I'm a Hokage in Tokyo

Chapter 126 Chapter 128 New Urban Legend

"No way, the nightmare is not over yet?"

Detective Sasaki's scalp exploded in an instant, his head turned more rigidly than the previous corpse, and he didn't know where to look for a while.

There are too many isolation rooms that knock on the door!

"Knock, knock, knock!"

"Knock, knock, knock!"

"Knock, knock, knock!"

One dull and strange knock on the door after another, beating heavily on Detective Sasaki's heart.

"It's impossible, why are there so many?"

He gasped heavily, and his body was half-paralyzed and he knelt down on the ground.

The continuous knocking on the door stopped at the same time, and then the isolation rooms of the mortuary were pushed open from the inside out, and pale palms stretched out.

The next moment, the corpses sat up one by one, staring at Detective Sasaki blankly.

"Amitabha, I shouldn't be obsessed with ghosts and disturb your peace after death. Please forgive me, forgive me!"

Detective Sasaki completely collapsed, and Dogeza fell to the ground, kowtowing like garlic.

"give me back--"

All the corpses roared in unison.

This time, Detective Sasaki finally heard what the corpse was complaining about. He frantically touched his pocket, took out the platinum wedding ring, and threw it on the ground like a hot potato.

All the strange things happened after he stole the ring!

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry! I shouldn't be obsessed with money and steal property, I will never dare again!"

Detective Sasaki continued to sit down and kowtow on the ground again and again, hoping to get the forgiveness of the ghosts. He didn't know how long he kowtowed, his forehead began to turn blue, and he raised his head expectantly.

I apologize to Dogeza so sincerely, even ghosts should be able to understand my sincerity!

I saw countless corpses, surrounded Sasaki in groups, their faces were pale and blue, and pairs of gray eyes were fixed on him.

The mouths of the corpses opened and closed: "Not yet, not enough—"

"Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah--"

Detective Sasaki let out a horrific scream, crying ghosts and howling wolves full of extreme fear, and finally he passed out as he wished, unconscious.

As Detective Sasaki fainted, an unpleasant stench began to permeate the morgue.

"This guy actually peed his pants, he's too timid... Well, I admit that after witnessing this scene, there are only a few who can not faint from shock."

The light in the air suddenly began to refract and distort, and a figure appeared in the morgue out of thin air, looking at Detective Sasaki who passed out on the ground, with a disgusted expression on his face.

"The Jutsu of Death Soul has been upgraded from LV1 to LV2. Sure enough, to practice this kind of ninjutsu, you still need materials."

Naruto Uchiha pushed the round glasses on the bridge of his nose, and looked at the dozens of corpses around him. Although he didn't feel much fear, he still felt a little subtle.

Human beings' fear of similar corpses is engraved in genes, and it is also the most primitive kind of fear.

The Death Soul Art is a ninjutsu used by Pharmacist Dou. It can manipulate the corpse in a short period of time, making the corpse behave like an ordinary person, and even speak.

Yakushidou even processed the corpse and put a human skin mask on the face of the corpse to hide it from Kakashi, who was holding Sharingan, and finally managed to escape.

"Human skin mask? I also have this kind of ninjutsu, which is Orochimaru's face-reducing technique. It can also peel off the face of the dead and put it on your own face to disguise your identity."

Uchiha Naruto's eyes swept across the pale faces of the corpses, and finally shook his head.

Although there are materials that can be used in front of him, the technique of erasing face is really a bit tasteless for him who has the transformation technique, and there is no need to practice it.

And this technique is too blasphemy to the dead.

Thinking about sticking the face of the deceased on his own face, even though Minato Uchiha didn't have any cleanliness, it was still a little disgusting to think about it.

"Don't take things that don't belong to you."

Naruto Uchiha manipulated the first corpse, and with a click, he dislocated his right shoulder, broke free from the belt, and then pulled out the other hand backhand.

One shoulder slumped, the corpse picked up his wedding ring from the floor.

"The art of dead souls is very useful for pretending to be gods and ghosts, but the actual combat power is simply vulnerable."

The Death Soul technique can manipulate corpses, but it is completely different from the reincarnation of the filthy soil. The corpses will decay more and more as time goes by, and their flexibility and strength will decrease accordingly. It is impossible to be as powerful as the zombies in the movie.

Although they have no fighting power, if these corpses walk on the streets of Tokyo, they may cause great social chaos.

"Maybe there is a chance to stage a Resident Evil scene in Tokyo?"

Naruto Uchiha smiled, now the zombie culture is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, although these corpses controlled by the dead soul technique will not spread the virus, but as long as you see these walking dead, people will definitely think of zombies involuntarily.

"Oops, I forgot which isolation room these corpses belonged to. Forget it, there are plenty of 'beds' anyway."

Naruto Uchiha snapped his fingers, and the corpses turned around one by one, walked towards the isolation room closest to him, opened the drawer, and lay down obediently one by one.

At the same time, there was a lot of movement at the door of the morgue. First, there was the sound of a key being inserted into the turning handle, but there was no response after a few clicks, and then there was a violent knock on the door.

"Bang bang bang!"

Naruto Uchiha glanced at the three people who were limp on the ground, and the whole body began to become transparent, disappearing in place.

The door of the morgue was knocked open, and a team of security guards rushed in, led by a doctor with a Mediterranean hairstyle and a white coat.

Just a while ago, a series of hysterical screams and cries suddenly came from the mortuary on the second basement floor of the hospital, and the door was slammed from the inside, scaring the nurses who came to transport the corpses to their knees. Feeling weak, quickly report to the security room.

The Mediterranean doctor was also dumbfounded when he saw the three lying on the ground in the morgue.

"What exactly is going on?"

Although some lawbreakers would go to the morgue to steal the remains of the deceased, and some would even target the organs of the deceased, how could the three of them be unconscious all of a sudden.

"Quickly, send all three of them to the emergency room. For the rest, please count the remains in the morgue with me to see if there are any missing."

The Mediterranean doctor hurriedly called a group of nurses and began to count the remains in the mortuary according to the roster.

"The number is not small, and the remains are not damaged, but..."

After some counting, an elderly nurse took the list and reported to the Mediterranean doctor. Her face turned pale, obviously her heart was not at peace.

"But what?" Doctor Mediterranean asked anxiously.

"The current location of these corpses is different from the original location on the list, and the order is completely messed up."

"What do you mean, you mean someone came in and moved the corpse, put the corpse from the original isolation room to another isolation room?"

The Mediterranean doctor was immediately at a loss. Could it be that the three people before did it? It is not easy to move up and down the mortuary with so many corpses. What is the benefit of doing this kind of thing when you are full?

"There is one more strange thing, I dare not say it, the director can come and see for himself." The nurse's teeth chattered, and her eyes were full of fear.

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