I'm a Hokage in Tokyo

Chapter 141 Chapter 143

The mysterious man wears a swirling yellow mask, and the center of the swirl has a hole in the right eye of the mask, revealing a black eye.

He stood on the barbed wire fence on the roof without any sense of security, and raised a hand to greet everyone.

"Good evening!"

A gust of night wind blew by, the black-bottomed red cloud robe fluttered, and the body began to shake.

"Oh, oh, oh!"

The masked man swayed from side to side, twisted his body, maintained his balance, and jumped off the barbed wire after standing firmly.

After landing on the roof, he looked back with lingering fear, and patted his chest:

"It was almost blown off, so dangerous!"

Although this scene looked a little funny, none of the people in the Metropolitan Police Department could laugh.

The black-bottomed red cloud suit on the masked man is Akatsuki!

Although until now, the Metropolitan Police Department is ignorant of the purpose of this mysterious supernatural organization, whether it is the red-eyed man invading the Metropolitan Police Department to search for files, or the red sand scorpion massacre in Ota District, trying to kill all the people on the scene , it can be foreseen that this organization is an enemy rather than a friend to the Metropolitan Police Department.

Master Lu's few words also emphasized the danger of Xiao's organization.

"Papa papa!"

The masked man clapped his hands and walked slowly over.

"It's really hard work for you, Mr. Kurokawa. Thanks to you, I was able to bring the stone bowl in front of the Buddha from hell to the human world."

The train in the sky roared immediately upon hearing this, baring its teeth:

"You are the thief who stole King Yan Mo's treasure! With that attire, are you also a member of Akatsuki?"

"Ah la la, being recognized, let me just say, the clothes we organized are too conspicuous."

The masked man scratched his head in embarrassment, and said with a smile:

"Don't say it's so ugly to steal. It's a loan. As long as I use up the stone bowl in front of the Buddha, I will definitely return it to King Yan Mo."

"Damn thief!"

The train opened its mouth wide, and a fireball with a diameter of more than two meters spit out from the mouth.

With a "bang", sparks flew everywhere, and the roof of the hospital was directly blasted through by the fireball.

"You cat is too naughty, what if you hit someone. Even if you don't hit someone, it's not good to make noise to the patient."

But the masked man stood in front of the pothole intact, without even burning the corner of his clothes. He looked back:

"But I'm not in the mood to play with you right now."

The masked man turned his head, looked at the ghost of Professor Kurokawa surrounded by everyone in the Metropolitan Police Department, and waved:

"This is the first meeting, everyone in the Metropolitan Police Department. According to the habits of the human world, you should introduce yourself. I am Tobi, so you can call me Hobby."

The men in black suits immediately shuddered, and immediately took out their pistols and pointed them at him.

"Don't use such a scary thing at me, I'm very timid."

Looking at the black muzzle of the gun, Ah Fei immediately raised his hands and said glibly.

"Mr. Ah Fei, why are you here?"

Grace came out, looking very respectful.

Even so, she did not let her subordinates put down their guns.

The name A Fei is obviously a pseudonym, no matter how playful this A Fei is, he is also a genuine extraordinary person.

It's just that she looks frivolous, and her tone doesn't seem too tight. Grace received an order from the Metropolitan Police Department, asking her to extract as much information from A Fei as possible.

"Isn't this a very clear thing? I want to retrieve the stone bowl that was left on Mr. Kurokawa."

A Fei looked at Professor Kurokawa with his right eye and smiled.

Grace's face was a bit ugly, and A Fei, a transcendent person, was also aiming at the stone bowl as expected. The order from above was to keep the stone bowl at all costs.

There are monsters from hell in the front, and superhumans who don't know the details in the back. The two tigers are fighting, and maybe there is still a chance...


The high-level officers of the Metropolitan Police Department only want good things, but they are not the ones who pay the price anyway.

Check to see if the cat demon vomited the fireball just now. Once it was fired, even the bones would be burned. Grace didn't want to die in a foreign country. If a conflict really broke out, she would not risk her life.

"Why is that stone bowl on Professor Kurokawa?" Grace forced a smile, all she could do was to delay the time as much as possible.

"After all, this stone bowl belongs to a monk, and a villain like me can't hold it all the time, so I chose a great doctor like Mr. Kurokawa, who has countless living people, as a container, and 'smuggled' it from hell to human beings. boundary."

Ah Fei's voice was a little proud:

"Now it seems that this plan is very successful. Mr. Kurokawa even unsealed the seal of the stone bowl in front of the Buddha, which is really amazing."

"Stop talking, it's getting late, and I still have a late-night series to watch. Mr. Kurokawa, you are useless, please return to that world."

Ah Fei clasped his hands, made a seal, and shouted:



The ghost of Professor Heichuan emitted white light all over his body. He only had time to look at Mrs. Heichuan who was lying on the ground before it turned into a white light soaring into the sky and disappeared into the sky.

The plain stone bowl fell into Dr. Satomi's arms.

"What did you do to Professor Kurokawa?"

Ah Fei scratched his short hair, and explained very thoughtfully: "In the language of this country, it means becoming a Buddha. As a foreigner, can you understand what it means to become a Buddha?"

"Mr. Kurokawa was originally sent back to the human world by me. After I lifted the spell, his soul will naturally return to another world."

While talking, Ah Fei was about to walk over.

Grace was in a dilemma for a while, not knowing whether to stop it or not.

At this moment, the train flew to the top of the stairwell, condescending, and sparks came out of its mouth:

"Thief! That stone bowl in front of the Buddha belongs to King Yan Mo!"

Ah Fei took out a cat teasing stick from nowhere, teased him a few times, and waved nonchalantly:

"Little kitty, don't be so angry, don't you think this thing is very interesting? How about I exchange this thing for that stone bowl?"


The cat on the train had an extremely angry expression on its face, let out a stern roar, and spit out billowing flames from its mouth, overwhelming the sky.

The billowing flames turned half of the roof into a sea of ​​flames, and the flames soared into the sky, turning the night sky into a sunset glow, but Ah Fei stood still, and the barbed wire on the roof was burned red and began to melt.

"It's hot! It's hot!"

Although he was startled, Ah Fei's tone was very relaxed, and he even stretched himself, doing a few movements similar to stretching gymnastics.

"Although I like cats more than dogs, if you continue to make trouble like this, I will be angry."

A Fei's hand caressed his right eye, and the eyes in the vortex were stained with blood, and three black hook jade emerged.

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