I'm a Hokage in Tokyo

Chapter 139 Chapter 141 The Messenger of Hell

The Metropolitan Police Department's helicopter was ready to go, and the propellers were already spinning.

As long as they board the helicopter and bring Dr. Satomi, who is possessed by Professor Kurokawa, back to the Metropolitan Police Department, then the operation tonight will be a big victory.

As for those alarmed corpses, could they still fly into the sky?

Grace was keenly aware that the speed and strength of those corpses might not even be as good as ordinary people. It's just superficial, 'vital force' or high durability, as long as a small group of elites with automatic rifles are drawn out, they can be easily killed all of them.

"It's not too late, let's go now."

Just when a few people were about to board the plane, there was a flash of fire in the night sky, and a circle of flaming steam wheels jumped from the bottom up to the sky above the roof of the building.


A shrill howling of a night cat resounded through the night sky, and then the steamer, which was as big as a car, turned and rushed down with lightning speed, cutting off the tail of the police helicopter.

Sparks and electric light flickered on the section of the helicopter, and several crew members inside were so frightened that they ran and rushed out.

Grace's heart thumped, who was the one who came out halfway?

Could it be another mysterious transcendent?

The steamer was suspended in the air, and a yellow and white cat's head protruded from the raging flames.

Immediately afterwards, a monster with a cat head and a human body appeared in front of everyone. It was still wearing ancient clothes made of linen, and the tail of the cat behind it was still up and down.

Is it type A?

Grace's pupils shrank, and she pulled out the gun directly.

In any case, the cat demon destroyed the Metropolitan Police Department's helicopter as soon as he appeared on the stage, and he looked like he was a bad visitor.

The whole body of the cat demon was covered in flames, his two round eyes swept across the crowd, and then he stared at Doctor Li Jian.

"Shuichi Kurokawa, something happened to you!"

The cat demon grinned, with a gloomy expression, and said:

"Stealing the treasures of King Yan Mo, and returning to Yangjian privately through the gap between the two realms, I am ordered by King Yan Mo to arrest you and return you to hell."

What's the situation now?

After all, Grace is a foreigner, so she was taken aback when she heard it.

But the expressions of the other island nation police officers who were still at the scene suddenly became serious.

And through the audio-visual collection equipment on her and other police officers, the Metropolitan Police Department, which collected the sound, immediately exploded when it heard the name of King Yan Mo.

King Yan Mo is the ruler of hell in East Asian legends.

From the moment this cat demon appeared on the stage, the expert team of the Metropolitan Police Department has been analyzing it.

"The style of tie-tie sleeves on this monster is very old, older than the Kamakura period." Some historians commented on the costume of the cat monster: "This costume is dry, and it is the costume of civilians in the Heian period."

"This cat demon doesn't look like the type A that only appeared after the 19th year of Heisei. Something feels wrong."

The monster folklorist frowned, feeling a sense of déjà vu, but couldn't recognize him for a while.

When the cat demon spit out the words Yan Mo Dawang and Hell, the monster folklorist suddenly realized.

"This cat demon is the messenger of hell, the 'train'!"

The judgment of the monster folklorist immediately attracted the attention of the Metropolitan Police Department.

At this critical juncture, the monster folklorist didn't let it go, and immediately revealed all the information he knew.

The train is a kind of monster that travels between hell and the world. It looks like a cat demon. According to legend, they will snatch the corpse of the dead at the funeral and bring the soul of the dead to hell.

Because cats are also taboos in Japan, superstitions such as 'the dead body touched by a cat will be deceitful' and 'the dead body of a cat will bring bad luck' are widely spread across the country.

The most typical one is a folktale called "Cat Tan's House". In order to repay a kindness, a cat raised by a poor temple would go to a nearby funeral to make trouble. Increase the reputation of the temple.

According to folklore, the flame-burning wheel is a means of transportation to carry the dead to hell. In addition, there is a persistent superstition among the folks about the relationship between cats and corpses. The combination of the two fears gave birth to the train with the appearance of a cat demon.

The train that appeared on the roof of the Affiliated Hospital of Medical University is another example that matches the monsters in folklore besides Arakawa Water God and Kaibozu.

The analysis results of the Metropolitan Police Department were passed on to Grace immediately, but Grace is a foreign woman after all, so she half-understands these contents.

"I did not steal the treasures of King Yan Mo."

Dr. Satomi faced the train with a calm expression, not much panic.

"Do you still want to deny it until now?"

The train monster sneered, "How do you explain the ability to cure terminal illnesses you have now?"

"I didn't steal that stone bowl from King Yan Mo. I'm just a ghost. How could I steal treasure from King Yan Mo?"

Doctor Satomi argued:

"Actually, it was a man wearing a red cloud costume with a black background who stuffed that stone bowl into my soul body. The reason why I was able to return to the Affiliated Hospital of Medical University was because that man found the gap leading to the yang world and sent me back .”

"The red cloud on the black background is Xiao!"

The cat demon frowned humanly.

Originally, a cat is a very cute animal, but the expression made by the train still made all the humans present feel a little terrified.

"Indeed, a few days before the stone bowl was stolen, Xiao's group of insane guys rushed into hell. They seemed to want to do something, but they were driven away by King Yan Mo." The train monster grinned.

"Since this is the case, that incident is not your fault. But I can't believe your one-sided words. Go back to hell with me first, and accept the judgment of King Yan Mo."

Doctor Satomi showed hesitation on his face.

"Why, are you still trying to resist? That stone bowl is the treasure of King Yan Mo, and it must be recovered no matter what!"

The face of the train suddenly became ugly:

"In this case, I can only do it myself and bring you back to hell!"

The whole body of the train was in flames, jumping in the air, and rushed downwards aggressively.


After all, Grace is a foreigner, and she doesn't have much fear of the hell messenger in Japanese legends. She picked up the pistol and emptied the magazine habitually.

But the pistol bullets were completely ineffective against the monster. It grabbed Dr. Satomi from the air and lifted Dr. Satomi into the air.

"First of all, the soul must be separated from the body. This possessed human being can only be considered unlucky for you."

The cat on the train showed a hideous look on its face, and then stretched out a furry palm to grab Dr. Satomi's neck.

"go to hell."

The sharp claws tore open Doctor Lijian's throat, bleeding profusely, dyeing the pure white doctor's coat red.

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