I’m a Big Boss In Uncle Jiu’s World

Chapter 958: Xiaozhuo: I'll ferry you over

 “I’ll go see her.” Qin Yao said in a solemn voice.

Uncle Jiu said leisurely: "She is in Qingfeng Pavilion."

 Qin Yao nodded, raised his eyes and looked at the old leader: "Master, I will come back to you later."

“You can just go and do your business.” The old boss waved his hand.

After a while, Qin Yao escaped to the Qingfeng Pavilion and knocked lightly on the door.

"Who is it?" In the room, Ren Tingting got off the bed and asked.

 “It’s me.” Qin Yao said.

 Ren Tingting's delicate body trembled, and she stagnated in place, and her brain fell into a shutdown state.

After a long time, she woke up as if from a dream, exhaled a long breath, walked slowly to the door, and opened the wooden door: "Master Qin."

"Is it convenient for us to chat?" Qin Yao pointed to the room and said warmly.

Ren Tingting quickly got out of the way: "It's convenient."

Qin Yao walked into the room and looked at the beauty in the red dress who approached him after closing the door. For a moment, he didn't know where to start.

"Master Qin, take a seat." Ren Tingting looked very dignified at the moment, pointing to the seat next to the round table and said.

Qin Yao followed his good deeds, sat upright on the wooden chair, and said softly: "Have you been waiting for me all these years?"

 Ren Tingting's heart trembled, and a blush instantly appeared on her ice-skinned cheeks. She tried hard to maintain her composure: "I just haven't met my beloved yet..."

Qin Yaozuo suddenly realized: "It turns out that Master made a mistake. You weren't waiting for me all the time."

At this moment, Ren Tingting felt so happy that she immediately understood that it was Uncle Jiu who helped her, and immediately said: "No, he was not mistaken."

Qin Yao looked into her eyes: "So, you have been waiting for me for more than eighty years?"

“Eighty-eight years, nine months and fourteen days.” Ren Tingting said softly.

Looking at the pure and bright beauty, Qin Yao was deeply moved: "You remember it so clearly?"

Ren Tingting took a breath silently, raised her head, and said boldly: "Because every day, I will think of you."

Hearing this, Qin Yao no longer hesitated, raised his right hand towards the other party, and pointed his palm towards the other party: "Although it is a bit too scumbag to say this now, but...are you willing to be with me?"

This sentence seemed to have a special magic power, penetrating Ren Tingting's body and mind like electricity.

Eighty years of waiting finally came to fruition at this moment, and her bright and smart eyes suddenly shone, and then shed countless tears.

 Two round teardrops ran smoothly across the cheeks, fell to the ground, and broke into several petals.

When her long-cherished wish was fulfilled, her first feeling was not joy, but wanting to cry, and cry happily.

Qin Yao took the initiative to take her jade white palm, took her into his arms, and said softly: "I'm sorry for keeping you waiting for so long."

Feeling the warmth of his embrace, Ren Tingting burst into tears, her whole body trembling and sobbing.

"It's okay, just cry out, no one will hear you." Qin Yao hugged her body that was as warm as jade, raised his finger, and drew a rune on the door.

Hearing his soft voice, Ren Tingting could no longer control herself and cried loudly, but this cry did not appear sad.

After a long time, Ren Tingting, whose eyes were swollen from crying, finally stopped crying. After venting her years of depression, she felt endless joy and sweetness in her heart. Her cheeks became hotter and hotter, and turned as crimson as the clouds: "Keep the clouds open to see the moonlight. I can’t deceive the ancients.”

Qin Yao stretched out his hands and wiped away the tears on her face: "Come with me to the immortal world. I will help you become an immortal by then."

 “Huh?” Ren Tingting’s eyes suddenly widened.

Qin Yao smiled slightly and said, "I have become an immortal and will soon ascend to the immortal world."

Ren Tingting: “…”

 She was stunned for a long time. After coming to her senses, she suddenly remembered Ren Zhuzhu who gave up midway.

If saying that more than eighty years of persistence has finally come to fruition is not enough to impress him, what about becoming an immortal?

Ren Zhuzhu gave up not only on one person, but also on a fairy tale~

 With the contrast, a sense of happiness arises spontaneously.

 August 15th.

 On the day of the Mid-Autumn Festival.

The wedding of Qin Yao and Ah Li was held grandly in Maoshan. The arriving guests stood from the top of the mountain to the foot of the mountain; the void facing Jiuxiao Wanfu Palace was filled with people.

Zhong Kui also came, his majestic and square face full of smiles. He was accompanied by Zhang Deyang, the ancestor of Maoshan, with Qiu Yunshui accompanying him.

 “Master Zhong, this high hall...”

After the ceremony, it was finally time for the newlyweds to pay their respects. Uncle Jiu took the initiative to come to Zhong Kui and asked softly.

 “Just pay my respects to you.” Zhong Kui said with a smile.

 Uncle Jiu was silent for a moment and nodded slowly.

Looking at the four top chairs in the high hall, the old master's heart moved slightly, and he deliberately took two steps towards the top chair, fully expecting Lin Fengjiao's invitation.

 He believes that he is qualified to sit on this high chair, and when he actually sits on it, he will definitely leave a mark in the history of Maoshan.

"Why are you going?" Zhang Deyang suddenly reached out to catch him and asked quietly.

The old boss glanced at the high-ranking chair and said in a low voice: "I think it's too monotonous for Lin Fengjiao to sit there alone."

"Stand by my side honestly." Zhang Deyang said calmly.

 “Uncle Master,” the old master said eagerly.

"I haven't even sat on it, can you sit on it?" Zhang Deyang asked.

 Old leader: “…”

 You didn’t sit on it, wasn’t it because of your “adopted brother” status?

Completely ignoring the etiquette and becoming a sworn sworn disciple of the same sect, this is a very explosive thing in the entire spiritual world!

It's just that... Zhang Deyang has spoken, and he can only give up the idea of ​​becoming Qin Yao's high hall.

 “The bride is here, the bride is here!”

Accompanied by bursts of firecrackers, Qin Yao, who was dressed in a red groom's uniform, held red silk in his hand and led A'li, who was wearing a phoenix crown and a harem, into the Wanfu Palace and went straight to the statue of Sanmao Patriarch.

"Ahem." On this side of the Xiaomao Jun statue, the four-eyed Taoist priest who was the best man at the wedding cleared his throat and said loudly: "Bow down to heaven and earth."

Qin Yao and Ah Li held a piece of red silk together, turned to face the door, and bowed deeply.

In the crowd, a graceful woman wearing black clothes and a bamboo hat turned the wine glass in her hand, raised her head, and drank the drink in one gulp.

“Nekomata, why are you staring at her?” Not far away from the woman in black, Shi Shi, dressed in white as snow, tugged at the beautiful enchantress in a gorgeous dress and asked in a low voice.

Mao Mao’s eyes stood up again, staring closely at the woman in black: “This woman has a ghostly aura.”

 “A visitor from the underworld?” Shi Shi asked in surprise.

As soon as he finished speaking, the woman suddenly turned her head to look at them. In an instant, all the hairs on Maomata's body stood up.

 Fortunately, the other party didn't seem to be malicious, just a little curious, and finally offered them a glass of wine.

"It is definitely the breath of the netherworld." Maomata said to Shi Shi, "And she is very strong, strong enough to kill me instantly."

Shi Shi patted her back gently and said, "Don't be nervous, don't be nervous. This is Taoist Master Qin's wedding venue. No one... will dare to cause trouble."

 “Two bows to the high hall.” At this time, the four eyes sang loudly.

Qin Yao held the red silk and Ah Li and bowed deeply to Uncle Jiu. "Okay, okay, get up quickly, get up quickly." Uncle Jiu raised his hands and said in a repeated voice.

The newlyweds stood up and sang again: "Husband and wife bow to each other~~"

 The newlyweds turn toward each other and bend down at the same time.

With four eyes and faces full of smiles, he said loudly: "Send it to the bridal chamber..."

“Senior Brother Qiu Sheng, should we have a wedding ceremony?” Several young Maoshan disciples came to Qiu Sheng and asked excitedly.

 Qiu Sheng was speechless.

Having trouble in Qin Yao's bridal chamber, is your skin itchy?

 “I want to go to you, but I won’t go.”

The young disciples looked at each other and then extinguished the thoughts in their hearts.

 Without anyone taking the lead, they really wouldn’t dare to do this.

As Qin Yao's status became higher and higher, his majesty became more and more profound. How could other casual disciples dare to provoke him?

 Inside the bridal chamber.

Even with countless skin-to-skin kisses, the moment Qin Yao used Yu Ruyi to lift her hijab, Ah Li still nervously closed her legs.

This is the impact that the sense of ritual brings to one's senses, even if it is a fairy or a god, it is just like ordinary people.

 “Madam.” Qin Yao said softly.

 “Husband.” Ah Li’s heartbeat was beating fast and she lowered her head shyly.

A bright smile bloomed on Qin Yao's face, and he hugged each other gently. At this moment, their hearts were imprinted together, and their emotions were even stronger...

"Everyone." In the Wanfu Palace, the old master dressed in a red robe, stood in front of the statue of the ancestor, and said loudly: "Qin Yao's wedding will last for three days. Please don't forget to come tomorrow morning."

 “What does it mean to last for three days?” Someone was confused and turned to ask the monk next to him.

"What else could it mean? Of course there are three weddings." The monk said casually.

 “Why not do it on the same day?”

“Why do you care so much? It’s better to eat for three days than for one day, right?”


 The next day.

 In the same process, Qin Yao married Nianying.

Nianying's parents died when she was very young, and her brother-in-law Liu Dalong also naturally aged in the early years. Therefore, only her sister Michelian came to the scene and watched her pass the most important stage in her life.

Unknowingly, two lines of clear tears pierced the jade face.

"Lianmei, long time no see." Uncle Jiu came to her side quietly and handed over two tissues.

 “Sorry, I’m just kidding.” Michelin took the tissue, wiped away two lines of clear tears, and said softly.

Uncle Jiu hesitated for a moment and said, "Sister Lian, come with me."

Michelian was stunned and said in astonishment: "Where are you going?"

"Immortal world!" Uncle Jiu whispered: "If you stay in the human world, according to your Taoism, you can live for two or three hundred years at most. When your life is over, you have to drink the Meng Po soup. From now on, there will be no rice in the world. This person is Lian.”

Michelin was stunned for a moment and asked a question that seemed irrelevant but was actually very meaningful: "Will Aunt Sue agree?"

Uncle Jiu took a breath and said solemnly: "She will agree."

Michelian smiled and said, "Then let's wait until she agrees."

 The third day.

 Still in the same place, Qin Yao married Caiyi.

Like Ah Li and Nianying, Cai Yi also has no high-ranking court, so in these three marriages, she has always worshiped Uncle Jiu...

Perhaps it was because everyone knew that this was the last one. After worshiping heaven and earth, Qin Yao was stopped by a group of colleagues, who took turns toasting him, and seemed to get him drunk.

Unexpectedly, Qin Yao has already become an immortal. Drinking the immortal wine may make him drunk, but the strong wine and fruit wine at the banquet are almost like water to him, and can't even paralyze his nerves.

  After conquering a large number of people by himself, Qin Yao returned to the bridal chamber with seven-star steps. Overnight, he turned upside down several times...

"He married three people, but there is no place for you among them. Have you given up?" That night, under the bright moon, in the corridor, the cat raised his hand and threw the finished apple core into the pond, then turned to look at him. The girl in the white dress next to her.

  Shi Shi smiled and said, "I have never pursued this."

The cat sneered again: "Why don't you pursue this? Your five hundred years of sincerity have fed the dog?"

Shi Shi reached out and patted her: "Don't talk nonsense."

The cat sighed again: "Fool, fool, you don't fight or grab, so there will never be any results. If you can't see the future, just say that this is not what you are pursuing. What are you kidding?"

Shi Shi shook his head: "You don't understand, Nekomata. When uncle is happy, I am happy. When uncle is sad, I am sad. Today I saw that he was smiling and married the woman of his dreams, so I am sincerely happy for him."

"Stop talking, stop talking." The cat covered his ears again and shouted, "I can't bear to hear this!"

 Shi Shi laughed dumbly.

"I have waited five hundred years, but you are a long-term lover." Suddenly a cold wind blew up, and a figure in black came with the wind.

"It's you." Mao Mao subconsciously stood in front of Shi Shi and looked at the terrifying figure in front of her that made her hair explode.

"It's me." The woman in black chuckled, her voice as sweet as a silver bell: "Don't be nervous, I won't hurt you."

"Who are you?" How could Maomata not be nervous? She felt that this woman could strangle herself to death by raising her hand.

The woman in black turned her head and looked in the direction of the new house, and said with a smile: "I am the groom's lover."

 “???” The cat was dumbfounded again.

The woman in black took off her hat, revealing a handsome face that looked like a disaster to the country and the people. She looked directly at Shi Shi's face: "Do you want to be with Qin Yao?"

 “Huh?” This time it was Shi Shi’s turn to be dumbfounded.

Mao Mao was moved again and asked, "What do you mean?"

Xiao Zhuo smiled and pointed at Shi Shi: "If she has any thoughts about Qin Yao, she can come with me. At least in my Saintess' Palace, she has more chances to see Qin Yao. Having said that, if we meet again If you can’t see it, what kind of drama is there?”

Mao hesitated and said: "What do you want?"

 She does not believe that there are free benefits in the world.

Xiao Zhuo reached out and touched her head and said, "Is relieving loneliness a reason?"

Nekomata: "!"

 She was touched?

 She was touched on the head? !

Mao wanted to explode and get angry again, but under the gaze of Xiao Zhuo's eyes, which were like a starry lake in the deep sea, the fire in his heart was frozen as soon as it emerged.

Shi Shi was silent for a moment and said softly: "If you didn't lie to me, I will go with you!"

She doesn't expect too much. Just being able to see Qin Yao often is enough for her to make up her mind.

 “Shi Shi…” Mao Mao said, “This person’s origin is unknown, so don’t trust him credulously.”

Xiao Zhuo smiled and waved: "Let's go, I'll take you to see someone who can prove whether I can be trusted!"

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