I'm a Hokage in Tokyo

Chapter 105 Chapter 107


The giant blade slashed fiercely at Master Lu Lu's body, but instead of tearing his body apart, a spray of blood flew out, but a large cloud of sparks scattered into the air.

Master Lu Lu's body is golden all over, and the golden Buddha's light not only lingers around his body. It also penetrated into every inch of flesh and blood. His precious body seemed to be cast from gold, shining with metallic light, and his whole body was like a Buddha sculpture with a golden body.


Although Master Lu seemed to be intact, he couldn't help but let out a groan, and a trail of blood spilled from the corner of his mouth.

The on-site commander, who was watching the situation closely, couldn't help but turn pale with shock.

In this extraordinary battle, Master Lu was injured for the first time.

Is this a harbinger of doom?

The on-site commander wanted to open his mouth to cheer Master Lu, but he remembered his crow mouth physique, opening and closing his mouth, and didn't know what to say.

In the end, I could only shut up and say nothing.

The Red Sand Scorpion suddenly threw his head back, and the Wind Shadow Puppet flew back backwards, and finally floated above his head.

"The Vajra in the Temple of Fire is not bad, it's really extraordinary. Hehehe, obviously just scratching the skin can kill you, and your tortoise shell has saved you several times."

The Fengyingman puppet suspended in the air had its hands drooping, and viscous liquid continuously dripped from the giant blade in its right hand, and it landed on the concrete road to corrode a small pit, which was obviously highly poisonous.

"Stinky Monk, why don't you continue to summon your King Kongming statue to fight? Or are you saying that you can't use it anymore? It seems that you are almost at the end of your rope."

As expected of a seasoned veteran, the Scarlet Sand Scorpion immediately discovered that Master Di Lu was strong on the outside but capable on the inside.

"Amitabha. The red sand scorpion, you are also like this. The spiritual power carried by this projection of yours is about to bottom out. You have just arrived in the watch world, and you have no time to accumulate spiritual power. The soul has also consumed a lot of your strength, how long can you hold on?"

Master Lu Lu wiped away the blood from the corner of his mouth, put his palms together, and chanted the Buddha's name loudly.

The Buddha's name was like Hong Zhong Da Lu, full of upright and solemn rhythm, and injected courage into the hearts of other police officers at the scene out of thin air.


The Scarlet Sand Scorpion had no intention of answering at all.

He opened his mouth to the puppet of Fengying in the sky, and the high-density chakra was transmitted to the puppet along the chakra line.

The chakra line, which was originally transparent and invisible, has become graceful and faintly visible because of the chakra winding.

The Red Sand Scorpion actually used this invisible silk thread to control these puppets!

This method is simply like a puppet master.

The on-site commander quickly adjusted the small camera worn on his chest to take a picture of this scene.

This is very precious first-hand information about the encounters of extraordinary people.

Even if everyone in the Metropolitan Police Department is unfortunately wiped out here, the video data will be uploaded to the Internet as soon as possible, and passed on to the Metropolitan Police Department as important information.

It's just that a trace of doubt flashed in the on-site commander's heart. Since the puppet is controlled by silk threads, and the appearance of the red sand scorpion is also a huge puppet, where is his body hiding?

"Monk of the Temple of Fire, you are too rough-skinned and thick-skinned. If you continue to fight like this, it will be endless. Let me show you Kazekage's unique secret technique! The reason why he is called The strongest person in the history of Fengying is because he knows this technique!"

The puppet of the Wind Shadow puppet cracked until its chin and ears were fully opened, and balls of black iron sand were spit out by it, entangled around it.

With the sway of the head of the red sand scorpion, the sand and iron were compressed at a high density and turned into a dozen sharp spears with a length of two meters.

The tip of the steel spear is still vibrating and rustling, the sound is like thousands of bee swarms gathering together and vibrating their wings. Just hearing this ominous sound makes people feel uneasy. Doubt their destructive power.

"Hehehe, don't you want to save this group of mortals? This time I will attack you and them at the same time. This is the most lethal state. How many people will die?" the red sand scorpion said. Let out a cold and piercing laugh.

The dozen or so steel spears in the sky turned around, flew to a height of hundreds of meters, aimed at Master Lu and the people in the police station behind him from different angles, and then pulled down almost invisible lines in the air. Afterimages, they shot down at them in volley.

Magnetic escape, sand and iron giant needle!

Everyone in the Metropolitan Police Department couldn't help but look ashamed.

This red sand scorpion is so despicable and shameless!

In the Battle of the Extraordinary, he insisted on involving mortals like them, obviously because he wanted to take the opportunity to distract Master Lu and look for an opportunity to take advantage of.


After a few deafening bangs, amidst the dust, the Thousand-Handed Avalokitesvara image summoned by Master Di Lu first appeared in the void again.

Thousand-Handed Avalokitesvara stretched out a strip of golden light arms, and caught sand-iron spears in the air.

Avalokitesvara flicked his hand, and the iron sand spears were thrown on the ground, and the land collapsed into a pool of iron sand.

"Master Lu..."

Before the on-site commander had time to recover from the surprise of escaping from the dead, he saw an iron sand spear piercing Master Lu's lower abdomen, bleeding profusely.

"You are worthy of being a monk. You are really compassionate. You sacrificed yourself to save some mortals who have nothing to do with you. You are really too young. If you could live as long as I do, you wouldn't have those mortals." Boring emotion."

The on-site conductor and Yuji Kanhara watched the scene in front of them and couldn't help being moved to tears.

Master Lu Lu shot down all the iron sand spears that were shot at everyone in the Metropolitan Police Department. If he just wanted to protect himself, it was definitely more than enough.

But Master Lu still resolutely sacrificed himself and paid such a painful price. The Buddha cut his flesh and fed it to the eagles, which is nothing more than that. He is really an eminent monk!

If it is said that the admiration for Master Dilu before was because of his manifested Buddhist supernatural powers such as the statue of Avalokitesvara and the statue of the angry-eyed king, now everyone in the Metropolitan Police Department has completely worshiped Master Dilu's noble personality.


Master Lu Lu was still chanting the Buddha's name, and his pale golden cheeks were not full of god-like aloofness and joylessness like the golden Buddha statues in Buddhist temples. Instead, they were gentle with relatives and made people feel compassionate.

At this time, the iron sand spear inserted into Master Lu Lu's body began to disintegrate, turning into a ball of iron sand that buried Master Lu Lu's feet, and climbed up like a living thing.

"Although this technique can defend, it cannot be touched, just like this. In this way, you will not be able to move!"

Master Lu Lu coughed out a mouthful of blood, and the statue of Avalokitesvara behind him slammed at the earth wall behind him, piercing through it directly.

The Thousand-Handed Avalokitesvara seemed to have exhausted all its strength after this blow, and disappeared immediately.

"Benefactors, let's run away, the next is not a field where mortals can watch."

Still thinking about them at this time, Master Lu...

The on-site commander choked up, wiped away his tears, and ran away decisively with the people.

Don't let Master Lu die in vain!

"This is the final blow, Iron Sand Realm!"

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