I’m a Big Boss In Uncle Jiu’s World

Chapter 925: Late night wine is not as good as early morning porridge

Chapter 925: Late night wine is not as good as early morning porridge

 Sincerity may not impress a snobbish mother-in-law, but money can.

Under Ajie's money offensive, Peizhi's mother had no objection to the relationship between the two, so they naturally entered the marriage hall.

 Within three months of marriage, Ajie and Peizhi were almost inseparable, and their love was intense.

 But after the novelty faded, Ajie, who had a lot of money in his hands, began to be unable to sit still. He frequently visited various entertainment venues and spent passionately and even selflessly.

 Gradually, some new girls began to sit on his lap and into his arms.

Until this moment, Ajie truly realized the joy of being a human being, enjoying all kinds of pleasures and pleasures.

The speed of his fall was far faster than Ah Piao imagined, which made Ah Piao feel that he had a chance to win. As long as he continued like this, he would definitely win.

This night, in Ajie's villa, Peizhi sat alone on the sofa, staring at the starry sky outside the window in a daze.

Quietly, Qin Yao walked in through the door and came to the woman step by step.

Peizhi slowly raised his head, looked at the other person’s face from his leather shoes, and asked numbly: “Who are you?”

 “I am God.” Qin Yao said.

Peizhi glanced at the tightly closed door and asked, "How to prove it?"

Qin Yao snapped his fingers, and the two of them suddenly appeared in the garden on the roof of the villa, with the starry sky above their heads.

 “It turns out there is a **** in the world.” Peizhi murmured to himself.

"There are not only gods but also devils in the world." Qin Yao said: "Ajie's money was given by the devil."

Peizhi was stunned and couldn't recover for a long time.

Qin Yao: "If he continues like this, something will happen to him. Do you want to save him?"

Recalling the sweetness before and after marriage, Peizhi nodded heavily: "What should I do?"

Qin Yao said calmly: "Leave a letter and then...disappear!"

Peizhi was silent for a long time and asked in a low voice: "Is it useful?"

Qin Yao smiled and said: "It works, because he is Ajie, and because he has loved you for many years."

  Men will become bad when they have money, and they will not cherish it when they get it. However, men are also prone to forgetting old relationships, having first love, and even regretting it after losing it.

 The devil is proficient in human nature and knows how to induce people to fall. It just so happens that Qin Yao also knows what human nature is.

 Good and bad are simply not enough to describe human nature. Good or bad, it is impossible to accurately evaluate a person.

 The next morning.

The drunk Ajie came back, collapsed in the lobby, and shouted: "Pei Zhi, water, Pei Zhi, I want to drink water."

 “Sir.” A servant came to him and delivered the water to him.


Ajie slapped over the water brought by the other party and asked: "Where is Peizhi, where did she go?"

"My lady has left. Before she left, she asked me to pass this letter to you." The servant then took out a letter.

Ajie started up suddenly, sobered up a little in an instant, tore open the envelope, took out the letter, and read the sincere farewell letter sentence by sentence, his mood became more and more complicated.

After a long time, he slapped the letter on the table with a bang and roared: "I'm right! I've been poor all my life. What happened to enjoying myself after I got rich?"

The servant lowered his head and did not dare to speak. Time passes day by day, and Ajie is still immersed in joy, but every time he goes home, he will sit quietly in front of the wedding photos on the wall for a long time.

 Later, he began to bring different women to the villa. The more they played, the more exciting and exaggerated they became, but in the end, he became more and more empty.

 Because he knows that those women love his money, not him as a person.

 He began to feel that he was quite cheap, and he could just play with it. This was a life that many people envied. What kind of feelings do they need?

 But if you play it every day, you will get tired of it. Once you get tired of it, you will start to miss that kind of pure emotion.

 Gradually, he stopped bringing girls to the villa, and later, he stopped even going to the entertainment venues.

 He began to use all possible means to search for Peizhi and the person who loved him, but to no avail.

 “If you have money, why aren’t you happy?”

  Late at night, Ajie sat down on the carpet with a bottle of wine worth tens of thousands of yuan in his hand, and for no reason began to miss the early morning porridge that Peizhi had cooked for him.

 The wine in the middle of the night, no matter how expensive it is, is not as good as the bowl of porridge in the morning.



The red wine fell to the ground, and he began to slap himself wildly. After a while, his cheeks became swollen into buns.

“I don’t understand.” Outside the villa, Ah Piao stood beside Qin Yao, her thick eyebrows furrowed.

Qin Yao: “Not getting what you love and not getting what you ask for has always been the biggest regret in life.

 To lose something and find it again is the greatest surprise in life.

 Men tend to become bad when they have money, and it is difficult to resist temptation, but love can level the mountains and seas, and it can also stop a man's fall. "

“God, ghost, come out, please come out.” Suddenly, Ajie stood up and shouted at the top of his lungs.

 “Let’s go in.” Qin Yao said.

A Piao sighed and flew in with the other party.

"Master Ghost, I was wrong, I was really wrong. Please let Peizhi come back. I don't need this villa, I don't need the money. Even if I am extremely poor, I am willing to do so." After seeing them, Ajie knelt down directly. He fell to the ground and cried bitterly.

Ah Piao was unwilling to accept failure and said: "You are really incomprehensible. When you have no money, you are willing to fight for money, regardless of whether you can bear it. When you are rich, you start to pursue true love, and you don't even need money for true love. ”

Ajie raised his head and said with a wry smile: "Many things seem incomprehensible. When I have no money, I feel that many things are inexplicable. For example, some people kill people, set fires, and rob homes, but no one will look down on them, but if you are very If you are poor, everyone, including your relatives, will look down on you, even despise you, and laugh at you.

 When you are rich and don’t have to worry about three meals a day, you will want to seek excitement and passion. When there is more stimulation and passion, you will want to return to ordinary life and live a pastoral life. The human heart is like a ravine, and desires are like an abyss, with no beginning, no end, and no end. "

"He wants to exchange all his current wealth for Peizhi. From this aspect, he needs a devil, right?" Ah Piao turned to Qin Yao and asked.

Qin Yao laughed and said: "Don't confuse the point. The content of the bet is whether he will choose the devil and fall in the end. Now that he is no longer fallen, there is no reason to choose the devil."

A Piao pursed her lips and retorted: "What if I am willing to return Peizhi to him?"

“Does Peizhi belong to you? Do you need to return it to him?”

Qin Yao took out a note from his pocket and handed it to Ajie: "This is Peizhi's new number. Call her. From now on, rely on your hands to fight and fight. Don't think about it anymore. Take shortcuts, and the devil lurks on them.”

Ajie was overjoyed and quickly stretched out his trembling hand to hold this note that was very important to him...

 (End of this chapter)

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