I'm a Hokage in Tokyo

Chapter 130 Chapter 132 All Filmed! emergency meeting! (4k)

"It's almost twelve o'clock..."

Doctor Satomi raised his head from time to time, looking at the wall clock on the wall, with an expression of anxiety mixed with expectation on his face.

Raising his head, the bright light inevitably shone on Dr. Satomi's face. Dr. Satomi squinted slightly at the fluorescent lamp above his head. It was obviously very bright, but it made him feel a little dazed.

The hospital is a very strange place. Even in the bright daytime, it is so cold that it gives people a sense of loneliness away from the world, probably because the hospital is the place closest to death, like the dividing line between the world and the ghost.

Light can dispel darkness, but it cannot dispel the most primitive instinct of human beings, namely the fear of death.

In the duty room, besides Dr. Sato, there were also two nurses.

One of them was the young intern nurse who was on the night shift yesterday, and she was swinging the video equipment in her hand excitedly.

As for the senior Nurse Asano, she is not here, and has been replaced by another woman in her fifties with a stern expression.

"Head nurse, are you on duty tonight? Where's Nurse Asano?"

Dr. Satomi knew the hospital's regulations. The nurses on the night shift were rotated once a week, and it wasn't time for nurse Asano to change shifts yet.

"Nurse Asano has asked for leave, and I will be on duty tonight." The head nurse said flatly.

After the strange incident in the early hours of last night, Dr. Satomi and Nurse Asano immediately reported it to the Nursing Department, which alarmed many doctors and nurses who were on night shift in the hospital. Even the head nurse got up in the middle of the night and rushed to the 13th floor.

The ghost of Professor Kurokawa returned to the hospital for surgery. This kind of unimaginable thing, just based on the one-sided words of a few people, cannot convince the people in the nursing department. It is suspected that Dr. Satomi is a hallucination produced by day-to-day thinking and night-dreaming .

But the three people had the same hallucination at the same time, and it was a little weird, and the whole thing vaguely revealed a strange atmosphere.

One thing more is worse than one thing less. The nursing department finally thought it was a false report, maybe it was a misreading, or it was a prank done by someone.

Dr. Satomi and Nurse Asano have also worked in the Affiliated Hospital of the Medical University for many years, and they are very popular on weekdays, so this matter was handled lightly.

Nurse Asano was criticized a few words by the Nursing Department.

They also didn't want this kind of spooky talk to spread in the hospital. Whether it was heard by patients or among the medical staff, it was not a good thing, so they immediately issued a gag order.

Nurse Asano was also overly frightened and under a lot of mental pressure because of the ghost doctor incident last night, so she simply asked for leave and went home to recuperate.

"I didn't expect the head nurse to come to replace the shift. It seems that the nursing department still has some concerns about what we reported." Doctor Lijian thought to himself.

Although the head nurse has a stern expression, she actually feels a little helpless in her heart.

Although the hospital has issued a seal order, the strange incident of the corpse moving in the mortuary, and the strange rumors about Professor Kurokawa's return to the soul for surgery still inevitably circulated in the hospital, and the nurses were a little panicked. No one wants to work the night shift for Nurse Asano.

As a last resort, the head nurse had to go out in person, also to stabilize people's hearts.

In fact, the head nurse didn't really believe in such strange things. She had worked in the hospital for half her life and had welcomed and transported countless corpses, but she had never seen anything like a ghost with her own eyes.

It's just that there are two haunting rumors in the Affiliated Hospital of Medical University in one day, which is indeed somewhat abnormal.

The head nurse personally sits here to see if this is just a coincidence, or if someone is pretending to be a ghost to play a prank.

As for the other intern nurse, I also learned from the later news that the pale uncle doctor turned out to be Professor Kurokawa who died a year ago. She was terrified and trembling with excitement.

This girl, who has always been interested in urban ghost stories, is not Ye Gong and a dragon, but also has a kind of ruthlessness like a newborn calf who is not afraid of tigers. She prepared her own video equipment and prepared to record first-hand video materials with great interest.

As the hour hand of the wall clock gradually pointed to zero, the atmosphere in the entire duty room became more and more dignified.

Even the head nurse, who didn't really believe in strange things, looked at the wall clock on the wall frequently.

"woo woo woo woo--"

Suddenly, the sound of a child crying came from the corridor.

The intern nurse shivered suddenly. Although she was terribly frightened, her eyes shone slightly:

"come yet?"

The intern nurse turned her head to look at the wall clock, but it was still more than a minute away from zero, and the sound was also made by a child, which was completely different from the deep and magnetic uncle's voice yesterday.

Could it be that the ghost of a child came today?

The knuckles of the intern nurse holding the camera equipment were a little white.

"Woooooh, grandma, I don't want to leave you..."

"Good boy, don't cry, grandma will always be with you."

The face of the head nurse changed slightly, she listened carefully, let out a long breath, and said calmly:

"It came from Room 1302. It sounded like a girl crying. It should be the patient in bed one and her granddaughter."

"It's that ten-year-old girl."

Dr. Satomi re-read the medical records of all the patients on the 13th floor today, and he knows all the patients' information like the back of his hand. Not to mention, he was already impressed with the patient in Room 1302 and her family.

The patient in bed one was a sixty-five-year-old lady with terminal liver cancer.

The old lady was originally treated in another hospital. It was only in the middle stage of liver cancer. The three-year survival rate after surgery was not low, but her condition suddenly deteriorated sharply, and the speed of cancer cell proliferation was unexpected, so she was transferred to the Affiliated Hospital of Medical University for seeking A silver lining.

However, after the diagnosis by the Affiliated Hospital of Medical University, it was considered hopeless. With the current situation, I definitely won't make it through this year. If I'm lucky, there may only be three or four months left.

"It's so pitiful. The only immediate family member of the patient is the child. If the old lady leaves, what will happen to the child?" The head nurse sighed.

The old lady's wife, son and daughter-in-law seem to have passed away due to accidents, and now there is only one granddaughter left.

After the old lady was hospitalized, all kinds of distant relatives came to visit in an endless stream, asking about her health and caring, and even the nurses took the trouble.

A group of relatives fought over the custody of the child, and even fought in the hospital.

There is no other reason, the old lady owns an entire apartment in Shinjuku District under her name.

After learning that the old lady's time was short, the group of relatives even began to discuss unscrupulously outside the ward how to divide the patient's apartment, and they didn't care much about the girl's upbringing.

The old lady was so angry that she passed out once, and when she woke up, she could only hug her granddaughter and cry.

Li couldn't bear to see the doctor, so he called the security guards to drive them away, and restricted this group of vampire-like relatives from coming to the hospital to disturb the patients.

"Those bastards are really hateful!"

Thinking of this, Dr. Satomi was filled with indignation, but there was nothing he could do.

If the old lady passed away unfortunately, the guardianship of the girl would definitely fall into the hands of those relatives who had ulterior motives.

Before the girl reaches adulthood, the guardian can manage her assets on her behalf. If something happens to the girl, the assets will naturally fall into the guardian's hands.

This is an entire apartment in Shinjuku, which is an astronomical figure. Doctor Satomi is not afraid to speculate on this group of relatives with the worst malice.

But for an incurable disease like advanced liver cancer, who can do it?

Unless a miracle happens.


The miracle of Ms. Ebina's transformation from late gastric cancer to early gastric cancer has already happened once, and there is a chance to happen a second time!

Doctor Satomi not only looked expectantly at the elevator door.

"Tick", with the crisp sound of the wall clock, the time has come to zero!

"Crackling", the fluorescent lights in the entire duty room and aisle began to flicker again, and in the next second, the lights dimmed instantly.

"The power went out again?" The head nurse's face suddenly became cloudy.

After yesterday's trip, the logistics department has arranged for an electrician to thoroughly check the circuit system of the entire 13th floor and the elevator room. The electrician vowed that there is absolutely no fault.

"Ms. Kurokawa is coming."

Li saw the doctor rushing out of the duty room and running towards the elevator. With him taking the lead, the head nurse and trainee nurse looked at each other and followed.

When the three of them came to the elevator room, they saw the operating elevator slowly starting.

The operating elevator will be locked and parked on the first floor at night, and the elevator sign shows that the operating elevator is moving up the first floor.

No one among the three spoke, and the surrounding area was so quiet that even the sound of a needle falling to the ground could be clearly heard. The head nurse could even hear her heart beating. Still holding the video equipment to the elevator entrance.

The operating elevator went up to the thirteenth floor without hindrance. After opening, a refined male doctor with a beautiful mustache walked out.

"It's really Professor Kurokawa!"

How could the head nurse who had worked in the Affiliated Hospital of Medical University for half her life not recognize this pale man in front of her, her brain was buzzing as if hit by a hammer, and her face was full of disbelief.

Immediately afterwards, what occupied her whole body and mind was extremely intense fear!

Professor Kurokawa, who had died long ago, actually returned to his soul.

"Where is the patient?"

Professor Kurokawa still had a deadpan indifference, like a machine, repeating the last question verbatim.

He turned a blind eye to the three people in front of him, even though the intern nurse was filming him with video equipment, Professor Kurokawa remained indifferent.

"In room 1302!"

Dr. Satomi vaguely found a way to communicate with Professor Kurokawa's ghost, and he replied immediately.

"Prepare for surgery!"

The ghost of Professor Kurokawa left behind a word, and went straight to Room 1302. He had seen the doctor and intern nurse there once, so he was mentally prepared, and immediately followed.

Although the head nurse has experienced countless storms and waves in the hospital, this is the first time she has encountered a supernatural event. Her face is cyanotic, her lips are parted, and she wants to follow, but her feet seem to be stepping on cotton, and she doesn't listen at all.

On a hospital bed near the door inside and outside the ward, a haggard old lady was lovingly stroking a girl who was tired of crying and fell asleep on her lap.

I'm dead, what can Haruko do?


With tears in her eyes, the old lady couldn't help praying to the gods and Buddhas all over the sky, hoping to delay as long as possible. Her little granddaughter is only ten years old, and she must shelter the child from wind and rain until the day she grows up.

At this moment, the door of the ward was opened, and a male doctor with a pale and expressionless face walked in first.

"The situation is critical and surgery must be performed immediately."

The old lady only felt that her eyes were dark, she closed her eyes and fell asleep.

Room 1302 is also a double ward. Besides the old lady and her granddaughter, there is another patient.

The patient is also a child, who has fallen asleep now, and a man and a woman who look like parents are accompanying him. The couple also looked sad, not sure if they were feeling sad for themselves or for the old lady in the same room.

"Are you a doctor in the hospital? Why haven't I seen you? Is there something urgent at this late hour?"

When the husband saw the uninvited guest who broke into the ward, he felt something was wrong, so he immediately stood up and questioned him.

But the next moment, he met Professor Kurokawa's strange white eyes, as if an unknown force was strangling his throat, and a strong fear hit the man's heart, his Adam's apple twitched, but He couldn't utter a single word, and could only stand still in place.

"Start the operation!"

Professor Kurokawa walked to the old lady's hospital bed, and pressed his hands on the old lady's chest, and a blue light burst out between the hands.

A minute later, Mr. Kurokawa withdrew his palm and stood there motionless.

"There are still two more, as long as I save two more, I can..."

"Ah ha ha ha ha ha!"

Professor Kurokawa laughed maniacally as he did on the first day, then intentionally or unintentionally glanced at Dr. Satomi who was at the door, and disappeared again in the white smoke.

Dr. Satomi took a deep breath, and he didn't know if it was his illusion. He found that Professor Kurokawa's expression changed from the original almost dead person's to a little more vivid.

"It's filmed, see the doctor..."

The intern's face was slightly pale, her feet were also a little weak, and her voice trembled, but it was difficult to hide the excitement in her tone.

"All, I took pictures of them all!"


The next day, the atmosphere in the conference room of the Affiliated Hospital of Medical University was so heavy that it seemed to be suffocating.

Not only Professor Zenei, the Minister of Medicine, but also the senior leaders of the affiliated hospital of the Medical University including the dean of the Medical University gathered together.

Such top-level meetings are held only a few times a year.

"Am I really dreaming?"

Professor Zenei's face sank like water, and he put down his subordinate's inspection report.

"That guy Kurokawa...Professor Kurokawa has turned into a ghost doctor, and he can cure cancer?"

This time, it was not only the one-sided words of the doctor, but also the head nurse and the relatives of the patient, and the video was played on the projector. So much evidence was in front of him that he could no longer pretend to be deaf and dumb.

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