I’m a Big Boss In Uncle Jiu’s World

Chapter 957: Lost for a hundred years

Chapter 957: Missing the body for a hundred years

 “That’s right, I’ve become an immortal.”

Qin Yao opened his arms and took him into his arms: "Now, I am qualified to protect you."

Xiao Zhuo was startled for a moment, then reached out and rubbed his hair: "That's awesome."

 Chin Yao: “…”

  The last time I was so speechless was the last time.

After praising him, Xiao Zhuo took the initiative to hold his hand and led him towards the boudoir.

Even though he has become an immortal now, the fear of being dominated suddenly came to mind, causing Qin Yao's body to tremble slightly, and goosebumps could not be controlled on his skin.

 This is how the psychological shadow came about. Fortunately, he was not depressed because of it.

 Ten days later.

Xiao Zhuo, who was satisfied both physically and mentally, finally let Qin Yao go and started talking about business: "What is Patriarch Sanmao's attitude toward your ascension to immortality?"

Qin Yao's skin is covered with sweat stains, reflecting a masculine beauty: "Xiao Maojun's ancestor said that after I go to heaven, he will introduce me to the Queen Mother."

Xiao Zhuo sat up on his waist and breathed out a soft breath: "The predecessors planted trees and the latter planted trees to enjoy the shade. For this reason alone, Maoshan is better than 90% of the sects in the world."

Qin Yao looked into her clear and bright eyes and said with a smile: "Thank you very much for telling me the advantages of having Maoshan Mountain at your back."

 He will never forget what Xiao Zhuo once said to him.

 When you are worthless, then Maoshan's identity cannot bring you any benefit, and you may even be regarded as a liar.

 But once you have value, the status of a famous and upright sect will burst out with great potential, and a sect with upper-level connections like Maoshan can directly provide Qingyun rank.

 That is the reality today.

Without Xiao Maojun, how can an ordinary ascended person be qualified to meet the Queen Mother?

 It is not worthy to kneel down to greet him.

"That's what I said, but even I didn't expect you to get to this point so quickly."

Xiao Zhuo said with a smile: "I guess Xiao Maojun didn't expect that at the same time, you would also benefit from the light that no one has become an immortal in the past few hundred years. In an era when the earth's spiritual energy has not exhausted, even if you are the proud son of heaven, Even if you become an immortal, Mr. Mao will not introduce you to the Queen Mother."

Qin Yao nodded: "Rare things are more valuable, I understand."

“It hits the nail on the head, it’s amazing.” Xiao Zhuo hugged his head and kissed him, praising with a smile on his face.

Qin Yao laughed: "The emotional value you have given me has been fully satisfied."

 Some lovers give them negative emotions every day, which makes their life miserable.

 Some lovers will live a happy life if they give them positive emotions every day.

 In a few years, emotional value will appear as a noun, explaining this phenomenon in a targeted way.

Xiao Zhuo smiled slightly and raised Qin Yao's chin in a frivolous manner: "I just want you to be happy."

Qin Yao didn't know whether to laugh or cry and slapped her palm away.

 Among his confidante, she was the only one who would drop his words when facing her.

 “Let’s discuss business.”

 After a long time, Qin Yao held Xiao Zhuo's fingers that were constantly wrapped around his chest and said solemnly.

Xiao Zhuo twitched his palm, but failed to pull it out, so he gave up: "Is there anything else serious?"

“About the meeting with the Queen Mother.” Qin Yao said.

Xiao Zhuo chuckled and said, "What's there to discuss? All you need to do is remember one sentence."

 “What words?”

"Thunder, rain, and dew are all gifts from heaven. Those who serve as ministers must be respectful." Xiao Zhuo said.

 “A respectful heart…” Qin Yao thought thoughtfully.

While he was distracted, Xiao Zhuo silently retracted his palm: "In the legend, the Queen Mother is the maker and defender of heaven's rules. The most important word is two words, rules!

 As a servant under her, you can be incompetent, but you cannot be unruly. A respectful heart is the embodiment of obeying the rules.

Therefore, if the Queen Mother asks you if you can take on any position, you can only have one attitude and obey her orders.

  Remember, don’t tell me how capable you are, she will only believe what she sees. "

Qin Yao was determined and said with a smile: "Such an idea coincides with mine."

Xiao Zhuo rolled his eyes and was too lazy to pay attention to him.

"There's one more thing." Qin Yao turned a blind eye to her white eyes and silently held her hand tightly.

 “What?” Xiao Zhuo asked.

Qin Yao solemnly said: "Marry me."

 “I won’t marry.” Xiao Zhuo said without hesitation.

Qin Yao’s mouth twitched: “Why?”

Xiao Zhuo kissed him, with a smile as bright as a flower: "I am quite selfish, as long as I am happy."

 Chin Yao: “…”

"What can marriage bring me?" Xiaozhuo is very rational, or in other words, his mental maturity is much higher than that of Caiyi: "I have thought about it, and there is nothing except a status. On the other hand, , I will lose more.”

Qin Yao was speechless.

Xiao Zhuo leaned over and listened to his heartbeat with his left ear: "It's good to be a lover, because as a lover, when there is love, they gather together, and when there is no love, they disperse. When there is love, you can get love, and when there is no love, you can get freedom."

Qin Yao sighed and reached out to stroke her hair: "But that's not what you said at the beginning."

The corners of Xiaozhuo's lips raised slightly: "At that time, I wanted you to make progress! How can the person I like be mediocre and inactive?"

 Chin Yao: “…”

In addition to being unable to take in her words, he seemed unable to understand her thoughts.

 It is really difficult to tell which of her words are true and which are false. She has this ability to confuse falsehood with truth.

 “Zhong Li should be the eldest wife.” Xiao Zhuo said again.

Qin Yao was silent for a moment and nodded slowly.

 The power of the natal family is indeed a factor that cannot be ignored. Among the girls, Ah Li’s natal family is undoubtedly the noblest.

After spending a few more days together, Xiao Zhuo sent Qin Yao out of the Holy Maiden Palace. Before leaving, he said, "Don't forget to inform me when you have decided on the wedding date. I have to go have a drink."

Qin Yao was silent for a moment, and finally couldn't help but ask: "Don't regret it?"

“That’s embarrassing.” Xiao Zhuo patted his chest lightly and said with a smile, “Go and come see me often when you have time.”

 Wandering around for more than half a month, Qin Yao stepped into Yizhuang under the light of morning light. He called Nianying, Ah Li and Cai Yi in front of him, and his body suddenly turned into three.

Nianying A'li looked confused and didn't know what he was up to; but Caiyi had a vague suspicion because of her previous experience.

Three Qin Yao stood in front of the three women, neatly took out three small boxes from their pockets, opened the boxes towards them, and said at the same time: "Nianying (Ah Ji, Caiyi), marry me..."

Ah Ji was stunned.

Nianying opened her mouth wide.

Caiyi took the lead in extending his right hand to Qin Yao, and said with a smile: "Put it on for me."

“I want it too.” Nianying immediately stretched out her slender and white fingers with a smile on her face. She has been waiting for this day for a long time. Fortunately, the day has finally come!

 Different from the relatively innocent Nianying and Caiyi, Ah Li was both happy and worried. He hesitated and said: "My brother's side..."

Qin Yao said solemnly: "There are three weddings in a row, and you are the first one."

Ah Li instantly understood what he meant and was not happy but was surprised: "Xiao Zhuo's side..."

Qin Yao paused for a moment and said, "Xiao Zhuo said, you should be a real wife."

 Ali was stunned.

 This was a situation she had never expected.

 “Why?” A moment later, even though he had taken advantage, Ah Li couldn’t help but ask.

With her status as Zhong Kui's sister, she felt that there was nothing wrong with her winning over Nianying and Caiyi, but how could she win over Xiao Zhuo and even let him take the initiative to regress and not become one of the three wives?

Qin Yao pondered for a moment, and out of his own selfish feelings, he embellished the matter a little: "She said that everything will be prosperous if the family is harmonious."

 Aquinas: “…”

"Take it, don't let her down." Qin Yao said.

Ah Li stretched out her right hand and watched Qin Yao put the ring on her hand. She silently made up her mind in her heart: Whenever she meets Xiao Zhuo in the future, she will treat her like a sister and never make excuses in front of him!

After the proposal was successful, Qin Yao found Uncle Jiu and Gu Gu and said seriously: "Master, I am ready to start a family."

Uncle Jiu and Gu Gu’s eyes lit up at the same time, filled with joy.

 Autumn has become a family.

 Wen Cai also got married.

 The old couple embraced their grandson as they wished.

 But Qin Yao's life events are still a concern in their hearts.

 After all, they are still considered "ancient" figures, and they still hope that their disciples will get married and start a business as soon as possible.

"Okay, okay, okay, let me arrange this matter." Not long after, Uncle Jiu said excitedly.

Qin Yao shrugged, smiled and teased: "I'm afraid you can't arrange it."

Uncle Jiu didn’t react for a moment: “I am your master, why can’t I make arrangements?”

Qin Yao said with emotion: "Based on my disciple's current reputation in Maoshan, getting married is no longer my own business, it's not even just Yizhuang's business."

Uncle Jiu was stunned for a moment, and then suddenly realized.

 In terms of divine status alone, Qin Yao now ranks first among Maoshan and is the face of Maoshan in the world.

Not to mention that since getting involved with Sanmao, his reputation in Maoshan has reached an extremely terrifying level.

When the old boss receives the news of his marriage, he will definitely rush to be the organizer. Is it possible that he can win over the other party...

 That is the fact.

When the news spread, there was great joy in Maoshan. The old master rode the golden rainbow and rushed to Yizhuang as quickly as possible. He took over the position of general manager with righteousness and righteousness. Uncle Jiu had no room to interrupt at all.

 Seven days later.

Ah Li returned to the punishment department, Nianying returned to the Liu family's old house, Caiyi and Bai Min'er returned to the ancient tomb together, waiting to get married.

 As the news that Qin Yao was about to get married quickly spread throughout the spiritual world, Maoshan suddenly became lively.

First of all, inside, most of the people were mobilized by the old leader. They put up lanterns and colors, hung charms and decals, and even temporarily moved many red maple trees and planted them on both sides of the mountain road. A red carpet was laid from the top of the mountain. At the bottom of the mountain, it looks like a red ribbon hanging on the mountain.

  Second is the external.

With the help of Qin Yao's reputation, Maoshan is no longer what it used to be, and it has the potential to be the overlord of the sects. Therefore, when many sects received invitations, no matter what they thought in their hearts, no one refused them openly.

 After all, the story that the master and the apprentice almost destroyed the Luofu Sect has spread, and no one wants their sect to become the next Luofu Sect.

As a result, sect representatives from all over the world rushed on different roads at high speed, as if they were participating in a grand event.

Sects whose addresses are relatively close to Maoshan have arrived at Maoshan early, so that Maoshan has become increasingly lively, with a feeling of being overcrowded and bustling with people.

 Two more days.

Ren Tingting, who was wearing a long red dress, came to the foot of the mountain and slowly walked up the mountain road.

"This girl doesn't look like a disciple of the sect." After she entered the Maoshan Palace, someone saw her sweet and lovely appearance and had the idea of ​​​​hunting for her.

"Don't think wrongly." The traveler was knowledgeable and immediately warned: "She is Ren Tingting, it is said that she is Qin Yao's confidante."

The man's heart trembled and he quickly looked away.

"Tingting." In front of Yuanfu Palace, Qiu Sheng greeted him as he walked out of the palace gate and said with a smile.

"Qiu Sheng." Ren Tingting smiled slightly: "Long time no see, you have matured a lot."

Qiu Sheng knew that she was talking about appearance, and subconsciously reached out to touch his cheek: "If you are not good at studying, you will not be able to stay young forever. But you, you look the same as you did decades ago."

Ren Tingting waved her hand and said, "I'm not very good at studying, so I put most of my energy into this face."

 Qiu Sheng laughed dumbly, women always pay so much attention to appearance.

“Why didn’t Zhuzhu come with you?”

“You don’t know that Zhuzhu is married and has children?” Ren Tingting asked.

 Qiu Sheng scratched his head: "I really don't know... I have been practicing at the Soul Station for these years."

“She gave up, so she didn’t have the face to come here today.” Ren Tingting said quietly.

“Isn’t that true?” Qiu Sheng pursed his lips.

 “You don’t understand women.” Ren Tingting shook her head, and then asked, “Where do I live?”

Qiu Sheng arranged a place for him to live. Before leaving, he suddenly asked: "Are you still insisting?"

Ren Tingting smiled and said: "Maybe."

 “Worth it?” Qiu Sheng couldn’t quite understand.

 “It doesn’t matter whether it’s worth it or not, in fact, there is no choice.”

Ren Tingting suppressed her smile and said: "I forgot where I read a saying. When you are young, you can't meet someone who is too amazing. Otherwise, if you can't grasp it, no matter what you do, you will end up making do..."

In front of the door of the room, Uncle Jiu, who came specifically to find Qiu Sheng, felt heavy. After hesitating for a moment, he left quietly and found Qin Yao in Yuanfu Palace who was discussing the process with the old master.

 “What’s the matter, Master?”

 “Ren Tingting is here.”

Qin Yao’s expression froze and he asked, “What next?”

Uncle Jiu took a breath and said, "If I ask you to accept her, does that count as forcing someone to do something difficult?"

Qin Yao was silent for a moment, with countless thoughts flashing through his mind, and finally asked softly: "Has she waited until now?"

Other than this reason, he couldn't think of why Uncle Jiu would make such a request.

Uncle Jiu nodded: "It has been more than eighty years, isn't this friendship and persistence enough?"

 Qin Yao's heart trembled.

There is a woman in the world who does not ask for anything in return, and will not even take the initiative to bother you, but she will never marry because of you. Just like Guo Xiang who missed Yang Guo when they first met at Fengling Ferry, and missed it for a hundred years because of the surprise in her youth. , how deep should this feeling be?

Having said that, Ren Tingting can be compared to Guo Xiang's words, Qin Yao, should he be Yang Guo?

 (End of this chapter)

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