I'm a Hokage in Tokyo

Chapter 115 Chapter 117

"I didn't expect to meet you under such circumstances, the legendary transcendent."

Higuchi Orochi couldn't help sticking out his tongue and licking the dry eyes of the snake, as if this would make it feel better.

The representative red cloud robe with a black background, with three red magic eyes with black stripes, and two tear grooves on his cheeks, this man is the extraordinary human who appeared in the abandoned mall.

"Hmph, I've been looking for you, the king of monsters in Tokyo, 'Teacher'..."

Uchiha Itachi let out a cold snort, and jumped down from half of the roof, landed on the ground without a sound, and confronted Higuchi Orochi face to face.

Uchiha Itachi glanced at Tsukimi Ri Inaba who was lying on the ground, unable to move.

When saving Yue Jianli before, apart from being sympathetic for a while, he also wanted to use her as bait to lure the snake out of the hole.

I didn't expect it to go so smoothly. I thought that the recent chaotic situation would scare the snake away and let the monster escape. I didn't expect that he would catch the monster in the end.

"It's such an honor! Unexpectedly, the legendary transcendent would know me, a little monster."

"Don't be self-effacing, you are amazing to be able to establish such a monster organization in Tokyo." Uchiha Itachi flatly praised.

The transcendent actually knew about the monster organization, and even the local Metropolitan Police Department could only vaguely sense something was wrong, and the transcendent seemed to know more than the Metropolitan Police Department.

Obviously, it was less than a month since the first appearance of the Transcendent, so where did the clues be left? Was it really that time of Zhengxinhui?

"Orochi Higuchi, why did you give yourself a human name? And you have a surname, you monsters all have no father or mother." Uchiha Itachi asked.

Naruto Uchiha has always been a little puzzled. The monsters in the organizations he met seem to have names.

And unlike the big X pills and XX boys that monsters often call, the monsters in the organization took the names of islanders in a decent way.

"Aren't we talking in Japanese now? The number of monsters is just a drop in the ocean compared to humans, and the history is too short to build a society. Therefore, accepting the cultural influence of human society is inevitable. I give other A monster with a Japanese name can be regarded as doing as the Romans do.”

Orochi Higuchi put one hand behind his back and hissed:

"We monsters can also cry, laugh, and think, why can't we be considered human beings? From a biological point of view, we are indeed not primates, but from a philosophical point of view, why aren't monsters new humans? I named the graduated monsters to tell them that monsters and humans are actually the same!"

The monster Higuchi Orochi is really eloquent, and his thinking is too dangerous, no wonder he calls himself a teacher.

Uchiha Itachi was expressionless and silent, but the three-god jade in his pupils turned faster.

"This murderous aura is really dangerous."

Even though Higuchi Orochi is a cold-blooded reptilian monster, under the threat of this murderous aura, cold sweat still oozes from his forehead.

"Since I've answered so many questions, can you answer me a question? Are you extraordinary people really from another world?"

"That's right, whether it's our supernatural beings or the power of your monsters, they all come from the same world. Now, I want to recover all the power scattered in this country."

Uchiha Itachi said vaguely.

It is his unshirkable responsibility to wipe out and recycle all the monsters and monsters that were born after the 19th year of Heisei, and the ninjutsu system that does not belong to this world.

Higuchi Orochi, when seeing this monster for the first time, Uchiha Itachi can't help but think of Orochimaru.

The soft and boneless body, the ability to summon poisonous snakes, and the taboo technique of taking other people's bodies, such abilities are really too dangerous!

Uchiha Itachi and Higuchi Orochi looked at each other silently, everyone knew that the next time would be a shocking blow.


A khaki python suddenly drilled out of the soil, and tied up Uchiha Itachi in an instant.

The lower body of the boa constrictor is closely connected with the arms of Higuchi Orochi. It turned out that Higuchi Orochi had already prepared a dark hand during the previous conversation.

Not only that, the small white snake hidden in the scales of the boa constrictor also shot up like a flea, turned into Itachi Uchiha's clothes and hair, and injected venom with its tiny fangs.

So easy to get it?

It made Higuchi Orochi feel incredible.

This is an extraordinary person, Higuchi Orochi had made a mental plan to run away if he missed a hit.

Orochi Higuchi raised his right arm, and the python wrapped around Itachi Uchiha, lifting him into the air.

Whether it is the hand feel or the thermal sensor, they all told him accurately that this mysterious transcendent has been captured alive by him, and these small white snakes, which are as small as poisonous insects, have been injected into the transcendent's body. Venom, even a whale would be paralyzed.

However, where does this strong feeling of disobedience come from?

Suddenly, Higuchi Orochi's vertical pupils trembled.

"All this is an illusion?"

The world in front of him suddenly turned upside down, and Higuchi Orochi realized that from the beginning to the end, it did not wrap Uchiha Itachi with its snake hands.

Uchiha Itachi has been by the side, watching Higuchi Orochi with those cold scarlet eyes.

In the night, those scarlet eyes shone with a magnificent red light, which was extraordinarily touching.

While Higuchi Orochi was awed and attracted by these eyes, he felt like a wedge had been driven into every part of his body, accompanied by severe pain that penetrated deep into the bone marrow!

The art of hanging!

After Sharingan evolved into Sangouyu, powerful offensive illusions such as the hanging technique and the Shiranui technique that come with it are also unlocked.

Naruto Uchiha used this pair of three-curved jade to write sharing eyes, and he could subdue his previous self at a glance.

The previously vain three-god jade Sharingan couldn't resist at all, just like Kakashi's Sharingan resisting Uchiha Itachi's kaleidoscope, it could only symbolize a stalemate for a while, and then it would break through the line of defense in one go.

For a long time, Naruto Uchiha has no suitable opponent to use the powerful illusion that comes with the Sangoudama Sharingan. This time, when he meets Higuchi Orochi, the king of Tokyo monsters, an enemy of this level is barely worthy of him using the Sangoudama's writing. Wheel eyes!

"Many, what a powerful ability, your eyes, Sbarasi..."

Higuchi Orochi said tremblingly, the scales on its body rubbed against each other and rustled. It fixed its eyes on Uchiha Itachi's Sharingan, and raised a palm with difficulty.


Blood fell, and that arm was directly chopped off by Uchiha Itachi and fell to the ground.

"It's a pity, this is reality. All your means will not work in front of these eyes."

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