I'm a Hokage in Tokyo

Chapter 142 Chapter 144

Flames spewed out continuously from the train mouth, turning the roof into a sea of ​​flames.

But in the sea of ​​flames, although A Fei screamed like his butt was on fire, the flames spewed out by the train met A Fei, like a rock washed by the waves, diverting away to both sides.

Moses divided the sea!

Grace, who was hiding behind Ah Fei, instinctively remembered this famous allusion.

The hot air waves burned Grace's cheeks, giving her the illusion that her proud golden hair was being burned.

This demon from hell is too scary!

And it can fly, just like the legendary dragon. If it suddenly descends from the sky and launches a surprise attack, even a company's army will be burned to ashes in one breath.

If everyone in the Metropolitan Police Department hadn't been hiding behind Ah Fei, they would have been wiped out by now.


It took a long time for the train to stop spewing flames, and the cat's eyes reflected green light, showing a look of surprise and uncertainty.

But now, the roof of the hospital building has been roasted by the flames and is pitch black, and some places are still melted, with flames dancing.

"Hahaha! Kitty, are you confused? Why doesn't your demon fire work on me?"

Ah Fei burst out laughing. He stretched out a hand to uncover the corner of the red cloud robe with a black background, revealing the crimson fur underneath.

"Dangdangdang, the answer to the mystery is revealed! This is the legendary fire rat fur, how about it, not bad, I also took a lot of effort to get it."

A Fei showed off for a while, then put down his robe.

"Little cat, you should have had enough fuss."

His right eye became scarlet, and three black goblins revolved around his pupils. Although his original frivolous tone remained in his words, he began to exude a dangerous aura.

"If you don't leave, I'll take off your skin and make it into a waistcoat, which will be paired with the fire mouse fur on me. Fire mouse and fire cat, it must be very warm to wear."

"Meow! This eye!"

The hair all over the train's body suddenly exploded, and it looked fluffy. It jumped into the air at a height of more than ten meters, looking terrified.

"Unexpectedly, the little monsters in hell have also heard of our family's Sharingan."

A Fei chuckled lightly and said: "When you go back, tell King Yan Mo that you have met […], so that King Yan Mo should also understand your difficulties in having to retreat. How about it, I am very understanding .”

The train cat's face was full of unconcealable fear. It grinned and said angrily:

"Even if it is the [...] family, King Yan Mo will not let it go!"

However, the tone of the voice is harsh in the inside, strong in the outside but dry in the middle, and it can't be concealed.

Leaving this sentence behind, flames billowed out of the cat demon again, turning into a burning wheel, galloping away into the distance in the night sky.

Like a shooting star, it disappeared into the sky in an instant.

"Oh, finally sent away."

Ah Fei turned around, the Sharingan in his right eye glanced at everyone in the Police Department, and stretched out his hand.

"Gentlemen, return the stone bowl in front of the Buddha to me."

Grace swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and looked at A Fei with flickering eyes.

At this moment, the attention of the higher-ups of the Metropolitan Police Department far away in this hall was focused on his right eye.

The scarlet demon eyes with three black stripes are exactly the same as the extraordinary person who invaded the Metropolitan Police Department!

"Is this kind of eyes originally called Sharingan?" Someone murmured. "The samba pattern is rotating around the pupil, it is indeed like a windmill, it can be said to be very appropriate."

In Japanese, writing round しゃりん means windmill.

When the Transcendents invaded the Metropolitan Police Department, many of them had seen such mysterious and majestic eyes through the screen in the monitoring room, and they were still deeply impressed and remembered.

After that, the expert team of the Metropolitan Police Department also mobilized, searched all kinds of ancient books, and quickly found many clues.

The black dot symbol in the eyes of the extraordinary is Bawen.

Bawen is a pattern that is widely circulated in East Asian countries. The most famous Bawen symbol is the Tai Chi picture composed of double Bawen.

Yin-yang fish is Bawen, or Gouyu, the difference between the two lies in whether the eyes are opened or not.

The Bawen symbol originated in the mainland. Although it is becoming increasingly unpopular in the place of origin, countries that accept Bawen have evolved various variants based on their own religion, culture, and aesthetics, especially in Japan.

In Japan, there are many nobles and temples with Bawen as their family and god patterns.

When Bawen is used as a family pattern, it usually represents "hook jade", "sheath of bow and arrow", "vortex of water flow", etc., mainly to highlight the noble status and outstanding military service of the owner.

After an analysis by the Metropolitan Police Department, it is believed that the relationship between the extraordinary and those ancient nobles is not that great, and the main direction is still concentrated on religion.

In Japan, there are mainly two gods who use the sampa symbol as the god pattern, the god of bow and arrow worshiped by samurai "Hachiman Bodhisattva" and the god of swords and thunder god "Takeyu Raijin".

Even among the eight million gods, these two gods are prominent.

And is there any connection between the extraordinary person with such mysterious eyes and these two gods?

Moreover, in the previous conversation between Ah Fei and the train, as soon as the two sides talked about the family of Ah Fei's origin, they were silenced, as if some inexplicable power erased the key words.

Behind this, it is really horrifying to think carefully.

The Metropolitan Police Department can't wait to ask Grace for questioning.

Grace was bombarded by the messages in the earphones, and her eyes started to circle. Although she came to Japan to study in college and was fluent in Japanese, she only knew a little about the culture of this country.

How could she distinguish things like pagan gods, monsters, and pagan runes.

It is simply difficult for a strong man.

Grace pressed the earphones to turn down the volume, so she had time to think, no matter what the black symbol in A Fei's eyes meant, it must be something serious.

"I don't know what your Excellency has to do with that young man with two tear grooves on his face?" Grace asked tentatively.

"You're talking about Itachi, right? Since we have the same eyes, we are of course of the same race."

"Can I ask you, what clan is your origin?"

"Forget it. At this point, even if I say it, you won't hear it. Even if you hear it, you will forget it immediately." A Fei waved his hand disapprovingly, and walked towards Dr. Satomi.

Several black suits and Grace looked at each other in blank dismay, but in the end they still didn't have the courage to stop them.

The demon from hell was very aggressive, but he was scared away when he saw this Sharingan.

Relying on the pistols in the hands of several of them, trying to resist this extraordinary existence is really asking for a dead end.

Ah Fei stretched out his hand, about to pick up the stone bowl.

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