I'm a Hokage in Tokyo

Chapter 144 Chapter 146

Dr. Satomi gently held his wife's face like holding a national treasure Jianyao Yaobian Tianmu teacup, and gently caressed the hideous wound on her face with his blue-glowing palm.

An incredible scene appeared, the wound on Mrs. Kurokawa's cheek healed without medicine.

His face was as smooth and white as a freshly peeled chicken.

"This is the light emitted by Mr. Kurokawa to heal patients? How can I have this ability?"

Doctor Satomi looked at his hand in disbelief, between the five fingers, there was a faint blue light shining. Then he turned his head and touched his wife's face tentatively, it was just a matter of blows.

All this is by no means an illusion!

At this moment, Mrs. Kurokawa's eyelids twitched.

Both eyes were opened, and when she saw Dr. Satomi, her eyes turned red, Mrs. Kurokawa embraced him with her arms, and buried her head in Dr. Satomi's chest:

"Xiuyi, don't leave me, I will promise you whatever you want me to do!"

Doctor Satomi's face turned red immediately, he waved his hands in a bewilderment, not knowing what to do.

"Miss, you've got the wrong person! I'm not Mr. Kurokawa, I'm Satomi!"

Dr. Satomi hurriedly explained, but he was also quite puzzled. Why both of them regarded him as Professor Kurokawa, and he and the teacher didn't look that much alike, did they?

Mrs. Kurokawa couldn't listen to the explanation, and lay down in the doctor's arms, crying out of breath.

"Doctor Satomi seems to have inherited Professor Kurokawa's extraordinary ability to heal wounds!"

Grace, who witnessed all this with her own eyes, looked down at the stone bowl in her arms, and immediately reported this important information to the Metropolitan Police Department.

There was an uproar in the Metropolitan Police Department, followed by ecstasy.

The stone bowl in front of the Buddha can even buy one get one free!

The Metropolitan Police Department's emphasis on this incident has gone up to a new level. The original plan to let Grace carry a stone bowl and take a helicopter with Dr. Satomi to return to the Metropolitan Police Department has been temporarily changed.

Not long after, there was the sound of helicopter wings turning in the sky, and three helicopters flew over.

The police helicopter in the middle is the police helicopter of the Metropolitan Police Department, and the wingmen on the left and right are armed helicopters. If the conditions on the spot do not allow it, the Metropolitan Police Department even wants to contact the Self-Defense Force and send fighter jets over.

A strong man wearing a SAT police uniform fell from the helicopter's hanging ladder to the ground.

"Miss Grace, I'm sorry."

After Grace contacted the Metropolitan Police Department to confirm that it was correct, she handed over the stone bowl to the police.

The policeman carefully put the stone bowl into a black suitcase. This is a specially made confidential suitcase. Even if the helicopter crashes in an accident, the suitcase can still be intact.

With the black suitcase handcuffed on his wrist, the policeman dragged the hanging ladder and was pulled up.

Then, the three helicopters flew towards the Sakurada Gate, and the handover process took less than a minute.

"We'll stand by and wait for the SAT to come to reinforce us, and we'll escort Dr. Li to leave in an anti-riot vehicle," Grace said.

Eggs cannot be put in the same basket. To be on the safe side, the Metropolitan Police Department decided to divide Dr. Satomi and the stone bowl into two batches and escort them to the Metropolitan Police Department from the air and the ground respectively.

"Miss Police Officer, what is going on here?" Dr. Satomi was at a loss until now.

"I'll explain the details to you later, and see the doctor. Now please cooperate with the work of the Metropolitan Police Department and lie down with us."

Grace saw that Satomi was a little apprehensive about seeing the doctor, and added:

"That's not a bad thing for you, doctor."


Japan's Golden Week is from the 29th at the end of April to Boys' Day on May 5th, which is also the Dragon Boat Festival in Japan.

Since it is a rare golden week, it is natural to travel around.

Obviously, April 30th is the second day of Golden Week, but at Genkakuji Temple in Hatsune Town, Bunkyo District, Tokyo, the door was closed early to thank visitors.

Many tourists who came to visit the shrine could only come back in disappointment.


The cemetery of Yuanjue Temple has a quiet environment surrounded by green trees. The abbot of Yuanjue Temple looked at a group of police officers wandering around the cemetery with a bitter face.

It was obviously a rare Golden Week, and you could make a lot of sesame oil money, but who knew that before the gate of the temple was opened in the morning, the brigade from the Metropolitan Police Department would come to the door immediately.

This battle immediately frightened the little novice who was welcoming the guests, and finally he, the abbot, came forward in person.

"found it!"

The police officers immediately surrounded them, only to see a tombstone engraved with the words "Kurokawa Shuichi" impressively, and there was a black and white head portrait on it.

Kurokawa Shuuichi's cemetery looks like any nearby cemetery, and the tombstone is not damaged.

"let's start."

The leader of the middle-aged police officer gave an order, and the crowd dispersed. Several people took out their cameras to take pictures of the cemetery from different angles. Some recorded the name of the tomb owner next to Professor Kurokawa, and some began to collect samples of the cemetery soil.

Seeing the abbot like falling into the clouds, he is inexplicable.

But the next scene made him unable to sit still. Several people took out shovels from their black bags and stood beside Professor Kurokawa's cemetery.

"Men, police officers, what are you doing? You can't dig this grave, it's detrimental!" The abbot could only bite the bullet and come out to stop it.

"Abbot, please forgive me. We are also following orders. Professor Kurokawa is involved in a very complicated case." The middle-aged police officer explained softly.

"However, what is buried here is the ashes of Master Heichuan Tan, so we can't do an autopsy." The abbot said, wiping the sweat from his forehead.

"Anyway, the situation is very complicated, so it's inconvenient for me to say more." The middle-aged police officer said.

"Also, the abbot must keep this matter a secret! Even Mr. Kurokawa's widow and student can't reveal anything."

"This is a bit difficult." The abbot of Yuanjue Temple looked embarrassed.

After all, the Metropolitan Police Department is a state agency, and if he wants to take away the ashes of Kurokawa Tansu, he can only cooperate, but this matter has to be kept from Tanzhu's relatives and friends, so it can't be justified, and it is also difficult for the temple. Outsiders are not people.

The middle-aged police officer smiled and handed over a check.

The abbot took the check, and when he saw the number on it, his face immediately flushed with compassion:

"Amitabha, since it is the work of the Metropolitan Police Department, we Yuanjue Temple must do our best to cooperate. Before breaking ground, let the poor monk recite a scripture for Kurokawa Tansu."

"This... Then there will be Abbot Lao!"

The middle-aged police officer frowned, but he didn't know what to think of, his expression changed, and he readily agreed.

"Om! Shuri Shuri, Maha Shuri, Shushuri, Savaha!"

The abbot walked to the cemetery of Professor Kurokawa, clasped his hands together, and recited a section of the Ksitigarbha Sutra.

After reading the scriptures, the middle-aged police officer looked nervous, and stepped aside far away, motioning for a few people to do it.

Although the police officers were somewhat reluctant, they finally dug up Professor Kurokawa's grave.

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