I'm a Hokage in Tokyo

Chapter 174 Chapter 176 The Change of the Crimson Moon, the Forcibly Opened Kaleidoscope (4k)

In the night sky is a waning moon that is so shallow that it is almost invisible, and it begins to fill up at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Crescent moon, half moon, waxing gibbous, until it becomes a full moon!

It's as if, in the sky, there is a giant eye of heaven that is opening bit by bit.

The bewitching full moon was so bright red that it was dripping blood, and the bright and cold moonlight began to turn dark red.

The scarlet and ominous blood-colored moonlight is like the bloody light emanating from Sharingan.


In the bloody full moon, there seemed to be crazy babbles, friendly calls, all kinds of noise and bustle mixed together, pouring into Uchiha Naruto's mind mercilessly, making Uchiha Naruto howl in pain.

My head is about to explode!

Naruto Uchiha managed to manage a sliver of reason, and used the instant body technique to escape from the battlefield, leaping back tens of meters.

"Hoo, hoo, hoo-!"

Naruto Uchiha half-kneeled on the ground, barely opened his right eye, the three-god jade in the eyes slowly turned, the corners of the eyes were still stained with blood, but the bleeding had been stopped, and one hand covered the left eye, and there was still blood between the fingers. Blood flowed out continuously.

"It hurts so much, what's going on? It seems that something was forcibly instilled in my brain just now, and finally it was forcibly branded in my left eye!"

Naruto Uchiha tried to heal his left eye with medical ninjutsu, but it didn't work at all. The tingling in his left eye was so intense that he almost thought he was blind.

"Hee hee... I, I heard..., mother... Hee hee, I understand!"

At this time, a creepy and strange Osaka accent resounded, tinged with a hint of madness.

The Sanfan old man who was walking around was able to raise his face high, and stared straight at the night sky in a daze, his mouth was confused and he didn't know what he was talking about.

Did it also see the strange red moon just now?

But why does Jiao Xing feel a little weird now?

A little doubt flashed in Uchiha Naruto's heart, but his face changed soon.

Under the radiance of the bloody moonlight, black tentacles drilled out from the mouth and eyes of Sanbanso Nomian, extending towards the sky one after another, and the angular chakras also began to grow violently!

"The chakra of the corner line has more than doubled all of a sudden?!"

Could it be the mutation caused by the blood moon just now? Naruto Uchiha thought to himself.

But for the time being, he dared not raise his head to look at the moon again.

After moving his hands and feet a little, the chakra in his body was not dazzled.

No problem, although the left eye can't be opened for the time being, Naruto Uchiha still retains most of his strength, so it's a trivial matter to solve the character.

"Hee hee hee--!"

Jiao Xing laughed wildly, the human figure that was originally condensed with black tentacles could no longer maintain it, and the smooth and slender black tentacles grew wantonly, sweeping away in all directions.

The ten cocoons entangled by black tentacles before also penetrated black tentacles one by one. The tentacles adhered to each other, formed into a group, and continued to expand and form.

In the end, a giant three-story building, hugged by countless slippery black tentacles, like a sea anemone or a sea urchin, appeared in front of Uchiha Naruto.

"Putong" "Putong", there are still a few hearts covered with greasy tentacles in the huge tentacle monster, and they are sinking into it bit by bit.

"This is too Cthulhu, and the san value will be lost when you look at it."

Naruto Uchiha's tone revealed a bit of distaste, but his expression became serious, and the three black hook jades in the right eye's writing wheel accelerated their rotation:

"The chakra is still increasing, almost one-third of mine, so it's a bit tricky."

Suddenly, he frowned tightly.

"However, the chakra flow of the horn line is very strange, as if it is controlled by illusion. No, although the original chakra of the horn line is increasing rapidly, the original color of the chakra is gradually becoming cloudy, as if ..."


Naruto Uchiha's pupils shrank, and he came to a conclusion that even he felt a little unbelievable.

"Hee hee hee... kill... mother... hee hee hee... the world..."

The huge earth grievance monster formed by clumps of black tentacles emits a confused and inexplicable raving sound from the inside, utterly irrational.

"Are you crazy, or out of control?"

The Earth Resentment Yu monster drilled a few more black tentacles from the middle, and was about to pierce Uchiha Naruto, but the tentacles stopped halfway through the ejection, and stopped in mid-air.

"Why did the attack stop?"

Naruto Uchiha looked at those tentacles in bewilderment and slowly retracted.

"Oto... n..."

The huge earth grudge monster seemed to have lost interest in Naruto Uchiha, and began to squirm and move towards other places.

"Excuse me! Where are you going!"

Uchiha screamed loudly.

"Hee hee hee!"

The Earth Resentment Yu monster didn't answer, but continued to laugh strangely, wriggling and crawling, looking extremely slow.

But with its huge size, it seemed to be slow and fast, but in just a few seconds, it crawled to the front of the gas station.

"A monster! No, it's a monster!"

"Run away!"

"It's too late, close the door!"

There were only a few staff members in the gas station and a few drivers who came to refuel, and they all shouted in panic.

After the container truck was knocked over by Uchiha Minaru not long ago, these people were spying on the side, probably thinking it was a car accident.

Unexpectedly, it caused a fatal disaster.

A driver didn't care that the car was not full of gasoline, so he tore off the fuel pipe and got into the car to start the engine.

More than a dozen black tentacles descended from the sky, directly piercing the car, and then tore the black tentacles, pulling out a corpse that was still bleeding, and more black tentacles entangled upwards, dragging the corpse into the ground. wrapped around the body.


"Help! Don't!"

The staff who hid in the gas station and closed the doors and windows were not spared, and they couldn't stop the pervasive black tentacles at all.

The concrete building was like paper, pierced by countless black tentacles, one corpse after another was pierced on it, and finally swallowed by the earth grudge monster.

"Why don't you come to attack me, but attack ordinary people?"

Naruto Uchiha just felt that what happened tonight was really unbelievable.

In a brief hesitation, the Earth Resentment Monster had already slaughtered the gas station and devoured all the corpses.

Eating these few people obviously didn't satisfy the Earth Resentment Monster, and greasy black tentacles extended and grew towards the brightly lit urban area at the foot of the mountain.

"This monster, is it going to go to the urban area of ​​Saitama Prefecture?"

Naruto Uchiha's expression also began to become serious. Monsters like the Earth Grudge Yu Monster would surely be strewn with corpses if they ran into the urban area. No, I'm afraid even the corpses would be swallowed by it.

"The Art of Fireball!"

Although there was still pain in the left eye, Naruto Uchiha suppressed the pain and was able to attack with his hands free.

Although fireworks are banned at gas stations, people are dead now, so Naruto Uchiha naturally doesn't care.

A huge fireball with a diameter of more than three meters, like a meteor across the sky, landed on the Earth Grudge Yu monster, and exploded.


The Hao fireball and the gasoline in the gas station had a chain reaction, and the flames shook the sky, engulfing the ruins of the gas station and the huge earth grudge monster.

There was an earth-shattering explosion, and a huge mushroom cloud of smoke rose up.

"It doesn't work?"

After the smoke dissipated, I saw the earth-grudge monster formed by countless squirming black tentacles. The surface of the body was burning with raging flames. One by one, the tentacles with fire fell off from the body, moving on the ground like a living thing. .

After the outermost black tentacles with flames fell off, successive black tentacles grew out.

It appears to be intact!

Moreover, the aura of the Earth Resentment Yu monster has not weakened in the slightest.

The huge earth grudge monster squirmed again, crawling towards the urban area of ​​Saitama County in the distance.


Naruto Uchiha smacked his lips, soared into the sky, and flew over the Earth Grudge Yu monster, made seals with both hands, and then opened his mouth to spit out:

"The Art of the Fire Dragon!"

A huge fire dragon more than ten meters long roared menacingly, devouring the huge body of the Earth Resentment Yu monster completely.

The raging flames soared into the sky, and the flames soared into the sky, almost boiling the night sky.

Naruto Uchiha flew in the air, and when he took a closer look, his expression couldn't help but look ugly.

A direct hit on the Haohuolong technique destroyed half of the body of the Earth Resentment Yu monster in an instant, but black tentacles protruded from the remaining body one after another, intertwined and joined together, repairing the damaged place, and in the blink of an eye returned to its original size.

"he he he he he……"

The core area of ​​the Earth Resentment Yu monster let out a strange laugh again. More than a dozen black tentacles stretched out their teeth and claws, twisted and fused together to form a relatively thick tentacle, and a Nengmian with Sanfansou emerged from the top.

Sanfanso opened his mouth, and a flash of lightning shot out from his mouth:


Although he was not in good condition, how could Naruto Uchiha, who had been prepared for a long time, be hit for the second time. He skillfully used the technique of light and heavy rocks to soar in the air, avoiding the lightning strike of the earth grudge monster.


While Uchiha Naruto dodged, he folded his hands and opened his mouth, which was another powerful fire dragon technique.

This time, the Earth Resentment Monster seemed to have expected it long ago, and countless smooth and slender black tentacles condensed together to form an airtight and absolute defense.

This time, the Haohuolong technique only destroyed one-third of the monsters of Earth Resentment and Yu.

But it was of no use, and the Earth Resentment Yu monster quickly returned to its original appearance.

"The vitality of the monster transformed out of control is simply terrifying! Unless it is destroyed in an instant, it will recover immediately."

Naruto Uchiha felt a little tricky for the first time.

"If it's just the technique of Earth Resentment, if you penetrate all of its hearts, you should be able to destroy this monster!"

The Sharingan of the right eye shone with scarlet light. Naruto Uchiha's sight penetrated the layers of wriggling black tentacles. According to the color of Chakra, he found more than a dozen hearts that were still beating. They were all collected in the very center of the Earth Grudge Yu monsters.

It is still a bit difficult to penetrate it in one breath.

While Minato Uchiha was thinking, the piercing siren sound came from not far away, and an ambulance was seen coming from the direction of Saitama Prefecture.


Naruto Uchiha was slightly taken aback. It should be the person from the ambulance station who reported the accident to the police when he found the container truck.

"Hee hee hee……"

The earth resentment monster was also attracted by the ear-piercing sound of the ambulance's siren, its huge and astonishing body rolled and wriggled towards the direction of the ambulance.


Naruto Uchiha didn't want to see death, so he flew over at an extremely fast speed, landed in front of the Earth Grudge Yu monster, and slapped his palm on the ground.

"Uchiha Fire Formation!"

The flames of Shura's purgatory burned to form a barrier, blocking the only way for the earth grudge monsters to pass through.


The black tentacles of the Earth Resentment Yu monster piled up on the barrier formed by the flame array, and immediately turned to ashes.

If it is the Uchiha Flame Formation used by Uchiha Madara and Uchiha Obito in the hands of Kage-level powerhouses, even the Tailed Beast can block it.

Uchiha Naruto's strength is far less than Kage-level, but even so, the flame array he used cannot be broken through by a monster that has been out of control and demonized after being polluted.

"This is how the same thing?"

The ambulance braked suddenly, and several hospital staff in emergency suits got out of the car, all dumbfounded, as if in a dream.

"If you don't want to die, then leave quickly." Naruto Uchiha said calmly without even turning his head.

At this moment, the stinging pain in Uchiha Naruto's right eye suddenly disappeared. Not only that, Uchiha Naruto also felt that the right eye was undergoing wonderful changes.

Naruto Uchiha pulled out a kunai from his cuff, and took a look through the reflection on the blade.

I saw the three black hook jades in the right eye were constantly rotating, and after a sharp twist and deformation, they turned into the shape of a hexagram!

"Isn't this the shape of Sasuke's kaleidoscope? Why did I open the kaleidoscope at this time..."

Naruto Uchiha subconsciously wanted to look up into the sky, but remembering the severe pain caused by the horrible raving before, he forcibly held back.

"Could it be that because of the bloody full moon, it wasn't just Jiao Xing that was mutated, but me too?"

"Is the current moon a bloody full moon?"

Naruto Uchiha asked a nurse.

The nurse turned pale with fright at the huge nightmare-like monster covered with tentacles not far away, but under Naruto Uchiha's questioning, she still involuntarily raised her head to look at the night sky.

"No, it's obviously just a waning moon, and it's just normal white."

Could it be that these ordinary people can't see it?

Naruto Uchiha frowned, and with a "ding", the system's long-lost notification sounded.

[System patch download complete]

Naruto Uchiha was taken aback, and quickly turned on the system, only to see that under the Sharingan skill bar of LV3, there was an extra [Added Earth Life]!

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