I'm a Hokage in Tokyo

Chapter 140 Chapter 142

Dr. Satomi's throat was ripped open by the train monster. Doctor Satomi covered it tightly with both hands, but blood flowed wantonly between his fingers, and the chest of his white coat was dyed red.

"Meow ha ha ha—!"

The train monster laughed ferociously, and threw Dr. Satomi on the roof of the building.

Grace quickly surrounded her with a dignified expression.

It only takes a few minutes for such heavy bleeding, and Dr. Satomi will die.

But this is the hospital, if the rescue is carried out at the first time, maybe there is still time.


Grace glanced up at the train bobbing up and down in the flames, and the monster probably wouldn't let her wish.

At the same time, heavy steps came from the stairwell on the top of the building, and the walking corpses also followed and came out from the stairway.

Although the corpses moved slowly, there were large gaps between them, and they seemed to be able to forcibly break through, but Grace knew that this was just an illusion. If they approached with Dr. Satomi, these corpses would swarm in .

"Just wait for a while, when this mortal dies, Kurokawa's soul will be stripped out naturally." The train grinned, his tone full of blood.

The high-level officers of the Metropolitan Police Department, who were paying close attention to the situation at the scene, couldn't help but fell silent.

"Isn't the train the messenger of hell? It should be a monster that punishes evil and promotes good, and does good to accumulate virtue. How can it be so cruel?" Someone asked.

"The train is actually a kind of cat demon. Cats are very cruel to prey that are weaker than themselves."

"The train is not a monster that is friendly to humans." The monster folklorist replied: "Although in the legend, it was ordered to take away human corpses at funerals, but it often steals itself and eats them on the way. It’s a little late to report, the body has already been buried.”

In other words, is it a monster that eats people?

Dr. Satomi's life is insignificant, but the Metropolitan Police Department certainly doesn't want Professor Kurokawa's ghost to be taken away by the train like this, but they are really beyond their reach.

Although reinforcements had been dispatched, Dr. Satomi might have passed away before they arrived.

Moreover, the train is not an ordinary demon, but a messenger from hell. For such an existence, bullets may not be effective.

Obviously, after the 19th year of Heisei, hot weapons are very effective against Type A, but they are not very effective in the face of the mysterious supernatural beings and monsters in folklore that have emerged since April.

"Xiuyi, Xiuyi!"

At this time, a woman in a long black dress stumbled out of the stairwell.

Mrs. Kurokawa shuttled among the corpses, and accidentally ran into a corpse. The corpse turned around, and there was a bullet hole in its forehead. Mrs. Kurokawa lowered her head to apologize, said sorry, and ran over.

The corpses in the mortuary are the pursuers sent by hell. They are not full of desire for the flesh and blood of the living like zombies. Mrs. Kurokawa passed by without moving.

Mrs. Kurokawa ran to see the doctor. Seeing such a serious injury, the already red and swollen eye sockets were filled with tears:


Mrs. Kurokawa lay on Dr. Satomi's chest, sobbing.

Although Mrs. Kurokawa called out sincerely, Dr. Satomi's breathing gradually weakened.

Seeing that he couldn't last long, Dr. Satomi's body suddenly released a white light, and a translucent and illusory ghost appeared.

The ghost has a beautiful mustache, and it is the original face of Professor Kurokawa, holding a white stone bowl in his right hand.

"Unexpectedly, the last person turned out to be Satomi."

The ghost of Professor Kurokawa stretched out his left hand and placed it on Dr. Satomi's throat, and the palm of his hand emitted a bright blue light.

"The treasure of King Yan Mo! Kurokawa, hand it over!"

The cat's eyes of the train in the air were wide open, fixedly staring at the stone bowl in Professor Kurokawa's hand, and then rushed down aggressively with flames in the air.

Seeing that the situation was not good, Grace immediately hid to the side.

She considers herself to be conscientious enough, but she is not yet conscious of dying for the task.

Professor Kurokawa focused on treating Dr. Satomi without any distraction.

Just at the very moment, Mrs. Heichuan, who seemed weak and weak, stepped forward, opened her arms and stopped in front of the cat demon.

"Smelly woman, don't get in the way!"

The train casually slapped Mrs. Kurokawa out, and the sharp claws on the other hand popped out, and they were about to catch Professor Kurokawa.

At this moment, Professor Kurokawa's treatment has been completed.

Dr. Satomi's bleeding stopped, and the wound on his throat healed without medicine. Apart from his face being as pale as paper, it was impossible to imagine that he was a seriously injured person who was dying.

"This is the last one! In this way, my merits and virtues can be regarded as complete."

The stone bowl in Professor Kurokawa's hand began to shine brightly, and golden Buddha light emerged from the bowl, illuminating the roof of the building as bright as day!

The holy and pure golden Buddha light spread towards the roof in all directions, shining on the awakened corpses.

The grim corpses, whose faces were not resting in peace, all had calm and peaceful expressions on their faces, closed their eyes, and fell to the ground with a plop.

It's like being overwhelmed.


The train was like a frightened old cat, its hair exploded, and it jumped into the air, looking down in amazement:

"How is it possible? Kurokawa Shuichi has accumulated so much merit that he was recognized by the stone bowl in front of the Buddha! Unlock the seal on it?"

The golden Buddha's light gradually subsided, and the stone bowl in Professor Kurokawa's hand returned to its original ordinary appearance.

But until now, no one would regard this stone bowl as an ordinary thing.

From the words of the dead train in hell, it can be known that this is a treasure collected by King Yan Mo, and the main purpose of the train's appearance is also to recover this stone bowl.

The supernatural power of Professor Kurokawa's ghost to cure incurable diseases is also due to this stone bowl.

Be sure to keep the stone bowl!

Everyone in the Metropolitan Police Department came up with this idea at the same time, but the train monster is still eyeing it. Does their Metropolitan Police Department have the ability to snatch food from it?

"Shuichi Kurokawa, it's not too late to turn around now, hand over the stone bowl..."

"Hello, good evening everyone!"

A mysterious man wearing a red cloud robe with a black background and a swirl mask on his face with only his right eye exposed, stood on the fence on the roof and greeted him in a frivolous tone.

"Although the moon is not round tonight, the moonlight is pretty good, isn't it?"

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