I'm a Hokage in Tokyo

Chapter 112 Chapter 114 Teacher's real name

Tsukimi Ri Inaba, female, is fourteen years old.

Teacher Orochi wore a hooded cloak that completely covered his face, holding an iPhone in his hand, flipping through the student resumes inside.

Three years ago, Mr. Orochi hadn't completely changed his strategy, and his secret confrontation with the Metropolitan Police Department was extremely fierce.

Teacher Orochi used the treacherous sorcery of monsters to attack or assassinate members of the special department of the Metropolitan Police Department many times, and no fewer than ten police officers died in its hands.

Among them are Tsukimi Ri Inaba's parents.

This is not just for venting anger, it is also conducting human experiments.

Teacher Orochi's unique spell can't help but be used on monsters. It can be planted in their tongues to block information when necessary and bind their bodies. It can also be planted in human bodies to change the appearance of human beings. Great change.

It's a pity that human beings can't bear this kind of power at all, and will soon die suddenly.

The power of this spell is too overbearing, even an adult strong man can't bear it.

At the same time, under the auspices of Kihara-kun, a Fujiki monster who can use healing magic, experiments are also being carried out to transplant monster organs into humans. But the experiment was also a failure, which would definitely cause a strong rejection reaction. In the end, the death of the experimental product was horrible.

That being the case, why not try to fight fire with fire?

Orochi-sensei and Kihara-kun began to change their minds, and began to cast spells on the human experimental species transplanted with monster organs. The death was so terrible that even Orochi-sensei felt a little nauseated.

But human trials continue.

Teacher Orochi has confirmed the fact that the tissues and organs of monsters are poisonous to humans through various data and clinical experience, and it is simply whimsical to want to obtain extraordinary power by transplanting monster organs.

The same human body modification experiment is also being carried out at the Mi Army base in Yokosuka Port, but it has completely failed like the human body experiment conducted by the monster organization, which confirms the idea of ​​Mr. Orochi from the side.

But Mr. Orochi still has a hole card that humans don't have, which is a white eye.

This strange white eye is very special, it comes from a big monster who was also born in the 19th year of Heisei, and is the enemy of Teacher Orochi.

Monsters have the ability to heal themselves, but when Mr. Orochi used a sneak attack to dig out this white monster eye from the eye socket of the damn monster, it didn't grow back.

After the monster's organs are stripped from the body, they will soon fall apart into ashes, which is also one of the important reasons for the failure of human transplantation of monster organs.

And this strange white eye, soaked in formalin, can be preserved for several years.

This white eye is extraordinary, Mr. Orochi was so convinced.

The girl's right eye was dug out alive, then transplanted into the eye socket through Kihara-kun's healing technique, and finally planted with Orochi-sensei's unique spell, the girl survived in the end.

After the experiment was successful, Teacher Orochi shed a snake skin and feigned death to escape, hiding behind the scenes and not confronting the Metropolitan Police Department head-on.

"Now it's finally time to harvest. I just sowed a seed on the barren land back then, but I didn't expect to reap such a fruit. This is the only good news among the countless bad news recently. .”

Teacher Dashe pushed open the door of the side hall of Huguo Temple, and saw a wooden barrel coffin placed on the ground inside the hall.

"This is?"

The coffin was tied with shimenawa, covered with mysterious and mysterious black charms, and wisps of black mist were gushing out from the wooden barrel.

Teacher Orochi's expression changed slightly.

According to the spell it cast on Tsukimi Inaba, he could sense that the girl was hiding in this barrel coffin at this moment.

But such an arrangement was unheard of, could it be the handiwork of an extraordinary person?

Teacher Big Snake was a little hesitant. Before coming in, it used the heat receptors unique to cold-blooded reptile snakes to detect the inside of the hall, and there was no suspicious person hiding.

But when things come to an end, it is impossible to leave without doing anything, this is a precious container that carries it to be reincarnated as a human being!

There seemed to be something wriggling under the cloak, and the next moment, two gray poisonous snakes with thick arms came out from under the cloak and swam to the wooden barrel coffin.

Two gray poisonous snakes hissed and spit out letters around the wooden barrel coffin, swam around a few times, and then coiled their bodies around the wooden barrel, sticking out their triangular heads and trying to get into the top of the wooden barrel!


The wooden barrel and coffin burst open, and sawdust flew across. Tsukimi Inaba turned his back to the entrance of this side hall. Grasp the seven inches of the two poisonous snakes with two hands!

From this angle, Tsukimi Inaba's face could not be seen, only Tsukimi Inaba's curly black hair, which was originally hanging down to her shoulders, had completely turned into silver hair that was as long as her hips.

"Pa-ta" and "pat-ta", two lively poisonous snakes were pinched by Tsukimi Inaba casually, and the snake's body suddenly turned limp into a dead snake, and it was thrown to the ground.

Tsukimi Ri Inaba's hair color gradually returned to normal, and the length also became the original length.

She turned around slowly, and at this moment, the blindfold that was originally worn on Tsukimi Inaba's right side had also fallen off, revealing her pure white eyes and the blue veins blooming on her right cheek.

And Tsukimi Ri Inaba's left face was also weird, with a snake-shaped curse mark wrapped around her cheek, the original white of the left eye turned pitch black, and the black pupil turned gray-white instead.

Such two completely different eyes appeared on Tsukimi Ri Inaba's face, adding a touch of mysterious charm to her, but at the same time, she also looked a little sinister and awe-inspiring!

"This posture is really beautiful! It seems that you have grasped the power I gave you."

The monster with white scales spat out a forked snake letter, catching the subtle movements in the air, and said with relief:

"It's been a few years since I've seen you, Tsukimi Ri Inaba. Although it's not the first time I've met you, but according to your human habits, you should introduce yourself first. The name I gave myself is Higuchi Orochi. You have been in the past few years. Find my whereabouts..."

Tsukimi Ri Inaba stared coldly at this life-and-death enemy, without saying a word, the next second, the figure blurred directly, flashed outside the house, and passed by Higuchi Orochi like a gust of wind.

A gust of wind blew by, and Higuchi Orochi lowered his head, and saw a line of blood appearing on his waist, and the line of blood became thicker and more obvious.

As Orochi Higuchi looked down, the change in the center of gravity of the body made its upper body lean forward unstoppably. The upper body slid heavily on the ground and was divided into two, while the lower body remained standing on the spot.

"I don't have time to talk to you, and I don't want to know your name."

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