I'm a Hokage in Tokyo

Chapter 114 Chapter 116 Orochimaru style

"Tsukimi Inaba, do you know what is the most successful species on this planet? That's right, it's you humans."

Seeing that Tsukimi Ri Inaba had been entangled by two giant khaki pythons and couldn't move, Higuchi Orochi continued talking on his own.

"Primates, primates of all things, and the biological names of human beings are inherently arrogant, but they can also be said to be genuine. Although the new monster population has various special abilities, they cannot Do not succumb to the majesty of the human science and technology industry, hide in the shadow of society and spy on this grotesque world."

Originally, he had made a long-term plan to continue lurking, lurking for more than ten years until he accumulated enough power to start a war with human society.

However, the variable of the transcendent made Orochi Higuchi's years of hard work go to waste.

If you still insist on Higuchi Orochi's original plan of cultivating monster students, and wait ten years to start a full-scale war with human society, it is tantamount to seeking a sword.

"Now, the plan has changed. My ambition to rule this country within ten years has been shattered, but there is no end to the sky, and my other dream will come true here! In fact, I like human beings very much. If I can reincarnate as a human being, What kind of scenery will you experience? I am looking forward to it.”

"Tsukimi Ri Inaba, you will become the container of my dreams, and from now on, we will never be separated and become one."

Higuchi Orochi can capture the body of Tsukimi Ri Inaba through its unique magic, and from then on, he can live in the human society with Tsukimi Ri Inaba's body.

This can be called a betrayal for the youkai group, but it is indeed a big victory for Higuchi Orochi himself.

It means that the battle between humans and monsters has nothing to do with it anymore, and no one or monsters will know the past of Higuchi Orochi. It can no longer hide like before, and can enjoy technology and literature like a real human being. ,Art.

After letting go of the burdens of being the king of monsters in Tokyo and his teacher, Orochi Higuchi can finally live for himself once again!

Higuchi Orochi was tender and affectionate, speaking like a lover, but the eerie tone in his tone made Tsukimi Ri Inaba feel a chill run down his spine.

"You want my body?"

Tsukimi Ri Inaba's expression was cold and lifeless, even in the desperate situation, she couldn't make her eyes flicker a little.

"That's right! Tsukimi Ri Inaba, capturing your body is only the first step. Next, I will cultivate more suitable containers." Orochi Higuchi said with a smile.

"Through constantly capturing human bodies, I will not only obtain immortality, but also gain insight into all truths in the world, whether it is scientific or occult, and one day I will definitely unravel the monsters. and all the secrets of the Transcendent."

Tsukimi Ri Inaba raised her fair and delicate face, and said lightly:

"My body no longer belongs to me, and naturally it is not something that a monster like you can touch."

What do you mean, Orochi Higuchi was slightly taken aback.

At this moment, Tsukimi Ri Inaba had already released the state of Curse Seal II, and the tall and attractive figure of Yujie had changed back to the original small one, and the two extra arms on the back were also retracted back.

Because of the sudden shrinkage of his body, he was originally tightly bound by the python, but now a gap was finally exposed.

Taking advantage of this breathing room, Tsukimi Ri Inaba suddenly got rid of the shackles of the two pythons, like a gust of wind, and suddenly rushed in front of Higuchi Orochi.

Tsukimi Ri Inaba's Nodachi had long been broken, and she was now unarmed, but she could feel that after making a contract with Uchiha Naruto, there was some kind of energy in her body.

The wind, the feeling that surges from the limbs and bones is the wind!

The girl raised her hand, and an invisible vacuum blade shot out from her hand.

"Pfft", one of Higuchi Orochi's arms covered with white scales was cut off and thrown high.

Not only that, but before the severed arm hit the ground, it was chopped into pieces by multiple wind blades intertwined into a net.

In this way, they cannot be connected together through the snake body like when they were cut in half.

Tsukimi Inaba clasped her hands together, brewing a more violent storm. At this critical moment, her body suddenly froze, the storm between her hands lost control, and the turbulent air flow directly blew her away. The next fell to the ground.


The mud on the floor stained the girl's face, Tsukimiri felt her whole body was numb, and she didn't even have the strength to move her little finger.

She felt something tiny move in the back of her neck.

"Tsukimi Ri Inaba, you really surprised me. In addition to mastering the transformation form of spells, you can also use wind-attributed spells."

Higuchi Orochi stretched out his only remaining right hand to Tsukimi Inaba. In the palm of his hand was a small white snake as small as a poisonous insect. The white snake opened its mouth, revealing even smaller fangs.

"When you were tied up by the python just now, these little snakes were hidden in the scales of the python and crawled into your clothes quietly."

"Don't worry, the fangs of these white snakes don't grow long, and the poison isn't deadly. It just makes you sleepless. Next, I'm going to take you to the secret base and perform the reincarnation ceremony there."

Tsukimi Ri Inaba's eyes couldn't help showing a little despair, and the eyelids began to get heavy, and the figure of Higuchi Orochi began to become a double image.

But she still bit her lip, oozing bright red blood, maintaining the last sliver of sobriety.

"Yue Jianli, you are really stubborn, obviously as long as you fall asleep, there will be no pain at all. You don't want to perform the reincarnation ceremony in a waking state..."

Orochi Higuchi turned his head sideways, looked at the section where his arm had been cut off, and shook his head:

"It's really inconvenient to have only one arm left, but I'm already immortal, vomit—"

Higuchi Orochi opened its mouth to vomit, and a pair of palms appeared from its mouth to stretch its upper and lower jaws, and a wet and intact 'Higuchi Orochi' came out of its mouth.

Just like shedding its skin, a piece of scaly, wrinkled human skin was left in place.

"Really, it's very disgusting. Your trick reminds me of an old friend."

Just when Orochi Higuchi was about to pick up Tsukimi Ri Inaba from the ground, he suddenly felt a chill behind him and turned around quickly.

I don't know since when, a ghostly figure dressed in black and red clouds has been standing on the only half of the roof of the side hall, watching it coldly, like a natural enemy.

In the scarlet pupils, three ominous black hook jades were turning.

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