I'm a Hokage in Tokyo

Chapter 129 Chapter 131 Surgery in progress (4K)

Blood spattered on Professor Kurokawa's face, but he still had an expressionless and indifferent expression.

Professor Kurokawa's palm holding the scalpel to heal the dying and heal the wounded and save countless lives is now inserted into the patient's abdomen and is still stirring.

In the dark and dim ward, a doctor in a white coat with a cold expression turned the patient's internal organs with his bare hands.

If this scene is seen by an uninformed person, they will think it is the scene of a horror movie.

"Ugh—Professor Kurokawa, what are you doing!? Stop!"

Doctor Satomi couldn't help feeling a little nauseous, and couldn't help retching.

Tumor resection surgery with bare hands?

This is not saving people at all, but killing people!

In his memory, Professor Kurokawa has always been a gentle, refined and funny man, but now he looks like a cold-blooded murderer like Professor Hannibal with no blood or tears.

Is this really Professor Kurokawa?

Or is it said that Professor Heichuan, who returned from the underworld, is no longer the famous medical professor who saved lives and healed the wounded, but has become a murderous ghost?

Professor Kurokawa's face was pale, and he turned a deaf ear to Satomi's words about seeing the doctor. The veins on his cheeks were bulging, and his white eyes were focused on Miss Ebina's abdomen, as if he was looking for something.

Dr. Satomi had a lot of thoughts in his mind, and countless thoughts flashed through him in an instant. He thought it was his responsibility to prevent this ridiculous operation, even if the target was the dead teacher.

However, after being swept by Professor Kurokawa's strange white eyes, Dr. Satomi trembled all over, and froze in place with his hands and feet in disobedience.

Damn it!

Damn it!

Let the ghost of Professor Kurokawa torment Miss Ebina like this, Miss Ebina may not survive this night.

"Damn it, move quickly, my body! The teacher must be prevented from committing murder."

No matter how much Dr. Satomi shouted and struggled in his heart, his body trembled with intense fear, and he could only watch as Professor Kurokawa's hands rolled in Miss Ebina's abdominal cavity.

"The operation is complete."

Professor Kurokawa's palm was pulled out from the patient's body, and there was a fist-sized, bloody sarcoma on the blood-stained palm.


From the beginning to the end, Professor Kurokawa, who had been expressionless like a dead person, raised the corners of his mouth, showing an expression other than indifference for the first time.

He looked at the sarcoma on his hand, with a crazy smile on his face, and laughed wildly:

"Ah ha ha ha ha ha ha!"

"Finally, I finally—"

Amid wild laughter, an extremely cold atmosphere enveloped the entire ward, and then a large white smoke suddenly appeared around Professor Kurokawa's body, and the smoke permeated the ward, blocking Dr. Satomi's view.

This burst of sudden smoke came and went quickly, and soon disappeared without a trace.

Disappeared along with the smoke, and the ghost of Professor Kurokawa.

With the departure of Professor Kurokawa's ghost, the lights in the corridors were restored again, and the light shone into the ward from outside the door, adding a lot of light.

The bright light restored Dr. Satomi's courage a bit. He gasped for a while, and then propped up his body and came to Miss Ebina's bed for a careful examination.

Miss Ebina's abdomen is smooth and flat, and there is no trace of surgery at all.

"How is this possible? I clearly saw Professor Kurokawa's hand inserted into Ms. Ebina's abdominal cavity. Why don't you talk about scars now, and don't even have a wound?"

It was only a minute or two since Professor Kurokawa appeared in the elevator and then broke into the ward to complete the operation. If it wasn't for the bloodstains on Ms. Ebina's quilt, the doctor Satomi almost thought it was his own hysteria.

Satomi doctor didn't care about the difference between men and women, put his hand on Miss Ebina's abdomen, and groped inch by inch.

"This is...Miss Ebina used to have an obvious foreign body sensation in her stomach, but now she can't feel it. Could it be that her tumor was really removed by Professor Kurokawa?"

With an unbelievable expression on Doctor Satomi's face, he muttered in a daze.

"Must, a comprehensive inspection must be done."

Satomi doctor rushed out of the ward impatiently, and stopped in the corridor as if he remembered something.

It was already early in the morning, and several departments such as the clinical examination medicine department and the pathological diagnosis department had already left work, and it was useless to use the past now.

He looked at Nurse Asano, who was half limp at the door of the ward, and the intern nurse with a puzzled expression, and said in a deep voice:

"You are all at the door, did you see Professor Kurokawa coming out?"

"Professor Kurokawa, is that the uncle doctor who came up by the elevator? We didn't see anyone coming out at the door. Isn't he in the ward?" The intern nurse asked curiously.

"Why do you all have such weird expressions, it's almost like meeting a ghost."

Nurse Asano's face was pale, and her forehead was covered with cold sweat. She relied on the intern nurse to prevent her from falling down. Hearing what the intern nurse said, she couldn't help showing a wry smile on her face.

Professor Kurokawa, who had been dead for a year, came up on the surgical elevator again. Didn't he just bump into a ghost?

"Doctor Satomi, that's really..." Nurse Asano still had obvious fear on her face, and she didn't even dare to mention the name.

"I do not know I do not know!"

Doctor Satomi covered his face with his hands, his tone full of confusion and pain.

The familiar face and voice were indeed his mentor, but Professor Kurokawa had a cold face that was unapproachable to strangers, and he never gave Dr. Satomi a second look from the beginning to the end, as if he didn't know him .

Dr. Satomi's worldview built for thirty years collapsed instantly tonight. Not only was Mr. Kurokawa's ghost accidentally visiting, but he also showed him a ghost-like method of removing tumors with his bare hands.

In the professional field of Dr. Satomi, such a thing is simply a fantasy.

But thinking about it carefully, Professor Kurokawa is no longer a living person, but a ghost, and it is reasonable to show some mysterious methods.

"Doctor Li, should we report this matter to the hospital?"



"Professor Kurokawa's ghost? Hmph, Dr. Satomi, who is a graduate of a medical university and an assistant professor, would believe such nonsense."

In the minister's office of the Affiliated Hospital of Medical University, Professor Zenuchi scoffed at what Dr. Satomi said.

Doctor Satomi also looked helpless.

He was standing guard in front of the ward last night, and within ten minutes after the trip, the hospital's electrician rushed to the scene.

The electrician checked the 13th floor and the elevator room for a long time, but failed to find out where the wires were shorted. According to the electrician's judgment, the electrical system of the sick building was not faulty at all, and it was more like someone turned off the power gate on the 13th floor. But the electricians are guarding in the power distribution room, and no outsiders come in and out at all.

Unless there are invisible people.

It was also because of the power outage that the hospital's monitor did not capture Professor Kurokawa's ghost. Only the empty words of Dr. Satomi and the two nurses could not prove anything.

"However, the tumor in Ms. Ebina's stomach has indeed disappeared! The lesions that started to spread to other parts have also disappeared."

Doctor Satomi took out a CT image and put it on the desk.

Early this morning, Dr. Satomi urgently arranged for Ms. Ebina to have an examination through his personal connections, and then rushed to get the CT image.

The CT image showed that the huge tumor that was originally in Ms. Ebina's stomach had disappeared!

According to the latest examination results, although there are still some cancer cells in Ms. Ebina's stomach, it is only an early stage of gastric cancer. As long as she accepts the hospital's operation, the five-year survival rate after surgery is as high as 84%.

Professor Zenei picked up the new CT image, doubts flashed in his eyes, but he put down the CT image nonchalantly, shook his head and sighed:

"Doctor Satomi, I didn't expect you to make such a low-level mistake. You must have misdiagnosed Ms. Ebina before, and diagnosed gastric cancer from an early stage to an advanced stage."

"But isn't Miss Ebina's first doctor you?" Satomi said seriously.

"This has nothing to do with me. It must be something wrong in the diagnostic department! Maybe it's a machine failure, or someone else's test results were mixed in." Professor Zenei frowned, and immediately denied it.

This is a very rational judgment.

Compared with the so-called absurd ghost story of Professor Kurokawa returning to the hospital to perform surgery on patients, this explanation is more in line with realistic logic.

Although Professor Ze Nei immediately cleared his responsibility, he thought about it for a while, and it would not be good for him to make this matter public, and it would also affect the reputation of the hospital.

Stomach cancer, a disease with a high five-year survival rate in the early stage, was misdiagnosed as terminally ill. This is not a big or small scandal. If it is exposed to the news media and makes a big fuss, he, the director of the medical university hospital, may also come out Bow down and apologize.

"Mr. Li, we don't want such a misdiagnosis to happen. It is also because of a serious and responsible doctor like you that we can find out the mistake in time." Professor Zenei changed his face and said with a pleasant face.

"What our hospital has to do now is how to appease Ms. Ebina so that she doesn't gossip around."

"How could this be so irresponsible!" Doctor Satomi said with some righteous indignation.

"Then what are you going to do, hold a press conference and tell the media the ghost story about the ghost doctor coming to the hospital for treatment?" Professor Ze Nei was very happy, and said in a bad mood.

"The newspapers and TV stations in Tokyo are going crazy with joy. It turns out that the professors and doctors at the Affiliated Hospital of the Medical University are a bunch of psychopaths! In this way, who would dare to come to see a doctor here? Are you going to be transferred to the health center of Hokkaido University too! "

At the end, Professor Zenei said directly in a commanding tone:

"Ms. Satomi, Ms. Ebina trusts you more. I will leave this matter to you. You must keep her mouth shut. Since Ms. Ebina is in the early stage of gastric cancer, there is no need to transfer to another hospital. This is a good thing for her. After all, our affiliated hospital of Medical University has rich experience in the treatment of early gastric cancer."

Japan is one of the countries with a high incidence of gastric cancer. Because Japanese eating habits like pickled food, miso soup is also essential for three meals a day, and they consume a lot of salt.

Moreover, as an island country, there is a lack of material, eating less fresh vegetables and fruits, lack of vitamins, and pickled foods contain more nitrite, which is also an accomplice to gastric cancer.

It is also gastric cancer that seriously threatens the lives of the people. Japan has begun to use the power of the whole country to popularize early screening of gastric cancer. Early detection and early treatment make the five-year survival rate of early gastric cancer as high as 80%.

Dr. Satomi came to Ms. Ebina's ward unhappily.

His mood is also quite complicated. From an intellectual point of view, he also believes that Professor Ze Nei's judgment is correct. If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, no normal person would believe such a bizarre thing as a ghost doctor removing a tumor with his bare hands.

Dr. Satomi pushed open the ward, and saw Miss Ebina standing at the window looking out.

Different from the sickly look in the past, Miss Ebina's complexion was obviously a little rosy, and what was even more different was that her eyes were shining with hope when she looked over.

"See the doctor, what's wrong with me..."

Seeing Miss Ebina's shining eyes, Dr. Satomi suddenly relaxed a lot and laughed dumbfounded.

Whatever the reason, Miss Ebina's advanced stomach cancer has turned into an early stage, which means she has a good chance of surviving.

Dr. Satomi was sincerely happy for Miss Ebina.

"Miss Ebina, congratulations, your stomach cancer is only in the early stage."

Congratulations to others for getting stomach cancer. Although such words may sound weird, for Ms. Ebina who was diagnosed with terminal gastric cancer, it was tantamount to going from hell to heaven.


Miss Ebina covered her mouth, tears flowed down unstoppably like broken pearls, weeping with joy.

"It was misdiagnosed by our affiliated hospital of Medical University before, so we diagnosed you at a late stage. I am really sorry!"

Satomi thought carefully on the way to the doctor, and he still didn't tell Ms. Ebina about the ghost of Professor Kurokawa removing the tumor with his bare hands.

"In order to show the sincerity of our affiliated hospital, we decided to reduce or exempt your treatment expenses as appropriate..."

Miss Ebina buried her face between her hands, although she tried her best to suppress it, sobs still flowed from between her fingers.

After crying for a long time, she raised her head, her eyes were red and swollen and said:

"The doctor last night was Professor Kurokawa?"

Satomi was surprised to see the doctor.

"Do you know Professor Kurokawa?"

"I'm a medical student, and my previous goal was also a medical university. Naturally, I recognize Professor Kurokawa, who is highly respected."

Miss Ebina smiled, but the tears still couldn't stop streaming down her face.

"Thank you, thank you. When I recover from illness, I will definitely, definitely go to Professor Kurokawa's tombstone to express my gratitude. Satoshi sees the doctor, can you please accompany me when the time comes..."

Ms. Ebina really knew what happened yesterday, and she was saved because of Mr. Kurokawa's ghost, but she didn't have any fear, instead she was full of gratitude to Mr. Kurokawa.

Doctor Satomi's heart was filled with emotion.

No matter Mr. Kurokawa turned into a ghost or something else, it was the same as before, he was saving lives and healing the wounded.


It was almost midnight at night again, and Dr. Satomi changed shifts with the on-duty doctor and stayed in the duty room on the 13th floor, looking at the elevator entrance without blinking.

In his hand is placed a video recorder.

Will Mr. Kurokawa still perform surgery today?

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