I’m a Big Boss In Uncle Jiu’s World

Chapter 933: Devil: No, you are crazy!

Chapter 933 Demon: No, you are crazy!

 “Just treat it as a friend.”

Qin Yao smiled and said: "After all, I don't want anything from him. What I want is to prevent Mammon from coming to the world."

 Dai Xiaole nodded slightly and looked at the time: "It's very late, I'm going to rest."

Qin Yao waved his hand: "See you tomorrow, Dean Dai."

"See you tomorrow." Dai Xiaole turned and walked towards the stairs. When he came to the stairs, he suddenly remembered something and turned around and shouted: "Daozhang Qin!"

 “What’s wrong?” Qin Yao asked as he came to the sofa with a confused look on his face.

Dai Xiaole pondered: "In this game, I am your assistant. After playing this game, can you help me do one thing?"

 “What’s the matter?” Qin Yao asked curiously.

Dai Xiaole said calmly: "Years ago, when I was traveling alone in the West, I came to this city and was captured by a group of vampires by chance.

They treated me as an experimental subject as if they had discovered a new species, and tortured me in every possible way.

 In the last genetic experiment, I was lucky enough to open the third gene lock and successfully escaped from the vampire kingdom, but I did not have the strength to challenge the entire vampire family.

Now that I have reached the third level of Gene Lock, I am only half a step away from being promoted to the fourth level, and I feel qualified to take revenge..."

"Vampire Kingdom." Qin Yao's eyes flashed, and he suddenly realized that this might not just be a game, but nine out of ten, it was one or more stories.

  After all, just as China’s fairy tale dramas have endured for a long time, there is also an endless stream of Hollywood vampire movies.

"That's right." Dai Xiaole said calmly: "In that medieval kingdom-like castle, there are many terrifying monsters that can catch missiles with their bare hands."

Qin Yao smiled and said, "Is there anyone who can catch a hydrogen bomb with bare hands?"

 Dai Xiaole: “…”

 Catch a nuclear weapon with your bare hands?

Only true gods (immortals) can do this kind of thing, right?

"As long as there is no strong man in the vampire kingdom who can catch a hydrogen bomb with his bare hands, I will help you get this situation back." Seeing his speechless look, Qin Yao shrugged and said calmly.

Dai Xiaole couldn't help but raise the corners of his lips: "Thank you."

Qin Yao squinted at him: "You said so, do I have to say thank you to you now?"

Dai Xiaole laughed dumbly.

 Suddenly I felt that it would be nice to have such a friend!

 Seven hours later, just before dawn.

 Twelve female ghosts appeared outside the villa at the same time as if they had made an appointment. They nodded to each other, passed through the door wall at the same time, and stepped into the villa.

"Is there any result?" Qin Yao sat on the sofa and raised his head slightly.

Twelve female ghosts stood side by side in front of him, and two of them responded in unison: "There are results."

"You two come out." Qin Yao pointed at the two of them and ordered.

 The two ghosts took a step forward, turned to look at each other, and said almost at the same time: "Let me say it first..."

"No need to fight, no need to grab." Qin Yao pointed to the blond **** the left side in front of him: "Speak first."

"I didn't find out where John lived, but I found out that he had a priest who contacted him for an exorcism mission. The priest must know where John lives." The blonde said.

  Qin Yao nodded silently, then pointed to the black-haired **** the right: "Tell me what you gained."

Brunette: "I heard that there was a demon parasitizing in a civilian apartment on Green Avenue. The demon has killed three exorcists. If nothing else, John will definitely go to check the situation."

"well done."

Qin Yao praised the two ghosts, took out two yellow talismans from his pocket, and delivered them to the two of them in the air: "I am a person who knows rewards and punishments. If you have merit, you should be rewarded. This is a light protection talisman. Inside the talisman The aura can last for thirty days. During these thirty days, as long as you carry the talisman with you, you will not be afraid of the sun."

After hearing the effect, the two ghosts happily took the talisman. The ten ghosts standing behind them were jealous, and their eyes seemed to be burning with jealousy.

 Under normal circumstances, once you are transformed into a ghost, you will never see sunlight in your life.

 But after being a human being for so many years and not seeing the light of day all year round after turning into a ghost, who doesn’t long to bask in the sunshine?

"What I give to them belongs to them. You can't take it away. Do you understand?" Qin Yao keenly felt that a malicious intent was gathering rapidly. He looked up and saw ten black smoke rising from their bodies, as if they were about to turn black. The female ghost immediately shouted coldly.

This sound of shouting was like a blow to the head, instantly waking up all the ghosts, and the black air lingering on the ghosts' bodies gradually dissipated.

“You’ve been busy all night, go and have a rest.” Seeing this, Qin Yao nodded with satisfaction and waved his hand.

 The ghosts took orders and floated to the second floor one after another.

At the same time, Dai Xiaole walked down the spiral staircase: "Are you going to find the priest, or are you going to wait for the devil in hell?"

Qin Yao said: "I choose the latter, it feels more efficient... Dean Dai, do you want to go with me?"

 “Let’s go.”

A scalpel suddenly appeared in Dai Xiaole's hand, flying between his fingers like a butterfly: "Find John Constantine as soon as possible and kill Mammon... I can't wait to go to the vampire kingdom for revenge."

 Qin Yao laughed.

 Can this actually be a motivation?

 Early morning.

The sun rises slowly, and the warmth falls into the world with the sunshine.

However, in a civilian apartment on Green Avenue, a strange cold air continued to spread from a room, accompanied by an inexplicable roar, causing many residents to stand in front of their homes, looking at the room with both curiosity and fear. .

Had it not been for poverty and helplessness, someone would have moved quickly on the day when the devil from **** came into the world.

 But the money in their pockets restricted their actions. Even if they were next to the devil, even if they had to live in fear, they could not do without this cheap apartment.

“The two exorcists are here.”

The apartment manager, who looked to be in his fifties or sixties, was wearing a black uniform and came into the corridor with two Asian faces. He stopped a long way away and raised his arm to point to the door ten steps away.

 “Thank you very much.”

Qin Yao nodded slightly and immediately walked straight towards the room.

Dai Xiaole followed him leisurely, and the scalpel originally held in his hand was hidden somewhere by him.

"Hey, you two." Just when Qin Yao put his right hand on the door handle, the apartment manager suddenly felt a sense of compassion and shouted loudly: "Three exorcists have died, are you sure? Want to go in?"

Qin Yao turned his back to him, waved his hand, pressed the handle with a click with his other hand, and pushed open the door.


On the bed, the young girl with her hands and feet tied to the bed had a fierce look on her face, struggling desperately, and screaming crazily at the two people who walked in one after another.

"You should find a place to sit first." Qin Yao turned to Dai Xiaole and said.

 “It’s okay, you are busy with your business.”

 Dai Xiaole looked closely at the **** the bed, and his eyes reflected a ferocious demon that seemed to be missing half of its head.

Qin Yao smiled, walked to the bed step by step, looked at the four ropes binding the girl's limbs, and said lightly: "Do you need help to untie it?"

  "Roar~~Huh?" The **** demon was confused by the question, and let out a powerful roar before he could finish venting his anger.

 “Don’t you understand?” Qin Yao said in a normal conversation.

 He was waiting for Constantine.

 It is best to show your strength to the other party the moment he opens the door.

The **** demon stared intently at Qin Yao's pupils, trying to see his life through his soul.    Exploring human memory, looking for the darkest and most unwilling things in people’s hearts... This is the specialty of **** demons.

  However, in the eyes of the **** demon, the big man in front of him was a little different.

No matter how much he uses his magical powers, he can't see the slightest memory of the other party.

"Who are you?"

"My name is Qin Yao. This name may be a bit difficult for you to pronounce. You can just call me Yao." Qin Yao said with a smile.

 “Yao…” The **** demon said again: “Are you an exorcist?”

Qin Yao shook his head: "I'm not."

“If you’re not an exorcist, what are you doing here?” the **** demon asked in confusion.

Qin Yao said frankly: "I'll wait for someone."

The **** demon's eyes flashed: "I thought you were here to expel me, but it turns out you are waiting for someone! How about you help me open these four ropes, and I can chat with you while waiting?"

"It's okay to open it, but you have to promise me one thing." Qin Yao said with a smile.

 At this moment, his eyes were so clear.

Of course, the overjoyed **** demons will only regard this clarity as stupidity.

 “Okay, tell me, what’s the matter?”

 Hell Demon asked, holding back his joy.

Qin Yao said: "I've helped you get rid of your shackles, so don't make trouble for me."

 “Yes, no problem.” The devil from **** agreed.

Qin Yao smiled slightly, raised the girl's wrist, and found that it was the work of an unknown exorcist, and it was tied directly to a dead knot.

“Tap-ta-ta.” At this moment, Dai Xiaole suddenly came to the bed step by step.

The **** demon’s heart skipped a beat.

Is this guy trying to stop the other person from being stupid?

"Here, the knife." Under its nervous gaze, Dai Xiaole reached out and handed his scalpel to Qin Yao.

The **** demon breathed a sigh of relief, and the girl's body also relaxed.

 Sure enough, birds of a feather flock together and people flock together, and fools like to play with fools.

"Thank you." Qin Yao was about to get the knife when he suddenly realized: "You're already here. Why don't you just cut off these four ropes and it's over? Why give me the knife?"

"That makes sense." Dai Xiaole suddenly realized the joy of role-playing. He smiled, turned his wrist, and cut off all the ropes binding the **** demon's limbs.

"Fool! A big fool, and a second fool." After the restraints were lifted, the **** demon laughed wildly and pointed at the two of them.


  When he was at his most crazy and excited, Qin Yao slapped him in the face with a big hand. With a loud noise that echoed in the room, the girl who was bent over by the devil was whipped directly on the bed.

Miraculously, the girl’s cheeks were not red or swollen, but the demon hiding in her body could not help but cry out in pain. This shrill scream seemed to be a continuation of the slap...

 After a long time.

 The dizzy Hell Demon gradually regained his composure and realized one thing deeply: it’s not others who are stupid, but himself! !

 These two guys are both "acting themselves".

 Damn it, you’re crazy.

 Is it fun to play yourself?

Even though he was feeling unhappy and angry, the **** demon, whose right cheek was still hurting, did not dare to show his anger at all. He lay on the bed and pretended to be dead while observing the other person's reaction.

“Stop pretending, I saw you open your eyes.” Qin Yao scolded.

The **** demon secretly said that something was not going well. He stood up suddenly and controlled the girl's body to jump to the window near the bed.

As long as he could break open this window and escape to the street, he would have the confidence to get rid of these two guys through the bustling pedestrians.

However, what he never expected was that as soon as he jumped up, someone grabbed him by the collar from behind and hung him in the air like a rabbit.


Qin Yao grabbed the girl with one hand, and slapped the **** demon on the face from behind with the other hand.

 The demon of **** was once again stunned.

 Dizziness, with stars in the eyes.

“I wanted to give you some dignity, but if you don’t want it, then you can’t blame me.”

As Qin Yao spoke, the hand that slapped her face pressed **** the back of the girl's head. He released a strong suction force from his palm and forcibly pulled the **** demon out of the girl's body.

 After the demon left her body, the girl fainted immediately.

 After leaving the girl, the devil immediately woke up.

 “Let me go, let me go, do you know who I am?”

The **** demon struggled crazily in Qin Yao's hands and roared repeatedly.

Qin Yao turned his hands and rolled the guy into a round ball as if doing Tai Chi. He turned to Dai Xiaole and asked, "Dean Dai, do you want to play or not?"

 Dai Xiaole put his right index finger against the handle of the scalpel, flicked it, and immediately flicked the scalpel into the cuff of his suit. He stretched out his hand and said, "Come on."

 Qin Yao smiled, glanced around the room, waved his arm and summoned a clothes hanger to stand between him and Dai Xiaole, discarded the ball in his hand and said, "Dean Dai, be careful."


As he slapped the "sphere" with his palm, the **** demon let out an uncontrollable scream, and the body kneaded into a ball flew out like a cannonball, hitting Dai Xiaole on the opposite side of the clothes hanger.

 Dai Xiaole took a breath silently, jumped up suddenly, and covered the meat ball with his big knuckled hands. After a dull sound, the **** demon flew towards Qin Yao again...

After an unknown amount of time, Constantine came to the room holding a silver cross. As soon as he opened the door, he saw two men in suits, one tall and one short, playing volleyball indoors. The volleyball was so miserable that it was simply The listener is sad and the listener sheds tears.

But if you take a closer look, damn, that volleyball is a devil!

 “Sorry to bother you.”

He reached out to take out the cigarette that was hanging from his mouth, cleared his throat and spoke.


Qin Yao stopped the ball flying towards him with both hands, smashed it at his feet, turned around and asked: "Who are you?"

"I am John Constantine." The tall, thin man had a strange look on his face and raised his voice slightly: "What are you two doing?"

 He suspected that this might be some kind of ritual, but he had never seen it.

 “We are waiting for you.”

Qin Yao said with a smile.

Constantine looked confused and was about to speak when he heard the demon on the ground scream: "It's you, why did you come here!!"

Constantine: "?"

 (End of this chapter)

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