I'm a Hokage in Tokyo

Chapter 145 Chapter 147

After a few police officers started to fight, the abbot found that the middle-aged police officer had a serious face, his eyes were fixed on the front, his body was tense, and he pressed one hand on his lower back.

The abbot had a strange expression. Why did the police officer have such an expression, as if he was afraid of digging up a corpse from the grave, no, it was a ghost.

After excavating Professor Kurokawa's tomb, several police officers dug up the soil lightly, and quickly dug out an urn.

"found it!"

A police officer was holding an urn, and turned around to see the middle-aged police officer looking like an enemy, he was also a little puzzled.

The middle-aged police officer was on guard for a while, and he let out a sigh of relief when he found that nothing strange happened.

He glanced at the abbot and ordinary police officers who were kept in the dark, and shook his head.

If you were told that the owner of this tomb has returned to his soul for several days in a row, you would not dare to dig this tomb.

Among all the police officers in Yuanjue Temple, he is the only one who knows the inside story.

"Put away Professor Kurokawa's urn, be careful, handle it with care."

A police officer took out the prepared locker, which was filled with cotton inside, and put the urn in, which was just the right size.

Then they took out an identical urn and put it in the original hole. Several police officers waved their shovels to backfill the soil to restore the tomb.

The Metropolitan Police Department contacted the funeral home where Professor Kurokawa was cremated overnight, and brought an urn of the same style to Li Daitao.

Just the ashes inside, an unclaimed bum.


The fact of digging graves is immoral, the middle-aged policeman showed shame and a little bit of fear, and murmured a Buddha's name.

If Professor Kurokawa really has a spirit in the sky, don't come to me. I have to do it as a last resort. If you want to find it, go to the big shots above. They ordered your ashes to be exhumed for research!

"Abbot, please be sure to keep your mouth shut. Especially when facing this man named Satomi, you must not reveal a word."

The middle-aged police officer took out a photo and handed it to the abbot, with a dignified tone:

"If the secret is leaked, abbot, you will be in a lot of trouble. You will really be in a lot of trouble. You don't want to see your wife and children for more than ten years, do you?"

"My little monk understands! I understand!"

Abbot, who had a perfect professional ability, heard the police officer's implication that he would be imprisoned. His bald head was immediately covered with beads of sweat, and he nodded repeatedly.

The Metropolitan Police Department inexplicably and strangely robbed the tomb, replaced the ashes, and then issued a stern warning. He must not be involved in an ulterior conspiracy, right?

"One more thing, abbot, is the King Yan Mo enshrined in your Yuanjue Temple?" asked the middle-aged police officer.

"Well, that's true. To be precise, it is Konjac Yama."

The abbot said quickly.

The middle-aged police officer nodded thoughtfully.

"Abbot, your Yuanjue Temple is really a place of geomantic omen. Is there any cemetery left? Can you accept the reservation?"


The abbot scratched his shiny bald head, a little confused.

Is this officer someone in the family dying?

But booking a cemetery in advance is too unlucky.

While the middle-aged police officer and the abbot of Yuanjue Temple were discussing the prospects of the underworld real estate, in a secret base in Chiyoda District, the expert team of the Metropolitan Police Department was analyzing the situation.

After the extraordinary man named Itachi invaded the hall, the Metropolitan Police Department transferred the important information and expert team to this unknown secret base.

The defense here is heavily guarded, and there are members of the Self-Defense Forces and American soldiers with live ammunition everywhere. Every corridor, every main road, and even the ventilation ducts are covered with surveillance cameras.

As soon as the Buddhist stone bowl and Dr. Satomi were escorted here, they began intensive research.

"Yuanjue Temple enshrines King Yan Mo, and it is also related to curing diseases. This is too coincidental." A folklore scholar exclaimed.

Yuanjue Temple enshrines Konjac Yanmo, which originated from an anecdote related to King Yanma.

It is said that during the Baoli period more than 250 years ago, a seriously ill old woman prayed devoutly to King Yama day and night in Yuanjue Temple.

King Yan Mo cut off his right eye and made medicine to cure the old lady's illness. In order to express her gratitude, the old woman no longer ate her favorite konjac, but enshrined it to King Yan Mo.

According to Japanese legend, the favorite food of King Yanma is konjac.

Konjac is konjac.

Since then, Yuanjue Temple has become famous, and there is an endless stream of people who come to pray to King Yan Mo for healing.

After hearing this allusion, everyone's expressions were a little subtle.

King Yan Mo...


Professor Kurokawa was buried in Yuanjue Temple. Not only did he return to his soul, but he even gained extraordinary abilities related to healing.

Although I heard from the extraordinary man A Fei that the extraordinary ability came from the stone bowl in front of the Buddha, but all this is too coincidental, it is incredible.

"Does it mean that if you are buried in the cemetery of Yuanjue Temple, you can go to the underworld after death, and face King Yan Mo?" Someone among the bureaucrats of the Metropolitan Police Department who was watching was moved.

"This is nothing more than a conjecture that can't even be called a hypothesis. It can't be counted." The folklorist said with a wink.

Even though he said that, but judging from the look on his face, someone has already started to think carefully.

"Let me say one thing, King Yan Mo is not an easy-going god, he is the Lord of Hell. Even if you want to meet him, you have to consider whether your accumulated merits are enough."

Immediately, someone was embarrassed, knowing what kind of guy he was, if he really met King Yan Mo, it might end badly.

But there are also people who are going to offer a large sum of incense to King Yan Mo, and they have secretly made up their minds to buy a cemetery in Yuanjue Temple as a spare.

In any case, the cemetery of Yuanjue Temple is bound to experience a surge.

"There is also the stone bowl in front of the Buddha. Have the test results come out? Do you know what year it is?" an official asked curiously.

"It's impossible to judge what age it is." The archaeologist shook his head.

"Hey, isn't there some kind of carbon 13 or 14 that is said to be able to detect the age of antiques?" The bureaucrat said smartly: "Don't you even know this?"

Really ignorant!

A trace of disdain appeared in the archaeologist's eyes.

Stones were originally formed tens of millions of years or even hundreds of millions of years ago. Even with carbon-14, it is impossible to identify when the ancient stone tools were polished.

The identification of the age of stone tools in the archaeological community is mainly determined by the stratum time when the stone tools were buried.

There is a well-known "paleolithic counterfeiting incident" in Japan. An amateur archaeologist named Fujimura Shinichi secretly buried the stone tools he polished in the ancient stratum. Ancient stone tools.

With his own power, the history of ancient human activities in Japan has been advanced from 30,000 years to 700,000 years!

The whole country was boiling, cheers were thunderous, and even the archaeological circle believed it was true.

Fujimura Shinichi was touted by the media as an archaeological immortal and the god of stone tools. Twenty years later, the shocking deception was revealed, and the whole of Japan was disgraced.

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