I'm a Hokage in Tokyo

Chapter 104 Chapter 106 Shadow class?

Is this the battle between the extraordinary?

The commander couldn't help tearing off the tie on his chest, as if this would allow him to breathe normally.

The Metropolitan Police Department's assessment of the combat power of superhumans is rigorous enough, and now it seems that these mysterious and unpredictable superhumans are still underestimated.

Extraordinary people can't help but master the incredible means of teleportation, and even the destructive power is jaw-dropping.

It was like a fight between gods and gods, and the aftermath of the fight destroyed half of the street.

Even the most elite SATs of the Metropolitan Police Department have no room to intervene. The self-defense force with tank fighters must be dispatched to compete with these monsters.

Although I don't know the purpose of this extraordinary organization called Akatsuki, but it is obvious that the comer is not good enough to absorb such a cold, crazy and dangerous person like the Scarlet Sand Scorpion.

Although Master Lu destroyed the Zhengxin Society, all he killed were evil party members who deserved their crimes. He also rescued the Red Sand Scorpion when he was about to slaughter everyone in the Metropolitan Police Department. He was the only Chaofan who showed kindness to mankind By.

"Master Lu, come on!"

"Master Lu, get rid of this evil heretic!"

In this extraordinary battle, everyone in the Metropolitan Police Department took the side of Master Lu as a matter of course, cheering for him.

At the beginning, the commander also felt a little embarrassed when he heard the cheers and cheers from the people in the Metropolitan Police Department.

But as the battle between the golden Mingwang statue and the clay giant became more and more intense, the fight between the two behemoths was really spectacular to the extreme, more exciting than any 3D blockbuster.

The on-site commander couldn't help but be infected by this atmosphere, his hair stood on end, and he waved his fist and shouted loudly:

"Master Lu, quickly let this monster experience your Dharma!"

As soon as the commander's words came out, Kanbara Yuji and the other police officers showed complicated expressions. They looked at each other and covered the commander's mouth with their hands.


"Commander, please stop talking."

They were really scared of the commander's crow's mouth.

He said to the Onimusha that it is impossible to escape, and the Onimusha directly summoned a crow with wings and almost escaped from the air; he told the police officer who was tied up by the tail of the red sand scorpion that he must stick to it, and the next In seconds, people were cut into pieces.

Yuuji Kanhara and the other police officers were afraid that the commander would add some debuff to Master Jilu once he opened his mouth.

If Master Lu was defeated, they would also be buried with him.

Fortunately, the situation did not develop into the worst situation. After a wave of massive battles, King Kongming punched through the chest of the clay giant like a punch.

The clay giant collapsed and disintegrated, and many police officers in the Metropolitan Police Department couldn't help but beam with joy.

Has it finally been decided?

So their few lives can be regarded as saved.

But as the saying goes, things backfired, and the ghostly figure of the Scarlet Sand Scorpion once again appeared in front of everyone.

The Scarlet Sand Scorpion spat out a scroll from its cracked mouth and held it in his hand.

"This puppet is my most proud work. It took me a lot of effort to kill him. Let me show you, a junior, what real art is!"

A corner of the scroll was unfolded, and then, with a bang, a cloud of smoke suddenly exploded.

After the smoke dissipated, a black-haired man in a black robe with black fur around the collar was suspended in mid-air.

"This is……"

The black-haired man was handsome, but the corners of his eyes and lips were cracked to the gap between his ears and his chin, and his prosthetic hand that was exposed like a puppet arm meant that he was not alive.

It turned out to be a puppet creation like the Scarlet Sand Scorpion.

"What the hell is going on here? The way the Red Sand Scorpion summoned this puppet is so surprising? Do extraordinary people still have space folding technology?"

The teleportation of the transcendent, as well as the technology of summoning items from the scroll, no matter what it is, it can shake the foundation of today's physics building.

The on-site commander got rid of the shackles of other police officers, watched this scene in shock, and then felt a strong sense of powerlessness.

Although in various sci-fi works, human beings drive various huge space warships to shuttle in the universe and conquer the universe through wormholes or space gates, this is nothing but a beautiful fantasy of human beings.

With the most cutting-edge science and technology of mankind, it is simply impossible to realize space transfer and space folding technology!

If human beings want to realize space teleportation and space folding, even if they are given another thousand years, they will not be able to do so.

Such a terrifying ability is actually in the hands of a transcendent. From this perspective, the mysterious side has gone far ahead of technology, and even makes humans lose the courage to catch up.

"Amitabha, this human puppet is the 'Kazekage' of the previous generation. His disappearance back then was also an unsolved mystery in the other world. Unexpectedly, he was killed by the red sand scorpion and was made into a puppet."

Master Di Lu chanted the Buddha's name, with the most solemn expression ever shown on his face, and said as if he was facing an enemy.

The serious and dangerous words in his tone made everyone in the Metropolitan Police Department have a bad premonition in their hearts.

"Since you have also recognized the origin of this human puppet, you should also know the difference between the titled 'Kage-level' powerhouse and a newcomer like you. The Kage-level powerhouse who has been given the name Kazekage in the past dynasties Among them, he is also the strongest one!"

The Scarlet Sand Scorpion said in a sinister manner, with a strong smell of blood in his words.

"First bloodletting, then take out the internal organs, then peel off the skin, after anti-corrosion treatment, and then install various mechanisms, and the puppet is completed by one person. Junior of the Temple of Fire, you have good strength, and you are qualified to become a puppet. It's in my collection."

"Amitabha! Even if it is a human puppet made of Fengying, how much power can it exert in the watch world? With your current projection, it is impossible to control this highest-level human puppet." Master Lu Lu said cautiously tentatively.

"Hehehe, you guessed right. Although I have very little spiritual power left, you are just a projection, and it is enough to kill you!"

The Red Sand Scorpion sneered, and said:

"Going up!"

The Wind Shadow Man puppet suddenly flew into the air and swooped towards Master Lu like a big black bird.

A large piece of giant sharp blade suddenly shot out from the sleeve of his right hand, and chopped off Master Lu's chest.

The circle of golden Buddha light on Master Lu Lu's body flickered a few times before it was shattered, the giant blade slashed at Master Di Lu fiercely, and sparks burst out!

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