I'm a Hokage in Tokyo

Chapter 173 Chapter 175


There was a shrill scream from inside the container.

Naruto Uchiha remained indifferent, turned his head to the left, and the high-pressure water gun in his mouth continued to cut the iron sheet of the container, cutting the iron like mud, splitting the container in two.

The internal situation is also completely exposed in front of Naruto Uchiha, just like a spider's nest, the black and slender tentacles are intertwined and entangled into a huge spider web, and each black cocoon does not know what is wrapped, and there seems to be something inside. The living thing was struggling and jumping.

In the center is a pitch-black monster wearing three energy masks, and its body is also composed of twisted black tentacles.

"How dare you kill me twice!"

The Neng noodles in the middle of the corner row are the Sanfansou of the Weng noodles, and the Shenjing noodles of the women's noodles are on the right.

The energy surface on the left has a big hole, and dirty and viscous black liquid is continuously coming out. It is impossible to tell what kind of energy surface it is.

"Why? Why did you see through my body hiding in the carriage?"

Tsukuyue's Osaka accent is full of doubts and uncertainties. Only a few big monsters know a little about the secrets of his sorcery, but there is no secret at all in front of the superhuman who met for the first time.

Is it possible that extraordinary people can also predict the future?

Naruto Uchiha looked subtle.

Orochi Higuchi, who had been beheaded at the beginning, also wanted to use the paralyzing bodily fluid that evaporated in the air to smear him.

If the uninformed are caught off guard, it is really possible to be killed by the first sight, but Naruto Uchiha knows even more about the ability of witchcraft (ninjutsu) than the monster himself.

In his previous life, besides comics, he had also read a lot of ninjutsu setting formula books. He was familiar with most of ninjutsu, and the secret technique of Earth Grudge and Yu had special avatars with different attributes, so naturally it was no exception.

Intelligence warfare is naturally invincible.

The ninja battles between Naruto and Naruto relied on intelligence, but in the later stages of the fight between gods and gods, the importance of intelligence dropped greatly.

However, the unilateral disclosure of information is just icing on the cake for Naruto Uchiha. Even if he knows nothing, it is easy for him to kill Kakuyuki.

Naruto Uchiha remained silent, but the murderous aura on his body became even higher.

Inspired by Naruto Uchiha's murderous aura, Sanbanso in the middle of the horn row opened his mouth, and a two-meter-long translucent cyan wind blade whizzed down on Naruto Uchiha head-on.


Naruto Uchiha unhurriedly raised his right arm in front of him, sparks burst out from his arm, leaving only a light white mark on his bronze skin.

"What monster are you!?"

Although he was wearing a strange and rigid Nomask and couldn't see his expression clearly, there was a bit of panic in Tsukuyue's tone.

"Why do you monsters always like to ask this question? Boring, you are going to die soon." Uchiha Naruto said lightly.

"Damn it!"

Horokaku cursed, and the two energy faces on both sides of Sanfansou began to struggle, and they were separated from the main body, becoming two separate entities.


The individual with a damaged face screamed violently, his breath weakened quickly, and he fell to the ground motionless after struggling a few times.

Another black monster wearing a Shenjing female mask is huge, with four limbs on the ground, like a giant rhinoceros and elephant rushing towards Uchiha Naruto!

The four hooves of Shen Jing's female face trampled on the soil, and the rocks attached to her body, and a huge rock horn with a length of one meter protruded from the top of her head.

"Fire escape, wind escape, and earth escape next."

Naruto Uchiha said nonchalantly, and clamped the huge horn that was bumped against him under the left armpit with his backhand, and smashed the bronze-colored right fist on the body of Shenjing Numian with an unstoppable and fierce momentum.

With a loud "boom", Earth Resentment Yu's earth attribute avatar was blown up.

"Feng Dun and Earth Dun are just at the level of Chunin. Although there are many people who know it, they are miscellaneous but not perfect."

Naruto Uchiha shook his head, seemingly with a touch of inexplicable irony.

"Although you said Higuchi Orochi is the weakest among you monsters, in my opinion, Higuchi Orochi is stronger than you!"

Taking advantage of the short gap between Fukai's female face and Uchiha Naruto's hold, Kakuyuki had already pounced into a cocoon made of black tentacles of the earth's grudge, pulled it out vigorously, and grabbed a heart that was still beating.

Grabbing the heart and stuffing it into his body, the black tentacles on Kakuyuki's body began to dance wildly and grow again, his body swelled around, and on Sanbanso's left side, another head grew out.

It's just that the new head does not wear an energy mask, but a beast-like head formed by tentacles.


The beast's head opened its mouth wide, and spit out a flash of lightning from the mouth, which landed on Uchiha Naruto's body with lightning speed.

"Lightning Dun?"

Lei Ketu, Naruto Uchiha's soil spear technique did not fully withstand the lightning strike, his body was a little paralyzed, and his face was a little disgraced, but Naruto Uchiha didn't take it seriously, and his tone was a little surprised.

Among the five basic attributes of Hokage, wind, fire, earth, water and thunder, Naruto Uchiha lacks only thunder escape.

This was a real surprise.

"You killed me three times, but I am immortal!"

Although the avatar made of the newly dug out monster's heart repelled the enemy for the first time, it couldn't even be called a skin trauma, the character growled fiercely.

"Stop bragging, you just survived by capturing the heart of the monster." Uchiha Naruto said disdainfully.

"But the number of hearts is not unlimited. You can only have four at most now. No wonder you want to capture the monsters under Orochi. You are choosing the heart that suits you. Am I right?"

"Why, this extraordinary person knows so much?"

The secrets and careful thoughts of witchcraft were revealed by Naruto Uchiha, and Kakuyuki couldn't help feeling a little panicked, and he had already started to retreat.

In an unknown blind spot, the black tentacles have already stretched out, forming criss-crossing tentacles wings, and whenever there is a chance, they will fly away.

Having said that, there are still ten cocoons wrapped in tentacles in the container, which means that Jiaoxing still has twelve lives.

Like Higuchi Orochi, its vitality is really more tenacious than cockroaches.

Naruto Uchiha is not in the mood to dawdle here now, and simply uses a large-scale aggressive fire escape to wipe out the monsters in the container and the monsters!

The chakra on Naruto Uchiha surged out, and he clasped his hands together.

"Fire out..."

At this moment, Naruto Uchiha suddenly felt a palpitating horror in the starry sky.

He looked up, and the faint first quarter moon in the night sky began to fill with an ominous and bright blood color.


Naruto Uchiha's eyes began to bleed, his pupils shook violently, and the three black jade jades in his eyes began to elongate and deform, winding towards the pupils.

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