I'm a Hokage in Tokyo

Chapter 138 Chapter 140 Good! The whole world has no future!

"Why are there so many people walking up and down the aisle in the middle of the night, and why are people not allowed to sleep?"

The president of room 1302, supported by nurses and assistants, came to the ward angrily.

As a patient with advanced esophageal cancer, the president suffered from insomnia all day and night because of the fear of death and pain. Now the noise outside is so loud that it wakes him up from a shallow sleep.

"I shouldn't have listened to Zenei's nonsense and changed to this double ward near the elevator."

As soon as the president was admitted to the hospital, he donated a large amount of cash to the Affiliated Hospital of Medical University, and the treatment and treatment he received naturally were all top-notch.

A few days ago, Professor Zenei mysteriously told the president that he has recently developed a new type of treatment, which will definitely help the president's condition.

Under the rhetoric of Professor Ze Nei, the president changed from the luxury single room to here, and then there was no more to say.

When Professor Zenei came to make rounds in the morning, the president couldn't wait to ask when the new treatment would start. Professor Zenei faltered and said that it might take a while longer.

Professor Zenei is not kidding me, is he?

Obviously, since I was admitted to the hospital, I have privately sent gifts and red envelopes to Professor Ze Nei in the amount of several million yen, and it turned out to be this result in the end.

Throughout the day, the president was so angry that he tossed and turned and couldn't sleep well. He finally fell asleep after taking the medicine at night, and was woken up by the commotion in the corridor, and suddenly became furious!

I can not stand it any more!

What kind of crappy hospital is this? It's as noisy as a supermarket, and there's that useless doctor who talks too much about horse racing. I'll be transferred tomorrow!

The grumpy president finally couldn't bear it anymore, he viciously tore open the door of the ward from the inside, poked his head out and looked out with an angry face:



The president who opened his mouth to scold, immediately closed his mouth wide open, and the resentment and anger on his face disappeared instantly.

The president's face was full of horror and inexplicable shock.

In the middle of the night, the people making noise in the corridor were not living people, but corpses in blue and white hospital clothes.

The corpse closest to the door of Room 1302 turned his head if he sensed something.

The dead man's dull, cloudy eyes with bloodshot eyes, and the gray skin full of lifelessness reflected in the president's eyes with every detail.

Hoo, hoo, hoo!

The president tightly blocked his mouth with both hands, with so much strength that he wanted to stuff his fist into his mouth.

The corpse seemed to have no interest in the president, just glanced at him, turned his head away, and did not attack him.

Before the president could be happy, suddenly, a bullet detonated the head of the corpse in front of him.


White brains and dark blood splashed the president's face, and the cold and sticky feeling spread from his face to his brain. screams:


At this time, the president's assistant also reacted from the shock, dragged the president into the ward, and then locked the door behind his back.


"Da da da--"

Listening to the gunshots outside, the president and assistant lay on the ground with their heads in their hands, trembling.

What exactly is going on?

Could it be the end of the world, the Resident Evil really broke out?

Is it too late to buy tickets to the underground shelter?

Hey, it seems that there is no need for this.

There was an expression on the president's face that he didn't know whether to cry or laugh.

I have terminal cancer and have no future. Now that the biochemical crisis has broken out, the whole world has no future.


"Bang!" "Tack!" "Bang!"

There were loud gunshots in the corridor, and the sound of heavy objects falling to the ground from time to time, the entire thirteenth floor of the hospital seemed to become a battlefield where bullets flew randomly.

Two batches of corpses, one after the other, were attacking back and forth, rushing towards the crowd.

"How did the group of zombies behind come here?"

Grace's blue eyes flashed, and she immediately remembered the double-decker elevator. The double-decker elevator should stop on the twelfth floor, and the corpses came up by the stairs.

After changing the magazine, Grace fired again, knocking a dead body to the ground.

The corpse struggled a few times with its hands and feet, and was just about to get up when it was stepped on by the corpse behind it.

"Damn it!"

The pistol in Lesson 5 can only be suppressed temporarily, but cannot wipe out all the hundreds of walking corpses.

"Reinforcements are already on the way. The order from above is to bring Professor Kurokawa to break through at all costs!"

Grace pressed the headset and gave instructions to the policeman in black suit beside her.

The implication is that except for Professor Kurokawa, other civilians brought to the scene can give up.

The policemen looked at each other in blank dismay, looking at the corpses in front and behind, with expressions of fear on their faces.

The corpses of these patients were already horrific enough, but they were even more horrific after they were gutted and bloodied by bullets. It really took a lot of courage to rush over.

Moreover, Resident Evil was originally a classic game developed by the Japanese company CAPCOM. The setting of zombies can be said to be deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. Who knows whether these corpses will spread the virus.

"These things are coming for me, they have no interest in living people."

Doctor Satomi held Mrs. Kurokawa in his arms, and said in a low voice.

"I'll lure them away."

"Professor Kurokawa, please come with us." Grace said, "Our Metropolitan Police Department has already prepared a helicopter on the roof, ready to take off at any time."

Doctor Satomi nodded.

"Xiuyi, I want to be with you." Mrs. Kurokawa said with tears in her eyes.

"Sachiko, I'm dead, yin and yang are different ways. And you will be in danger if you stay by my side." Dr. Satomi kissed Mrs. Kurokawa's lips lightly, and said affectionately:

"Although I am not by your side, I will always love you."

After speaking, Dr. Satomi resolutely pushed Mrs. Kurokawa away, and took the lead to run to the back.

There were far fewer corpses in the back than the ones coming out of the elevator in the front. The corpses in the front stretched out their hands slowly, grabbing Li to see the doctor.

Li Jian had a stern face, and when he closed his palms, which were covered with blue light, their arms were cut off in a flash.

Then, taking this opportunity, Doctor Satomi knocked over several corpses and rushed up the stairwell leading to the roof on the other side.

Grace and a few black suits quickly followed.

Sure enough, as he said, the corpses that rushed out of the elevator had no interest in Mrs. Kurokawa and other ordinary people.

Satomi saw the doctor, Grace and other police officers rushed to the roof of the building, and saw a helicopter with the words Metropolitan Police Department painted on the outside parked on it.

"Professor Kurokawa, as long as you get on this helicopter and leave, then you will be safe."

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