I’m a Big Boss In Uncle Jiu’s World

Chapter 934: Gabriel: Danger must be nipped in its infancy

Chapter 934 Gabriel: Danger must be nipped in its infancy

"Shut up!" Qin Yao stepped on the **** demon's head, and the strange screams suddenly stopped.

Constantine paused for a moment, glanced at the **** demon, and then looked at Qin Yao: "Your Excellency said you were waiting for me, what do you mean?"

Qin Yao kicked the **** demon in front of him and said in a solemn voice: "John, something happened. The balance of the three realms has been broken for some unknown reason, allowing such **** to travel through time and come to the earth. You are the most famous exorcist in Los Angeles. , so I have been looking for you and want to invite you to explore the cause of the imbalance in the three realms and eliminate the source of the chaos."

Constantine was silent for a moment and said: "Is it possible that He escaped to the human world by chance? This kind of thing has never happened before. I have killed many hell-type demons with my own hands..."

Qin Yao said calmly: "I am not going to convince you. I believe that you have your own channels for obtaining information. Go check it out. There must be a lot more traces of hell-type demons recently."

Constantine: “…”

This kind of calmness on the other side made him feel afraid, not of the person in front of him, but of what he said.

 Once the Three Realms are out of balance, it means one thing: gods and demons will covet the human world because of this, or in other words, the imbalance in the Three Realms is caused by certain gods and demons coveting the human world.

Over the years, there have been too many legendary stories of humans resisting gods and demons. It seems that humans win every time, but in fact, the dealer is never human...

I dare not think deeply and shudder.

 “Drink?” Constantine asked softly, forcing himself to suppress his diffuse thoughts.

Qin Yao and Dai Xiaole looked at each other and nodded in unison.

  It’s just that before drinking, you still have to kill the **** demon in front of you for fun.


Qin Yao came to the door and suddenly held a holy sword in his hand. The blade shining with white holy light instantly penetrated the demon's body.

Constantine stared blankly at the holy sword that disappeared together with the demon, and murmured: "Are you from heaven?"

Qin Yao shook his head: "Let's go, this is not the place to tell stories."

Shortly after.

Constantine led the two of them to a quiet tavern, turned around and asked, "In the lobby or in the private room?"

 “Go to the box, there are some words that cannot be spread out.” Qin Yao said.

Constantine nodded slightly and said to the bearded man who came over: "George, please arrange a better box for us."

“Then go to box No. 7. It’s the corner and the most hidden. Once the door is closed, it’s a closed world.” George said with a smile.

Constantine laughed: "Take out all the drinks I have stored. I have a lot to talk to these two friends today."

"Okay, I'll take you there first." George took out a bottle of wine from the wine cabinet, then took a few glasses and walked ahead.

The three of them followed him into Box No. 7, and then watched him bustling in and out. The table was soon filled with things.

 “I wish you a good mood.”

 After instructing the waiter to put down the last fruit plate, George smiled heartily, then waved and left.

After he closed the heavy door of the box, Constantine poured drinks for the two of them himself and asked, "I don't know your names yet?"

 “Qin Yao.”

 “Dai Xiaole.”

 “Chinese or Korean?” Constantine asked again.

 He did know that Japanese surnames didn't seem to have this format.

 For example, Kameda, or Kame Sun?

 It’s very strange anyway.

"Chinese." Qin Yao picked up the drink and drank it all in one gulp: "John, I heard that you work very hard to exorcise demons, even desperately. Can you tell me why?"

Constantine stared into his eyes: "Before I say this, I hope you can answer my previous question, what is your relationship with heaven?"

Qin Yao: "If we have to talk about relationship... I should say it's a bit of a contradiction."

Constantine: "?"

 Qin Yao filled up his drink and said with a smile: "I reached an agreement with God, but it was broken by people from the Holy See, so now the relationship is a bit unclear."

Constantine was surprised and said: "Have you seen God?"

"It's just an incarnation...or, a distraction." Qin Yao said.

“That’s amazing.” Constantine murmured, “I’ve always wanted to see him, but I never had the chance.”

Qin Yao: "What do you want to ask when you see him?"

Constantine took a deep breath: "I want to go to heaven. To be precise, I want to live forever."

Hearing this, Qin Yao knew that he should have learned that he had lung cancer and that he would not die soon.

Only before death can a person have such a strong desire to survive!

“Do you believe in God?” Qin Yao said calmly.

 “I believe it,” Constantine said decisively.

 Qin Yao chuckled and was noncommittal.

 Just send the letter.

With all the virtue you have accumulated over the years, if you were willing to be a dog for God, or rather a sheepdog, you would have ascended to heaven long ago...

 In some ways, Constantine was very much like him.

 Selfish and faithless!

"You are not from the West, why do you care about the imbalance of the three realms?" Constantine asked in confusion.

Qin Yao: "It's almost the same as you...you want to accumulate virtues and go to heaven, but we want to accumulate virtues and go to heaven."

 “Heaven…” Constantine muttered the name, and gradually he had an idea in his mind.

How can he love heaven if he doesn’t even believe in God?

 From beginning to end, he just wanted to live.

If heaven still refuses to keep him, is it possible to go to heaven?

With the door of heaven always closed to him, this choice is not even considered a betrayal and has no psychological burden!

Qin Yao said: "Yes, Heaven!"

Although Constantine had an idea in his mind, he did not express it immediately: "Are the conditions for going to heaven harsh?"

Qin Yao: "It's okay, the most important thing is to have connections."

Constantine’s eyes flashed.


These two people are connections!

As we talked, the distance between the two parties became closer and closer.

 Although everyone knows that this is only a superficial closeness, it suits both of their needs.

 The three of them drank from noon to evening. Constantine was the first to be unable to bear it anymore and fell on the table. Qin Yao helped him up, patted his face gently, and asked: "John, where do you live?"

Constantine was so drunk that he couldn't answer.

Qin Yao had no choice but to help him leave the box and ask the tavern owner...

at the same time.

 Mexico, in the wilderness.

Amos, who had been sleeping for a long time, finally woke up. The moment he stood up, he saw that more than a hundred feet away from his body were covered with various animals.

 In a daze, Amos suddenly realized something. He clenched the Spear of God wrapped in red cloth in his hand and slowly walked forward.

Something strange happened from this. As he got further and further away, the beasts that were lying on the ground stood up one after another, and then began to fight...

 Wherever he went, the animals there would fall uncontrollably, just like ancient subjects meeting a traveling king.

As he walked, looking at all the beasts crawling under his feet, Amos' desire for power became even more intense.

How great would it be if humans could kneel at their own feet like these beasts?

Unknowingly, he came to a pool, blowing the cool evening breeze from the mountains, and Amos's feverish mind finally calmed down.

 It is true that humans are primates, but the Spear of God can subdue all beasts, but it cannot rule humans.

After all, the range of influence of the Spear of God is limited. Even if it is effective on humans, enemies from far away can still use thermal weapons to deal with it, not to mention that there are other superpowers in the world.

“Dear Lord Gabriel, your followers hereby pray to you...” Holding the Spear of God in both hands, Amos knelt down in front of the pond.

As he prayed, the starlight seemed to fall on the water, controlling the water flow and gradually condensing into a head.

 “I sense the breath of the Spear of God, Amos.”

 The head made of condensed water and starlight speaks human words and speaks in a condensed voice.

"Yes, Archangel, I successfully captured the Spear of God." Amos said respectfully: "What should I do next, please give me instructions."

“The spear was born to kill people. The Spear of God has been silent for so many years, and it’s time to see blood.” Gabriel said.

Amos silently grasped the tip of the spear and asked for instructions: "Who does the archangel want me to kill?"

                                             loglogue  log in

Amos trembled and said hesitantly: "Archangel, that pagan is..."

"There are no buts, and you don't have to think about any buts." Gabriel said in a deep voice: "The purpose of the pagans coming to our West is not simple. If they are not killed in time, they will definitely become the source of turmoil in our West. There are too many wives. Many heroic epics warn us not to give disasters a chance to grow, otherwise even the gods will be pulled off the altar!"

Amos’ thoughts were racing, and he finally kowtowed: “Yes, Your Excellency, Archangel.”

"Go." Gabriel encouraged: "The Spear of God can kill Jesus, and it can certainly kill the heretic, as long as you find the right opportunity to pierce the spear into the opponent's body. To put it bluntly, he will Like the cancer cells in the giants of the West, the sooner they are resolved, the better..."

 The next day.

 The wind and rain are like darkness.

Constantine slowly opened his eyes. Feelings such as headache, weakness, fatigue, and nausea suddenly came over him. It took him a long time to adapt, and he was still unable to sit up.

He lay on the bed with his eyes open for about a quarter of an hour. After his body regained some energy, he slowly stood up. Yesterday's experience flashed through his mind like a slideshow.

“Did Yao and Le send me back?” The memory came to an abrupt end in the tavern. Constantine muttered to himself as he looked at the bedroom that he was so familiar with.

Thinking of these two people, he immediately thought of the imbalance of the three realms mentioned by Qin Yao, and hurriedly went out. When he came to the door of the apartment, he realized that it had started raining at some point, as if the whole city was covered in heavy rain. among.

After a moment of silence, Constantine suddenly turned around, ran to his home, took a long-handled black umbrella from the wall, and broke into the rain with the umbrella.

Not long after, he stopped a taxi on the street, closed his umbrella and got into the passenger seat: "Hello, I'm going to St. Vibiana Cathedral."

 “Mr. Constantine.”

The young driver with blond hair and blue eyes turned around and looked at him, with an excited expression on his face, as if a fan had met his favorite superstar.

 “Do we know each other?” Constantine asked.

“You definitely don’t know me, but I know you.” The young driver said excitedly: “Sir, I am your admirer and I am happy to serve you.”

Constantine: “Then can you start the car now and take me to the Cathedral of St. Vibiana?”

"Okay, sir." The young driver quickly started the vehicle and introduced himself: "My name is Chas. Do you still accept apprentices?"

Constantine said patiently: "Chas, can you please let me be quiet for a while? My mind is very confused right now."

Chas quickly shut up, and Constantine's ears finally became clearer.

 An hour later, Chas began to arrive in front of St. Vibiana Cathedral, and then asked softly: "Sir, do you need me to wait for you here?"

Constantine put a banknote on his car, shook his head and got out of the car: "No, Chas, thank you for your kindness."

 After saying that, he held up his umbrella and strode into the church.

 “Father David.” Soon after, he found the priest he knew well in the church and raised his hand and called.

The priest in black who was talking to a woman looked up and nodded slightly: "Please wait a moment, Mr. Constantine."

“Father, please promise me, my sister needs a Catholic funeral. She has dedicated her whole life to the Lord.” The woman clasped her hands together and begged solemnly.

"Sorry Angela." Father David said helplessly: "Your sister committed suicide. You should know that a Catholic funeral cannot be held for a suicide."

"She did not commit suicide!" Angela said firmly: "My sister did not have suicidal tendencies. There was a big problem with her death."

Father David: "But the information released by the police is suicide. Unless you find the problem you are talking about, I can't help you, understand, kid."

Angela begged: "Father, it takes time to investigate the case. You..."

"Miss, my time is also precious. Can you let me talk to the priest first?" Constantine said in a deep voice as he became impatient with the wait.

 Angela frowned: “First come, first served, don’t you understand?”

Constantine said indifferently: "Forcing people to make things difficult is not what a police officer should do, right?"

 He saw the pistol hanging on the other's waist.

That was undoubtedly a police gun.

Angela was short of breath and had a bad impression of the handsome man in front of her, but she could only give up her position.

 “Father, I want to see Gabriel.”

Constantine came to David and spoke bluntly.

David's expression paused: "Is it about going to heaven again?"

 Because of this matter, Constantine has contacted Gabriel many times.

It's hard to say whether Gabriel was annoyed or not, he was really a little irritable.

"No." Constantine shook his head and said solemnly: "I have an extremely important matter that I want to ask Gabriel for confirmation. Please be sure to let me meet her!"

 (End of this chapter)

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