I'm a Hokage in Tokyo

Chapter 125 Chapter 127

Looking at the corpse sitting up from the isolation room, Detective Sasaki's pupils contracted to the limit, with a look of fear and incredulity mixed in.

Before, he not only hid in the small and cramped isolation room with the target's corpse, but also collected hair and blood samples from the target himself. Observing the cold skin, stiff muscles, and coagulated black blood unique to the corpse at such a close distance, one can be sure that the target is dead, not the so-called suspended animation.

"give me back--"

And now the corpse is actually talking!

Even though Detective Sasaki has always boasted that he is not afraid of ghosts and gods and is lawless, he was still scared out of his wits when he saw this scene.

Seeing that the target's corpse had already pressed his hands on the drawer and was about to crawl out of the isolation room, Detective Sasaki didn't care too much, and it was better to walk away, and now it's better to slip away.

Detective Sasaki rushed to the door of the mortuary, grabbed the handle and twisted it, but the handle didn't move at all, it was locked!


Detective Sasaki tried his best to turn the handle, but the handle remained motionless as if rusted.

Could it be that those nurses locked the door when they went out, don't these bitches know that there are security guards inside?

"Ito, you have the key with you, come and open the door!"

Detective Sasaki tried to hit the door of the mortuary, but it didn't work. He shouted anxiously. Looking back, the short and fat security guard was stunned, shaking like chaff.

The drunk security guard on his shoulders also fell to the ground. The security guard rolled around on the ground, mumbled a few words indistinctly, and continued to sleep soundly.

"Ito, don't be stupid, hurry up and open the door!"

Detective Sasaki pushed and shoved the chunky security guard to the main entrance of the mortuary, while still taking out the chunky security guard's pocket.

"Where's the key? Which one is the key in the mortuary? Take it out!"

The short and fat security guard's face was pale and bloodless, but cold sweat rolled down his head, and he fumbled in his pockets with his hands:

"Why not? Where's my key?"

Detective Sasaki's face changed drastically when he heard the words, and he skillfully combed the chunky security guard's body from head to toe, but unexpectedly, the large bunch of keys before had disappeared!

"Damn it, you're off the hook at this time! You're such a waste!"

Detective Sasaki couldn't help but cursed.

Now the situation is extremely urgent, the target corpse has crawled out of the isolation room, and with a bang, its bare feet fell heavily on the ground.

"give me back--"

The corpse's movements were extremely stiff, and it moved staggeringly, slowly approaching the two of them, and while walking, it still let out a cry from the nether world.

"Ah, don't—"

The short and fat security guard's eyes widened in horror, and he let out a desperate scream, as if a dying person saw something indescribably terrifying, then rolled his eyes, and his whole body limply leaned against the door of the morgue.

Actually passed out! ?

Detective Sasaki looked at the chunky security guard in disbelief, and found that his fat face still had a peaceful expression.

There are three living people in the entire mortuary, and now he is the only one who is awake to face the corpse fraud monster alone, and the other two people are simply and happily asleep, all the pressure falls on him all at once body.

At such a moment, Detective Sasaki also wished that he could faint like them, so that he could escape this horrible reality!

Seeing the corpse approaching him step by step, Detective Sasaki slapped him hard on the face, a trace of blood dripped from his lips, and he forcibly calmed down.

He has also been a private detective for more than ten years, and he has even seen corpses at murder scenes more than once, but he has never experienced such a horrifying ghost scene. The corpses in the mortuary were resurrected like zombies in legends.

Do you want to call the police for help?

Detective Sasaki hurriedly took out his mobile phone, but his movements froze.

Based on what he knew about the trash in the Metropolitan Police Department, even if they called the police for help and said it was a fraudulent corpse in the mortuary, they would think they were joking, and hang up the phone after a few casual responses.

And with the police speed of the men from the Metropolitan Police Department, when they arrived at the scene, I'm afraid even my own body would be cold.

So what should we do! ?

The corpse's straight body moved mechanically and stiffly towards the gate. From this distance, the gray eyes of the corpse and the black and blue spots on the face could be clearly seen. The corpse opened its mouth and issued a complaint against the living:

"give me back--"

Detective Sasaki's hands and feet were cold, and his back was suddenly wet with cold sweat.


At this moment, the corpse, which moved stiffly and slowly, was tripped by the security guard lying on the ground, and fell to the ground straight face down.

"Do it! Fight it!"

Detective Sasaki felt a burst of courage spontaneously from nowhere. He tore off the belt, and took this opportunity to rush forward. He pressed his knees against the back of the corpse and tied the corpse tightly. His hands and feet were tightly bound. stand up.

The corpse was sent from the oncology department. Before he died, he had undergone chemotherapy and cancer, and his bones were as thin as a stick of wood, less than a hundred catties.

Detective Sasaki felt a little relieved when he saw that the corpse was moving on the ground like a dead fish, but couldn't break free from the pressure of his own weight.

Although this deceitful corpse is scary, it is not as powerful as the monsters in zombie movies. Except for a few indistinct screams from its mouth, its strength is even weaker than that of ordinary people, and its movements are also very slow. Once you overcome your fear, you can subdue it very easily.

Finally out of the crisis, Detective Sasaki wiped off the cold sweat from his brow, and began to wonder what was going on?

Out of professional instinct, Detective Sasaki keenly sensed unusual information.

Detective Sasaki suddenly remembered something. In recent years, in the small circle of private detectives, there have been some strange news, but most of them are vague. Detective Sasaki laughed it off at first, but after experiencing this terrifying scene, He also began to become suspicious. Could this be the reality of the world?

For such a big news, think that the newspaper office will definitely be interested, and it may be much more valuable than the current job.

Detective Sasaki took out his mobile phone and planned to record a video as evidence to see if he could sell it for a good price.

"Knock, knock, knock!"

There was another creepy knock on the door in the morgue.

"Knock, knock, knock!"

"Knock, knock, knock!"

One after another, there were knocks on the door, from the inside to the outside, and from all the isolation rooms in the mortuary.

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