I'm a Hokage in Tokyo

Chapter 176 Chapter 178 Riot in Yokosuka Port!

Naruto Uchiha blinked his right eye, and the kaleidoscope pattern of the hexagram began to fade into Sangouyu Shulunyan, and finally changed back to the eyes as black as ink.

On Naruto Uchiha's face, a rare look of weakness appeared.

The consumption of chakra can still be supported with all his strength, and can also be supplemented by Bingliangwan, but just the "Jiagutu Arrow" just now consumed more than half of the pupil power of his right eye.

It is difficult to supplement the special pupil power of Sharingan.

Now he is a bit like Kakashi who overused Sharingan. He used the three-god jade Sharingan to leapfrog the kaleidoscope pupil technique, which made Naruto Uchiha's limbs and bones feel intensely tired.

"The most pleasing thing is that my eyesight has not declined. Is it worthy of being produced by the system? But the kaleidoscope's pupil technique is too much burden for me now. Before the skill reaches LV4, I should use it sparingly. "

Naruto Uchiha smiled with a complicated tone.

As we all know, the Kaleidoscope Sharingan is a very powerful and dangerous force. With the use of the Kaleidoscope Sharingan, its owner's vision will continue to decline, and eventually he will face the desperate situation of blindness.

The only way to break the situation is to transplant the kaleidoscope Sharingan of fellow brothers, in order to obtain permanent light.

"You can't let Uchiha Xianmen give me another younger brother. Even if it is born, it is impossible to have Sharingan. After all, my eyes do not inherit the blood of 'Uchiha', but rely on The system got it."

Naruto Uchiha arrived at the top of the mountain that had been flattened before, and looked at the soles of his feet without saying a word.

Kakuyuki, a monster that could not pose the slightest threat to him, became a rather tricky monster after being infused with certain things by Scarlet Moon, and even forced out Naruto Uchiha's Kagudo life.

The question is, is this the only place where the crimson moon shines?

After this crimson moon mutation, what kind of changes will happen to the demons and ghosts throughout Japan?

Naruto Uchiha's eyes were dark, and he didn't know what he was thinking of.


Kanagawa Prefecture, Yokosuka Port.

Yokosuka City is adjacent to Yokohama in the north, and it is the sea gateway of Tokyo. This city has had an indissoluble bond with the United States from the past to the present. It was here that Perry opened the door to Japan, and now the United States has the largest scale and the best conditions overseas. Its naval base is in Yokosuka Port, where the Seventh Fleet is stationed.

The complex love-hate relationship between Japan and the United States can be seen in miniature in this seaport city.

Yokosuka Port is a prosperous military port. The influence of the United States can be seen everywhere. From time to time, Americans with black and white skin can be seen, and even many shops only use English signs.

The 30,000 lavish U.S. soldiers and civil servants stimulate economic prosperity, but the military discipline of the U.S. soldiers is also notoriously lax, and frequent security incidents make local citizens love and hate.

What is not known is that under the Mi Army Base in Yokosuka Port, a secret research center that has been built for 13 years and is not inferior to Cold Spring Laboratory in terms of hardware is located here.

In a laboratory that is heavily guarded and guarded by American soldiers armed to the teeth.

A group of white-skinned foreign professors and officers in American military uniforms, mixed with a few yellow faces.

They huddled together shoulder to shoulder, looking at Doctor Satomi inside through the glass curtain wall, and releasing super powers on a little girl lying on the hospital bed.

The little girl in the blue and white striped hospital gown was lying on the bed, with her ignorant eyes open, she looked at the man in front of her expressionlessly.

Her hands and feet seemed to be intact, but they were extremely stiff and close together, her body was also motionless, and she seemed to be paralyzed.

In the halo of blue light released by Dr. Satomi's palm, the little girl's bony palm moved slightly, and an index finger was raised.

"It's moving, her hand is moving!"

The professors watching outside the thick glass curtain wall suddenly became excited, as if they saw an incredible scene.

The girl raised her arms blankly, her empty eyes were expressionless.

"Very good!"

"It's just incredible!"

The foreign professor and the American military officers suddenly became elated, even happier than the paralyzed girl.

"Doctor Satomi's super power is actually effective on Volunteer 127! In this way, the experiment can continue."

"That's right! Satomi's super powers are indeed miraculous. Although the bone marrow transplantation experiment on No. 127 was very successful, according to previous experiment records, within 15 hours the proliferated bones would pierce the body surface and lead to death. Before that, the Unable to move due to mutated bones."

"In this way, volunteers should be able to reuse it."

"Indeed, the shortage of volunteers has always been the number one problem plaguing the progress of the 'Superhero' project. We may be able to create a real superhuman!"

Because it is separated by a heavy glass curtain wall that even bullets can't penetrate, they don't worry about words being passed into the laboratory, and these professors started discussing without any restraint.

Dr. Satomi seemed to have exhausted all his strength, his face was covered with sweat, and he looked exhausted, but he still smiled at the girl on the hospital bed, as if to comfort her.

A few medical staff who had been prepared for a long time rushed forward, greeted Dr. Li Jian, and quickly took Dr. Li Jian out.

"Doctor Satomi, it seems that he still doesn't know the real purpose of this laboratory, and he doesn't know what we are doing? Is it?"

Admiral William turned his head and asked a dark-faced police officer with an Asian face.

Mr. Mori of Lesson 5 had a subtle expression on his face.

Human experimentation is of course top secret, and once word of it leaks out, it will deal a serious political blow to both the Mizuho and Japan both at home and abroad.

Although there were ethical and political risks, shortly after the establishment of the secret research institute, human experiments were finally put on the agenda.

"According to our investigation, even if Dr. Satomi knows that we are conducting human experiments, he will still help out for the sake of volunteers." Section Chief Mori said cautiously, considering his words.

"It's just that if he knows the truth, he may have a negative view of our Metropolitan Police Department and the United States, so we are keeping it from him for the time being."

"Then what did you tell him?" Admiral William asked in a deep voice.

"It is said that volunteer No. 127 is a child with bone deformities caused by a rare disease."

Section Chief Mori's eyes flickered, "In order to prevent the volunteer from leaking out, the drug has been injected in advance to ensure that she can't remember what happened before."

"May Yahweh forgive us our sins. Amen!"

Admiral William put his fists in front of his mouth and made a gesture of prayer, but his eyes became firm immediately.

This is for the great motherland of America, and necessary sacrifices are inevitable.

At this moment, there was a muffled "boom", and the secret laboratory suddenly vibrated, and the source of the shock still occurred at the bottom of everyone's feet.


The foreign professors and General William froze in place, and the few Japanese among them were well-trained and experienced and hid aside.

"Report! The type A detained at the bottom floor rioted!"

"The bottom layer? Is it the only Omega-level Type A?!"

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