I’m a Big Boss In Uncle Jiu’s World

Chapter 924: If one day I become rich

Chapter 924: If one day, I become very rich

“Okay, okay, okay, okay…”

 Causeway Bay, at the entrance of Poly Building and in front of the flower bed.

A man who looked like he had no legs was sitting on his knees on the ground, with a yellow porcelain basin in front of him, and he kept bowing to the passers-by.

Looking at how pitiful he was, many young people who came to the mall gave him alms one after another, eliciting sincere thanks from each other.

In the blink of an eye, evening came. The dirty old man took out a pocket watch from his pocket, flipped open the watch cover with his thumb, glanced at the time, and murmured to himself: "It's time to play the piano."

After saying that, he held the yellow porcelain basin in front of him in his arms and stood up directly. The two prosthetic legs hanging on his waist swayed back and forth as he moved.

Not long after, he changed his clothes and hurriedly came to a hotel, sat in the performance area, and sent melodious music to the people who were having dinner.

This lasted for more than two hours. When there were no customers in the restaurant, he picked a table, picked up the leftovers that others had not touched and wolfed them down.

 “Eat slowly, no one will grab it for you.”

The fat and kindly restaurant owner came to him, holding a pipe in his mouth and speaking softly.

“After eating and washing the dishes, I have to go to the theater to work.” The old man said without raising his head.

“I heard that you work seven jobs every day, is that true?” the fat boss asked.

Shai Lao shook his head: "It's eight jobs."

"Why are you working so hard?" The fat boss said, "If you suffer like this, in the future... the money you make will not be as much as the money you throw into the hospital."

The old man said with a bitter look on his face: "I don't want to either! My parents live in the country, and my family has little savings. But the house prices are getting higher and higher every day, which is daunting.

 If I don’t work hard now, I’m afraid I won’t be able to keep up with the growth in housing prices even if I try hard to make money in the future. If we don't even have a house, how can Peizhi be with me? "

 The fat boss sighed: “The economy has developed, but men’s lives have become increasingly difficult.

Before getting married, it was fine if you had parents to support you, but if you didn’t, it would take at least twenty years of hard work to buy a house, and that would require a mortgage.

 After getting married, if the wife becomes pregnant, the financial burden of the family falls entirely on the man. After the child is born, the expenses are even higher and endless. "

The old man smiled bitterly: "Based on the housing prices here, it will only last ten years at most. In ten years, even if ordinary people work hard for a lifetime, they may not even be able to afford the down payment. This is life, what can we do?"

 The fat boss was speechless.

 Can’t even say cheers.

 “Just him!” Behind the glass wall of the hotel, A Piao pointed at Shao Lao and said.

 He observed the other person for two full days and finally determined that the other person perfectly met all the devil's requirements.

In the words of the devil, this kind of person is the easiest to fall.

Qin Yao stood next to him, more than a head taller than the other person: "I have no objection."

 Subsequently, one ghost and one **** continued to follow Shao Lao, watching him come to the theater, dress up as a villain, and be beaten up by the protagonist with a weapon.

As the play went on one after another, the vitality in Shai Lao's body became weaker and weaker. Late at night, the theater closed, and he dragged his heavy and numb body to the rental house step by step.

 “Hello, young man.”

Under the starlight, in the alley, just as Shao Lao passed an electric lamp, a call suddenly came from behind him.

The bad guy looked around and saw two figures, one tall and one short, walking out of the darkness. The one who spoke was the short middle-aged man.

 “What’s the matter, man?”

Shai Lao asked.

“If the devil can make you rich, are you willing to sacrifice your soul for the devil?” Ah Piao asked. "Crazy." The old man was tired for a day and was not in the mood to talk nonsense with strangers. He rolled his eyes and turned to leave.

A Piao smiled slightly, raised his hands, and bills suddenly flew out from the cuffs of his suit.

Looking at the banknotes flying in front of him, the old man suddenly turned around and stared at all this with his mouth open.

After a while, there was a layer of banknotes on the ground, and A Piao said seriously: "As long as you are willing to sell your soul, all the money will be yours."

“What will happen to me after I sell my soul?” Shai Lao asked with both fear and excitement.

"After you sell your soul, you will become the devil's lackey. If it is worth using, you will be turned into a servant of the devil and you will work for him throughout your life. If it is not worth using, just eat dog meat as rations." Qin Yao said.

 “It’s not that serious.” Ah Piao retorted subconsciously.

Qin Yao said coldly: "Why don't you tell him your experience?"

Apiao: “…”

"Then I don't want it anymore." The old man was shocked and waved his hands repeatedly.

 He is very short of money, but he is not crazy enough to risk his life for money.

Seeing that the cooked duck was about to fly away, Ah Piao quickly changed her mind: "I can give you a wish, and you can live the life you want through this wish.

As long as this life lasts until the end of your life, how about you give me your soul?

Young man, this opportunity is rare. You must understand that even without me, if you drink Meng Po soup after death, you will no longer be you. "

Shao Lao thought for a while and said, "Can I wish for anything?"

Ah Piao nodded heavily: "Of course, any wish is acceptable."

Shai Lao pointed to the banknotes on the ground and said, "I want to spend endless money!"

He had long been fed up with this kind of poor life. When he had the opportunity to change his life, the first thing he thought of was to become rich.

“Money that can’t be spent is too general, so how about I give you one million a day?” A Piao said with a smile.

 “Okay, okay.” Shao Lao said excitedly.

Looking at his beaming expression, Ah Piao breathed a sigh of relief, summoned a box with a flip of his hands, sucked up all the banknotes on the ground, and placed them in the box.

 “Here, here is a million.”

"I'm rich, I'm rich." The old man took the box and cried, laughed, jumped, and even lay down on the ground rolling back and forth, almost crazy.

Ah Piao turned to look at Qin Yao and said in a voice that only the two of them could hear: "Did you see it? This is the beginning of the fall. I will definitely win."

Qin Yao smiled and said, "Don't worry, let's wait and see."

 The next day.

The old man bought new clothes and dressed up like a dog. He came to a drama troupe and found a girl with a beautiful face.

“Ajie, why are you dressed like this?” Peizhi asked in confusion.

The bad guy Ajie opened his suitcase in front of her and said excitedly: "Pei Zhi, I have money, I have money, and there will be nothing that can hinder us in the future."

Looking at the suitcase full of banknotes, Peizhi was dumbfounded.

 “Ajie, you didn’t do anything bad, right?”

 (End of this chapter)

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