hall, bent her bow and arrow, aimed it at the head of the statue, and suddenly released the bowstring.



The white-gold divine arrow dragged its wings of light and shot in the center of the statue's eyebrows in an instant.

How could the fragile clay statue resist the power of the divine power? It exploded and the earth flew into the air.


The tentacles all over the sky seemed to have lost some kind of support and fell from the sky one after another, stirring up countless dust.

Upon seeing this, Qin Yao immediately focused all his firepower on the blood-red scepter, and soon burned the dead branch-like scepter to ashes.

“The statue is spitting blood.” Athena looked forward and suddenly said loudly.

Qin Yao put away the flame in his hand, patted away the black ashes, and looked up, only to see dirty blood gushing out from the neck of the statue, and the smell was suffocating.

 “Not good.” Xiao Xiami’s face changed drastically as he rushed in. He immediately sat cross-legged in front of the statue, using all his power to recite scriptures.

The shining golden characters flew out of his mouth and sank into the broken neck of the Buddha statue. The wildly spurting blood immediately slowed down until no more dirty blood flowed out.

"Did I do something wrong?" Athena came to Qin Yao's side and asked in a low voice.

Qin Yao shook his head and said, "You didn't do anything wrong. It's just that we didn't expect this to happen."

"Under this ruined temple is a blood lake." Xiao Xiami stopped chanting and pointed at the statue and said: "And this statue is equivalent to a pipe inserted into the blood lake. If it is broken, the contents of the blood lake will be destroyed. The dirty blood will spurt out."

Qin Yao frowned slightly. For him, this was obviously an over-the-top question.

“Xia Mi, can the demon in the blood lake hear what we are saying now?”

Xiao Xiami shook his head and said: "Don't worry, I have cut off his connection with the ruined temple. He will not be able to hear what we say until the effectiveness of the mantra disappears."

Qin Yao breathed a sigh of relief and asked directly: "Is there anything you can do?"

Xiao Xiami thought for a while and said: "This beast is a blood demon. Its soul is divided into four phases and is a demon. If demons and demons do not appear, the blood demon cannot be killed. But once demons and demons appear, few people in the world can restrain themselves. Keep his things.”

 At this point, he paused slightly and counted with his fingers: "One of the four phases has appeared, and there are still three that have not emerged. If you want to truly eliminate it, you have to sacrifice three more lives to make the four phases appear.

This becomes a multiple-choice question of human nature, whether to sacrifice three lives in order to eliminate the blood demon.

 This is also the main reason why this species has never been eradicated. It's probably because all righteous people can't bear the uneasiness of conscience and helplessly watch someone die. "

Qin Yao scratched his head and asked in confusion: "The one that comes out should be wealth. In other words, whoever takes the position of the leader of the Shenzong is a candidate for the four prime ministers.

 The problem is, there is no compulsion in this thing. Driven by greed and choosing power regardless of life, what would be a pity if such a person dies? "

ˆXiaoxiami: “…”

 Are you a righteous person? !

After being speechless for a long time, Xiao Xiami changed the subject: "The mantra spell can't seal a broken neck for long. In order to prevent the dirty blood from spewing out again, I need to guard here and be ready to seal it again at all times. As for the way to eliminate the blood demon, that's it It’s up to you and Master Mao to think.”

Qin Yao said: "This matter cannot be told to Mao Xiaofang, because based on his character, even if he uses himself to suppress the demon, he will not choose to sacrifice three more ignorant villagers."

 Xiao Xiami: “So, you still choose to watch the four phases manifest?”

Qin Yao said in a deep voice: "Long-term pain is worse than short-term pain. Now we have you, me and Mao Xiaofang in Gantian Town. We can prevent the blood demon from being born, but what about the future?

The spiritual energy in the human world is getting thinner and thinner. It is conceivable that in the future, the monks in the human world will definitely be inferior to each other. When the blood demon is born, who can stop it? "

Xiao Xiami opened his mouth, but was speechless.

He couldn't find any reason to refute, because if the Blood Demon was born in the future, there would be rivers of blood.

"After the four phases are manifested, although they have lost the ability to be immortal, they are very likely to have the ability to combine the four phases into one. By then, ordinary divine weapons may not be able to harm Him at all, so you have to be prepared." Xu Jiu Finally, Xiao Xiami reminded.

Qin Yao nodded silently and said, "Then I'll trouble you to guard this place. I'll discuss it with Mao Xiaofang and see where I can find the magic weapon to destroy the blood demon."

In fact, after reading the original work, he knew that the Seven-Star Yanyue Sword in the outer cave of Tianwai Tiandong could destroy the blood demon, but the problem was that he did not know where the outer cave of Tianwai Tiandong was.

 For the specific geographical location, we still have to find the answer from Mao Xiaofang!

 (End of this chapter)

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