I’m a Big Boss In Uncle Jiu’s World

Chapter 833: Zombie Town, Weird Monk

Chapter 833: Zombie Town, Weird Monk

Being constantly harassed by Li Xiaoyao like a fly, the snake demon became extremely angry. It transformed into a black python several feet long and moved forward close to the ground. In an instant, it came to Li Xiaoyao and wrapped around his body from bottom to top. .


As the snake's body continued to tighten, Li Xiaoyao felt that his bones were about to shift, and he couldn't help but scream.

Qin Yao raised his right hand, pulled out a three-pointed two-edged knife from his ear, and threw it forward with all his strength.


The long knife turned into a ray of light in the air, and in the blink of an eye it covered a distance of tens of meters, and the blade was deeply inserted into the snake demon.

“Hoo~” the snake demon shouted in pain, its life quickly withered under the erosion of Xiangliu’s demonic power, its eyes quickly lost color, and the snake’s body lay limply on the ground.

Li Xiaoyao struggled to free himself from the snake's body and half-knelt on the ground, breathing heavily.

“You still have to practice.” Qin Yao said with lowered eyes.

 “Mr. sir!” Before Li Xiaoyao had time to respond, a shrill scream exploded behind them.

Qin Yao followed the sound and smiled slightly: "You came just in time."

The humanoid banshee with hairy body all over the body flew over and lay down on the snake demon, crying heartbrokenly: "My lord, wake up, don't scare me..."

Qin Yao raised his hand and took back the three-pointed two-edged knife, and asked calmly: "Did you participate in the matter of eating children?"


The humanoid banshee shook the snake demon unconscious, her eyes instantly turned red, her hands turned into animal palms with sharp claws, and her body rushed towards Qin Yao like a sharp arrow.

"Pfft." Qin Yao held a three-pointed two-edged sword in one hand, his eyes shining with white light, and he drew the sword like a dragon. The sharp blade instantly pierced the attacking banshee, causing her whole body to freeze in place.

At this moment, the sharp claws shining with cold light were only a palm away from his face.

With a chirping sound, Qin Yao withdrew the long knife expressionlessly, and the banshee beast's palm weakly passed in front of his eyes. It crashed to the ground together with its body, and transformed into the true form of the fox clan in a pool of blood.

"Are you OK?"

When the blood stains on the three-pointed and two-edged knife were completely absorbed, Qin Yao raised his hand to shrink it countless times, held it in his hand, put it in his ear, and looked down at the protagonist of destiny on the ground.

 “I can’t get up.” Li Xiaoyao said with a bitter smile.

Qin Yao released a beam of faith power to him, quickly repaired the open and hidden wounds on his body, and said, "How was the harvest?"

  When mentioning this, Li Xiaoyao suddenly became very excited: "I have found my own way of swordsmanship."

Qin Yao shook his head and said: "No, you have found a swordsmanship that suits you, not a swordsmanship that belongs to you. You are not qualified to say such a thing now."

Li Xiaoyao's somewhat arrogant attitude was suddenly knocked down by him. He scratched his head in embarrassment. After realizing that his body was not so uncomfortable, he stood up from the ground silently.

Seeing that he had no intention of discussing this topic, Qin Yao turned and ordered: "Go to the cave to see if there are any survivors."

Li Xiaoyao exhaled a breath and strode into the cave.

After about half a stick of incense, he walked out with a little girl in his arms with an angry look on his face, and said angrily: "Those two monsters deserve to die, there is only one child left, the secret cell is full of children's skeletons. "

Qin Yao did not share the same hatred with the enemy. He waved his hand, and the giant sword inserted deep in the cave suddenly flew into the air and rushed out of the cave: "Let's go, send this child back to the village. Our mission is completed."

On the way, he took the time to take out the white jade official seal and opened the recent income details:

  Kill the snake monster and gain 448 points of Yin De.

 Kill the fox demon and gain 324 Yin Virtue points.

 Total: 772 points.

The current total balance of Yin De is: one thousand six thousand six hundred five hundred thirty three points.

“Human beings are worthy of being the children of destiny.” Looking at this harvest, Qin Yao could not help but have such thoughts flash in his mind.

  Monsters kill people, and if people kill monsters, then people can gain Yin virtue.

The more people the monster kills, the heavier the karma is, and the more evil virtues can be obtained by killing them.

 Humans will not gain karma from eating meat unless the animal has developed intelligence and possesses a demon soul.

 From this aspect, human beings have taken a great advantage...

After a while, Qin Yao took Li Xiaoyao with his sword to the foot of the mountain, picked up the short fat man, and quickly returned to Yinyuan Village.

 Previously, the villagers did not know that they left the village to look for the monster, so when they came back with the girl captured by the monster, it instantly caused a sensation in the whole village.

The parents of the baby girl pushed through the crowd and held her tightly in their arms, crying and laughing with tears streaming down their cheeks.

At the same time, other parents whose children had been kidnapped by monsters frantically asked the two of them if they had seen their children. After learning that there was only such a survivor, the cries of grief suddenly spread, causing Zhao Ling'er who stayed in the village to , Lin Yueru, Liu Jinyuan and others all had red eyes.

"It would be nice if you could come earlier..." Village Chief Jin looked at Qin Yao with red eyes and said.

Qin Yao knew that he was not blaming them, but was expressing his thoughts from the bottom of his heart. He paused slightly and said, "The monster is dead, and it's time for us to leave."

Village Chief Jin was extremely reluctant to leave, but had no reason to stop them, so he took the villagers and sent them off one way after another, for dozens of miles, but no one could persuade them to leave.

“Just send it here.” Near dusk, when a group of them came to the bank of a big river, Qin Yao said to Village Chief Jin.

Village Chief Jin did not say goodbye this time. After all, there were so many of them and it would be inconvenient to cross the river, so he held up his fists and said solemnly: "Master Qin, Yinyuan Village will never forget your kindness for generations to come. "


Qin Yao waved his hand, and then drew out Li Xiaoyao's sword, which enlarged and floated on the water.

Zhao Ling'er, Lin Yueru, Li Xiaoyao, and Liu Jinyuan jumped on the giant sword one after another. Qin Yao finally fell behind the four of them. With a wave of his sleeves, the giant sword suddenly cut through the waves like a big ship and sailed into the distance...


When he could no longer see land and could only see the sea and sky in front of him, Li Xiaoyao suddenly became excited and came to the front of the crowd, opened his arms, raised his head, and shouted loudly to the front.

Lin Yueru followed his figure closely with her eyes. After thinking about it, she followed him and followed him, opening her arms to the sea and sky in the distance and shouting to her heart's content.

Li Xiaoyao turned to look at her, and she also turned to look at Li Xiaoyao.

Li Xiaoyao, who had been passive in this relationship, suddenly took two steps forward, hugged Lin Yueru's small waist tightly, picked her up, and kept spinning in circles.

Lin Yueru's skirt started to dance as a result, and her face gradually changed from shock to joy, and finally settled into a bright smile like the sun.

Behind them and in front of Qin Yao and Ling'er, Liu Jinyuan, who was caught in the middle, stared blankly at the bright smile, and then he laughed, feeling gradually relieved.

He still likes this bright and lively cousin, but he no longer has any hope. If you are destined to not get it, then living alone should be the most honorable way to separate.

Two or three hours later, the giant sword flew across the river. After everyone got ashore, a majestic city was faintly visible.

"Taoist Master Qin, Miss Zhao, Young Master Xiaoyao, and...cousin, let's say goodbye here." Liu Jinyuan said suddenly as he silently retracted his gaze towards the city wall.

“Cousin Jin Yuan.” Lin Yueru called with concern.

"I'm fine..." Liu Jinyuan smiled slightly, pointed to the brightly lit pier not far away and said, "I have figured it out and am going to Beijing to report on my work. I just happened to leave by boat at this pier."

Lin Yueru hesitated for a moment, then turned to Qin Yao and said, "We don't have a specific destination anyway. How about going to Beijing with cousin Jin Yuan?"

"No need." Before Qin Yao could reply, Liu Jinyuan took the initiative and said, "I would rather go for a walk alone."

 Lin Yueru: “…”

In the blink of an eye, Liu Jinyuan waved goodbye to everyone, walked away and gradually disappeared from everyone's sight.

Lin Yueru stared at the place where he disappeared, feeling lost.

Li Xiaoyao stretched out his hand to hold him in his arms and said softly: "I am your future."

Lin Yueru's heart was quickly filled with happiness, and she couldn't help but curl up her lips...

Not long after, the four of them walked into the city together and found a stay at an inn that was still open. While eating in the lobby, they heard someone at the next table ask: "Brothers, have you heard about what happened in Blackwater Town... "

“How come you haven’t heard of it? The rumors are getting more and more weird.” Someone responded.

“You said, what if the things inside break through the restrictions and escape...”

 “Bah, bah, bah, don’t talk nonsense!”

Hearing this, the four people at the square table looked at each other. They planned to listen to what was going on, but unexpectedly, those people stopped right there and started talking about other topics.

Li Xiaoyao endured it again and again, but finally couldn't hold it back anymore. He raised his hands to the five people at the next table and said, "Brothers, I just heard you talking about Blackwater Town. I wonder what the situation is in Blackwater Town?"

 “Why should we tell you?” one person asked with a frown.

Li Xiaoyao smiled and shouted in the direction of the counter: "Waiter, add three jars of wine to the five brothers at the next table and keep the accounts for our table."

"Okay." Behind the counter, the waiter wearing a melon cap and an apron around his waist responded loudly, and then he came to the five people with three jars of wine in his hands and feet.

 As the drinks were served, the five people's faces looked visibly good, and they even smiled.

"Brother is a bright man, so we won't hide it." The man who frowned just now said: "It is said that a very scary monster has come to Blackwater Town. At first, anyone who encountered this monster would Later, these zombies began to bite people, causing the number of zombies to surge. In just three to five days, the entire Blackwater Town was reduced to a zombie town. Thanks to a Zhixiu master on nearby Lingyuan Mountain, he came down the mountain and Several exits of the town were set up with anti-evil stakes, and the zombies were trapped in the town and unable to get out, thus avoiding a catastrophic disaster. "

“Master Zhixiu is so powerful, why doesn’t he go into the town to slay the demons?” Li Xiaoyao asked curiously.

 The five people looked at each other, and then one of them said: "Perhaps the demon is more powerful than Master Zhixiu. In terms of his ability, he can only do this."

"I also heard about one thing." At this time, a man who didn't speak much suddenly spoke.

 “What’s the matter?” Li Xiaoyao asked cooperatively.

"There seems to be something wrong with Master Zhixiu." The man whispered: "Since this master became famous because of the battle in Blackwater Town, many people have come up to the mountain to seek help. The strange thing is that everyone who comes to the mountain for help does not care what they ask for. Everything must be ordained first, and all those who are ordained will forget their past, or even who they are, and can only stay on the mountain and become monks. "

"Is there such a thing?" Li Xiaoyao's eyes shone brightly, and he turned to look at Qin Yao: "Taoist Master Qin, let's go and see if Master Zhixiu is a human or a ghost?"

Qin Yao pointed to the starry sky outside and said, "It's too late. Let's talk tomorrow."

Li Xiaoyao nodded, while eating the food, he was thinking about Monk Zhixiu and the Demon King of Blackwater Town, and his heart was full of curiosity about the unknown.


 The next morning.

 Li Xiaoyao, who had been tossing and turning all night, appeared in the lobby, walking around the stairs with his hands behind his back, looking up from time to time upstairs.

"Sir, do you have any needs?" The waiter who was wiping the table followed his figure and couldn't help but ask.

Li Xiaoyao pointed to the upstairs and said, "Can you go and call down some of my companions? Of course, you can't say that it was me who instigated them."

 The waiter: "?"

Looking at his confused look, Li Xiaoyao sighed and waved his hand half-heartedly: "Forget it, there's no need to go, I'd better wait a little longer."

 This wait lasted for half an hour, and it was not until a quarter of an hour that the other three slowly walked down the stairs.

“Let’s go.” After the four people gathered, Li Xiaoyao said happily.

 Until now, he has truly felt the flavor of the world.

"Are you hungry?" Qin Yao ignored him and turned to Linger and asked.

Ling'er pursed her lips and smiled, and said softly: "You're not hungry yet, just have something to eat on the way."

 “What are you excited about?” Lin Yueru looked at Li Xiaoyao and said.

Li Xiaoyao: "I want to know what's going on with Zhixiu right now. It's like a cat scratching his heart."

Lin Yueru said angrily: "What does his situation have to do with you?"

"Of course it does matter." Li Xiaoyao said righteously: "Through the narrations of the diners yesterday, this Zhixiu seems to be both good and evil. If he is a good person, that's it. If he is a bad person, How can I not take action to **** him?"

Lin Yueru thought for a while and did not refute him: "That's true."

Then, the four of them ate and walked, looking for directions. Soon they came to a lush green mountain. They continued to climb up along the clean mountain road. After climbing to the highest level, they looked up and saw a red-walled green mountain. The tiled Buddhist temple suddenly came into view...

“Hello, is Master Zhixiu in the temple?”

When they came to the temple gate unhurriedly, a monk just walked out of it and was stopped by Li Xiaoyao and asked.

 “Are you here asking for help?” The monk asked rhetorically without answering.

 “That’s right.” Li Xiaoyao nodded.

 “Let’s go, go quickly, you will all be doomed if you see Zhixiu.” The monk hesitated for a moment, then gradually strengthened his belief, raised his hands and drove away.

Li Xiaoyao blinked and asked bluntly: "Is that Zhixiu a demon monk?"

 (End of this chapter)

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