I’m a Big Boss In Uncle Jiu’s World

Chapter 571: Zombies are reborn in seven days: the **** who borrowed the road

Chapter 571 Zombie·Rebirth in Seven Days: The God Who Borrowed the Way


Uncle Dong walked back to the room carrying a garbage bag and called to his wife who was sitting in front of the sewing machine.

Aunt Mei glanced at his hands with garbage bags hanging on them, with a helpless expression on her face: "I told you to throw away the garbage, why did you turn around and pick up the garbage again?"

Uncle Dong discovered this incident belatedly, threw the garbage bag behind the door wall, and looked directly into his wife's eyes: "Forget about the garbage, have you heard about the new residents in 2442? "

Aunt Mei: "Why bother to hear about it? I also chatted with the neighbor for a while. How should I put it, the feeling he gave me can be described in four words - unfathomable."

“It’s really unfathomable.” Uncle Dong nodded.

Aunt Mei was stunned for a moment, then said with a smile: "The sun is rising in the west today, and you are actually praising me!"

As we all know, Uncle Dong is nicknamed "Dong" with bad breath. He can find all kinds of faults among the neighbors in the whole building, and he rarely has anything good to say about anyone.

"Looking at what you said, I'm not crazy or stupid, so of course I can praise others." Uncle Dong looked at her with a depressed expression, but he refused to fall behind in terms of language.

 “What’s the matter? Why did he get such a high evaluation from you?” Aunt Mei didn’t want to embarrass her husband after all, so she got back to the topic with one sentence.

“He saved my life.” Uncle Dong said seriously, “Just now.”

As he spoke, he also told the story about seeing the little ghost. Aunt Mei's expression changed dramatically and she was full of fear.

“Master, you must listen to Qin Sheng and never go out again after dark.”

Uncle Dong nodded: "I know, I know, what I'm telling you now is about the life-saving grace. If I don't even know how to repay the life-saving grace, what's the difference between me and those rotten fish and shrimps?"

Aunt Mei thought for a while and said: "Tomorrow let's make some snacks at home and give them to others, just as a celebration of settling down. The gift may not be heavy, but it is our sincerity."

Uncle Dong smiled and said: "This is good, this is good, let's do it together tomorrow, I hope he won't dislike it..."

 “Dong dong dong.”

In Room 2419, Qin Yao raised his hand and knocked on the door.


In the room, a middle-aged man with a thin and gloomy face and a body as thin as paper turned his head and looked at the door. His image was like a ghost under the scent of incense.

Qin Yao: "Is it Lao Jiu?"

 “I am Ah Jiu, who are you?”

The man stood up from the futon, reached out from in front of a statue of an evil **** and took out a unique-shaped dagger, put it behind him, and slowly came to the door.

"I just bought this building. According to this status, I am your landlord." Qin Yao said.

Ah Jiu was stunned for a long time, and his expression changed for a while. Finally, he hid the dagger in his waist and reached out to open the door with a smile on his face: "Hello, Mr. Landlord, I have already paid the rent this year."

"The rent is not important. I'm not here to see you for that little money." Qin Yao pointed to the room and said in a low voice, "Won't you invite me in to sit down?"

Ah Jiu hesitated for a moment, then finally opened the security door and got out of the way.

Qin Yao strode into the room and looked around. He saw the statue of the evil **** reflected in the red candle, the hanging coffin was lit with a red lamp, the inner room was illuminated, and there was a faint black air coming out... The whole room was evil and fierce, and it was like a It is a treasure land for cultivating evil spirits.

“I am a Taoist priest. Is it normal to have these things in the room?” Seeing him staring at the furnishings in the room, Ah Jiu said quickly.

Qin Yao silently withdrew his gaze, turned to look at Ah Jiu's twinkling eyes, and asked, "Have you ever heard of the saying, don't say you don't predict what you say?"

Ah Jiu's mind was racing and she narrowed her eyes: "I've heard of it, what next?"

"This building is my territory now. Don't cause trouble in my territory. Otherwise, even if there are more ashes to extend your life, you won't be able to survive." Qin Yao said quietly.

Ah Jiu's pupils trembled sharply, and his face was full of shock: "Who told you this?"

Qin Yao pointed to the inner room and said coldly: "Do you think I am blind and can't see what's in that room?"

 Ah Jiu: “…”

 How is it possible for normal eyes to see something through a wall?

At the end of the day, it has to be the legendary clairvoyance, but it’s impossible to guess what he borrowed to extend his life just by looking at the clairvoyance!

This landlord is a master!

 A very tall person.

"Do you understand what I said?" Qin Yao turned his back to Ah Jiu and spread out his right hand. Under his deliberate control, wisps of faith turned into invisible power and quietly penetrated into each evil **** sculpture.

Countless thoughts flashed through Ah Jiu's mind, but he finally lowered his head and said humbly, "I heard that, and I promise not to cause you any trouble."

He is already old and frail, and is also seriously ill. Even if he possesses Taoism and magic, he can deal with ordinary people, and he can also deal with ordinary ghosts. However, he has no confidence in dealing with the landlord who can see clearly his true and false status at a glance.

"You only have this one chance. Don't try to die. If you try to die, you will definitely die. Even if the evil **** comes, he won't be able to protect you. I said so." Qin Yao reached out and patted his shoulder, turned around and walked out the door.

 “Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang…”

The moment he walked out of the door, all the evil **** statues in the room exploded. Loud noises accompanied by smoke and dust made Ah Jiu's legs weaken and he fell to the ground uncontrollably.

He didn't even see the opponent take action, and the room full of evil **** statues exploded the moment the opponent left.

 This is a loud slap in the face, and also a huge shock!

After all, the hardness of those statues blessed by the evil god's power is no worse than his weak body. In this way, if the other party wanted to kill him, it would probably be within a matter of seconds.

 Where did such a monster come from? What was his purpose in buying this building?

The more Ah Jiu thought about it, the more frightened he became, and unknowingly he was sweating all over his shirt.

 A few days later.


Ah You was still wearing his signature pajamas, shorts and flip-flops, with a cigarette in his mouth. He stood in front of the stall of the fried rice restaurant casually, holding the handle of the pot in his left hand and a rice shovel in his right hand. When he turned his wrist, the contents of the pot were The glutinous rice turns golden brown quickly.

While he was frying, he suddenly sniffed and smelled the smell. He looked up and saw two young men in white T-shirts working together to lift a coffin-like wooden box from a white van. Slowly walked into the diagonally opposite Taoist Hall.

 “Hmph, hum, what’s the smell? It’s so smelly?”

At this time, the Shanxi man who was working as a waiter in the restaurant sniffed and almost vomited.

 “It’s the smell of corpses.”

Ayou murmured: "At least it takes thirty years of accumulation to have such a top-notch taste."

 Shanxi guy: “…”

 A corpse that has been dead for thirty years, wouldn’t it be premature?

 “Shanxi guy, you come and speculate.”

Ayou was really worried. He waved to the Shanxi guy, untied the apron hanging around his neck and walked towards Lao Jiu's Taoist Hall.

When something strange happens, there must be a demon. Lao Jiu, a bastard, has always had evil intentions. Don't create any more evil demons to harm the world.

 “Brother friend, rare guest, rare guest, please come in quickly.”

In the Taoist hall, Ah Jiu, who was drawing talismans, raised his eyes at the sound. When he saw it was Ah You, he quickly put on a smile on his face and walked quickly to meet the door.

Ah You stepped into the Taoist hall, sniffed, and frowned: "Ah Jiu, what are you doing with such a strong smell of corpses?"

 “What can I do?”

Ah Jiu shook his head and sighed: "Brother You, you also know that business is not easy to do now, and it is even harder to do Taoist business.

 In order to make ends meet, sometimes you have to compromise with life.

This corpse was sent by one of my clients who asked me to make it into a wax figure. There should be nothing wrong with this order, right? "

Ayou glanced at the hanging wooden coffin in the Taoist hall and said in a deep voice: "You'd better really just be making wax figures."

“What if?” Ah Jiu said, “I can’t refining corpses in broad daylight, right?”

Ayou looked at him deeply, waved his hand, turned and walked out of the Taoist Hall: "Let's go, come to my place for a drink when you have time."

 “Brother Friend, please walk slowly.”

Ah Jiu watched the other party leave with a smile on his face, but the moment he turned around, he clenched his palms and his face turned livid.

The mysterious landlord doesn't allow him to do anything in the building or do anything to his neighbors; Chen You doesn't give in too much. In the name of justice, he even wants to control everything he does!

 He just wants to live!

Ants are greedy for life, let alone humans?

 Is this wrong?

 Why are you targeting him?

 At the same time, inside the building.

The woman who looked like a crazy woman quietly came to the door of Room 2442. Her sight was blocked by the security door, so she squatted at the door and put her ear against the door, trying to hear the conversation inside.

"What are you doing?"

At this moment, Qin Yao brought the twin ghosts dressed as students to the gate and asked calmly.

After the last experience, the twin ghosts also knew that Qin Yao would not allow them to hurt others, so they followed the other side obediently and looked at the crazy woman with unkind eyes.

"sorry Sorry."

The mad woman was so frightened that she sat down on the ground. After getting up, she began to bow crazily, apologized, and walked in the opposite direction to them.

Qin Yao pursed his lips and was about to call the other party to stop when a chilling, creepy and weird sad music suddenly sounded in the corridor. The mad woman stood up with a loud sound, facing the wall, and pressed her body tightly against the wall. On the wall, not daring to open my eyes.

The twin female ghosts changed their expressions at the same time, turned into two black smoke, and swooped back into room 2442. Even before anything appeared, only Qin Yao was still standing in the middle of the corridor.

Not long after, as if in the blink of an eye, a head almost touched the top of the wall. The body was covered with colorful cloth strips, with a bamboo hat on the head and a tattered oil-paper umbrella in his hand. The strange figure slowly came over, and a strong sense of oppression was like a tide. Like crazy, he patted Qin Yao who was directly in front of him.

Behind him, there were three weirdos dressed in the same clothes and holding oil-paper umbrellas. The three weirdos walked side by side. Their huge bodies almost filled the corridor space, with only a small gap between the walls on both sides.

While walking, four strange people suddenly came to Qin Yao. Waves of bone-shattering wind rushed out from them, blowing up Qin Yao's clothes transformed by spiritual energy.

 Yin Shen borrows the way.

 The ghost seduces the soul.

Birth, old age, illness and death are all dreams.

Greed, anger, stupidity, and resentment are all in vain.

 Living people, make way!

 (End of this chapter)

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