I’m a Big Boss In Uncle Jiu’s World

Chapter 714: Fahai needs friends

 Chapter 714 Fahai needs friends

 “Life is short, take pleasure in the moment.” The old monk kept walking and said amiably.

"Life?" Fahai followed him like a shadow, suddenly changed his face, and flashed in front of the old monk. Baoxiang shouted solemnly: "I can tell at a glance that you are not a human being, where did you get this life? A bold evildoer, in broad daylight How dare you show up in this world so arrogantly and think that we monks are dead?"

The old monk's expression changed, he suddenly stopped, and he shouted with dissatisfaction: "What's wrong with the demon? Does the demon deserve to be bullied?"

 “Be bold!”

Seeing that he dared to refute him, Fahai took action boldly, hitting the old monk with big hand seals one after another. The old monk could only parry and had no power to fight back.

"Master, I was wrong, I was wrong, don't kill me." The old monk was beaten until he vomited blood and finally gave in: "I practiced hard in front of the Buddha for more than two hundred years and listened to the Dharma, and then I was able to transform into a human form. Transformation. Afterwards, I have always been devoted to good deeds and have never done any bad things. Please give me a clear warning and let me live."

"The four realms of gods, humans, demons and ghosts are hierarchical. As a demon, it is wrong for you to appear in the world in broad daylight." Fa Hai shouted.

 Beside the West Lake, in the wilderness.

Uncle Jiu frowned and whispered, "That's too extreme."

Qin Yao bowed: "Master is worried, and disciple is willing to work hard."

Uncle Jiu looked sideways and said, "Don't mess around."

Qin Yao grinned, and the perseverance in his expression turned into confidence: "It's just talk."

 Looking at him walking towards the monk demon, Uncle Jiu was slightly startled.


At this time, Fahai, who was taking out his alms bowl and preparing to collect the demons, also saw Qin Yao and said, "What's wrong with you?"

Qin Yao nodded and said with a smile: "I want to share a story with you."

"We'll talk about it after I take over the demon queen," Fahai said.

Qin Yao shook his head and said, "Let him listen too."

Fahai hesitated for a moment and whispered, "Speak."

"It is said that after Pangu opened the sky, the clear air rose, the turbid air fell, the clear air turned into the sky, the turbid air turned into the wilderness, and itself turned into the sun, moon, stars, mountains and rivers, and the natural way. I don't know how long it took, the fusang of the sun star Two golden crows were born on the tree. One golden crow holds Hetu Luoshu, and is a natural demon emperor. The other golden crow holds the most precious Donghuang Bell, which has the qualities of a great emperor..."

The story, which has been almost forgotten in later generations, is nothing less than a thunder in the ears of a human demon who has never heard of such a myth.

Not only Fa Hai and the old monk were dumbfounded, Uncle Jiu was also fascinated, staring at Qin Yao with three pairs of eyes.

Qin Yao started from the creation of the sky by Pangu, talked about the three clans of dragon, phoenix and unicorn competing for hegemony, then talked about the decline of the three clans and the rise of lich, and finally talked about the war between lich and witch, ending with Nuwa creating human beings.

Fahai, the old monk, and Uncle Nine all looked at him with blank eyes, imagining the magnificent era in their minds.

 Until...Qin Yao raised a question.

“Master Fahai, do you understand?”

Fa Hai quickly woke up from his fantasy about the mythical age and said attentively: "This is just a story, based on rumors and rumors, made out of nothing, and even arbitrarily arranged, it is still unknown."

Qin Yao: "Emperor Wa, is he a demon saint or a human saint?"

 Fa Hai was speechless.

The legal principle for suppressing this demon is that all realms should be in order, and demons should not appear in the human world.

 But now someone told him that demons were the original masters of the human world, which directly shook his legal reasoning for taking action.

 You can say that the story of Qin Yao is just a story, but you cannot say that human beings appeared before Nuwa.

 “Why should we protect him?” Fahai asked in confusion after a long time.

Qin Yao shook his head and said: "Don't you know, I am not a good person. He is not related to me, and this is the first time we meet, and he is not of my race. Why should I protect him?"

"Then you are saying this because..." "Of course it is for you."

 “For me?” Fa Hai was shocked.

Qin Yao looked at him sincerely and said, "We are friends, right?"


 He has no friends.

From the time he can remember, he has been the divine monk of Jinshan Temple. The whole temple, including the old abbot, treats him as if he is a real Buddha, as if... he is really the reincarnation of some kind of divine Buddha.

 In that kind of environment, no one is qualified to be his friend, and no one is qualified to teach him anything.

His worldview and cognition are all constructed from his own speculation and a small amount of hearsay.

 Therefore, in the original work, he ignored evil and chaotic people and only responded with ridicule. But the spider spirit that transformed into a human must be resolutely suppressed without mercy.

 But his heart is not stone, but warm, so when he saw the green snake and the white snake sheltering the pregnant women from the wind and rain, he voluntarily gave up the idea of ​​dealing with them, and even gave the spider spirit's Buddhist beads as a gift.

 So when he sees a flood in Qiantang, he will stand up immediately and fight against the flood with his own strength.

 So…so…there are many more examples of these.

 Out of the "original" filter, Qin Yao has no ill feelings towards him, and he has never neglected him in the past year of getting along with him.

 And this sincerity was actually in Fahai's heart.

If it weren't for this friendship, how could he listen to Qin Yao's call to stop.

In terms of strength alone, how could Qin Yao have this qualification?

It was also because of this friendship that at this moment, facing Qin Yao's sincere gaze, young Fahai's heart suddenly became hot.

 No one taught him what to do or what not to do.

 No one treats him like this, treats him as a friend, and is willing to say this to him.

He never lacks respect and awe, but he is only twenty-five years old this year.

 He needs more than just respect and awe.

 “Am I wrong?” Fa Hai asked in a low voice, staring at Qin Yao with pure eyes.

Qin Yao did not use euphemisms or cover up for him. He said bluntly as a friend: "You are wrong."

Fa Hai was silent for a long time, then he quietly put away the alms bowl and said to the old monk, "Let's go."

The old monk was overjoyed, but he did not leave. Instead, he took three steps and knelt down before Qin Yao, stamping his feet at his feet: "The grace of saving my life will never be forgotten."

Qin Yao lowered his eyes and said, "If you do good deeds, there will be good news."

The old monk bowed again, then took off a string of psychic beads from his wrist and handed it to Qin Yao with both hands: "I have nothing to repay, I only have a string of beads, please accept it."

Qin Yao thought for a moment and without delay, reached out and picked up the beads: "Go and see you later."

The old monk stood up, stepped on the void, quickly walked away, and disappeared in front of the three people in the blink of an eye.

"Master..." Qin Yao delivered the beads to Fahai.

Fahai took the beads, felt the pure power of Dharma in them, raised his eyes and said, "From now on, please call me Fahai."

Qin Yao smiled slightly and said loudly: "Fahai."

Fahai also laughed, his smile as pure and clean as a young man’s…

  (PS: Thanks to Mr. Baozi for the tip, more will be added later~ Based on my typing speed, the time will be around 1:30.)

 (End of this chapter)

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