I'm a Hokage in Tokyo

Chapter 128 Chapter 130 Ghost Doctor (4k)

The hospital at night was full of silence. The fluorescent lamp overhead shone on the tidy floor tiles, reflecting a cold gleam. It was as silent as ever. This scene made Nurse Asano in the duty room wrap her clothes tightly.

Not only because of the gloomy atmosphere in the hospital at night, but also because her companion was telling her vividly about the supernatural events that happened in the morgue this morning.

It was really boring to be on duty at night. The two of them were playing with their mobile phones at first, but someone started the chat, but somehow the topic got involved in urban strange talk.

"The corpses in the mortuary came out of the isolation room and wandered in the mortuary. A group stealing corneas set their eyes on the corpses in our hospital, sneaked in, and finally went in to have a look..."

"It's late at night, don't talk about this!"

The senior nurse Asano glared at the intern nurse next to her reproachfully. She also knew that the intern nurses of her relatives liked these weird things, but it would be too ignorant to say this at night.

As for the accident in the mortuary, although the chief doctor had issued a gag order, Nurse Asano had also heard a little about it.

This incident was not groundless, the real and the fake were mixed together, but it had a little more sense of reality, and it happened in the hospital where she worked, so there was also a sense of substitution, which made Nurse Asano a little flabbergasted.

"Okay, let's not talk about it." The intern nurse closed her mouth sullenly, but she quickly became excited again, picked up the phone and put it in front of Nurse Asano.

"Sister Asano, please take a look at this video of the Buddha appearing."

Nurse Asano looked at the six or seven-story Buddha statue of King Ming in the video, and was a little interested:

"The special effects are so realistic, which movie's promotional video is it?"

"It's not a movie promotional video, this is a real video of the Buddha's appearance in Ota District!"

"How is this possible? If such a large Buddha statue appears in Ota District, it will definitely be on the TV station. I have never heard of it." Nurse Asano said with a dumbfounded smile.

"That's because the government is deceiving us. They have used their power to block the truth of the matter!" The trainee nurse looked solemn, clenched her fist and swung it vigorously.

"But citizens are entitled to know the truth. My previous forum was blocked because of this incident, but it is not over yet. We have transferred the video and pictures to the dark web. We must wake up more people!"

Nurse Asano was a little worried. The child of this relative's family is too noisy. Should I talk to my aunt if I have a chance?

The floors of the entire hospital are in the shape of a 'concave', and the nurse's duty station is located in the sunken position. In groups of two and one person on one side, they can grasp the situation on both sides of the ward anytime, anywhere.

"It's Dr. Satomi. He's not the doctor on duty today, is he? Did he come to take care of the patient at such a late hour? He's really responsible."

The intern nurse saw the doctor coming up from the stairs and stopped at the door of the ward, and whispered.

"It's because of Ms. Ebina from Room 1301. She will be transferred tomorrow." Nurse Asano said calmly as she flipped through the registration form.

"Miss Ebina, it's terminal cancer, it's too pitiful to be transferred at this time."

The young intern nurse was full of sympathy for this girl who was about the same age as herself but had no time left.


Nurse Asano also sighed and said nothing more.

After working in the hospital for a long time, I am used to seeing the joys and sorrows of life and death, so my feelings will naturally be a little cold. It's not that she is cold by nature, but that she has seen too many tragedies with her own eyes. After repeated stimulation, the threshold of sentimentality is naturally much higher than that of ordinary people.

It is indeed unreasonable to persuade patients with advanced cancer to leave, but she is just a little nurse, and she is really helpless.

Nurse Asano still remembered that the affiliated hospital of the Medical University was not like this before, but after Professor Kurokawa died unexpectedly, Professor Noriuchi became the Minister of the Medical University, and began to implement this policy.

Persuading terminally ill patients has indeed improved the operating conditions of the hospital, and the cure rate and death rate on paper have also improved a lot.

But not all terminal cancer patients will be persuaded to leave. Those rich and powerful patients can still survive for a while by relying on the expert team of the Affiliated Hospital of Medical University.

Time passed by one minute and one second, and the hands of the wall clock on the wall were aligned with zero.

There was a light tick, and the time came to midnight.


The fluorescent lamps in the nurse's station and the corridor suddenly made strange noises, and then flickered on and off.

"What's going on here? Is it possible to trip?"

"Don't say such things, the duty room is most afraid of someone saying such things!"

Nurse Asano glared at the intern nurse. This kind of thing is the same all over the world. As long as someone is on duty and sighs that there is nothing wrong today, there will be an accident immediately.

Before the words were finished, the lights in the nurse's station and the aisle were turned off at the same time, and they were plunged into darkness.

"It really tripped, it's really troublesome!"

Nurse Asano quickly turned on the flashlight switch of her mobile phone and took a picture around her. She was not too flustered. After all, the circuit system of the hospital has a backup power supply just in case. There will be no crisis.

The hospital has electricians on standby 24 hours a day. Once a tripping accident occurs, the electricians will find it as soon as possible and rush to repair it.

However, according to the rules and regulations, after the power outage, their nurses on duty must patrol each ward to ensure the normal operation of the ventilator and ECG testing equipment.

Nurse Asano led the trainee nurse out of the duty station, greeted Dr. Satomi, and was about to start her inspection from Room 1301, which was opposite the elevator door.


There were four elevators at the elevator door, but the sign outside the second elevator in the middle began to flicker, and the sound of the traction machine rotating came, obviously an elevator was moving here from downstairs.

"No, hasn't it already tripped? Why can this elevator for surgery still go up? Besides, it's already midnight. Isn't the elevator for surgery locked?"

There are four elevators in this ward, which stop on the single floor, the double floor, and the whole floor. The one that is running now is dedicated to surgery. Patients and their family members are not allowed to use it. It is only used in emergencies or emergencies. Only for use by hospital staff.

Nurse Asano felt that the situation was a bit strange.

And as far as she knows, the power supplies of the four elevators are connected together. Normally, they are either powered off together, or the four elevators are in normal use together.

But now, the signboards of the other three elevators are all dark red, indicating that they have broken down. Only the signboards of the special elevator for surgery are operating normally, and the green floor numbers are constantly changing.

Seventh floor...

Nurse Asano stared blankly at the signboard, feeling her mouth dry.

Ten, eleven, twelve...

The final number is fixed at thirteen!

With a bang, the elevator door opened suddenly, and the light from the elevator illuminated the entire dark corridor.

A refined middle-aged man came out of the elevator. He was wearing a doctor's white coat, a suit and leather shoes under the white coat, and a pair of shiny black leather shoes.

The appearance of the middle-aged man can be said to be quite handsome, with a beautiful mustache, but his face is as pale as a dead person, expressionless.

When Nurse Asano saw the elegant man's face, her scalp went numb because she knew this man.

But she couldn't believe that the dead person appeared in the hospital again!

"Black... Mr. Kurokawa!"

I could only hear Doctor Satomi calling out that name with excitement and disbelief.

Is it really Professor Kurokawa? !

When Nurse Asano heard this, her feet went limp and she collapsed to the ground.

The trainee nurse hurriedly supported her, so that she could barely support her up.

"Sister Asano, why are you afraid of being like this? Who is this gloomy handsome uncle doctor?" the intern nurse asked curiously.

Nurse Asano murmured, trying to say something, but her teeth chattered uncontrollably, and she couldn't utter a word.

The intern nurses are new here, so it's fine if they don't recognize them, but how can they who have worked in the Affiliated Hospital of Medical University for many years not recognize the famous Professor Kurokawa!

Professor Kurokawa obviously passed away in a car accident a year ago. At that time, all the staff of the hospital's oncology department attended Professor Kurokawa's farewell meeting, and Nurse Asano also visited Professor Kurokawa's remains.

A dead person suddenly came back to life. This unspeakable fear struck Nurse Asano.

"Professor Kurokawa! Teacher Kurokawa! I miss you so much..." Dr. Satomi choked up.

Dr. Satomi was shocked at the beginning. As a doctor, he didn't believe in strange powers and chaos, but in the most fragile and confused state of his heart, when he saw his mentor again, he couldn't help but burst into tears. Even the fear is forgotten.

"Teacher, is there anything else you are worried about? Come back at this time, is there any important thing to explain? I will definitely take care of it for you!"

Dr. Satomi wiped the corners of his eyes and said.

Professor Kurokawa's face was pale, and his whole body exuded a terrifying and gloomy aura, as if he was a walking corpse crawling up from the morgue, but Satomi saw that the doctor had seen too many corpses, and his behavior was frank and clear, so he was very brave. went up to welcome.

But the closer he got to Professor Kurokawa, the more he felt the bone-chilling chill, and Dr. Satomi stopped involuntarily.

Doctor Satomi raised his head slightly, and he and Mr. Kurokawa looked at each other.

Professor Kurokawa's face is still as familiar as ever, and the iconic mustache is still meticulously groomed, but strange changes have also taken place.

His eyes were pure white without pupils, and his cheeks were covered with bulging veins, making him look very hideous.


It was only then that Dr. Satomi realized that what he was facing now was not the respected teacher he had before, but a visitor from another world. Who knew whether the teacher would still be as gentle and elegant after death as before?

The oldest and strongest human emotion is fear. The instinctive fear of foreign objects has suppressed Dr. Satomi's admiration for Professor Kurokawa.

"Where is the patient?"

Professor Kurokawa asked in a deep voice.

Hearing this familiar deep voice, most of the fear that filled his heart was dispelled, and tears welled up in Dr. Satomi's eyes again.

Mr. Kurokawa never forgot his duty until after his death. The first thing he said when he returned from Santuchuan was to ask where the patient was!

No mistake, Mr. Kurokawa is still the original sincere doctor.

"Teacher, I have a patient in my hand. Ms. Ebina has advanced gastric cancer. I would like to ask for your opinion..."

"Prepare for surgery!"

Professor Kurokawa said coldly, and then he walked directly past Dr. Satomi, walked to Room 1301 like a prophet, and opened the door.

"Surgery? Tripping now, no medical team, no operating room, how to perform surgery?"

Dr. Satomi gritted his teeth and followed, he must be responsible to Miss Ebina.

While the intern nurse in the corridor was supporting Nurse Asano, she was at a loss, she had no idea what was going on.

Looking down at Nurse Asano, she found that her face was extremely pale, and her whole body was trembling with extreme fear.

"What the hell is going on here?"

The electrical system in the ward has activated the power storage function, and the main light in the bed has been turned off, but there are still a few nightlights turned on, casting dim light on Miss Ebina's face.

Miss Ebina was not asleep yet, she was lying on the hospital bed, her eye sockets were slightly red and swollen, and there was a slight sobbing sound from her mouth.

Seeing someone coming in, Miss Ebina quickly wiped her eyes, and hid the pillow towel that was still stained with tears under the quilt.

At first, when she saw a strange man with a pale and expressionless face come in, Miss Ebina was startled, but then she saw Doctor Satomi following him, and she was a little relieved.

"Doctor Satomi, who is this doctor? What's the point of coming here so late?" Miss Ebina forced a smile, her voice still hoarse.

Dr. Satomi didn't know what to say for a while, he couldn't introduce that this was the ghost of his mentor.

"The condition is critical, and surgery must be performed immediately!"

Professor Kurokawa glanced at Miss Ebina, and walked straight towards the hospital bed.

"Doctor Li, what's going on here?"

At this time, Miss Ebina could only seek help from the familiar doctor Satomi.

Professor Kurokawa pointed at Ms. Ebina, and Ms. Ebina rolled her eyes and passed out limply on the hospital bed.

When Professor Kurokawa came to the hospital bed, his strange and cold white eyes fixed on Miss Ebina's stomach.

He placed Miss Ebina face up, and then took off her blue and white hospital gown, revealing her delicate skin.

"Teacher, what are you doing?"

Doctor Satomi felt that such an operation was too much of a joke, so he couldn't help but stepped forward to stop it.

But being swept away by Professor Kurokawa's ghost-like white eyes, he was as scared as a frog stared at by a poisonous snake.

Professor Kurokawa raised his right hand expressionlessly, the right hand flashed a blue light in the dim ward, and then suddenly plunged down into Miss Ebina's abdomen, and the blood flew!

"Start the operation."

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