I’m a Big Boss In Uncle Jiu’s World

Chapter 696: unsayable real name

 Chapter 696 The Unspeakable True Name

 “Hua Hua Hua…”

 Chen Zhenyuan grabbed the fishing net-like rope with both hands and shook it twice. When he saw that it couldn't shake, he turned to Chen Lidong and asked, "A Dong, do you have a knife?"

Chen Lidong shook his head: "No, I never carry this thing with me."

 Chen Zhenyuan then looked at Qin Yao: "Ah Yao, do you have a knife on you? If you don't have a knife, a lighter will do."

Qin Yao believed that this seal could not stop the two brothers who were bent on death, so he waved his hands very decisively and said: "No, I don't need a knife or a lighter."

 “Then you can only work hard to achieve miracles.”

Chen Zhenyuan beckoned: "A Dong, come here to help."

The two brothers stood side by side in front of Qin Yao's camera, synchronizing the picture and sound to the mobile phone in Li Ruonan's hand through signals, so she could clearly see that the rope net was constantly swinging in their hands, and the copper coins tied to the rope net were constantly swinging. They collided together and made a splashing sound.


Under the strong pull of the two people, one nail used to fix the rope net was pulled out, and then the second, and the third... As the nails fell one after another, the rope net was quickly torn off. .

 “Nothing can stop me~” Chen Zhenyuan sang excitedly.

 Chen Lidong rubbed his arms with both hands. For some reason, a chill suddenly appeared in his heart. At the same time, he vaguely felt as if someone was spying on him.


Suddenly, bursts of children's cries came from deep in the tunnel. The sound was almost heartbreaking, as if its owner was experiencing some pain.

“Fuck, why are there children here?” Chen Zhenyuan was shocked.

"Go and have a look." Chen Lidong immediately quickened his pace and was the first to come to the place where the sound came from. He looked around, but he didn't see any children, and there was no sound of crying.

“Strange, could it be an auditory hallucination?” Chen Zhenyuan followed him and searched, but to no avail.

 “What kind of statue is this?”

 After a long time, the two brothers stood in front of the **** statue of the Buddha, and Chen Zhenyuan asked doubtfully.

The whole people in Chenjiazhuang worship the "Stone God" sitting in reverse. To put it bluntly, it is a stone statue made of two large and small round stones glued together and painted with eyebrows and eyes.

 So in the minds of the two brothers, the so-called Buddha Mother is that image, not what they see now.

“I don’t know, let’s see what He looks like.” Chen Lidong said, reaching out and grabbing the red cloth on the Buddha’s face.

 “Stop!” Qin Yao said sternly.

Chen Lidong's fingers paused in front of the red cloth, then turned to look at the camera: "What's wrong?"

 “Don’t touch that, it’s unknown.” Qin Yao said.

"We are the ghost-breaking agent team, brother. Why do you feel that you are the most superstitious? When you came here, you said that the Buddha statue with the hole in the face was unknown, and now you said that the statue with the red cloth on the face was unknown. Which one is unknown? Which one is unknown? Yes, it's not that exaggerated." Chen Zhenyuan turned to Qin Yao and reached out to lift the red cloth from the face of the **** Buddha.

At this moment, although he lifted the red cloth, he did not look directly at the Buddha statue.

Behind him, Qin Yao turned around the moment he lifted up the red cloth and turned to face the **** Buddha Mother.

 “Looking at you is so scary.”

 Chen Zhenyuan said he was disgusted, but an inexplicable sense of superiority suddenly arose in his heart.

 “Bang, bang, bang…”

Suddenly, a dull knocking sound sounded at the end of the tunnel. Chen Zhenyuan followed the sound and saw that Chen Lidong beside him came to the stone wall at some point and hit the stone wall crazily with his face. In the blink of an eye, the impact was **** and bloody. fly. Chen Zhenyuan was frightened by this scene. He quickly put down the red cloth, flew in front of A Dong, hugged his waist with his arms, and shouted in panic: "A Dong, are you possessed by evil spirits? Stop it!"

 “What’s my name?” Chen Lidong shouted loudly, still hitting the wall with blood flowing from his mouth.

"Your name is A Dong." Chen Zhenyuan dragged him tightly, but he couldn't move.

 “What’s my name?” Chen Lidong continued to roar.

 Chen Zhenyuan was frightened and responded: "Chen Lidong, your name is Chen Lidong."


When Chen Zhenyuan said Chen Lidong's name, the latter's head suddenly exploded, blood spattered half of his body, and his will and rationality were also destroyed.

What's even more terrible is that at this time, he heard a loud voice that seemed to come from the void, and the other party was asking his name.

"Don't ask me, don't ask me." Chen Zhenyuan covered his ears with his hands and fled out of the tunnel with all his strength.

Looking at his hastily escaping back, Qin Yao put his hand on his vest and destroyed the camera and microphone while he was breathing.

“Why don’t you save them?” Big Black Buddha Mother asked suddenly after letting Chen Zhenyuan run out of the tunnel.

Qin Yao: "Good words can't persuade the damned, and mercy can't save people. I gave them a chance, but they regarded this kind intention as a donkey's liver and lungs."

"They don't care because they don't know the dangers involved. You knew it, but refused to explain it to them, causing them to ignore the opportunity you gave." The Great Black Buddha Mother said: "Therefore, all the karmic debts are still there. On you."

Qin Yao laughed and said, "Your perspective on the problem is very tricky."

"Any questions?"

"Yes." Qin Yao said with certainty: "The problem is that they don't respect me! Since they don't respect me, why should I save them?"

Great Black Buddha Mother: "After all, isn't it because of the darkness in your heart? You look sanctimonious, but in fact your heart is like a poisonous scorpion. You are no better than me."

Qin Yao sneered and said, "Don't waste your words. This level of rhetoric can't mess with my mind."

"I am not saying this to disturb your Taoist mind." The Great Black Buddha Mother said, "I am waiting for someone to come in."

Hearing the footsteps approaching from far away, Qin Yao turned around and saw a little fairy boy with long hair and pure and cute cheeks slowly coming towards him and standing not far away from him.

 “The carrier of the gods.”

Qin Yao said softly.

“That’s right.” Big Black Buddha Mother said, “Not all foods are worthy of the title of Little Fairy Boy.”

Qin Yao: "Do we have to fight to the death? There is no grudge between us that cannot be resolved."

"No?" the Great Black Buddha said quietly: "If you hadn't broken up my faith in Thailand and killed my two major believers, why would I have waited for these seventeen more years?"

Qin Yao: "If I remember correctly, you were the first to cause trouble for me in Thailand, right? It was you who insisted on putting me to death."

“So what, why don’t you want to die?” said the Great Black Buddha Mother.

Qin Yao raised his eyebrows: "I have encountered many unreasonable demands, but this is the first time I have seen such unreasonable and shameless demands as yours."

Threads of black smoke flew out from the statue of the Big Black Buddha and poured into the body of the little fairy boy. The pupils of the little fairy boy instantly turned into ink black, and the originally innocent and cute cheeks became extremely gloomy...

 (End of this chapter)

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