I'm a Hokage in Tokyo

Chapter 175 Chapter 177

【Sharingan LV3 (110/1000)】

【Add a soil life】

【Amaterasu (missing)】, 【Tsuyomi (missing)】, 【Kamui (missing)】, 【Bietenjin (missing)】


"Why is there an extra 'Jiagu Tuming'? And what do these kaleidoscope pupil techniques that indicate incompleteness mean?"

Minato Uchiha stared at the information on the system interface in a daze, one question after another came to his mind, and he couldn't figure it out.

Could it be that……

Naruto Uchiha turned his head sideways, but cautiously did not look up at the moon.

Under the radiance of the bloody full moon, the strength of Jiao Xing soared by several times, but it also lost control because of this, completely lost its sanity, and turned into a huge monster formed by countless black and greasy tentacles.

It seems that Kakuyuki was not the only one who got the 'gift', I also got the 'gift' from the dome.

Recalling those crazy and messy babblings and calls before, some mysterious information flows were forced into Uchiha Naruto's right eye like an empowerment, and finally imprinted a hexagram-shaped kaleidoscope pattern.

"Could it be another bug?"

It happened before that Sharingan opened a three-god jade when it was only LV2, but this time it was obviously different from that time.

Uchiha Naruto's two eyes still stay above the level of Sangouyu Sharingan, and the pupil power has not changed qualitatively, and it is still the pupil power of Sangouyu Sharingan level.

This Jiagu soil life is not a kaleidoscope of Uchiha Naruto's right eye awakening.

The power of Jiagu Tuming is only borrowed from his right eye. This feeling is like...

Transcribe the seal!

Uchiha Itachi once used the transfer seal to seal the inexhaustible black flame 'Amaterasu' in the eyes of Uchiha Sasuke's Sangouyu Shulun, and automatically released Amaterasu when the condition was triggered.

"No, it's not a transfer seal... The previous system prompt said it was 'patch', which should refer to the kaleidoscope's pupil technique of 'adding earth life'..."

Naruto Uchiha shook his head, the source of his extraordinary power is the system.

However, compared to the system interface in the previous Naruto game, the functions of the system have been lost after time travel. Naruto Uchiha has always suspected that these monsters and evil spirits that appeared after time travel with him and can use Naruto were born because of this. .

Uchiha Naruto's face was a little cloudy.

Although he got the kaleidoscope pupil technique of Kagu Satomei, Naruto Uchiha had mixed joys and surprises, even more surprises than joys.

It is really unpredictable.

This time, Kagu Satomi is 'loaded' from Crimson Moon, will he get Amaterasu, Tsukuyomi and other kaleidoscope pupil skills in the future?

"It's moving, that tentacle monster is moving!"

A burst of yelling disrupted Naruto Uchiha's train of thought, only to see the emergency personnel yelling in panic.

Minoru Uchiha stared intently, and the evil monster rolled forward. Hundreds of tentacles with fangs and claws touched the barrier of Uchiha's flame array, but they couldn't break through. The black tentacles were all burned to ashes.

But the enchantment that would be burnt up by ordinary people even if they touch it a little bit, they can't help but complain about Yu Yu's monster. Its black tentacles are almost endless, and they grow out continuously.

After a stalemate like this for more than half a minute, the Earth Resentment Monster began to change direction. There were countless black tentacles twisting and twisting in its huge body, slowly crushing the road and moving in the original direction.

After getting out of control, although he has lost his reason, he still seems to have the instinct to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages.

"We'd better call the police!"

"Call the police? Are you kidding me? Do you think the police batons and small pistols can deal with this monster?"

"I can't control that much anymore. In short, let's retreat quickly!"

The medical staff discussed in a panic, because the ambulance couldn't make a turn on the straight road up the mountain, and the front was blocked by the Uchiha flame array, so these people simply abandoned the car and fled.

Seeing that these people are quite interesting, Naruto Uchiha only took a few glances, and then looked away.

Now, let's get rid of the Earth Grudge Yu monster first!

The earth grievance monster formed by clusters of black tentacles, with a diameter of more than ten meters and a huge body size, coupled with the almost immortal recovery ability, it will take a lot of trouble for Uchiha Naruto to clean it up.

However, the situation is quite different after obtaining the pupil art of Jiagu Tuming.

Naruto Uchiha retracted the Uchiha Flame Formation, jumped up and flew into the air.

He closed his eyes, then opened them suddenly, and the six-pointed star in his right eye burst into a strange brilliance.

"Yan Dun, add soil life!"

With both hands together, the imprint of the powerful fire dragon technique was formed, and then he spat out towards the sky, and a raging fire dragon with a ferocious face soared into the sky.

Naruto Uchiha opened his right eye wide open, and used Kagu Satomei to reshape the shape of the fire dragon.

The huge fire dragon more than ten meters long shook its head and tail in the air, its body gradually straightened up, and its head became heavy and sharp.

Just in the blink of an eye, a ten-meter-long flaming arrow appeared in Uchiha Naruto's hands.

The pupil technique of adding earth life is to control the flame to change its shape, and can change the flame into various weapons according to the caster's mind.

If it is combined with Amaterasu, which can burn everything, the power will be strengthened to a terrifying level. It is simply the strongest sword and the invincible shield!

Although Naruto Uchiha does not have Amaterasu, the escape technique he is best at using is fire escape, and the increase of his fire escape with the addition of soil life is also very impressive.

"I didn't expect that the eight methods of archery copied in the Archery Department could be used a little bit."

Naruto Uchiha held a huge flame arrow in one hand, and opened his mouth to spit out another ball of flames. The flames were burning fiercely in the other hand, extending towards the sides and turning into a bow.


Naruto Uchiha let out a loud shout, and pulled the flame bow majesticly.

Like the judgment of the gods, the huge arrow of flames fell from the sky, like lightning and fire, piercing through the huge body of the Earth Resentment Monster, directly smashing its dozen or so hearts hidden in the core!


The earth shook and the mountains shook, and the earth-shattering explosion sound was as terrifying as thunder even if it was tens of miles away.

[The kill is complete, the reward is being calculated]

【Ninja Jade*500】

【Earth Resentment Technique LV1】

"My arrow is just in shape, and it just flattened the mountain by a few meters. Compared with Uchiha Sasuke's 'Indra's Arrow', it is not even one ten-thousandth of the power."

Naruto Uchiha stayed in the air, and the six-pointed Sharingan in his right eye began to ooze blood a little bit.

"Hoo hoo hoo..."

Using the pupil power of the Sangouyu Sharingan to drive the kaleidoscope-level pupil technique is really too reluctant.

"Sure enough, the kaleidoscope-level pupil technique should still be used as a trump card."

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