I’m a Big Boss In Uncle Jiu’s World

Chapter 570: Zombie Rebirth in Seven Days: Rewriting the Plot

Chapter 570: Zombies: Rebirth in Seven Days: Rewriting the Plot

“Can I take a look at your ancestral magic weapon?”

Qin Yao put down the tea bowl, walked to the Five Elements Luo Geng, and said softly.

He remembered that in the original work, after sucking blood from the five contact points inside Luo Geng, he could transform into a five-element barrier according to local conditions. It sounded awesome and powerful, but in reality it was a bit awkward.

Water, wood, earth, metal, and fire, the five major enchantment spaces, the only thing that can really kill zombies is the last bit of flame.

 And the ultimate elimination of zombies did not rely entirely on Luo Geng. More importantly, it was dawn. With the help of sunlight and flames, the zombies were burned to ashes.

This kind of performance is still unsatisfactory in the Age of Dharma Ending, but in Qin Yao's eyes, this thing is not as good as the Vajra Pestle lent to him by Master Hongshan in the Cursed World.

"Okay, you can look at it however you want." Ayou said magnanimously.

 Qin Yao raised his hand and took the Five Elements Luogeng off the wall. He sensed it with his spiritual consciousness and found that there was no soul fluctuation in the magic weapon, which was obviously unrefined.

This also corresponds to the plot in the movie from the side. In the movie, Luo Geng has not rotated for many years, so when Ayou saw Luo Geng sensing the corpse energy and starting to rotate, his expression was so surprised.

Qin Yao dragged the bottom of Luo Geng with his left hand, and placed his right hand flatly on top of Luo Geng's shell. As his mind turned, strands of white-gold spiritual energy fell into Luo Geng, and Luo Geng's outermost shell suddenly retracted. In the plate, a precise dial is exposed. In the center of the dial, five contacts are slowly pushed out, and the surrounding five ancient texts of water, wood, earth, fire, and gold gradually light up.

Even though he was mentally prepared, Ayou was still stunned when he saw this scene, and his eyes fell on Luo Geng blankly.

Just as he couldn't understand why Qin Yao could make the female ghost not afraid of the sun, he couldn't understand how Luo Geng reacted to the platinum magic power without using blood as a key.

 It shouldn’t be!

With five fingers pressed on the five contact points, Qin Yao felt as if there was endless power of the five elements flowing around him. This power folded a barrier. As long as he wanted to, he could twist Luo Geng and release the barrier at any time.

So, he thought and did it, and the ground instantly turned into water. At a glance, it was like the bottom of an abyss, with no end in sight.

 Qin Yao stepped on the water and raised his eyes to glance at Ayou. He felt that as long as he wanted to, he could submerge the other person in the black water in an instant and sink him to the endless bottom of the sea.

Ayou was so cold when he saw him that he realized at this moment how big the gap was between him and the other person.

If nothing else, the Five Elements Barrier he opened is not so scary...

Qin Yao admitted that he underestimated the Five Elements Luo Geng.

This thing is like a spiritual medium. The stronger the magic power, the stronger the Five Elements Barrier it displays. Perhaps it's not just Luo Geng's own problem that makes him look so useless in the original movie.

 “This magical weapon is really good.”

Thinking of this, he turned to Ayou and said.

 Ayou: “…”

Of course I know this magical weapon is good, but you don’t have to look at me expectantly, right?

 Do you still expect that I can give you the ancestral magic weapon?

 Qin Yao is a little confused. Under normal circumstances, when others praise your treasure, shouldn't you be humble?

Even a few words of shameless bragging are normal, but what is the point of having neither of these, and instead showing off an attitude of guarding against wolves?

I have never seen the baby. How can I still steal your things? !

After a while, he silently removed his hand from Luo Geng, and the black water on the ground disappeared instantly, as if it had never appeared at all.

“Give it to me, I’ll hang it up myself later.” Ayou stretched out his palm towards him and said with a smile.

Qin Yao shrugged and put the Five Elements Luo Geng in the opponent's hand: "If there is nothing else, I will leave first." Ayou held Luo Geng with both hands and said sincerely: "Thank you for helping me untie it. Knot."

Qin Yao waved his hand, turned and left the room.

"Why are you so nervous?" After watching his back disappear, an old ghost in the room said quietly: "If he wants to steal your magic weapon, can you stop him?"

 Ayou was slightly startled and speechless.

 Two days later.

 At Aunt Mei’s home.

Uncle Dong walked out of the bedroom with a Tickle in his hand. He glanced at his wife who was mending under the light, and couldn't help but murmured: "Who are you sewing these clothes for? Those bad guys, they are taking advantage of you. Do you know that being a free nanny is good, but being too kind is a kind of weakness..."

“If you have nothing to do, go and help me throw out the trash.” Aunt Mei smiled and said without raising her head.

“I don’t understand good words.” Uncle Dong retorted habitually, but in the end he picked up a few garbage bags in the trash can, turned around and walked out of the house.

 “Woo woo woo…”

As soon as he arrived at the stairs, Uncle Dong suddenly heard bursts of children's sobbing. He looked down the stairs and saw a child wearing a white vest holding his legs and sitting at the bottom of the stairs on this floor. The body kept twitching.

“Hey, whose kid are you? Why are you hiding here and crying secretly?!”

Hearing his questioning voice, the child gradually turned his head. Nothing was wrong at first, until he turned his head 180 degrees...

Uncle Dong's heart trembled, his legs became weak, and he fell down uncontrollably. At this moment, a pair of big hands suddenly appeared, grabbed his collar from behind, and lifted him above the stone steps.

At the bottom of the stone steps, the kid seemed to have seen something terrible. He swooped into the ground and quickly disappeared from Uncle Dong's eyes, which had a huge impact on his world view.

"Are you okay?" Qin Yao held up Uncle Dong's collar, slowly pulled it back and put it next to him.

Uncle Dong turned his head and looked at the dim corridor that seemed to be filled with gloomy air. His body trembled slightly and his heart was filled with gratitude: "I'm fine, I'm fine. Thank you. If you hadn't saved me in time, I would have carried you down from such a high place. , I’m afraid he will either die or become disabled.”

Qin Yao waved his hand and said: "From now on, if you can't go out after dark, don't go out. As you just saw, it's not very safe here at night."

Uncle Dong felt a chill in his heart and nodded repeatedly: "Yes, yes, I won't go out at night from now on. Master, that just now..."

“It’s what you think of.” Qin Yao nodded slightly.

Uncle Dong suddenly felt cold all over, and looked at Qin Yao with a hint of eagerness: "Master, have you eaten? If not, come to my house for a drink. I will ask my wife to cook some more specialty side dishes..."

Qin Yao: "That's not necessary, I've already eaten. You should go home quickly. Remember, remember, it's best not to go out after dark in the near future."

Uncle Dong nodded hurriedly and asked, "Dare you ask the master's name?"

“My name is Qin Yao and I live in Room 2442. If you encounter anything that science cannot explain again in the future, you can always come to me.”

 Uncle Dong was stunned.

  2442, that is not an auspicious place!

 (End of this chapter)

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