I’m a Big Boss In Uncle Jiu’s World

Chapter 834: The Red Ghost King Appears

Chapter 834 The Red Ghost King Appears

“I don’t know whether the demon monk is a demon monk, but it is indeed a very evil way.” The monk said.

“Take us to find him.” Qin Yao said in a deep voice.

“Is it because I didn’t express it clearly enough, or are you crazy?” the monk asked in astonishment.

Qin Yao smiled silently and said: "Didn't you say that Zhixiu is a very evil sect? We are here just to break the evil."

The monk glanced at them. After careful inspection, he immediately realized that they were extraordinary. After thinking for a moment, he turned around and said, "Follow me."

The four of them followed him slowly, and soon arrived in front of a majestic palace. They saw him saluting into the hall with a respectful look on his face: "Jueyuan pays homage to Abbot Zhixiu."

 In the treasure hall, a thin monk with eyebrows longer than his eyes and a gray beard stood up slowly and said in a low voice, "What's the matter?"

 Jueyuan: “Four helpers came.”

Zhixiu’s eyes brightened slightly, and a smile broke out on his face: “Please come in.”

Jue Yuan led Qin Yao and four others into the palace, and immediately said goodbye to Zhi Xiu.

Zhixiu waved his hand and let him go, then looked at the four helpers with a smile: "What do you want?"

Qin Yao smiled half-heartedly: "Can anything be done?"

Zhixiu shook his head: "Of course not. Things beyond my capabilities are not allowed."

“What is the scope of your ability?” Qin Yao asked.

Zhixiu: "It depends on what you want. For example, if you want to become an immortal, I will definitely not be able to do it."

Qin Yao paused slightly: "I want the truth."

 “What’s the truth?” Zhixiu looked confused.

Qin Yao stretched out his hand and pointed at his cheek: "Who are you, a monster, to dare to pretend to be an eminent monk so openly?"

 In fact, it was not that he had forgotten this plot, but that he vaguely remembered that in the original work, the monk said that he was a Buddhist bead that the Buddha had used, and that he had come down to earth to experience it.

If he were not a clergyman in the underworld, Qin Yao might still believe this, but it was precisely because he had stayed in the underworld that he truly understood how high the status of Buddha was.

 No matter in any immortal realm, once the Buddhist beads used by the Buddha himself are transformed, their strength cannot be lowered. The mouse from Lingshan Mountain in Journey to the West proves this point. The monsters from Lingshan Mountain are at least one of the monster kings in the mortal world!

“It seems that you are not here for help.” Zhixiu said coldly.

Qin Yao took out a three-pointed two-edged sword, raised his hand and threw it into the void: "Xiang Liu, take out his original form."

With a swish sound, the three-pointed, two-edged sword turned into a monster with a snake body and nine heads in the air. The nine heads opened their **** mouths at the same time. A black light group was brewing in the mouth, and nine beams of light were immediately sprayed out.

Zhixiu's expression changed, he formed a seal with his hands, raised his arms suddenly, and opened a semicircular golden defense shield, trying to block the black light beam.


When the nine light beams merged into one on the defensive shield and exploded suddenly, the golden light shield shattered, and the black torrent hit Zhixiu fiercely, and in the blink of an eye it was washed away into a Buddhist bead bound by a braided rope. .

 “Spare your life, spare your life…”

 The bead manifested a spirit with the same cheek as Zhixiu, minus its long eyebrows and beard, and it repeatedly bowed and begged for mercy.

Qin Yao waved, and Xiang Liu turned into a three-pointed two-edged sword, which fell into the palms of his left and right hands together with the beads.

“Now you can tell me, where are you from?”

“I am a Buddhist bead in the hand of the Buddha. By chance, I fell into the world and transformed into a monk.” Zhixiu shouted.

Qin Yao sneered, raised two three-pointed knives in his right hand, and the tips of the knives lightly touched the beads: "Say it again?"

 Zhixiu: “…”

"Okay, let me tell the truth." After a moment, Zhixiu gave up and said, "I am a Buddhist bead enshrined in this Mahavira Hall, and my original body is a Buddha bone relic. I have listened to the chanting for hundreds of years, and have received the Buddhist scriptures for hundreds of years. The incense comes out of this.”

“Transform into shape, why do you ordain people?” Li Xiaoyao asked.

Zhixiu: "I heard many monks talking about transformation, receiving guidance, and saying that everyone in the world has Buddha nature. I did this just to add some merits of receiving guidance, hoping to reach the ultimate bliss as soon as possible."

 Li Xiaoyao: “…”

Be obedient, can you be mixed with merit?

Is this guy out of his mind?

Qin Yao took away the three-pointed two-edged knife, flicked his wrist, shrunk the blade dozens of times, put it into his ear, and said in a deep voice: "Buddha beads, I want you to help me practice."

 Zhixiu: “?”

"You protect me." Qin Yao didn't explain anything to him, but turned to Ling'er and others.

 The three of them nodded at the same time, and Ling'er said seriously: "I will protect you."

Qin Yao smiled, ruffled her hair, then clasped his hands together, sandwiched the beads in the middle, and sat cross-legged on a futon.

As the strands of Buddhist power were drawn out, Zhixiu finally understood what it meant to help him practice, and his heart was suddenly filled with fear.

He first begged for mercy, but when he saw that Qin Yao was indifferent, he began to curse, and finally froze in despair, waiting to be wiped out.

To his surprise, after extracting 90% of his Buddhist power, this person did not drain himself for the sake of pleasure. Instead, he released a burst of white light and repaired his soul that was on the verge of being broken.

 “You, you...what are you going to do?”

 He asked anxiously.

Qin Yao looked inside his soul and sensed the strength of the mana flowing in his soul. He knew that with the help of the power of Buddha beads, he had reached the level of seventh-level success. He was still somewhat satisfied: "Do two things for me. I'll let you live."

 “What’s going on?” Zhixiu asked nervously.

"Don't worry, I won't embarrass you." Qin Yao said with a smile: "The first thing is to lift the memory seals of all the monks in the temple. You took the wrong path and forcibly transformed a long, long time ago, when Buddhism was first founded. It may still be considered a merit, but times have changed and it is now an evil deed.”

Hearing this, Zhixiu’s nervousness eased a little.

 If that's the case, it's not really a embarrassment to him.

"Okay, you can bring the monks who have been forcibly converted later."

Qin Yao nodded and said: "The second thing is, take us to find the culprit who caused Blackwater Town to become a zombie territory."

 “This won’t work.” Zhixiu’s expression suddenly changed and he said loudly.

 “Why not?” Qin Yao said lightly.

Zhixiu: "You may not know much about the culprit, but I can tell you responsibly that this devil is the legendary Red Ghost King, an evil **** at the lord level of the underworld. You can't defeat him, so don't lead me to death." ”

"How can an evil **** with the lordship level of the underworld cause trouble in the world?" Qin Yao shook his head and said, "Either you have been fooled by this news, or you are fooling us."

 Zhixiu: “…”

After all, their arms couldn't twist their thighs. A few hours later, late at night, the spirit of the Buddhist beads worn on Qin Yao's wrist led them into Blackwater Town, straight to a ghostly ancient forest, manifested themselves, and stretched out their hands. Pointing at the ghost forest, he said: "If nothing else happens, the Red Ghost King is in this forest."

"A new experience is about to begin, are you ready?" Qin Yao raised his hand and took out a three-pointed two-edged knife, and asked Li Xiaoyao with a smile.

Li Xiaoyao felt a chill in his heart, and the pain that felt like being forged suddenly hit his heart.


In the end, his unwillingness to be broken defeated the fear of pain. He took a deep breath, turned his hands and pulled out the sword behind him, and said in a deep voice: "Get ready." "Then let's enter the forest." Qin Yao said decisively.


At this moment, the four of them stepped on countless dead branches and entered the ancient forest. A burst of gray mist rushed over at a very fast speed and arrived in front of them in the blink of an eye.

Qin Yao took a breath, opened his mouth and spit it out, his breath became wind, blowing away the gray mist.

"Hee hee hee…"

"Ha ha."

The gray mist spread out in all directions and turned into big-headed ghosts, screaming and rushing towards them again.

 Qin Yao raised his right hand and pointed his finger forward. The densely packed swords of faith flew out from his arm, running across the void like cow hair, forcefully piercing through all the big-headed ghosts and dissipating into wisps of blue smoke.


Suddenly, the ground shook, the ancient forest trembled, and an afterimage smashed into countless ancient trees, madly attacking them.

 “Xiaoyao, prepare to fight.” Qin Yao said lightly.

Li Xiaoyao clenched the sword in his hand, jumped up, and kicked his right foot on an ancient tree with a bang. The man and sword merged into one, and they rushed towards the afterimage that was galloping towards him.

When the two were about to fight, Li Xiaoyao finally saw the opponent's appearance clearly. He saw that this guy was wearing green bronze armor with a red cloak tied behind him. There was not a head around his neck, but a hideous skull... It was a terrifying skull... Just a skeleton general.


 General Skeleton roared, and suddenly drew out the long-handled ghost sword that was carried behind his back. He held the handle with both hands and slashed at Li Xiaoyao.

“Ding.” Li Xiaoyao raised his sword and struck him. As expected, his body was knocked away. Then he flew up and rushed towards the skull from the sky with streaks of sword energy.

"Bang, bang, bang, bang." The skeleton general waved his long sword with both hands, blocking all the sword energy. With the ghost swords crisscrossing, Li Xiaoyao couldn't get close at all.

Since then, one person and one ghost were fighting each other. Qin Yao stared at them closely, and gradually understood where the halo of the protagonist Li Xiaoyao's destiny was...

For ordinary monks, even those with systematic cheats like Qin Yao, breaking through in battle is something that can only be encountered but not expected.

 But for Li Xiaoyao, as long as he fights, he can become stronger, which means that he will become stronger when he is strong.

  In other words, all battles that fail to kill him will only make him stronger, and the speed of this strength is astonishing.

“System, can this kind of talent be copied?” Qin Yao asked secretly.

  【Can be copied, but requires a lot of filial piety points. 】

“How much filial piety is required?”

  【88888. 】

 Chin Yao: “…”


 As if I didn’t ask.


At this time, Li Xiaoyao, who had been unable to attack for a long time, gradually had only the ability to parry and no longer had the strength to fight back. Lin Yueru turned to look at Qin Yao and saw that he had no intention of taking action, so he suddenly drew his sword and attacked the Skeleton General.

But the problem is, in terms of pure combat power, she can't even defeat Li Xiaoyao, so how can she be the opponent of the Skeleton General? Therefore, in just over ten rounds, dangers abounded, and life hung on a thread.


Not long after, when Lin Yueru's sword power was exhausted and he turned around, General Skeleton suddenly put aside Li Xiaoyao and stabbed Lin Yueru in the heart.

 “Yueru!” Li Xiaoyao couldn’t save him in time, so he could only shout loudly.

Lin Yueru heard his call, but her body could no longer keep up with her thinking reaction, and she could only watch the blade getting closer and closer to her.


When the tip of the Ghost Head Sword was less than three inches away from Lin Yueru's heart, a flash of light came first, cut through the forest and chopped leaves, and exploded the ugly head of the skeleton general in an instant...

Lin Yueru’s legs went weak and her body fell limply to the ground.

Li Xiaoyao put his sword back into its sheath, quickly dodged in front of the opponent, and hugged his upper body: "Yueru, are you injured anywhere?"

Lin Yueru shook her head and forced a smile: "I'm fine, not hurt, just a little scared."

Li Xiaoyao breathed a sigh of relief silently, helped him up from the ground, and said to Qin Yao with a face of shame: "I'm still not strong enough."

 Chin Yao: “…”

 In the early stage of practice, which is also gaining momentum, your two battles almost equaled the growth of my two stories. Why the **** are you telling me now that you are still not strong enough?

How much stronger can you be?

 Climb to the sky in one step and instantly possess the combat power of a heavenly master?

"I'm sorry, I failed to live up to your expectations." Seeing his silence, Li Xiaoyao became even more disappointed and lowered his head.

Qin Yao raised his leg and kicked him, and scolded him with a smile: "What are you talking about? If this doesn't meet my expectations, how high should I expect from you? Okay, stop talking nonsense and continue on your way, skeleton The general is just an appetizer, and the Red Ghost King is the main meal.”

Then, a group of four people set off again, passing through the ancient forest where gray mist drifted from time to time, and finally came to a desolate and dilapidated tomb.

Qin Yao stepped forward and placed his right hand on the tombstone that was faintly glowing with dark green light. He sucked the tombstone with his magic power, pulled it out of the ground, and threw it behind him with a wave of his arms.

 Subsequently, a hole leading to an unknown place suddenly caught the eye of the four of them.

“The Red Ghost King is in the blood pool under this tomb.” Zhixiu said.

“Let’s go.” Qin Yao waved and stepped into the cave first.

After walking straight forward for three hundred steps, the four people's eyes suddenly lit up. A wide cave appeared in front of them. The coffin erected in the center made Zhao Ling'er, Li Xiaoyao, and Lin Yueru feel like they were facing a formidable enemy.

“Don’t be nervous, this coffin is empty.” Qin Yao said.

“Why is there an empty coffin here?” Li Xiaoyao asked in confusion.

Qin Yao recalled the plot of the original work and said: "This coffin should belong to the skeleton general, but he did not stay here, but walked out of the tomb and appeared in the ancient forest."

“There is a door here.” Lin Yueru suddenly pointed in one direction.

Qin Yao grasped the three-pointed two-edged sword tightly, raised his arm and swung three swords in succession, and cut open the stone door forcefully. A huge suction force suddenly rushed out from the door, sucking their bodies.

 “No need to resist.”

Qin Yao added a defensive light shield of the power of faith to the other three with a snap of his fingers, and said loudly.


The next moment, the four people were forcibly sucked into the stone door and suspended above a pool of blood.

In the center of the blood pool, most of the body of a firebird-like monster was soaked in the blood pool. It raised its head and looked at them with murderous eyes.

 The Red Ghost King appears!

 (End of this chapter)

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