I’m a Big Boss In Uncle Jiu’s World

Chapter 695: Fearless Warrior

Chapter 695 Fearless Warrior

 Twelve o'clock midnight.

Little Fairy Boy took Li Ruonan's hand and sent him out of the Chen Family Memorial Hall.

“Ruonan, are you okay?”

 Chen Lidong greeted him immediately and showed great concern.

Li Ruonan let go of the little fairy boy's hand, avoided Qin Yao's indifferent gaze, and said with a smile: "I just went to see something very interesting. What can happen?"

“It’s okay if it’s okay, it’s okay if it’s okay.” Chen Lidong took the initiative to hook her shoulders, put her in his arms, and said softly.

“Fuck, please don’t do this, okay?” Chen Zhenyuan looked disgusted and waved his hands repeatedly: “The sour smell of your love is floating in the air.”

Chen Lidong raised his leg and gave him a weak kick, then laughed and cursed: "Get out of here, you single dog."

"It's getting late, you guys can talk, I'll go back to the house and go to bed first." The little fairy boy said, walking directly past the crowd, walking into the darkness, and disappeared in front of the four of them in the blink of an eye.

 “Shall we go back to sleep too?” Li Ruonan asked.

"The expedition mission has not been completed yet, why should we sleep!" Chen Zhenyuan flatly refused, raising his arms and clasping his hands: "gogogo, set off towards the tunnel..."

 In the cold wind.

 Under night.

Qin Yao followed the three of them unhurriedly, like a bystander, more like a witness. Although he was so tall, his presence was not as strong as any of the three. Gradually, he seemed to be with these people. The night blends into one.

As time went by, the three of them gradually forgot about his existence. As they chatted, they talked about the children of Chen Lidong and Li Ruonan.

"Interview, A Dong, have you ever thought about the baby's name?" Chen Zhenyuan made a fist with his right hand, as if holding a microphone, and handed it to Chen Lidong.

With a happy smile on his face, Chen Lidong said: "Of course I have thought about it! If it is a boy, it will be called Chen Letian; if it is a girl, it will be called Chen Letong."

 ‘Those who don’t know are fearless. ’ Behind the three of them, Qin Yao finally understood the meaning of this sentence.

Aunt Chen made it clear to these three people from the beginning that if the child has a name after he is born, he must also sacrifice his name to the Buddha's mother.

Of the three of them, none of them cared about this statement. It was just as if Chen's aunt farted with her mouth and decided the name of the child in this village. It's no wonder that the Big Black Buddha Mother would not let Chen Letong go after six years. .

While walking, the four of them came to the back mountain and saw a wooden bridge tied with countless ropes.

Chen Zhenyuan suddenly became energetic, pointed at Qin Yao, or to be precise at the camera, at the wooden bridge, and said with a smile: "Members of the audience, please pay attention, this bridge is not an ordinary bridge, but a typical barrier bridge. , the ropes above form a complete barrier, making this bridge only suitable for people, not evil spirits..."


 “vomit, vomit…”

During the introduction, the four of them stepped onto the wooden bridge. Unexpectedly, Li Ruonan started retching uncontrollably after taking only two steps on the bridge. He couldn't stop it no matter what.

 “Are you okay?” Chen Lidong asked nervously.

Chen Zhenyuan frowned and forced to swallow the curse words that rose to the top of his throat.


 That’s trouble!


Li Ruonan wanted to say that he was fine, but as soon as he opened his mouth, he retched even more violently and kept vomiting. Chen Zhenyuan finally couldn't bear it anymore and said, "Can you still leave? If you can't leave, let my brother carry you."

 After crossing this bridge, there was a tunnel. Chen Lidong had no choice but to send the person back first and then rush back, so he squatted in front of Li Ruonan, patted his shoulder and said, "Come up, I'll carry you there."

Oddly enough, when Li Ruonan was carried on Chen Lidong's back and his feet left the bridge, the nauseating and retching feeling dissipated instantly, so fast that she didn't even react.

In a blink of an eye, a group of four people walked across the wooden bridge and came to a tunnel where sacrifices were placed.

With the help of the dim starlight, the expedition trio saw that the sacrifice included apples, bananas, pineapples, fish, pork, beef, and the weirdest or weirdest thing, there was actually a live goat!

“Are you feeling better?” Chen Lidong carefully put Li Ruonan down and asked with concern.

“Much better.” Li Ruonan nodded, pointed at the goat and said, “I can still understand fruit and meat as tribute, but what’s going on with this live goat?”

“The village has had the practice of sacrificing goats since ancient times. As for the reason, I’m not very clear about it.” Chen Lidong responded.

"Don't worry about whether it's a goat or not, and hurry down to the tunnel." Chen Zhenyuan kicked over the altar table at the entrance of the tunnel, stood upright, and kicked the wooden lens that blocked the entrance of the tunnel.

He kicked down the wooden frame and broke his lens. A cold wind suddenly blew out from the tunnel, making him feel very cool.

Chen Lidong and Li Ruonan followed closely. However, when they approached the tunnel entrance, Li Ruonan suddenly started retching again. This time it was even worse than the last time.

“Fuck, isn’t it?” Chen Zhenyuan scratched his hair with an irritated face and murmured while standing in the tunnel.

 “Help her stay away from the tunnel.” Qin Yao suddenly said.

Although Chen Lidong didn't know the basis for this order, it provided a direction for him who had no idea what to do.

 The result was the same as the weird situation when she went up and down the wooden bridge. When she was far away from the tunnel entrance, the feeling of nausea and retching quickly disappeared.

“Ah Yao, do you know what is going on?” Chen Lidong helped Li Ruonan sit down on a stone and turned to ask.

Qin Yao raised his right hand and raised two fingers: "There are probably two reasons. One is that there is something in the tunnel that can restrain her. The other is that there is something in the tunnel that doesn't want her to go in."

 “Is there a solution?” Chen Lidong asked.

Qin Yao shrugged and said, "It will be solved if you don't go in."

At this time, Chen Zhenyuan strode to the front of the three people, handed a mobile phone to Li Ruonan, suppressed his anger and said: "You can wait for us outside with this mobile phone. There is remote monitoring software on it, which can be used by A Yao." The camera saw me and A Dong.”

Although the nausea and retching were not his fault, the frequent interruptions in filming were indeed his fault. Li Ruonan refused unreasonably and could only take the phone over.

Chen Lidong wanted to refute a few words for her, but the problem was that Chen Zhenyuan didn't accuse her of anything, so he couldn't find anything to refute, so he could only remain silent.

 “Let’s go.” Chen Zhenyuan said.

Chen Lidong nodded silently, opened his arms and hugged Li Ruonan gently, then followed A Yuan and strode into the tunnel.

 Qin Yao took out the space bag from his pocket and was ready to fight at any time, and then followed the Chen brothers step by step towards the real body of the Big Black Buddha Mother.

 “Bang, bang, bang…”

Like a fearless warrior, Chen Zhenyuan walked at the front single-handedly, kicking away and smashing the tributes, mirrors, and even the clay boys in front of him, and marched all the way to a rope net with countless copper coins tied to it.

 (End of this chapter)

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