I'm a Hokage in Tokyo

Chapter 113 Chapter 115

"It's great. This speed and strength have far exceeded the limit of the human body. Now you should barely be considered a transcendent."

Orochi Higuchi fell on the upper body of the ground, pawed and pulled the ground with both hands, and crawled from the inside of the side hall to the outside, leaving a long bloodstain.

This is simply a scene that only appears in horror movies and nightmares.

The lower body of Higuchi Orochi suddenly gushed out dense white snakes, connecting the upper body and splicing the two mutilated bodies together.

"In Yuejian, the taste of revenge is not bad, although it is only for a short moment."

Higuchi Orochi twisted his body, and his body turned softly and bonelessly.

"Before the long-awaited killing of the father and the enemy, is there nothing you want to talk about?" The white scales on Higuchi Orochi rubbed against each other with his twisting posture, making a rustling sound.

"In Yuejian, I still have a lot of questions. What do I want to ask you? For example, how did you control the power of the spell and not be swallowed by the spell?"

"I have nothing to talk to you about."

Tsukimi Inaba's cold little face showed murderous intent, and said coldly.

"Under the witness of the Buddha, before my parents' tombstone, I must kill you with my own hands!"

"It turns out that your parents were buried in the cemetery of Huguoji Temple. It's really an excellent stage for revenge. It's really touching. It's a pity that you can't do it in Tsukimi." Orochi Higuchi He stuck out his bright red tongue, licked his palm, and then grabbed Tsukimi Ri Inaba.

A giant gray python with the thickness of a bucket came out from the cuff, and from mid-air, it faced Tsukimi Ri Inaba and made a gesture to wrap her around and get involved in it.

Tsukimi Ri Inaba held the Nodachi with both hands, the blade was shining with a bright blue light, and cut it in two from the mouth of the giant python, and approached the Higuchi Orochi at an extremely fast speed.

Orochi Higuchi flicked his hand, and the giant python fell off his arm. At the same time, its body retreated quickly and retreated into the hall again. With its hands covered, the door of the hall closed again, blocking Tsukimi Ri Inaba's sight .

Tsukimi Ri Inaba's body was as light as a swallow, and she was about to burst open the temple door and rush into the Buddhist hall in one go.

But just when he was about to touch the gate of the temple, Tsukimi Ri Inaba's right eye twitched with blue veins, and he tapped on the ground like a swallow's water, and the whole person jumped into the air and jumped onto the eaves.


Shuttle after shuttle of bullets shot out from the hall, directly blasting the gate to pieces.

Orochi Higuchi's mouth was split to the back of his head as if dislocated, and the barrel of a Gatling machine gun was still blazing.

"Da da da!"

If Tsukimi Ri Inaba broke in from the front just now, he would have been blasted into a hornet's nest by the Gatling machine gun.

But Yuejian Ri Inaba, across the hall door, jumped onto the eaves of the side hall like a prophet.

Is it because of that strange white eye?

Perspective is the special ability possessed by that bewitching white eye.

When Orochi Higuchi was thinking this way, he heard the sound of tiles breaking from the eaves above his head, and Tsukimi Ri Inaba was moving quickly on the eaves.

Where will it come from?

The short moment from jumping out of the eaves to landing on the ground is the most dangerous time, there is nowhere to dodge in mid-air!

The beams began to tremble violently, and Orochi Higuchi saw unexpectedly that the entire eaves began to collapse, and countless bricks, tiles and rubble began to fall from above.

A half-moon-shaped sword qi fell from the sky.

The side hall of Huguo Temple began to collapse from the roof!

The huge movement had already attracted the attention of the monks of the Huguo Temple, and when they arrived at the side hall, they only saw a ruined wall.

Only half of the entire side hall remains. The Buddha statues inside and the eaves above are still intact, but the front half of the side hall has completely collapsed.

"What's that?" a sharp-eyed little monk called out.

All the people in the temple followed their prestige, and saw a tall, long-haired woman standing at the foot of the Buddha statue. That posture was too bewitching and beautiful.

Crown-like horns squeezed out between the long silver hair, and two new arms grew out from behind, one of which still held the handle of the knife, and the Nodachi on it had been broken.

This is the brand-new power that Tsukimi Inaba gained after familiarizing himself with Mantra Seal 2. With just a single blow, half of the Buddhist temple was destroyed.

Even the knives couldn't withstand the reaction force of the high-speed slash and broke on the spot.

What kind of monster is this? Could it be that the demon that was suppressed under the Huguo Temple escaped from the trap and destroyed the Buddhist temple in a fit of rage?

Many monks looked at each other in disbelief, but they were just the most ordinary monks in Huguo Temple, how could they know the secrets of this temple.

People who are a little smarter have already seen that the situation is not good and started to retreat, or took out their mobile phones and started to call the police.

"Snakes! Lots of snakes! Run!"

After a few panicked shouts, the monks were horrified to see countless gray venomous snakes with spots emerging from the ruins of the side hall. Creepy.

At this time, these monks didn't dare to stay here anymore, and ran away with their heads covered.

And countless small snakes piled up together, and the snake tide was as thick as a wall, scrambling to be the first to rush towards Tsukimiri Inaba.

Tsukimi Inaba frowned, her swordsmanship would not be of much use against such a tide of snakes, let alone with her current posture, ordinary steel weapons would not be able to withstand her full swing, half of it would be useless. will break.

She gritted her teeth and used the wind escape power that she was not familiar with yet.

Tsukimi Inaba's third arm swung forward, and a gust of wind roared out of his hand, blowing the sweeping tide of snakes, as well as the gravel and debris on the ground in one go!

At this moment, two boa constrictors as thick as buckets suddenly drilled out from Tsukimi Ri Inaba's feet, tightly entangled Tsukimi Ri!

One of the boa constrictors opened its mouth, and the Higuchi snake, covered in mucus, slipped out of the snake's mouth and landed on the ground.

"As the savior of the monsters, it is really tiring to provoke the leader alone and establish an organization to fight against human society. For so many years, I have been trembling like walking on thin ice, for fear that the organization that accidentally exposed some evil will be uprooted."

"The well-thought-out plan will always be broken by various accidents. The advent of the supernatural has made my dream of ruling this country in vain. In this world that is too strict with the aliens, I am more and more discovering that being a monster There is a limit, so I will not be a monster! I will live in this world as a human being."

"Tsukimi, your eyes, your sword skills, your body, all of these will soon become my Higuchi Orochi's property!"

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