I'm a Hokage in Tokyo

Chapter 108 Chapter 110 The evaluation of the holy monk, there are lions in the eyes

Yuuji Kanbara carefully helped the Holy Monk Jilu to a flat ground, with a solemn expression and his hands hanging down to serve the left and right, as if he was a loyal believer of the Holy Monk.

Seeing that the bottom of the cassock of the holy monk was stained with a lot of iron sand, he wanted to slap it with his hands, but Di Lu waved his hand to block it:

"Be careful, benefactor! These iron sands have been poisoned by the red sand scorpions!"

Yuuji Kanbara's face tightened, it was obvious that the red sand scorpion had said it was poisonous before, so why did he become negligent.

If it wasn't for the holy monk to remind me, I'm afraid I will have to go through another experience before the gate of hell.

"You people from the police department must be careful when you come to clean up the scene. These iron sands and fine needles are all poisonous. It is likely that ordinary people will not survive for three days after being hit." Master Lu Lu warned.

"Yes, holy monk, we must be careful."

Yuuji Kanbara wiped the cold sweat from his forehead. Unexpectedly, the battle scene had become such a dangerous place. He hurriedly asked: "After being expelled by the holy monk, the evil heretic named Red Sand Scorpion will not come again soon, right? ?”

"Now the gap between the two worlds has only opened up a little bit. For an existence of the level of the Red Sand Scorpion, it is not so easy to cross the border."

Yuuji Kanbara felt relieved a little, and then he heard the holy monk continue:

"The next projection of the Scarlet Sand Scorpion will take at least a month."

a month? !

Hearing that Yuji Kanhara was a little confused, is there a difference in our time concept?

One month in Tokyo, a fast-paced metropolis, is a time of white horse passing, which means that after one month, the cold-blooded crazy scorpion dummy murderer will make a comeback?

"It's at least a month, and it's not certain that it will come after a month."

Naruto Uchiha didn't think about it yet, whether the Red Sand Scorpion, who was in charge of the villain in the Extraordinary script, would have a chance to appear next time, so he casually patched it.

"Each projection consumes a lot of power, which is very dangerous to the main body. The Akatsuki organization is the most dangerous organization in the inner world, and the Red Sand Scorpion himself has made countless enemies. As long as the poor monk passes this news to the Temple of Fire, Naturally, someone will hunt him down."

It seems that the Temple of Fire, which was born as a holy monk, is also a great power in the heaven.

The heavenly world mentioned by the red sand scorpion and the inner world mentioned by the holy monk should refer to the same place, but the different names of the two sides are inconsistent.

As a police officer, Yuji Kanbara was still asking more questions, but he saw that Jilu Shengseng had already closed his eyes a little tiredly, and didn't say anything more tactfully.


Two more fighter jets flew over their heads.

This team of fighters is F-2 fighters and does not have the ability to hover in the air.

From just now, the fighter jets of these Self-Defense Forces did not launch an attack immediately, but kept flying over this street.

It's like monitoring the land monk.

The huge roar made the holy monk forcefully open his eyelids again.

It took several minutes before the support troops of the Self-Defense Forces arrived late.

The first is a wrecking vehicle. The shovel in front of the wrecking vehicle pushed the remnants of the earthen wall out of a road, followed by several jeep military vehicles.

The convoy seemed to want to move forward, but for some reason, it stopped at the entrance of the street inexplicably.

A few researchers followed up from behind, and researchers in white coats swept around the ground with various precision instruments.

"Why not move on?"

An American military officer got out of the car and questioned a researcher.

"The magnetic field is abnormal! Many functions of the system on the military vehicle can't be used, and the communication equipment has also failed. Is this the damage to the local magnetic field after the Extraordinary War?" The researcher was amazed.

"This magical monk named Di Lu has been seriously injured and can't move. This is an excellent opportunity!" The US military officer said angrily.

The image data transmitted by the Self-Defense Force fighter jets has proved that the Transcendent is extremely weak.

This is a golden opportunity.

"It seems that these iron sands have a particularly strong magnetic force?" Finally, a researcher discovered the anomaly.

The American military officer looked at the specks of iron sand on the wheels of the wrecking vehicle, stretched out his white-gloved palm to grab some, and rubbed it with his thumb and index finger.

"Iron sand is really heavy and sticky..."

The American military officer seemed to want to put some in his mouth to taste.

Several other researchers rolled their eyes violently, secretly slandering, put everything in their mouths, do you think you are a baby? Sure enough, barbarians.

Sure enough, anti-intellectualism is prevalent in the United States, and even such a fool can become a colonel.

"Iron sand, all are poisonous! Sand, is bad, danger...? Oh, how do you pronounce danger?"

At this moment, I saw the Police Department officer gesticulating at them from a distance and shouted loudly.


Although Yuji Kanbara's English is too poor to understand, but the American military officer's Japanese is fluent in Kabukicho Street. When he heard that it was poisonous, he immediately took off his gloves in a panic and threw them on the ground, rolling and crawling. rushed outside.

"Retreat, retreat! There are toxic substances at the scene, everyone retreats temporarily!"

The American military officer took the lead and ran back first. Seeing this, the Self-Defense Forces in other jeep military vehicles also jumped out of the vehicle, turning their heads and running away.

In the underground secret base, the general of the United States saw that the subordinates he usually relied on turned out to be as timid as a mouse when things came to an end, and his face turned livid.

Seeing the yellow-skinned monkey from the archipelago next to him holding back a smile, wanting to laugh but not daring to laugh, an unknown evil fire suddenly rose in his heart, and he was about to explode on the spot.

"Now we can get the contents of the communication between Officer Shen Yuan and Master!" A technician said excitedly.

The American generals could only suppress their anger forcibly, and surrounded them with the Prime Minister and other high-ranking officials.

The identity of the only police officer at the scene has been confirmed, and he is the first police officer to encounter a transcendent, Yuuji Tomogamihara. The Metropolitan Police Department has been trying to contact him, but because of the abnormal magnetic field, the communication signal was interrupted.

Other electronic instruments will not work when they are close to each other.

Therefore, the way the secret base obtains this piece of information is not through communication tools, but by using human eyes to recognize lip language.

On the tenth floor of the office building where snipers were arranged before, helicopters had already floated on the roof. Not only were there rearranged snipers, but there were even a few lip-speaking experts.

With a telescope in his hand, the expert stared intently at Master Lu's lips, uttering words word by word.

It was immediately transcribed by the staff around them and passed on to the secret base immediately.

I saw that the above content is:

"...Benefactor, you can meet the poor monk twice, which is considered a predestined relationship. The poor monk sees that your eyes are upright and your heart is upright, but your face is vicissitudes, but there is a lion hidden. It is in line with the Buddhist principles of King Ming. I wonder if you are willing to practice with the poor monk?"

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