Chapter 713 Fahai: I lost

 Few people know when Chehe Town was broken down.

  When the bad people drive away the good people and there is no more soil for good people to survive in this land, the remaining people will not care anymore.

The officials who came to take office didn’t care, they cared about the benefits they could get; the thugs didn’t care, they cared about their own pleasure; no one expected anyone to change the current situation, and no one thought they needed to be saved.

Therefore, except for Qin Yao, no one had any kind of expectations for Uncle Jiu for the time being. However, when those militants stopped roaming the streets unscrupulously and started fighting as if there was no one around, everyone felt the impact brought by Uncle Jiu at the first time. Variety.

 But, most people still don’t care.

As long as the flames didn't burn their hands and they couldn't feel the pain, they would always have the mentality of watching a show and watch Uncle Jiu's tireless tossing with cold eyes.

Until...hundreds of transformed militants were led by Uncle Jiu on Qin Yao's suggestion to set rules for one street after another. They finally realized the danger of burning hands and tried to unite and rush Get rid of this troublesome guy.

However, how can the power of mortals be comparable to that of gods? Qin Yao turned his hands into clouds and turned his hands into rain. He suppressed all the riots in an instant. The rotten and dilapidated things were destroyed by the master and the disciples. A new order was established in the town. If he did not obey, he would fall into the hands of Uncle Jiu. It's okay here, but if it falls into Qin Yao's hands, he will be beaten to death in public.

Everything is afraid of comparison. After seeing Qin Yao's brutal methods, people in the town suddenly discovered that Lin Jiu was quite good, at least he was not good at killing people. Under the background of Qin Yao, the villains showed a little more respect for Uncle Jiu. This is - prestige!

After gaining enough prestige, Uncle Jiu took over the job of the mayor and began to help the weak and uphold justice in the town. When the bullied villains felt the warmth of being defended, something seemed to take root in their hearts. .

So far, less than half a year has passed. Under the constraints of Uncle Jiu's rules, countless evil thoughts in countless people's hearts have been suppressed, and evil personalities have been trapped in cages. The folk customs of Chehe Town have changed drastically, and people are no longer like ghosts in the past. shape.

Fa Hai saw all this, but still refused to admit defeat.

He still felt that all the peace was tied to Lin Jiuyi. When Lin Jiuyi left, the beast in the cage would appear again, and everything would return to the way it was before.

Then he watched helplessly as Lin Jiu engraved his rules on a stone tablet and erected it at the door of the mayor's house, telling everyone who obeyed his rules that the rules on it were the law. When someone disrespects the law, others can attack him in groups.

After witnessing several law-defense cases led by Lin Jiu and being attacked by groups, Fahai knew that since then, the law has been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. Lin Jiu did not turn bad people into good people or change their nature, but when a bad person no longer dares to do bad things, then... is he still a bad person?

"I lost."

  Exactly one year later.

Fahai came across the moon, landed in the public office where Uncle Jiu was, and spoke to the master and apprentice in the pavilion.

Uncle Jiu looked into his eyes and said with a smile, "Isn't this your merit?"

 A year ago, he vowed to prove to Fahai that Fahai was incapable of dealing with these evil people.

 A year later, when a chaotic and disorderly town came to life in his hands, the desire to win actually faded away in the face of this sense of accomplishment.

Outside the pavilion, Fa Hai paused slightly as he looked at the smiling Uncle Jiu. Inexplicably, he did not feel depressed about failure, but instead felt happy from the bottom of his heart.

Yeah, if it weren't for the bet with him, Lin Jiu's work would definitely not be as smooth as it is now.

Although he was not deeply involved in the world and did not have many palaces, his eyes were still bright and he could see that Qin Yao did not look like a good person. Without interests as his guide, how could he be so dedicated?

"The conditions...what do you want me to do?" After coming back to his senses, Fa Hai chuckled, raised his eyes and asked.

Uncle Jiu looked at Qin Yao, who said without hesitation: "Keep it for now and use it when you have the chance."

"The world is vast, and there may not be a chance to meet again in the future." Fahai said seriously.

"Are you leaving?" Qin Yao heard what he meant.

Fahai nodded and said: "Chehe Town is no longer the Chehe Town it was a year ago. It makes no sense if I stay here." "Let's go together." Qin Yao said firmly.

Fa Hai was stunned and subconsciously asked: "Why?"

“The journey is long and it’s better to travel together than to be alone with no one to talk to, right?” Qin Yao said.

Fahai shook his head and said, "I want to hear the real reason."

Qin Yao pursed his lips and said frankly: "Our master and apprentice have been busy renovating Chehe Town this year, and we haven't had time to ask you for advice."

Fa Hai glanced at the two of them, hesitated for a moment and said, "Can you complete the handover before noon tomorrow?"

The master and apprentice looked at each other and smiled, and Uncle Jiu said loudly: "To be honest, we have been ready to leave at any time. We only need to leave a letter tomorrow and we can set off early in the morning."

Fahai: "Well, I will come to find you again early tomorrow morning..."

 A certain day.

 West Lake.

In the vast lake, one monk and two monks walked on the waves, as elegant as immortals.

Qin Yao's strength is basically obtained through cheating. He has no hard work and lacks corresponding spiritual insights. His fighting ability is okay, but his discussion of Taoism is a bit lacking.

After all, debating with Fahai is not about sophistication with words. No matter how quick your thoughts are and how clever your speech is, you will not be able to answer the other party's questions, and you will not even know where to start.

Compared with him, Uncle Jiu was much better. Therefore, Fa Hai and Uncle Jiu were basically talking along the way, while Qin Yao was only a listener. Even so, he consciously gained a lot and gradually completed his work. This shortcoming...


While walking on the waves, Fa Hai suddenly stopped and turned his head to look at the lake shore.

Uncle Jiu and Qin Yao followed his gaze and saw an old monk wearing a white round Buddhist hat and white cassock, with white beard and hair, holding a Zen staff and flying in the air with a smile on his face. He hummed happily: "The sun is shining, the scenery is beautiful, red flowers, green grass, I run forward happily..."

Fahai narrowed his eyes, and his body suddenly turned into a white light, chasing the old monk straight away.

 “What a famous scene.” Qin Yao said quietly on the lake.

 “What famous scene?” Uncle Jiu looked surprised.

"Of course..." Qin Yao stopped talking, and then said: "You will know after reading."

 “The elder is so happy.”

At this time, Fahai walked as fast as flying, caught up with the old monk in the air, and asked with a smile.

 (End of this chapter)

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