I'm a Hokage in Tokyo

Chapter 107 Chapter 109

"What's the situation on the Internet now?"

"No, the Public Opinion Countermeasures Department said that there are too many people posting, so they can't be deleted!"

"Then first control the network of Ota District, no, directly cut off the Internet in Ota District! And inform the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and immediately interview the heads of major newspapers and TV stations. We must do our best to block the news on the Internet. Spread."

In a secret base transformed from an air-raid shelter somewhere in Chiyoda District, a group of government workers are busy.

After Minamoto Raimitsu warrior in Ota District was revived, the Metropolitan Police Department has been paying close attention to the progress of the matter. When accidents happened one after another, when Jiri summoned the angry-eyed King Kong statue to fight with the clay giant, watching the world collide After such a thrilling scene, the Metropolitan Police Department knew very well that the current situation was completely beyond their control.

The cabinet members were urgently evacuated in batches in accordance with the wartime plan, and the Prime Minister of Japan and the police chief were also transferred here.

The command center originally located at Sakurada Gate has also been transferred to this underground base.

The prime minister is an elderly man with a very dangerous hairline. Although it can be seen that the pampered place was well maintained in the past, but now he seems to be devastated.

God knows him, no, how much pressure this country is under right now.

Everyone at the scene watching the battle between the statue of King Kong Ming and the clay giant was dazzled and breathless with tension. When the battle finally came to a conclusion, the people in the secret base finally came to their senses.

"My lord, the two countries in the west have sent a meeting through the consulate, asking if we need humanitarian assistance?" Taking advantage of this gap, a young secretary dressed in elite clothes asked cautiously.

"Shit! When will it be the turn of a poor man like Lao Maozi to provide humanitarian assistance to advanced countries?"

The Prime Minister couldn't help cursing.

While dispatching the SAT troops of the Metropolitan Police Department, the Japanese government also mobilized reconnaissance satellites, which can clearly overlook the overall situation of the streets of the entire Ota District.

Now the high resolution of spy satellites can even recognize the license plate number of a car.

Although it can't even recognize faces as rumored, but there are a few people on the street that can still be seen clearly.

After the battle broke out between the 20-meter-long statue of King Kong Ming and the clay giant, the momentum was so huge that it could no longer be concealed.

You Miri and your family are not the only ones with satellites in the world. Now who knows how many spy satellites are staring at this small place in Ota District.

You Japan can't even control the airspace of your own country's capital, can you still control outer space?

Fifteen years have passed since the supernatural event happened. No matter how strict Mi and Japan are, the information will inevitably leak to the international community.

It is already very successful to deceive the common people of your own family. Do you still imagine that you can fool a big country of the level of the five hooligans?

Several big countries may have learned of the news ten years ago, and they have been wanting to come to the island country to get a foot in these years.

Fortunately, Japan has long been the taboo of the father of the country of the United States. The country of the United States has made up its mind to eat alone. The tiger skin of the world's most powerful country has not been stripped off. It will be World War III.

As for how fierce the espionage war and intelligence war were in private, that's unknown.

"Reject them for me, and say nothing happened."

The Prime Minister is indeed a man who has reached the pinnacle of the island country's political arena, and he has perfected the "I don't know" trick of the island country politicians.

As for whether they believe it or not, it has nothing to do with me. Beating a dog depends on the owner!

At this time, the picture on the satellite image changed dramatically again, densely criss-crossing the black steel network, covering a radius of 100 meters.

The cars and houses along the way were easily pierced like paper, and even the ground collapsed.

Seeing such an unbelievable scene, the Prime Minister and the senior cabinet officials couldn't help but turn pale. If such a Transcendent who is full of malice towards human beings ran to the Capitol or the Imperial Palace to make such a move, if these high-ranking figures were wiped out, Who will support this country? The sky of the island nation is about to fall!

Damn, these lawless and anti-social transcendents make even big men like them feel uncomfortable sleeping and eating.

Then I saw two simple god statues protruding from the flat ground, sandwiching a copper wall and iron wall, blocking the puncture of the black iron spikes.

Looking at these two statues, which are obviously Japanese-style and mixed with Buddhist style, the Prime Minister couldn't help asking a little excitedly:

"Take a screenshot of this picture and ask the historians and religious scientists in the expert group to see which two gods these are!"

The battle seemed to have come to an end. The two superhumans at the scene were talking about something, but the body of the huge and deformed superhuman turned yellow and was still gradually disintegrating and weathering, apparently he had already left.

"Damn! Is this the teleportation mentioned in the report? If these monsters have the ability to cheat, how can we humans arrest these freaks?" The Prime Minister couldn't help touching his bare forehead, feeling My few hairs are about to fall out again.

"The Transcendent named Lulu hasn't left yet. Is he exhausted or seriously injured, unable to teleport away? The policeman next to him should take this opportunity to arrest him!"

Some cabinet ministers eagerly geared up, wishing they could be there and make special contributions.

When the snipe and the clam compete, the fisherman wins. This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

"Has the Self-Defense Force arrived?"

Seeing that the SAT of the Metropolitan Police Department did not achieve the expected results, the Japanese government had already prepared a countermeasure, and now it did not care about shocking the world, so it sent the Self-Defense Forces from the nearby military base.

"The fighter formation has arrived!"


Everyone in the secret base couldn't help but rejoice.

Although the destructive power displayed by these two extraordinary people is terrifying, the crystallization of human military technology is not a vegetarian. They have never fought head-on, so how could they admit that the power of the extraordinary side is superior to that of the technological side.

"If possible, try not to tear yourself apart with that monk named Di Lu. Being violent is the worst policy." The police chief thought it over and said cautiously.

The other high-level officials couldn't help but recall that apart from being an extraordinary person, Di Lu was also a monk.

The island country is a country with prosperous Buddhist beliefs. Regardless of their beliefs during their lifetime, they will be given a dharma name by the temple after death, and they will be buried as Buddhists in name.

Moreover, Di Lu manifested the statues of Avalokitesvara and Fudo Mingwang just now, obviously he is a good monk, if he kills him, there will be no retribution, right?

In this situation, who knows whether the theory of reincarnation and karma really exists?

Everyone couldn't help looking at a foreign general with curly hair and blue eyes in a US military uniform.

"As long as this monk is willing to cooperate, of course the group of lovely soldiers under me will not be violent as soon as they meet. We Americans are not barbarians who can only talk with bullets. As long as he cooperates..." The American general shrugged , said humorously.

It is still unknown who will win and who will lose in the arm wrestling between Yawei and Buddha.

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